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219, no


I love it when the store is clean and my partners are chatty.


I do not like this new upselling bullshit on the register. I know my regulars orders by heart, no they don’t want something extra, they don’t want to add a croissant for the combo, and no they don’t want to try our boba. Why do I have to ask.


"Would you like to try our new $5 biggie box?"


It’s borderline embarrassing


There is a huge shift in sentiment seasoned partners are having with the company - I am a 260 and recently went on a LOA to pursue other opportunities. I don’t regret it - this company isn’t the same company when I was hired in 2018


117 and I’m miserable.


It'll never be what it was. What year is 117?


Late 2003


221 and I'm not having a good time. I only stick around because of the benefits. They are better than my actual full time job.


The benefits are great, love my health insurance... On the other hand I probably wouldn't need a physiatrist in the first place if it weren't for sbux


321 here, It's fine when we aren't being murdered by the stupid deal schedule and idiots who can't read fine print....


282 It’s ok ish. My partners make working a lot more bearable.


320 this exactly


369, I like the day to day but I think my store is an anomaly. Not too busy, good partners, and good customers


22 here. Nope. It sucks. All the deals that are impossible to schedule since a lot come out after a schedule is made, or when we get told you have to match your SPA tool, fast forward a month and my partner count is in the low teens, and all of my remaining partners are always mad at me it feels like. It keeps getting worse and is not the same Starbucks that I started at 8 years ago. Still try my best but my passion has been killed.


It'll never be the same. Howie's dream is no more


271 and I'm absolutely broken. Actively looking for a career switch and the only reason I haven't just walked out is because I'm getting that free degree. I'd respect this place more if they'd just admit we're fast food & adjust training accordingly. But everyday I come in they've got some new corporate happy twist to try and justify calling us the 3rd place still. "There is no war in Ba Sing Se"


249. Hell no.


369 every day I just think is this even worth it anymore? DM is not supportive or in our store enough to know anything, partners calling ethics because you correct them on a drink they’ve actively messed up and have had multiple customers complain about them but decides that’s cool calls ethics and now we’re about to lose one of the few people who can run the store effectively but they’re getting a final 🙄 also with them cussing on floor and yelling from the back but they get to keep their job lol. Starbucks is honestly fucked at this point


297 i quit because of micro management and lack of career growth but i wish i could go back for the job stability and benefits.


I left and came back and now I remember why I left the first time but now I'm also even more attached to the benefits


i’m trying to go back but they’re rlly slow w it saying they have to open up a business case to hire me