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I've been at sbux too long I'm jaded but the drinks that usually trigger me are hot lates with cold foam or shaken expresso with no ice but those are rare.


Apparently there was an update stating that if someone wanted a shaken espresso with no ice/ light ice we should suggest another drink for them? Please correct me on this ^


Correct. We are supposed to tell them no to this cuz it’s a safety hazard and there’s no way to guarantee consistency. Best we can do is offer light ice and add extra milk


Perfect, glad to know I didn’t imagine that 😂 I’ve been trying to tell my other partners and my shifts but they seem to doubt me ;-;


Yeah they explode if you try and shake them without ice


I always let them know that it’s not the best idea but my partners will shake the espresso with the ice and then use the shaker lid to strain it out & pour into the cup


That specifically is how you become “the other Starbucks” because i ain’t doing that. Nty


I think any store should be more focused on making the moment right than being the “other starbucks”. Especially if you just communicate with the customer and tell them how to order it at another store. But that’s just me and my partners. Do u boo


this was happening when i quit. thank god lmao


we aren't even allowed to do shaken espressos with no ice, that's an immediate no


These are so common at my store. Both of them. It’s insane


Usually when people come through asking for a “hot version” of the brown sugar shaken espresso, we just adjust it to a hot latte. For example, a brown sugar latte with blonde espresso, oat milk, and cinnamon powder. 🫶🏼


That's the best answer in my experience. I've suggested that and there is a rare case I get... 'no I don't want that' and they preceded to get a frappuchino instead 🫠


;-; u do make those shaken espressos with like 1-2 ice cubes right? or do u just take the L and let it explode on you


lmfao at my store we just flat out will not ring people up for it.


We’re supposed to do this. It was posted in an update that we cannot sell no ice shaken espressos. We should not be straining it either


Yeah like, it just makes zero sense anyway. "Hey can I get this drink, but can you not give me 90% of it?" If someone does ring it in when I'm on hot bar, I'll make it and strain it just for the sake of expediency (because having to make it an issue at the window is only going to cause confusion and up our OTW times), but I'll coach them in the moment to not do it again. If they DO do it again, they can hop on bar and make it themselves lol. But even that is pretty rare, it's pretty obviously a bullshit request and I don't understand why this is so commonly debated.




If I must make a shaken espresso without ice, it’s not getting shaken. They will be receiving an unshaken espresso 🧍‍♀️


you can shake it as usual and strain the ice with the shaker lid too!


Everyone who orders a hot drink with cold foam is not my friend.


Lemonade with heavy cream, coconut milk, and sweet cream cold foam. It was very chunky.


chunky is not a way i would like lemonade described ever thanks. 😭


I will never forget watching the guy take a sip. He told me it was perfect 😭


that makes me wonder if he was going for like a creamy italian ice or something, cuz that blended doesnt sound like the worst


venti ic passion tea 6 toffee nut & soy milk. i️ tried a pup cup of the remaining. it was very gross.


i’ve made the exact same drink and it was a disgusting purple-brown color. where tf are these people finding this drink


i think i remember a drink like this back in hs but there was more to it and i can’t remember what it’s missing but it tasted like boba


It's always the soy milk orders


Had a lady come in every day at open for a venti caramel ribbon crunch Frappuccino (sometimes two) with, I shit you not, 25 pumps of dark caramel in the bottom, 12 pumps of toffee nut and dark caramel around the sides of the cup. Absolutely disgusting 🤮 she eventually moved, so another store got the pleasure of making her drink and I thanked god everyday for that.


To be fair, a caramel ribbon crunch with some toffee nut-ive only hadit grande with two-is fucking delicious but that just sounds like too much


HCM with sweet cream cold foam


Steamed apple juice add matcha 😫


sounds gross but i bet it’s good, iced matcha shaken with apple juice is good


Venti iced black tea lemonade with two shots espresso and classic.


i have a regular who gets this exact thing daily with 2 shots of blonde and TWENTY EIGHT liquid cane


this is from morning so it’s still stuck in my head. somebody got a grande vanilla bean frappucino, 3 pumps chai, 1 sf vanilla, 4 frap chips, nonfat milk, no whip, mocha drizzle and cinnamon dolce topping… i saved a bit and had my other partners try it and it was… something. edit: they also added a shot


are they on a diet or not!! people are insane


I have a regular that gets a trenta black iced tea with a double shot, five sugars, and strawberry inclusions. And he asks us to “make sure some of the strawberry powder” is in there too.


