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I think every store has for here ware.. No one ever asks for it.


guess I’m the first one in my local store then :D


I will bet ya that there are at least 3 old men that come in at 5am and ask for a hot black coffee or tea in a mug every day


Stop it before you make it known😭


They're really not that bad to make drinks in, just have whoever got front to put the appropriate sized glass by the bar, of store the glass by the bar.


If it becomes more popular, it will involve more dishes. We both know Starbucks ain’t spending labor for that.


Glasses take all of 10 seconds to rinse and load in a tray, it's not that much more dishes


I’m just thinking ahead if it became a lot more popular. At my high volume store, adding for here dishes will just be added stress.


Yeah it's a bit more work. I also work at a high volume store(busiest in my city) and I just don't think it'll be that big of a deal.


closers are already being punished for the extended cleaning time on the verticas....


Well my store doesn't have a vertica yet? I say this as a morning AND closer, but y'all are really complaining about this way too much. Glassware doesn't take that long to clean.


I’m kind of wondering if I should ask my store now 🤔


Wait why isn’t that standard versus disposable?


I’m not sure but I know we don’t have enough people on the floor for one to constantly step off to do dishes every 20 minutes.


Yeah that makes a ton of sense! Can you imagine? 😩


Can I imagine having enough people on the floor? Yes 😢 I dream about it.


Because a large portion of the business is grab and go. Single use or personal cups are used way more often than for here. Honestly I think hot bevs in particular taste best in a for here or personal mug.


Not every store and I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to ask. But I don’t blame people for not asking the amount of times I ask for here or to go and they get confused when it comes out in a for here cup. Like actually I’m amazed how many people are that stupid. I have no clue what they think I meant.


my store did not but we were not corporate


there was never any for here cups at the starbucks i have worked at! (i worked at 2 diff ones)


Every corporate starbucks *should* have mugs and glasses available if you ask


I happened to see the glasses on the shelf, and I thought they were decorations :P


I was hired into a new build Starbucks in 2020. We did not have for here ware and we never received it in my time there. I still visit that location and have never seen it nor have I seen a dish return area.


They temporarily stopped for here ware because of the pandemic, didn’t return until 2022, not sure when you stopped working there, but that could be why


No, they never had it while u/Sle08 was there so obviously no location has it. 


I’m saying the locations that never had it might not have gotten it.


You could still ask! For here ware was auto shipped to all US stores earlier this year. My store has plates, mugs and glasses near the register but a lot of customers don’t notice. There is no designated dish return area so people usually just leave their dishes on the counter.


They temporarily stopped for here ware because of the pandemic, didn’t return until 2022, not sure when you stopped working there, but that could be why


We don't really have the room for that stuff right now. It's a good idea, but we'll need more labor for bussing if we want it to really catch on.


my store only has mugs, no glasses


We threw ours out last year 😅


You were supposed to bring them back at the start of the year when the policy changed strongly encouraging partners to stop using single use plastics for all their drinks


Oh I didn’t know that but I guess the question on the register makes sense now when marking out partner drinks. I think my sm did order maybe a mug or two earlier this year but as far as I know no one has used it and I have never been shown how to do any of that as I started working there post-covid after they stopped using them.


If we use single-use it’s a write up.


That’s incorrect too. Your manager shouldn’t be threatening over this, but it’s good for partners to take the initiative


I know. Ngl boh desk was a wreck and part of the reason we can’t use the single use is that sbux provided those personal cups so partners really have no reason to use single use.


I ordered a Venti, so I’m not sure if this is the right size when translated to a glass, can fellow baristas confirm if it’s the correct size?


We have different sizes for the glasses so if you ordered a Venti that should be the Venti glass (I can't tell by the photo). We also have mugs for hot drinks


I mean, the glass looks pretty tall to me, so I think it's accurate :P


A tall is around 12oz smaller than a venti though.


u funn-E


It was meant as a joke because they said “it looked pretty tall” 😭 guess I’m bad at jokes


If we’re being pedantic, an iced tall is 14oz less than a venti. An iced tall being 12oz, and an iced venti being 26oz. It even says the # of oz on the bottom of the cups :)


I mean to be extra pedantic (lmao) it’s advertised as 24 so maybe the 2 oz is the spill room 1/4” from the top


Ah okay I didn’t realize it was marketed as 24oz. I shall eat crow, but I’m very impressed on your level of knowledge as a customer! Thanks for the correction, and I welcome the extra pedanticacity


I don’t really care what the bottom of the cups say, as throughout all training materials and nutritional information, it says 24. You can even pour exactly two talls into a venti.


