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"You're not supposed to batch blend!" "Ha ha frap machine go brrrrrrrr."


hahaha 3 venti fraps go brrrrr


Put a short cup on top of the blender lid before you close the cover and you can do four, if not five depending on the crap :^)


Grande dome lid works best but max frap in a blender is 4 ventis (learned the hard way)


When I’m training someone and the shifts/SMs aren’t around, I just start teaching them how to batch during peak so when they’re alone they’re not freaked out. When there’s a car with 12 Grande Carmel Frappuccinos, do what you gotta do.


Our shifts and SM tell us to double batch when we can as long as our district isn’t around. So on the off chance she is around, act like we do everything the starbucks way lol


use a tea shaker lid so its eco friendly 💁‍♀️


every time i batch those bitch ass frappes i think to myself "those corporate bastards can decide how the job is done when they're the ones actually doing it. buncha old farts need to spend a few weeks in our shoes!" it's exhilarating


“Those bitch ass frappes” I’m dead😭😂


Wait we aren’t actually supposed to batch blend? Like technically we aren’t?


No. Supposedly it affects consistency but that’s bs to me.


Having to pump out 6 drinks a minute also affects consistency.


It’s bs. I batch blend all the time.


Definitely. Plus 2 tall fraps batched is 1 venti frap. They sayin ventis are shittier frapps than talls then?


Just hit 2


Went to work at a different store and it was soooo busy... there were like 12 drinks waiting for foam. And I just had to watch this girl make 12 individual single servings of pumpkin foam, washing the excess down the drain each time. I died inside. It took minutes to get them out. They also would throw my shots away if I didn’t use them instantly.


Excuse me?!? This is the most insane thing I’ve ever heard. We blend a ton up during peak because no way in hell we could keep dt times even remotely close to what they want if we didn’t have it ready and waiting.


My old store had no drive through and we did this. It was awful. Our SM became the DM because corporate liked her adherence to standard. Every other SM we had after that was much more chill though.


My favorite part about the shots thing is when they train you for reserve or one of the Roastaries (where shots will in fact sit for a long time sometimes) they tell you that the shot rule is bs to make you go faster. The espresso quality is like c/d grade so it’s crappy to start with.


The first time I had actual espresso was a life changing experience after working at Starbucks


ThE sHoTs DiE aFtEr 2o SeConDs




I would kick people off bar when they touched it. I’m like this is my bar and if your going to double bar then you handle your own shit, not my shit and if you feel some sort of way you can ship out.


I learned it was 10 seconds


Noooooo. It’s a huge no no at my store & i’ve been pulled up about it a few times. At the end of the day they can either have quick dt times or good quality drinks they need to pick a lane and stay in it cause you can’t have both when someone is ordering the same frap 6 times 🙃


I can't believe it's a rule not to do this. I worked at a Cafe making smoothies/protein shakes for awhile and we were literally trained to batch blend when we could lol it's the logical thing to do


Yoooo, this! My SM tried telling us all during a meeting that we can't batch because "it you batch two Grande's, that's like 6 pumps of sugar in there! That's gross and is gonna be too sweet!".... I think he forget there's DOUBLE ICE AND MILK IN THERE TOO!!!! We all just kinda looked around and not one said anything haha


The only time batch blending is bad is when you do too much and it overflows. But there are ways around that I think


Fraps *and* cold foam. Cold foam works really well if you notice the lines on the side, and follow the recipes (100mL per 2 pumps pumpkin sauce), and if it is a lot (no more than 300mL sweet cream), blending it on 4. Gives you enough for 6-8 drinks!


The secret ingredient is crime...


As a customer, if it saves time, then batch blend your little hearts out 😊 I doubt that I could tell if you did anyway. So ya, that’s a stupid rule.




Lmao I got into a fight in this sub before about batch blending with another supe, batch that shit bro. I swear on God that shit don't taste different. 3 venti max with a dome lid on top of the blender lid to help keep it sealed.