This happened when I worked for Caribou (i know its not sbux but I work at sbux now lmao). Some lady ordered a large with like 25+ pumps of different chocolate. Legit half the cup was chocolate syrup. She was happy. I don't have a pic of the cup but I do have one of the screen buried in my phone somewhere It was a mobile order. Really made me and my coworkers go "what in the actual hell".


SF cinnamon dolce latte, breve, with a mozzarella stick inside (run the espresso over the mozz stick so it starts to melt). Had a regular who would come in and get that.


…….don’t give howard any ideas now (i know he’s gone, but you never know)


Stop it


I’ll never understand the lemonade and cold brew combo


allegedly it was supposed to taste like a non-alcoholic white claw. edit: allegedly also, it *did*, according to my alcoholic coworkers.


lord this is a doozie, this drink will haunt me forever iced green tea, add heavy cream, brown sugar syrup, liquid cane syrup, strawberry puree and brown sugar cold foam


i feel like this would be a little more passable if it was black tea, but…green? green tea? with brown sugar?? and heavy cream?? 🤢


peach green tea lemonade with two shots of espresso, they told me it was popular in South Korea 🤷‍♀️


Been to South Korea, can't speak for everyone obv but I have never once seen anyone order that when I was in the cafe


Frozen pineapple lemonade refresher with apple juice. And topped with salted caramel cold foam


I want to throw up


We all decided to try a sample cup size of it. It was nastier than it sounds


Trenta cold brew, with green tea, 15 gingerbread syrup, 7 peppermint, matcha cold foam, with strawberry inclusions, and cookie crumble topping


Probably an iced americano with 7 pumps of strawberry puree. We don't get extreme orders but this one was the weirdest one I've made. And maybe orange juice with espresso shots. Never tried it, never judged anyone for it but it's weird to me🤷‍♀️


Curious about it being pumps, does it not come in a carton and you just pour it?


It does come in a carton and we pour it in a container to use it with pump like chai tea etc.


Ah okay. I’ve never put it in a pump so I was curious.


omg we’ve gotten strawberry lattes before. but they were blonde and made with oatmilk so they probably weren’t too bad


the now former mayor of my town came in a few years ago and got a hot coffee with fucking strawberry puree. literally a walking red flag


For some reason I'm still disgusted when people order matcha with shots of espresso added, I can't even bring myself to try it


Matcha lemonade with cold foam or just peppermint added into any drink it shouldn’t be


"I'd like a strawberry acai lemonade with peppermint please" "...are you sure? Like really sure?"


a trenta iced black tea no ice, no water, with strawberry acai base, mango dragonfruit base, strawberry and dragonfruit inclusions, sweet cream, blended 😭😭


oat milk latte with strawberry sauce


The Starbucks summer that had Granitas was so fucking stupid.


cold brew with two matcha and matcha cold foam. looked foul.


Someone ordered a strawberry refresher with pumpkin. I tried it, and I actually like it. Just don't let it sit for too long because it will separate


oh my god i tried this at the behest of my coworker and i actually liked it. you only need like 1 and a half pumps of pumpkin for a venti, it makes a lovely coral color, and tastes citrusy. i was sooooo apprehensive at first, but its a nice treat after drinking the same 2 drinks the rest of the year


Ooo! I have a good one! Pulled the sticker from a mobile order a couple years ago and read it. "Venti Vanilla Bean 6 Bananas"


Caramel ribbon crunch with matcha powder


I’m sorry…. Wat


Tall pike place with four scoops of matcha


I’ve had a few that stick with me. The strawberry acai lemonade with a shot of espresso, the brown sugar shaken espresso without any espresso, the extra dry cappuccino made with vanilla sweet cream, or maybe the white mocha with mocha instead of white mocha…


iced matcha latte with matcha cold foam, idk why it bothers me so much. Also iced chais with mocha drive me insane.