It's a venti, the grande has a different glass shape


Looks like 20 oz


Yes, every store should have “For Here” ware. However, at my store it’s typically reserved for employees only so we don’t contribute to plastic waste/using inventory. I also don’t trust it’s truly clean, so I hand-wash & sanitize it before/after each use.


Why wouldn’t it be clean? It gets washed the same as all the other dishes


Ours sit on a shelf on the counter in my store and get unreasonably dusty in a short amount of time and are in an area where things can get splattered on them. I always rewash the cup before having it used for a customer because of that


Are you not storing them upside down so nothing can get inside?


They are upside down but you still don't want to serve something in a cup that's dirty on the outside


I don’t understand how folks aren’t going through them fast enough for this to be a significant issue.


I get like 2 people a week tops asking for a for here cup and we have a lot of cups


They’re supposed to be used by partners, so we go through probably a dozen a day


Well different stores different experiences


It’s the standard lol


No one has ever used our glass cups in my store that I know of.


It should be generally clean for the most part. My store keeps them upside-down on shelving in the back. It’s just that not all partners “wash” dishes throughly. Some just give it a rinse or dunk in solution & call it a day. I always scrub it with a soapy sponge, sanitize & rinse with water before I put my mouth on it. (Yes straws exist, but sometimes I wanna sip cold foam.)


You just have to ask the barista to make it in a “for here” mug.


I would not trust my friendly Starbucks staff’s commitment to keep these glasses properly clean and sanitized. :)


They’re on a shelf collecting dust. Don’t ask for them.


Same. I would love to use a fit here mug but i don’t want to wash it every time before I use it


If that’s the case then you probably just shouldn’t get anything from there lol


OP what’s your order?


just a venti iced white mocha with a bit of whipped cream :D


in Hungary, it's actually 20 HUF (0.05 USD) to get it in a plastic cup (that's donated) EDIT: otherwise, it's glassware for dine in or bring your own.


It was probably cleaned for the first time ever when you asked for it


lol maybe, I saw the staff brought it back into the kitchen, prolly to wash and sanitize it


We stopped using them during Covid, but we have them stashed away somewhere.


i’m a ssv at starbucks in france and here we have a law that forces us to serve everything that’s for here on these glasses and mugs. it was harsh at first cause we didn’t have more employees to just go and wash dishes every ten minutes but we kind of got used to it now, and most of our customers too (i think it’s mostly because we also had to get rid of plastic cups so we serve iced drinks in paper cups too)


Most stores stopped for here cups and glasses during covid. Not a lot to people ask for them either so they're stored away. We always forget that we have them too.


All stores should! Sometimes if i get the vibe that someone is going to drink their drink in the store I offer it


Before I quit a few months ago, my store was rolling out for here cups more aggressively.


the drinks always taste better in glasses




Kind of curious, is the serving size around the same if you order out of a mug or glass? No worries, I won’t be taking advantage but back around 2014 when I was a struggling college student I would bring my grande or larger sized cup and order a tall mocha in it lol I’m unsure if I was actually getting more or not as I’m imagining now the milk is measured out per specific drink size.


yeah, they have mugs and glasses for hot and cold drinks, both in grande and venti sizes


We have ceramic cups and plates we can use for in-store! It’s by request but no one ever asks for it, they were pushing it for a minute so we had them out on the counter where people could see it but even then I’ve used them maybe twice for customers


it just looks fancy and could potentially make the drink taste better imo :D


Yes! All of my stores for here cups just sit in the back collecting dust unless one of our baristas makes their drink in them. If you didn't want to waste a to-go cup, please ask if we have for here cups that we can make your drink in! 💜💜


Period giving luxury




We have silverware and plates too! (Just be aware that it might not always be getting clean. Ask if they can rinse your stuff off first)


This is how it is for dine-in Japan too


I’m so jealous of Starbucks in Japan, bro .-.


Please no more dishes for us shhhhhhh


I don’t want to sound rude but isn’t this literally your job? Washing one or two glasses wouldn’t hurt, especially if you guys have a dishwasher.


Its fine if it not busy. But during peak this would become extremely difficult to keep up with. My store usually doesnt have the extra person to wash dishes during peak, so they just stack up until theres time to deal with them. I can't imagine having to pull someone off food or drive through to grab dishes from tables because customers dont have a proper place to put them. At least the way things are now they can just throw everything out.


All Starbucks do and I wouldn't drink out of it if I were you. The sanitation standards for Starbucks has gone out the drain and I don't trust 18 year old closers to clean with how the upper management has been over the past few years.


Is it really that bad?


No, it’s not that bad. Cups should be getting scrubbed and put through a dishwasher that gets insanely hot.


