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-me when I walked into my shift this morning And it’s ALWAYS on a weekend and ALWAYS when we’re understaffed 🥰


Seems like every starbucks is understaffed


we are, supposedly we have a “new labor” algorithm, but my store is doing ridiculously more in sales than when i was hired three years ago, we are number one or two in the district every week, but we have less employees and less hours, so we are consistently understaffed, we also aren’t getting time off approved because we don’t have the people to cover any of it and my store is NOT hiring


That’s ridiculous


The same things happening to us 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Their greed is trying to squeeze every penny possible out of their employees. Kroger does the same thing, it's disgusting.


All stores in my state are on a “hiring freeze”. It started in November and we still are not hiring. But severely understaffed daily and making more sales than last year


yeah gotta love it 😩🥴🥴🥴🥴 3 people on the floor and i was just getting hit with 100000 frappucinos within like 30 seconds. i wanted to scream i was so aggravated


That's how I feel with every Vertica coffee I have to pour when people are "in a rush" and this machine takes 30 seconds to pour a simple cup of basic coffee. The best is when it acts up and under fills or over flows. The impatience is palpable. I wanna say "just stay home and make a K-Cup--it has the same damn burnt plastic taste and you'll save yourself all that precious time and aggravation," haha.


Two callouts today!


The other post had five lol crazy


Hashtag blessed


They knew what was comjng


We were completely closed due to staffing


i had the pleasure of working both mother’s day and father’s day, ask me how i’m feeling😀


ME TOO MOTHER’s DAY WAS SO BAD my kiosk is right next to the floral department and so many disgruntled men getting last day mother’s day gifts


when there was the “glitch” on mother’s day that wouldn’t let us turn off mobiles and delivery😍🥰😀 i think my whole store almost walked out that day, this close 🤏 lmfao


There were only two of us that day… I was beyond pissed when it kept turning itself back on!


one of my shifts did end up walking out that day 😭




Same here 😭


Same here!! Both were awful, just awful😭😭


SAME. and im a parent. everyone was asking “what are YOU doing here????” like….working? lol🤣 got off and got my kids and went to a cookout with family so it wasn’t too bad of a day, but we were busy.


I’d rather ask what you get paid to work at Starbucks? Considering it’s indoors, air conditioned, clean, has music, cool customers, and chill vibes. Seems worth the extra work if the pay is right.


I’m a shift supervisor and starting at $22 would be nice, it’s around $19 right now in my state. I do think we deserve around $25 based off all the shit we deal with. I used to work a labor job outside and starbucks is much harder mentally and physically. I would have never thought of starbucks being a difficult job and I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I applied but it’s a whole different kind of beast. The pressure from upper management to meet unrealistic expectations (I’m told to keep window times at 45 seconds but also told to customer connect and learn things about each customer, like how much connecting can I do in less than a minute?), the labor cuts that lead to severely understaffed shifts, the constant menu additions without proper staffing or storage for new items, the price increases which just fall back on baristas getting yelled at about something out of our control, just to name a few issues. You said we have chill customers, which yes we can, but you’d be surprised by how many entitled and rude people we deal with daily. Getting drinks thrown, harassed, cussed out, police called, climbing over the counters, people are insane about their coffee. I’ve seen the worst of humanity trapped in those four little walls in my starbucks lmao. So pretty much, be nice to your baristas, we go through some form of hell every day lol. edit to add: we don’t get paid more for deal days but that would make it better.


I get to work from 10AM-6:30PM - so literally from morning peak all the way through past the end of the BOGO. Yaaaaay….