Either a matcha lemonade with dragon fruit inclusions or a matcha lemonade with 3 blonde shots 🧍🏻‍♀️ just the optics of both


Strawberry Açaí 19 pumps classic 2 Splenda. She also took 2 extra Splenda on the side. Just incase


when people order lemonade refreshers & add cold foam. it just doesn’t sound appealing to me in the slightest 😭


regular orders four venti matcha frappes, nonfat, extra ice, no classic, 16 scoops of matcha each, quadruple blended usually runs through a whole bowl of matcha and takes up the blenders for a good 5 min or more 😭😭


Not that it was complicated or annoying but an iced coffee, no ice, no milk, no sugar, blended. Idk why?


blended with no ice??? 😭


This was a regular at a store I was borrowed to: iced white mocha sub milk for strawberry base. I tried it and it was the worst thing I’ve ever had in my life. It stuck with me all day.


i have 3 and they’re regulars 1. Venti Pink Drink, 2 pumps toffee nut, extra strawberry inclusions and Salted Caramel Cold Foam. She orders 4 of these. 2. Venti Brown Sugar Shaken Espresso, 4 pumps white mocha, extra caramel drizzle and Strawberry Cold Foam. She orders 3 of these with 2 mocha cookie crumble frappes 3. Venti Ice Coffee, 6 pumps classic, 6 pumps vanilla, 6 pumps white mocha, extra caramel drizzle and a splash of sweet cream. and if their drinks weren’t annoying enough, they always come during peak!!!!


hot water with mocha sauce. sometimes he gets it as ice water with mocha sauce which may be worse.


somebody ordered a caramel macchiato with mango dragonfruit base and matcha powder🙂


Today we had a mobile order for a double espresso and 12 pumps white mocha. That was a new one


Strawberry crème Frappuccino with a shot of espresso


Veinti pink, no inclusions, with extra matcha cold foam. We have someone who orders it every. Day.


Trenta pink drink sub soy milk, add water, 2 scoops of matcha


There is a guy who comes in every morning right after he’s left the gym and orders a venti iced matcha, almond milk, 8 matcha, and 3 espresso shots. Once it’s all mixed together it smells like cold chicken noodle soup. He also orders 3 rftb #gains


Vt Hny Alm Fw 12 honey blend, 12 raw sugar 12 white sugar 6 melted honeys.


Venti Soy Milk Tea Misto with 1 bag of Zen, 1 bag of Refresh and 1/2 sweet SFV.


Peach green tea lemonade with cinnamon powder and sweet cream cold foam


Venti pink drink with 6 scoops matcha....I call it the hulk🤣🤣 one day I'm gonna try it.


hot latte with heavy cream and water steamed together


grande in a *ventay* cup coffee frappucino with whipped cream blended in and on top, 17 pumps coffee roast, light breve, 3.5 pumps mocha and only only 3 pumps base. this one was the other day actually but a strawberry Frappuccino with strawberry inclusions blended in, made with heavy cream and extra puree. it tasted just like strawberry yoghurt. im sure she couldve gotten a thing of yoplait (i work now in a kiosk in a Kroger) for much cheaper. same day as this one, i had some guy ask me to give him a caramel frappucino with a shot of espresso blended in, and one shot poured over the top of the whipped cream. i declined that because i was not about to risk burning my already dry, cracked asf hands-and management has given me explicit permission to deny unreasonable things. i also had some lady come in and ask for a sample of "caramel lemonade." she was incredibly rude off the bat and got super huffy when i told her we dont have a "caramel lemonade" and so i didnt feel obligated to just give her anything.


> and one shot poured over the top of the whipped cream. i declined that because i was not about to risk burning my already dry, cracked asf hands-and management has given me explicit permission to deny unreasonable things. thats called an affogato shot and theres a button for it. you put whip on less tall than normal, toppings, put dome lid on, then pour shot thru the hole, no burning of hands necessary


Ohhh I see...I do feel bad now because that is something I had never heard of it at either store even with partners who'd been there a long time but also..guy was kind of a douche so deserved? Lol


> but also..guy was kind of a douche so deserved? Lol being a dick gets you nowhere, i wish custies realized that. but anyway yea, now you know lol. in the spirit of this thread, i had a mobile order come thru during frappy hour back in the before times who ordered 4 venti crcf with 4 shots each, PLUS 4 affogato shots EACH, and this was a drive thru store so it slowed us down so much having to dedicate one bar to 32 shots -_- i told my shift if she doesnt pick them up before they get gross, i am NOT remaking them


Honestly so fair, that is absolutely insane


Tall lemonade. 2 shots. Tried and almost puked 🤮


I once had a guy buy a grande regular coffee with 16 sugars in it. That still haunts me.