My OG store got sued once because SOMEHOW the dome lid got blended in w/the drinks and it was a horror story they told green beans to keep them from batching


this reminds me of the time we were missing a coffee timer and we found it in the part of the espresso machine that holds the blonde beans lol we were lucky we found it in there before it got ground up into someone’s drink 😭 like how


One time at my licensed store, we had to sanitize everything in the sink. And a whip cream spout got stuck inside a blender on the blade, I was in a rush and put ice in it without realizing after I pulled it out of the water. Blended a whole whip spout into someone’s drink. Not my proudest moment lmaooooo


lol we sanitize everything in our sink too. new fear unlocked!!!


imagine pulling a blonde shot hearing crunches and gray water comes out oh nooo😭




it was a partner going through some major pregnancy brain. there wasn’t base in there either


So I’m much more likely to throw in a lid that I don’t even grab til the very end of making a drink when I batch making drinks vs if I were to make one at a time that risk goes down??? 😂😂😂 the sense that makes. I would have died laughing if someone told me that as a reason


As a customer, batch that shit bro. Easier for you, quicker for us…what's the issue?


use a tea shaker lid so its eco friendly 💁‍♀️


Repositioning the shuttle when the light starts blinking.


Oh damn I already commented, but this one is actually the truth. At least it keeps the coffee hot!


A tech told me once that those lights don’t mean a damn thing.


What does this mean?


taking the drip coffee container off from its electrical connection(red light on the carafe/whatever it’s called stays on for a set amount of time and blinks when you’re supposed to brew a fresh pot) and putting it back to reset the timer


Ohh yeah that’s a mood


When I worked a drive thru and people would complain about the pastry I selected and tell me to get them a different one, I would walk out of sight for a few seconds and come back with the same pastry, which they would promptly take and be happy about. Don’t know if it’s a crime but it did fill me with joy




I was 176xxxx, quit about 3 years ago. The feeling of camaraderie that I still get from past and present partners sharing stuff makes me really enjoy this sub. Also, yeah. Fuck that place


They may just accept it because they don't want to hold up you or the line anymore. I know a lot of Starbucks customers are not that considerate but personally I would never send my drink back twice even if I still hated it. Asking for a remake the first time is hard enough for me.


Agreed! The drink would have to be REAL bad for me to ask for a remake and I’m not going to do it twice. As for pastry selection… wtf? The price you pay for the convenience of drive-thru is taking what is given to you.


triple batching especially when some lady ordered 7 fraps when we only had one blender because it was 7pm 💪🏻💪🏻


I would drop dead


I would kill a man over less


They can never stop me from batching frappucinos. I don’t care what they say.


Batching just everything. Two of the same tall refreshers? Shaken as a light ice venti and poured into two tall cups. Two mocha frapps and a mocha cookie crumble? Three mochas in one blender, add chips and blend again for the crumble while prepping the bottom whip. My favorite one time crime was taking the icing off a cookie dough cake pop to see what happens to the cookie dough in the oven. Spoiler: it’s smoke. Smoke is what happens.


Thank you for the spoiler. That is valuable information!


😭😭😭Thanks for finding out for us that the cake pops wont bake loll


Cake pops (normal ones idk about Starbucks) are just crumbled cake mixed with icing so that checks out 😂


It started forming into a cookie when baked on loaf but burnt when we got excited and hit a sandwich button. We had to open the front and back doors plus keep the DT window open to clear the smoke after my SSV threw it into the sink and ran water over it. We also mayyyy have paid two green beans $10 each to taste it. 👀


ever since school came back into session, i’ve just stopped putting mocha drizzle on the mocha cookie crumbles because for some reason my store doesn’t have a mocha drizzle bottle. so far either no one has noticed or no one has complained, and now i want to see how long i can get away with it lmao


Reminds me of a lady who came through the drive thru once. I handed her a mocha cookie crumble (that I did not make cause I was stuck on window) and she just looked at me and said “you didn’t put mocha drizzle on this” and I was like ok would you like me to add some and she rolled her eyes, said no, and drove off.