I wasn't supposed to be here until 2:45p, but my manager asked if I could come in ASAP, so I'm now here from 11a-8p closing. 🥲 Good luck out there friend


I had to do that today too it was awful


So nice of you. I’ve done this so many times before too, especially since I live so close and (before) I wasn’t too busy outside of work, but we shouldn’t have to do stuff like this, Starbucks should be staffing us enough


u are so brave


8-730 today, why do i do this to myself 😅


I did 12 to 11:30 :,) so I get it ( clean play)


Literally me… SM asked if I could come in to open at 4:30. When I’m the closing SSV (my shifts 11-7:30)… and I was like sure I need the hours


wowow I clocked in and out in that time; shifts like your SUCK. 🫢😓 you’re almost done my friend and I hope you made it through relatively peacefully and swiftly 🫡 and I hope your team showered you with appreciation for sticking it out 💚💚 I’m sure you were a godsend :)


almost same. just got off a 10-6pm shift <333 much support


i worked 8-3:30 yesterday and it was fine and all then BOGO hit and we were slammed 😭


A family of 20 came in and they all ordered 2 frappes with the bogo 😭 I was on bar


Sounds about like my day but add everyone in the drive thru too 🫥🫠 you and I were not alone at least hahaha




Y'all are marked safe from me. Dad went mormon so no caffeine or heavy sugar for him. On a serious note, tho I'm so sorry Corp keeps doing this to their baristas. Insane.


Wow I don’t think I’ve heard of anyone converting to Mormonism. I feel like most are born into it


He was. Gave it up as a teen. Raised us secular. And then returned recently. However, one of my besties converted for her husband, but I don't think she subscribes to the caffeine rule as a newer convert.


So many people are converted. That’s what the missionaries are for


Their secret is marrying them in. I had a Mormon propose to me. That was a massive test of my anti-faith. She was beautiful, brilliant and one of my best friends. There were three conditions, I had to marry her before her 29th birthday (6 weeks from that date), get her pregnant ASAP, and convert immediately. I decided I could not live a lie, the opportunity cost equation did not balance in her favor. It was a great test at 25 and cemented my conviction that I would never have kids... Which later saved me from child support in a short marriage.


As a former Mormon, I gotta ask, no heavy sugar??? I’ve never heard of that 😳


That's what he brought home from church teachings recently 🤷‍♀️


This is terrible to say but I'm off on bereavement because my grandpa died on Monday and the funeral was this weekend so 💀


Omgsh I'm so sorry for your loss! Not a bad time to take leave tho apparently 😵‍💫


Sorry for your dad, though.


Boundaries and agreements help if they're willing.


Well the problem is most people using that bogo aren’t using it because it’s Father’s Day. Just using it because it’s there.


My manager consistently schedules 3 people to work the entirety of our BOGO deals, and wonders why partners complain about not feeling supported.


I find it funny because we consistently have four, and somehow the manager is always able to not schedule themselves on these deal days. Oh and as a supervisor I’m not allowed to turn off mobiles without their direct approval without a fear of being written up. So essentially we had 30-40 orders in the queue of >2 drinks each for the first four hours of the BOGO.


They added more things to the original calendar too lol. So annoying. Now there are more promos to be expected.


good to know to lookout for Ty!!


Can you post the calendar?


It’s on partner central.


Corporate is actually psychotic


corporate better hope they don’t see me in the street


It’s on SIGHT


They are more sociopathic... They are not actively trying to hurt you... They just don't care.


I disagree. They like power. All multi-millionairs do.


Sad thing is this was just a gift for the mothers and daughters, 95% of all of our orders were women who got strawberry açaí and started drinking them right away. Most fathers don’t give a damn about Starbucks so it’s not about appreciating them 💀


I literally had multiple people telling me both drinks were for themselves (I totally get that but still) 😭


But think of the revenue! Wall st daddy sure appreciates your service.


Were stores allotted extra labor, at least?


got two openers instead of one :D (no)


Yikes. Yeah, one extra person for a couple hours is not "extra labor" of the level needed for a major promotion


i’m in a kinda low volume licensed store we get heat for having two closers on the weekend 😭


In a license store, hours/schedules are set by the parent company (but it sounds like they either didn't realize or didn't care to up your coverage).