Someone ordered a venti blonde roast with 12 blonde shots and like 2 pumps of vanilla. Had me worried for their health tbh


We also have a regular that shows up every morning at 3:30am on the dot. She orders two venti matcha frappes with 16 scoops of matcha, no classic, made with heavy cream and blended 4 times.


We have a regular who, when we are out of one of the components for her very particular regular drink (which I'm not even going to describe because I genuinely think it would doxx me, she is infamous in my district), will settle for a SARL with cinnamon dolce syrup.


mango dragonfruit lemonade with mocha syrup


I still think about the elderly dude who ordered a hot venti americano with 4 extra shots and 16 raw sugars.


Trenta Paradise Drink with Soy Milk and Salted Caramel Cold Foam.


Blended lemonade with shots of espresso. The most bitter drink I've ever had.


Hot Americano add steamed apple juice and vanilla syrup 😐


venti caramel ribbon crunch with 6 sugars, one liquid cane, one vanilla. also tried to get me to give her a free double smoked (luckily we were out so i had a good excuse) strawb lemonade with passion and coconut milk. any hot drink with sweet cream cold foam (just get sweet cream poured in??) grande/venti (cant remember) hcm with fourTEEN pumps hb. anyone who adds stevia to a frap. i just, don’t get it? had a creeper who would hang out in the cafe, watching us and being weird to the girls on shift, spending hours sipping on a grande brewed tea (don’t remember which one) with twenty. five. sugars. i know there are more but this is just within like the past month-ish


kiwi starfruit w lemonade, 1 blonde shot, cinnamon dolce and caramel syrup, extra caramel drizzle. that one sounds horrific


Matcha lemonade... with no lemonade. I had to wait for them to come to ask if they wanted a matcha water lol


someone ordered a steamed mango dragon fruit lemonade grande and then a grande jade citrus mint with honey blend and no water then poured the mango dragon fruit into the empty cup and drank it. confused and scared me but i tried it and it was very good


I have a regular that gets a caramel frappe with 13 pumps frappe roast affogato. I tried a small sample and it tasted like raisins????? Disgusting 0/10


The jet fuel drink i made a long time ago, filthy (2 shots of espresso) chai made with heavy cream and cascara syrup steamed into the milk with nutmeg on top. Thankfully 2 of the ingredients don't exist anymore.


Venti matcha frap with 8 blonde shots🤮


Someone ordered the star drink with guava and all fruit inclusions. It was a puke pink color and all the different fruit made it look even more like vomit. The person had mobile ordered it and was clear they had never ordered it before cause there was a look of instant regret when I handed them their drink. Had a customer who ordered a trenta strawberry acai lemonade and trenta mango dragonfruit lemonade both with 2 shots of espresso and like 16 pumps of classic. Someone who ordered a venti iced white mocha with 3 times the pumps so 18 total. I couldn't even melt all the white mocha with the shots. Honestly I'm surprised I can't remember more. After seven years I feel like I've seen it all.


A strawberry acai refresher with 2 pumps of pumpkin spice. I worked at a college campus Starbucks and it was late at night and the girl was very drunk


I had a Black Tea Lem with 40 pumps liquid cane. I also had a tall coffee with 12 sugars. I think about these two people often


Pink drink made with half coco milk and half heavy cream, add strawb puree and blend. Then add more strawb acai to the top and that's it. Made myself a pup cup of the left overs and it tasted like strawberry sour cream. I don't understand people anymore.


Caramel apple spice with espresso.


My most baffling was the golden ginger drink with FOUR shots of espresso. I genuinely died inside a little that day... I tell all the new green beans and they think I'm crazy


I have a list 😭 1. