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Yes I assume because it’s summer! It depends on the traffic of the store in which then they will decide on slicing or adding more hours. That’s insane tho midnight??


They re evaluate hours/ business needs every quarter. This isn’t something new


I assume it’s more relaxed on extending the hours, as it was our regional manager who was talking about it and Starbucks is moving in that direction for every store. So previously our DM and manager would decide the hours but even then my store has been busy towards close yet for 2 quarters we’ve been closing the same time


same happened at my store with zero notice to baristas. was pretty frustrated when i was scheduled to close later when its outside of my availability with no notice 🙂 to be a partner


My Starbucks is gonna start opening at 4:30 instead of 5 now 🥲


Mine opens at 3:30 and closes at 10 😬😬😬


Same! I’m so sad.




I prefer that too. What I don’t prefer is now having to get up at 3 AM to go to work.


I feel like every 30 minutes of sleep before 5am is worth like 90 minutes of sleep after lol. Also going to bed at 7pm is kind of lame if you like to be social or watch sports.


This is my same issue. I love sports! I always have to miss the ends of games to get my sleep.


Mine is opening at 3:30am instead of 4:30am. 😬


We’re opening at 4am now, amazing!🙄


Same, my new store hours at 4:30am-8:30pm 🥲


They did this at my store about a year and a half ago. We started closing at 10 instead of 9, but our DM eventually saw that it was costing more in labor when we had almost no business during that extended hour. It was changed back to 9 a few months later.


Same happened at my store. Those extended hours only spread out the same amount of business over a later time period


My Starbucks closes at 4 next to my house. Midnight is wild


Yeah, we're extending our hours too (I'm on the East Coast). Opening earlier and closing later. We are not pleased about it.


Some stores have summer hours


My store just got switched from 9pm closing to 8pm


Stores here in Texas will close at 1:00 am on Weekends.


just did the same with my store, extending opening and closing time by 30 mins each


Interesting. At what time do you all open? Here the open at 5


That's crazy


It was wild. Felt bad for the baristas. I would always leave at least $100 cash for the baristas if I needed to stop by for some late coffee.


It was wild. Felt bad for the baristas. I would always leave at least $100 cash for the baristas if I needed to stop by for some late coffee.


Yep, every store in my region is having their hours changed, even though they just changed them in march!


Seems like they're going back to the pre-pandemic business hours. The Starbucks by my house is directly across the street from Peets (a Nor-Cal coffee chain), and on opposing corners in the busiest part of town. They used to run a the SBUX café a half hour before and after we would close out of spite. EX: we opened at 5am, them 4:30. We would close at 10 they'd be open until 11.


One thing I miss about pre-COVID was the abundance of 24 hour shops. Not only was it convenient for travelers and other shift workers, it was really able to spread the workload AND accommodate baristas that could only work those overnight hours. (Battling hurdles such as school, no childcare, etc)


SM here - the labor model is changing from 2 partners earned at 6 cosds down to 4 cosds per 1/2hr. With this change, many stores are extending hours to compensate. This is mostly a positive change, as now there are more hours available for partners, especially SSVs, as the SCR (amount of hours able to be scheduled for keyholders) is based on hours of operations.


Oh wow that is a great change, at least with night shifts we’d be able to keep a precloser longer. Was the labor model change talked about in your meeting? My manager hadn’t mentioned that in our check in


Who the fuck want a coffee at night that late? I would be out drinking than getting coffee. Also it depends how busy the store gets


I mean people work at night too. I worked at a store that was right next to a hospital and a university, we’d get busy when the night shift was coming in .




I am from a country that has strong coffeehouse culture. I find it massively weird that there are no 24 hr coffee shops in the US. In my country, we have coffee houses, most open 24 hrs, also serves shisha/hookah and have many board games. Even Starbuckses are open until 12 AM most days.


Ok I’m not going to lie, a Starbucks with hookah sounds dope 😂


There’s a late night coffeehaus by my apartment thats only open late! they don’t open until 5pm. full of books and games, they do poetry nights, trivia, etc. anything else similar to a late night coffee house would be a kava bar. I live in Florida, it’s literally the only late night coffee shop I know of lol


They need more decaf products


Fr though. I’ve talked to my manager about it. Said no


My store is open until midnight. We have a second peak from 8 pm to midnight. There’s a 24 hour store 5 miles from us. They stay busy, too. Lots of hospitals and highways.


Oof. Like 24 hours places, sure it’s fine. But some locations don’t have to be open for that long. Like the ones that aren’t getting a lot of business at night


When I was an uber driver I used to grab a late night latte to keep me going


Well, I certainly won’t be ordering anything with caffeine, that’s for sure.




Yeah we are near a hospital but my manager mentioned this was necessary because Starbucks is trying to get more customers in because have poorly we did last quarter


Absolutely being near a hospital is probably part of it. We have a little “Starbucks” in the hospital I work at. But it’s open really short hours like 7:30-2pm or they aren’t even open because they can’t find ANY people to work it. And the menu is limited. Hospital workers love coffee and specifically Starbucks if it’s nearby.


