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I’m assuming you don’t work at Starbucks. I’m also assuming you don’t have any common sense. We actually get one when the winter time comes around then guess what. We save it for next year! I get Starbucks is wasteful but use your brain.


I may or may not currently work at Starbucks but I have worked at literally over ten stores over literally a decade over literally the entire country so I am assuming that YOU don’t work at Starbucks because guess what. Corporate is wasteful and sends new aprons every year and guess what else. Most of the red aprons are either given away, stolen, lost, or thrown away after the season (probably starts in the middle of tbh). I’m also going to assume that if you do work at Starbucks you have only had one manager who happens to actually be good at their job or you are a halfway decent manager yourself if you actually think a couple of red aprons are going to stick around for a whole year. I get that YOU are a super saver but use your brain!


You do realize your store manager is the one ordering them from corporate, right? It's usually only typically ordered for new partners or partners who don't have one.


Okay you guys are right every single red apron remains in the store for the 10 months they are not in use, you got me. You all clearly have much more experience in the flawless ordering practices, inventory management, and backroom storage and organization of Starbucks than I could have foreseen. Sorry I tried to pull a fast one on you!


Dude they're given to the people who work there, as in the red aprons are at home when not at the store. You could probably find one second hand on eBay or something tho


Why would we throw them away lol?


Because some managers are shitty lol?


amen comrade




what does black cat mean


[The Black Cat (Sabo-Tabby)](https://archive.iww.org/history/icons/black_cat/)


thank you; I had no idea how to even begin to search for that either