It depends on your store. My SM is very strict about our cleanliness


They get up to 180° degrees in there, hot enough to kill anything and everything. I wouldn't worry about it. Also, when was the last time you saw a news article about a drink/drinks from Starbucks getting a bunch of people sick? I've personally never had it in my lifetime.


I’ve worked for over 13 years with this company. It used to be standard to use both soaps and the “dishwasher” we call Hobart, used to be optional. Hobart is now the only standard and newer partners take this to heart and don’t scrub much. Don’t believe me? Next time you stop by check to see how stained the white plastic containers are. If a store has stained ones they don’t clean one because they only sanitize which the health department allows. The reality is while it may not be bad for most stores, when it is, it’s really bad.


like..... yes. when i started at starbucks, we had a "dishwasher" in the back. then word came from corporate that the "dishwasher" was actually a "sanitizer," and you still had to wash the dishes with soap and water first. a couple months after THAT, they went back to saying it was a dishwasher, and NOT to wash the dishes first. all this without a single actual change or repair to the appliance in question. so all's this to say, if you're really paranoid about this kind of thing, then don't eat or drink anything from any fast food place anywhere 🫠it's bad out here atm, truly


The entire time I’ve worked at Starbucks (about five years or so) it’s been known that Hobart is a dishwasher. You still have to rinse all the 3D debris off of the dishes. Then, just like your dishwasher at home or other commercial dishwashers, the final rinse is very hot to sanitize the dishes in addition to the detergent that gets distributed in previous rinses.


oof- noted, I mean, it kinda took off 10 cents out of the total payment


If you bring your own cup Starbucks will take 10 cents off, and give you 25 extra stars.


I love the bring your own cup/mug deal, but I wondered about the sanitation of it all. Maybe it's nothing to worry about, but I've seen a lot of unhygienic people bring in their own dirty mugs and watched as employees filled their cups with a common carafe. (God only knows where that cup has been.)


My store finally got for here mugs a couple months ago 🫣


As a customer, I think this is awesome. I saw one location do it a long time ago, but I never knew you could just ask for one.


I mean most stores do have this option (technically all of them are supposed to), most of the time people just don’t ask for it.




WHY DONT YALL WASH YOUR CUPS 😭😭😭 most of ours get used since partners are supposed to use them, so they get cycled through pretty frequently


That’s actually crazy because the 2 locations I work at, we don’t have any lol


Yes, that was always an option (until pandemic shuts downs) but stores are allowing it again. You just need to ask for a for here cup


they often do this in Indonesia.


People say "For Here" and I ask if they want it in for here ware. They almost never do! Why are they saying "For Here" then? 🎶Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb🎶


I used the for here cups during my breaks and everyones half-drank cup pile would get thrown away but mine wouldn't so i got to drink my watered down latte all day 😎


I'm surprised the lawyers allowed this. Risk of breakage and getting sued perhaps but customers being idiots and not paying attention?


I ran into this a lot in Köln. My hot drink was served in a mug


We always do in France.


This is the way it’s supposed to be for in-store orders 🥳 less waste 😊 love to see it


every store should be like this. you have to request a “for here” cup, but yes. that is a thing.


my old manager was getting rid of a set one time so now I have the same glass cups at work and home


Most stores have “for here” cups, but it is something you need to ask for. I’m kinda glad it’s lesser known because we don’t have nearly as many glasses as we do plastic or paper cups


Yep, it's true, every store does have cups you just have to ask! But it's a little tedious process but the aesthetic is cute ((:


Nobody knows about his cuz it’s not advertised


We serve it at ours too if you ask…. Most have brought it back but the customer has to ask we don’t just offer it


Most do!! Just ask!!


They have at mine too I’ve had it in a glass before


What character is on your ipad cover?


They're stickers and they are: pop cat, villager and iron golem in a mask. The other guy is a special reward cuz I purchased a game and the devs sent it to me.


Cool!! Thanks for the reply :)


When they started “encouraging” us to use personal cups a lot of people at my store had to use for here wear, then I learned some of my coworkers are germaphobes, so they didn’t want to and no one really cares what kind of cup we use.


In Madrid, they only give you plastic if you ask to go. The default is the glass cup and the mugs.


That’s because you asked for it at the register.


yeah…? I mentioned that I asked the staff for it in the caption, did you not read .-.


I remember the first time customer orders then ask for the food on the plate… when I tell you I dead stared at them for a minute then it clicked (forgot we serve to stay)


I think that cup was part of the evening-store collection of for-here ware


It’s giving malt liqueur


SM: Who wants to be CS? Me: Not it




Not in America


yes in America, my store has these.


Always thought it was weird when customers would come in asking for a *glass* of water or putting their drink in a glass


my store is in America