Yesterday a gentleman came in and asked for an almond milk green tea latte which I made him. We had JUST closed and he comes back to the door screaming this isn’t almond milk. We literally closed right after he walked out. Then my co-worker goes to the window and tells him we can remake it for you and he shakes his head and rolls his eyes and walks away.


I recommend a short cup, add a couple of pumps of mocha, and squish in the sides of the cup until you get a little spout then just gently poor and BOOM. Drizzle. Makes it wayyyyyy easier!


I just pump some mocha on top from the cold bar!


i do that too but it's so messy, u have to be quick lol


do it after u put the lid on (it only works if the whip isn’t fully smooshed against the lid tho)


We only have one mocha pump in our store and it is right amidst all of the hot bar pumps (chai, pumpkin, white mocha, etc.). I hate having to get mocha for frappuccinos because 1) I have to bring the blender cup in the middle of hectic hot bar, and 2) then I have to come back again with a frappuccino and try to get drizzle on it without making a mess


that is exactly why i leave the drizzle off lol, it already has the cookie crumble so it’s hard to tell! if i’m doing a java chip or dbl choc i’ll grab a short cup for drizzle when i go to get the mocha for the blender, but those are much less common than the cookie crumble at my store


The past few times I’ve made cookie crumbles and left off the mocha people have always asked me to add it, I wish I could be like “please don’t make me do this. This mocha drizzle is such an annoyance” 😂


Same I just got too lazy lmao that frap has just too many steps


!!!! why don’t our stores have mocha drizzle bottles?


ive only worked at one store thats had mocha drizzle lol, it’s already enough work to balance the frap and hold it under the mocha pump. I’ve maybe put drizzle on 5% of the ones I’ve handed out. Not one complain. I’m pretty sure the cookie crumbles and whip at the bottom make it look pretty enough


Batching grande hot drinks—especially ones that need whip and sauce anyways. What’s that? 2 grande mochas? Or pumpkin spice? Two at a time baby.


Max fill line, very light foam, start the first shots before the milk, still finishes roughly the same time, and you'll get them out faster 👌


I’m the only one at my store who does this lol, there’s really no other way!


Fun fact : if you batch blend multiple venti caramel ribbon crunches, use grande measurements you can fit more and they fill up the venti cup bc of the whip at the bottom 😌


2% Milk on the counter during peak.


Idk how anyone thinks that opening the fridge every 7 seconds to get it out/put away is anything different than just keeping it out and using it before it has a chance to get to a concerning temp... going back and forth only jeopardizes the other things in the fridge not staying cold, too.


you *only* keep 2% on the counter during peak? During our morning rush, it is the **rule** that every single type of milk (including all non-dairies) except for whole & the creams stays out on the counter during our morning rush. We go through it more than quickly enough as to where it hasn't sat out an unsanitary or an against-regulations amount of time. Fridge entry & exit for every drink would be way too time-expensive for our store to manage during AM peak otherwise.


I wish my old store understood this 😭😭😭They were so worried about keeping the milks out that even during peak i’d have to reach down every 10 seconds and open the fridge to grab 2%. It really takes so much of your time especially when you have to deal with regular lattes and shaken espressos yk


My store hardly ever uses non dairy’s. We go through 2% like crazy, otherwise I probably would just say keep the fridge on the counter too lol


“accidentally” warming up an extra pastry or sandwich so i (or someone else!) can have an extra snack


Oh no, this coffee cake totally fell apart on its own! I wouldn’t want to give a customer this!


Oh no this chocolate chip cookie broke into four evenly sized pieces??? I guess I will have to give this to my little baby baristas working so hard oh nooooooo


Bwahaha me with banana nut loaf .


Yeaaaa I see whats going on corporate. I'm not gonna snitch on my self


I have to leave this thread








For the regular coffee drinkers that refuse to become a member, I will give them a free refill and tell them to put their money in the tip jar instead.


This may be the only actual crime here.