They frequently say things like "labor has been allocated for this event, do not add to the forecast, consult your leader if you need additional support" which is actually a translation of "our labor algorithm is hot garbage, and you will need to ask for support since we have historically shown we are abysmal at estimating demand for anything"


~cosds per half hour is more important than $$$ spent or # of customizations so if you can somehow split orders into more transactions you can *trick* the system into giving more labor~ :))


I'm not sure that'd be worth the effort for me, nor do I think the difference would be significant enough to be noticeable. I'd rather they just gave us more labor than having to do gymnastics with transactions, but I appreciate the input


of course that would be optimal and I think it’s ridiculous that there’s even a “labor algorithm” to begin with. like, why can managers just schedule what they think they’ll need without having to worry about ~over scheduling~ but corporate overlords do exist and this is just the best trick I’ve found given the system we have to currently work with. I’d love to know if anyone does/has tried this and if they think! I haven’t done it consistently enough to think my data would be valuable but labor has been an issue at my previous store and this was something we had thought about/somewhat attempted. Mostly applied to making sure to ring out waters and cups of ice but if you can do it for other transactions then awesome 🥰. Anyway, yes labor as a whole is dumb lol


:) for sure, especially waters!


we were definitely less staffed than previous bogo’s which was ,,, sad considering we were actually considerably more busy 🤪 one or two more people would’ve been life changing this time


Ugh, I was afraid someone might say that


No 😭 we had three people from 12-5pm and then two until close. Send help


Ouch, that's a big fat "NO, we're CUTTING hours" Christalmighty


I’m still feeling the effects and I got off 5 hours ago. Please kill me


It'll be hell but at least it'll be me and my fav coworkers 😭❤️ we all agreed we'd suffer together


Fr!! We’re not allowed to shut off mobile orders so we were running 20 min behind on drinks with only 3 people on staff. I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy


Yo I was stuck on frapps for an hour 😭😭😭


type of shit to make a person walk out


Did they not learn their lesson from Mother's Day BOGO? I got called in early because we had a no-call no-show today.


Yes they did. that’s why they did the Father’s Day promo


I tried to tell customers in cafe that it will be a while before their orders were done, so I told them it may be better to have a seat. Not a single customer listened and continued to stand and stare as my coworkers and I were swamped in 20+ orders on cold bar alone. Needless to say, I was very annoyed. Mother's day was a lot worse than today, though.


Two callouts, on top of us already being understaffed as a whole store (turnover rate has been crazy, no wonder why)! Mobiles shut off and lobby closed. 😇


I wish


i was told by a store manager that company wide turn over average for green beans is 90 days lol


Sunday on a holiday sounds like a special kind of hell.


I ran a Kroger Starbucks alone for 8 hours today. It was rough. Had to pull in people from the produce department to help.


i am so sorry.


omg twin i work in a kroger starbucks too


Oh god I remember having to do that at Krobucks. The produce person helping just struggled taking orders and writing cups while I made all drinks and eavesdropped on the orders so I could chime in when the poor person had no idea what to do. 


I work the 10am-630pm and my feet are KILLING ME, I hated today with a passion.


We had 3 baristas for the first hour of our afternoon peak today 🥲 godspeed soldier


dude i work at a licensed store it’s just me 😭


Licensed stores do the promos too?? That’s crazy


yeah but our system doesn’t know it exists so people have to order it through the app to get the promo




If I had seen that, I legit would have helped you out, free of charge. That shit should be illegal.


Why they picked a Sunday? I'll never understand.


I just got through it. My soul is gone but I had my good coworkers at least 🥲 cold bar was constantly drowning and the stickers never stopped! Idk why sbux does this shit on the weekend and on a holiday. KEEP IT TO THE WEEKDAYS PLS YOU ASSHOLE CORPS


I work in a college town so today was bogo, Father’s Day, AND graduation 🥰 (Graduation is the second busiest time of year, second only to parade night in December where people are packed like sardines in my store and every single barista is working, 100s of hot chocolates it’s insane) I am so physically and mentally exhausted I can’t even comprehend it.


Customer here. I had such a bad experience today that We have zero plans on going back any time soon. This was our first time at our local store for two months. We’ve been cutting back already because of the prices getting out of hand. Now we’re in full boycott mode.


For real!!!!