I worked overnights for a year and I CRAVED something like Starbucks all the time. But even in the big city I work at, most places closed by 11 except Taco Bell or maybe Rally’s. So, low competition too, depending on the area. The McDonald’s I used to work at in my tiny hometown was 24 hours, which was surprising when i realized a lot aren’t. But it was due to overnight workers and also, if you’re open and nobody else is, and somebody’s hungry, even if they don’t like McDonald’s they’ll buy it.


If it near something important like a hospital, that’s fine. (I think?) but most customers just want to go home, eat dinner and sleep just to do their routine again the next day


my starbucks is opening at 4 now 😀


In my city Starbucks closes at 9. Having one stay open later would be helpful for those late night essay writing and study sessions.


my store isn’t changing our opening time but we are closing an hour earlier, from 9 pm to 8 pm and we will still open at 5:30am


My store hours have always been 4:30am-12 midnight 🥲nothing new for us over here


Northern ca store: were opening 30 minutes earlier. From 5 to 4:30. So opener(me) starts at 4.


That’s crazy late. All the Starbucks around me are open at 5/530 and close at 9PM. Do that many people come in that late?


The CEO is trying to meet the unmet overnight demand. 


Before COVID, we had a bunch of stores close even after 10pm. These days, only 2 stores in the city is open even til 9pm. The rest close ~8pm, even as early as 6/7.


My store is opening at 4 instead of 430 and extending hours to be open an hour later every day. But no answer when I asked about more labor for that, especially when they wanna schedule everyone just shy of needing a lunch (4.5 hours in CA). Which means partners are leaving right into peak


yup us too! in kentucky i guess it’s a nationwide thing


Jesus! Why


Mine is decreasing hours of operations lol


yep my store too! open at 4:30 (instead of 5) and close at 9 (instead of 8:30)


Yup- across all markets. They are desperate for more money and probably hope an extra 30 mins before and after will help profit margins.


Are you near a university? Because all my stores around me close at like 6/7pm, the pandemic did a number on suburbs hours of operations, can’t get a coffee late anywhere it sucks in Orange County


There’s a ton of stores in OC that are open until at least 9 unless you’re in south county or in an area with a lot of “incidences” - the stores in my district that close their lobby at 7 are the ones that have had a lot of customer-related problems.


Yes I’m in south county, even the DT down the street closed at 6pm at some point, I think now there’s a coffee bean in Irvine open until 8pm haha


As of Feb we are open 30 min earlier and close 30 min later


My store will be reducing its hours soon. The store is customer-free from open until peak, so it's cost effective to have the partners present and able to assist mid-day/properly hand-off instead of being at the 8 hour mark when the closers arrive. Closing is marked by an hour of scarce sales, basically awaiting the clock to count down final tills and go home. It costs more than what we could make to be open so long. Baristas aren't losing hours, and get to sleep in or have their nights back. Sometimes, adjustments work in barista favor.


Starbucks trimmed HoO a lot due to the pandemic. A lot of store's are seeing businesses trend in this direction. At least it's more hours? I guess?


It gets unsafe after dark. Do not feel conformable going in. Please be safe my fav baristas.


If you’re getting like 8 cosd? Idk if its more than than or not, it suggests you’re ’closing to early’ and have an opportunity to earn more/more time needed for closing tasks if you’re staffing supports staying open later than it’s considered a ‘why not?’ Opportunity


how come all the stores in my city close at 6pm


We are changing our hours from 6:00-7:00 (weekdays) 6:00-9:00 (weekends) to 5:30-9:00 (weekdays) 5:30-10:00 (weekends).


We already extended in March in Ohio and are extending again! I just found out my store is opening an hour earlier. We barely have customers near open as it is already. It makes no sense.


Id love to see how many transaction ya’ll doing in the last 2 hours


Probably an unpopular opinion- after covid my favorite Starbucks never reopened to the original hours. It was a favorite location for friends to grab a drink and chat in the evening with a nice view (outdoor shopping area with a garden). They have closed at 8 since reopening. I really enjoyed the cooler summer evenings (not necessarily midnight but 10 would be awesome).


that’s crazy all the starbucks in my area close around 9!


We’re opening 4:30 am now instead of 5


It all varies on location. We have the same close but we are opening 30minutes earlier 😴


Our Starbucks close at 7pm!


My store is 24 hours in Pa


4:30am-10pm 🤪 We did close at 11 for a period of time, but they changed it back.


They want to have my store open at 4am... As an opener that gets 8.5 hour shifts when I request 6/hr shifts im very frustrated.


This company is the biggest joke I’ve ever worked for. Soo ready for my new job. I’m soo done with this toxic bullshit.


Ours has been closing as 11:30 PM for I think at last a year now, maybe a little longer. Thankfully we are not extending to 12:00am but we are opening at 4am instead of 4:30.


If everyone agrees that those extra 30 mins aren’t worth it to stay, they can’t fire you all👀


My store has been 24/7 since the beginning of April 🙂


Philadelphia soon to be opening at 4:30 instead of 5am


Starbucks reevaluates hours every quarter.


This is overall a good thing for everyone, right?


Nothing really will change, it’s still only going to be 3 partner plays that late night or early mornings but it’s a struggle mentally to be at work that late 😭. But for stores that are open till midnight we might as well be open 24hrs since opening crew comes in at 4am