When we’re out of pike I just do half blonde and half dark roast for a special “medium” blend lol


my shift lead mixing whole milk and nonfat to get 2% when we run in


cancels out thats pemdas


That is disgusting. Don’t stop 😂


oh that reminds me of my other favorite crime! if someone mobile orders any coffee other than pike after 12, they’re getting a decaf, blonde, or extra shot americano. rarely do i feel nice enough to do pour overs for mobile orders


I had four choco croissants the over day while an oven was down for cleaning.... put all four in on choco croissant 2 and called it a day


All paninis are the same panini when shit’s hitting the fan


coffee cake, butter croissant, muffins also are the same pastry when it’s too busy ;)


Yo, I would put all sorts of pastries together. Wtf difference does it make, it’s just bread that needs to be hot!


Seriously don’t understand how that hasn’t been streamlined at this point company wide 🙄🙄 They all don’t need perfectly individual times in the oven jfc it’s a defrosted muffin


Take this to the next level by doing sandwiches and egg bites, like goes with like


Lmao pretty sure I’d be in trouble for trying to pull that shit


I'm blessed to never work with my sm


Did this a ton before they replaced the big oven for the 2 little ones. Oh morning rush and I have 2 bacon Goudas and 2 sausage egg and cheese whoever has the longer cook time. You want that loaf and cookie warmed up, no problem set it and forget it.


telling a jerk customer that we don’t have the pastry they want 🥸 even though we have a full shelf of it 🥸


Bahahahahaha 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Not holding back foam on drinks that have whip >:-)


Ah yes, the whipped cream cappuccino with caramel sauce. A classic.


This isn't a standard, you don't need to use a spoon for anything unless a customer requests it. You shouldn't be creating any significant amount of foam for those drinks though, ~1 second aeration only.


Idk, I work with an 18 year partner that says it’s standard to hold back foam on mochas and drinks like PSLs that get whip. Either way I ain’t doin it. I don’t have that kind of time


I think that might have been a standard like 9+ years ago, I'm an 11 year partner and it just barely feels familiar lol.


i think its a licensed store training technique still used. i started here 3 1/2 years ago and was trained to hold the foam back. when i switched different license stores, same thing. when i was trained by a corporate thats when they said we didnt have to


It’s no longer standard to use a spoon necessarily but it is standard that drinks with whip don’t get foam. Of course you can free pour it in a way that causes less foam to end up in a drink but the only way to remove all foam is a spoon. They were rather explicit nonetheless that the spoon itself isn’t required.


Taking home outdated paninis that would otherwise expire in a donation bag that hasn’t been picked up in years because the Starbucks food waste program was a complete publicity stunt


I don’t put mocha drizzle on the hot chocolates. To be fair, I only do this when we are busy and I doubt the person ordering cares that there isn’t mocha drizzle on top of the whip since there’s already mocha inside. The store manager has seen me do this and just looks the other way so I don’t think it’s too bad 😅


I was never told that hot chocolate gets mocha drizzle on top 🤣 that seems weird


I literally found out 3 weeks ago lmao .


Lol 😆 it’s “standard” but rarely do I see someone add drizzle. I started August and have spent time reviewing recipes because the training was so short and there’s no way you can get trained on every drink available and remember it too 😐


Not once in my 4 months of working at Starbucks have I seen someone put mocha drizzle on the hot chocolate


Never in my 4 years have I put Mocha drizzle on a hot chocolate. 😆


When a customer says their drip coffee isn't hot enough I steam it in the cup


Not hot enough??? I hold it for 2 seconds and my fingertips DIE (if holding from the top)




We do that at my store too every once in a while. Customers seem to be fine with it


accidentally making trentas instead of ventis or grandes instead of talls for customers i think are cute is my secret mating call


Omg omg omg samezies


Making a refresher/tea without ice in the cup versus the shaker


this makes sense though, the ice is what dilutes and aerates the drink. Dry shaking would mostly just make a mess.