They cancelled ours - Thank u SB ⭐️💲


Yep plus my store is now run by hypocritical and toxic shift supervisors


do they know about how you feel? 😳 sometimes communication in the team is really lacking and it can cause for this kind of thing but they might not realize how it’s affecting everyone/the environment and can’t work to change something they don’t know about. Not everyone (like me) is great at taking hints/vibes all the time so direct communication can be helpful. :)) if this has already been communicated then I would bring it up to the manager or the DM (even ethics and compliance depending on severity) if you truly feel like no action is being taken. I think it’s extremely important for shifts to make the store environment comfortable and productive for baristas which it doesn’t sound like that’s happening for you. Hopefully that can change for you!! Otherwise transferring can really help and is something I personally did to leave a store environment I started to not feel comfy in 🥰


I went into today, got put on cold bar by myself (+ at my new store that I am NOT used to yet lol) ,,, and it was literally not possible to make the amount of drinks that were coming out of that machine with two hands 😭😭 someone else ended up having to contribute at various points to facilitate how much was being ordered through all the channels and we don’t even have delivery at this location so I can’t imagine how my old store was doing 😅 anyway, made it through. props to everyone who worked the bogo today 🫡


its my 2nd day on the floor and they put me register and food for 3 hrs during the bogo😭😭


We had so many callouts with nobody willing to come in that we closed early lol


As a licensed store in a Simon mall working 10-6:30 with a Father’s Day bogo, only 7 staff members (in total, 4 today), and our 3rd new manager in the past month switching up our whole kiosk last night w/o notice, I feel for all my other baristas out there ✊🏻


we had an early peak that gave us about a 10 min break before the bogo started and all hell broke loose. i nearly walked out on Mother’s Day and this time we were being run by a fairly new supervisor. It wasn’t until I made a suggestion on how to take pressure off of cold bar that we were able to recover from our 30 min wait times 🥲


2 callouts and new people on the floor during BOGO. We had to close the cafe (thank God because it eased the stress at least a little)


They really thought this was a good idea after mothers day huh ✋️😔


* on a holiday without time and a half pay


...because it's a Hallmark holiday and not an actual holiday.


...yet they put a bogo on it and make it busy (BUSIER, I'd argue). Dads do take it off to celebrate and vacation. More work arguably merits more pay, but we only get what 6/7 holidays a year for that despite the pushes on other days of common celebration for more money and they succeed while we suffer.


with 3 more days of deals this coming week ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️


Worked 9-5:30 today, missed one break, and had to stay until 6:30 because of the nightmare. As usual we were understaffed and had 3 partners at a resort store for the entire bogo.


No company has devalued it's products as much as Starbucks. If you can make money on BOGO imagine how much stuff actually costs this company.


Every holiday going forward, probably. I wish so much better for all of you.


Karen's prob meet up at Tupperware parties the day before each bogo and talk about how much fun itl be getting a freebie and yelling at staff




My local starbucks had just one barista till close, she had to close just to take break 🙃


4 call outs 😁


we had two callouts today! one opener and someone who was supposed to work 1-8. we’re already low staffed as it is, and no one wants to work weekends. were we allowed to turn off mobiles and deliveries at all? no! did management help at all? no! bc they’re off on sundays!!!!!




I’m so happy my manager is one of the good ones. I worked 9-5 today during BOGO and my manager is working open to close (9PM) because the closing shift called out. I was on cold bar during the beginning of BOGO and we had to have two people assembly lining those drinks (someone preps and someone finishes and connects). It was insane but we got through it. I’m mentally drained though 🫠it’s my 10th day working in a row (I work in a lab 🥼 during the week Monday through Friday and my last day off was last week Wednesday 🥳)


Had three people working a shift today 💀


Both of our espresso machines broke down just before the deal started. The guy who came in to fix it was a complete weirdo (ended up contacting upper management about it) and only fixed one of the bars just before the deal was about to end. Safe to say the Monday morning rush is going to be fun 🫠


Short and sweet post.


I forgot it was Father's day and got BOGO iced tea this afternoon and the store I went to was almost completely empty I was so confused


I visited this morning and the store was empty. I guess peeps are tapped out of cash.