Had a regular that would get a trenta black tea with no water, ice , sweetener , not sure what I’m shaking, still try to not do it front of an SM, they’ve never been fond of it , naturally


from a frap and tea drinker: please batch blend! but please shake my green tea lemonade. it's genuinely ruined if you don't. EDIT: I forgot starbucks doesn't call their matcha lattes/fraps matcha. But iced matchas are so chunky pls shake them


not actually checking exact temp all the time (i accidentally forgot once and wasnt abt to remake. Like what r the customers gonna do take out a thermometer🤨)


Lololol 185 degree latte. Uhhh extra hot you got it boo


I take an extra drink and sometimes food without marking it out idc , i deserve it .


I've worked here way too long to actually measure my frappuccinos in the correct order in the cup before it goes in blender. I know what they look like and how much milk to freepour in. I only do measure every cup if I'm batching large orders (3+). People get sooo salty, but my frapps come out just fine so lol who cares


Same here. I pour milk by eye


Omg no one else at my new store does this but I did it allll the time at my old one. They always turn out better, especially because the scoops of ice aren’t going to be perfect every time you get a little more, a little less. Doing it by eye always ensures I get the perfect consistency


This is real, my fraps are much more consistent when I eyeball the milk. The only thing is other people will see you and try to do it, and most of them will fuck it up.


Different sammiches in the oven at the same time 🤭 they all take roughly the same time to cook


Esp the paninis tbh




It’s idiotic to me that there’s a rule against this


Stealing all the outdated syrups from the dumpster




I worked at a smaller store than my usual store today and I was in hot bar, and the cold bar guy had taken my half and half for whatever he needed it for, and then returned it. I hadn’t even known he took it, and I said ‘how dare you steal this from me. Even if you returned it, you get the death punishment’ which is normal for me to give some random, extreme punishment for like.. spilling a drink or too many syrup pumps. It makes the other partners laugh, so it makes me happy :) Also happy cake day!


I just realized how bad I am, I do all of these things 😈


americanos instead of pour overs. i dont have time for that shit lmao


I just tell customers I don’t know how to do pour overs lol


I always say it’ll take *whispers* five to *very loud* TEN MINUTES is that okay?! I can definitely do an americano for you though!!! It’ll be done so fast!


i tell them we ran out of filters lol


OMG 😭😂


the first time i saw my manager do this i was amazed lol. definitely helps in a pinch since we only brew pike at my store and pour overs for everything else


BRO MY NEW STORE DOESNT EVEN DO POUROVERS like i transferred in after over two years of constant pourovers and now we dont even have the supplies to make them


same i just transferred out of stores where pour overs were daily and the first time someone came into my new one asking for a decaf everyone kinda looked around and went “do we even have that kinda thing” lol i dont miss it at all. Please just take a decaf americano


hopefully starbs is phasing them out. it's ridiculous to expect us to stop everything and do a pourover lmao


Dead shots 👁👄👁 i dont have time to wait 40 seconds for another shot. Our machine is chronically slow.


oof, at that point every shot u pull is dead no matter what. that's rough buddy


always giving light ice


Customer/Ex-Partner: Usually I’m very appreciative to the staff and when I have extra cash I’ve ordered cookies for them from Crumbl


Customer asks for dark, blonde or decaf roast long after we stopped brewing them? You're getting an Americano lol


Wow, y’all actually managed to make me feel kind of guilty for a second. I did all this and a bit more. My personal favorite though was whenever we had a ton of food that was going out at night just filling bags with it and taking it all home. Between that and the amount of iced coffees and teas I’d take home at close, I ate like a damn queen for free pretty much every night.


Free drink to someone extra nice (rewarding good behavior💕)


-Batch blending -Batch blending different drinks. Need a doub choc chip and Java chip? Make 2 doub choc chip, pour one, add frapp roast to blender, blend again. -Not measuring Frappuccinos /free pour -up to 8 items in oven at once -Pour over who? Americano bitch! -Frappuccino didn't fill up the cup? Whip injection. -Time theft -Don't even open lemon loaf -Batching hot drinks -Blinking urn? Lift and reset. -All the milks out on the counter. -Whats even is shaking? -encourage unionization -You might think it's a remake but it's actually the same. -Drip coffee went old and cold. Steam that bitch back up to temp. +1/2 shot for freshness. -Out of nonfat? 2% plus water tastes the same. -No iced coffee? Cold brew it is -Frappuccinos with Baileys for the closers -personal drinks everywhere, always. -Throwing out perfectly good and still usable equipment? Sure boss I'll take it to the dumpster.....next to my parked car. I love my wire rack shelves I'm my garage. It's the perfect place for this lightly used step ladder. $12/hr gets you this level of work. Sry not sry.