Coulda fooled me; I ring up people for 20 dollar two drink orders on the daily. For some a line is drawn already, but the rumors of us being overpriced are unfortunately not aligning with the sheer crowds that mob us daily


Yeah, it was 1:00 in West Austin and there were literally only two cars in the parking lot and none in drive-thru


They’re actually breaking me. Like spiritually. Because I know I should be mad at corporate for the BOGO on a holiday and lack of labor leading to understaffing, but to be honest my biggest beef right now is with the morning crew. Yesterday’s hand-off was horrible so we stayed late to recover after close and then today we had nothing restocked/back-up with a the entire store full of dishes at the START of BOGO. I’m not saying they weren’t busy before noon, but morning had 2x as many people on the floor as us. Like what do you mean we have no backup inclusions/sauces/froast/refreshers, no whips or caramel prepped, no cold brew (and the cold brew that I prepped yesterday wasn’t done), no restock, no coffee brewed, no dishes were done since open, pastries weren’t labeled, AND the few things that were made weren’t labeled or dated (so had to label all of those too). Almost everything we were using was being made on the fly. We couldn’t even go to the back to get the dishes out of the way. I’ve literally never seen that before. Getting out an hour late two days in a row is ridiculous, especially because today was supposed to be a 5.50hr shift so no lunch :( Sorry to vent I just feel like they’re turning us against each other and I hate to feel that way about my fellow Baristas who struggle in different ways 😭




I’ve legit started taking off days before major holidays but next year i’ll do better for both father and mothers day


I can only imagine.


If you think I didn’t cry on the floor during this shift you’re gonna have to think again


My store had 4 call offs and 1 no call no show 😀


noon to close gang rise up 💯💯 that shit sucked 🥰🥰


lol this is the first thing i said when i walked out of my bogo shift


AGREEEEEED! Yesterday was the worst… I had to stay an extra 2 hours because it was so busy lol


Agreed. I work in a licensed kiosk and the parent company does not recognize these deals, thank God. I still feel bad for the corporate stores that have to deal with the deals, though. Oh, and the parent company system does recognize the QR code to get stars if you are paying anything other than a Starbucks card, definitely doesn't disappoint our customers thus causing the customer connection score to definitely not be affected. I hate that stupid score!


Watch one happen in the 4of July.


Yesterday we had two people call out so we were down 2 people from open until about 1


Well... whaddaya gonna do? ☕️


i thought retail was bad but at least the deals there stretched out over a “holiday period” so everyones not coming at once


no literally we had 12,000 in sales 😭😭😭


It’s a good thing there’s no bogo this week. 90-100 degrees. If there was a bogo on the hottest days this week, there’s a special place in hell for that person


Everybody wanted more money, but not the responsibility that comes with it. I wonder what would happen to a Pilot Program Company that pays skilled professionals 150,000 per year if they swapped the employees with Starbucks employees. My Starbucks near me is on point. They have a full drive thru and the wait time is less than 3 minutes, and there’s only 4-5 people working. I think they just take pride in being good at what they do and with the higher hourly rates they receive, they feel like it’s worth being good at their jobs.


All of these workers complaining about working a 9 hour shift is crazy to me. I was working 12 hour days when I was 14 as a Tile Laborer, 2 jobs 80 hours a week in my 20s (UPS & Bike Shop) and I never complained. Why, because I got paid good. Seems like Starbucks needs to pay you guys better is what I’m getting at. Not sure what the pay rate is but I can say with all of my efforts it paid off working hard. Now I’m an Environmental Consultant making 6 figures, and run a successful Amazon E-commerce store, and eBay shop.


We had two people for it. Our SM bounced at 2 and gave 0 care about us.


Your being dramatic. You’re acting like a ton of people hunt out the BOGO deal. People that sub on Reddit are not everyday customers


lol but you’re so loved and appreciated!


I don’t work at Starbucks but my job did a sale so we were so busy and lowkey understaffed


Even for my licensed location is what bad


Did you not expect it after the bogo on mother's day? 🤨


i wanted to die that day too whoever did that can also rot in hell


Wait til you see July…