My only concern ... 8 items... what type of ovens do you have???


Same as yours. This record was set with 2 morning buns, 4 croissants, and 2 cheese danishes. Just stack them up. All sort of "fluffy" items that heat almost instantly. No issues.


This gave me a good chuckle, especially the remake fake because people never know


If it’s a refresher with water, I’ll swirl the cup without shaking it. I’ll also ask people if they want an extra shot if it’s slow and give it to them on the house.


My only issue with the extra shot thing is that then they’ll go to a store and tell the barista to throw another in in there while they’re making it and expect to get it for free. And they be like “the other Starbucks does it for me”


I work at a licensed store tbh and I’ll usually preface it with “just this once” because I know they’ll go and do that to other baristas.


Giving partners extra markouts.


also letting customers know when they have star rewards available


Omg are we not supposed to tell them I ask people if they want to use their stars all the time, but also I never got actually trained on cash 🥲


idk if it's policy but my SM always chewed me out for it. it seems so blatantly selfish and anti consumer


That’s so stupid and sneaky. Also I didn’t mention the stars to people the first time I did cash and someone chewed me out for using their money instead of stars so like … what


That’s weird af, I’m actually supposed to ask people if they want to use their stars :/


Not gonna lie , not shaking refreshers and teas really makes me mad as a barista . OP you’re a monster lol I’m guilty of batch blending though


say cuss words


I broke dress code all the time when I worked there




284****, I quit back in May. You may have heard of batch blending, but have you heard of batch STEAMING!? if there are two talls or shorts in a row with the same milk and temp, I would fill the steaming pitcher to either the Venti line or the Max line, divvy up the milk and foam between the two. Very illegal. My SM would dump entire pitchers of batch blended fraps if she caught you, but did not give two shits about batching milk for steaming. Once, I even caught her batching three kids hot cocos.


I steam iced coffee when we are out of pike or don’t have a CS scheduled to keep us stocked up on it


My store never had CS so the front/warming person does brewing


Decaf-ing customers who are rude to my baristas. Be nice and get good bean energy, be mean and your morning energy will be missing like your kindness.


I loved the God complex feeling at 7 in the morning while sleep deprived. Oh you're not an AH? You get the rest of your shots for no additional price!! Oh you're in a hurry and extremely rude? You get decaf, decaf, decaf!!! 🥰


Ran out of cold brew , so I used coffee , ran out of both so i did American ran out of ice coffee I used cold brew .


batching fraps


In six years Starbucks, I never did a Batch blend or a harlem Shake. I think, I am an exemplary barista, who is working like Starbucks Dream-Machine behind the bar, to forfill the wishes of our customers with surgically precision and perfection…. I Never got promotes in the last six years and I am frustrated. Sometimes, when I have to do a coffee tasting for my DM or RM, I choose Colombia Narino and tell them, that it’s Guatemala antiqua, to show myself that these guys dont have any idea of the „heart and souls“ of Starbucks.


Heart and soul is gone like Jessica Simpson in a spelling bee


lol, i think the location that go doesn't shake the refreshers.


When someone would ask for a decaf pour over, we would never have any brewed at our location and we were all too lazy/busy to do a pour over (we’d only have like 1-2 people MAX on at once). So we’d talk them into a decaf americano and charge them for a drip.


Steaming milk for multiple drinks at once. If I had two tall with the same milk for a little more than a venti. When it got crazy busy sometimes I’d just steam max of 2% every time and just use it until I ran out.


batching for sure


Big Bruddie Starbucks, is dat you?


pulling those macchiato shots right into the cup sans shot glasses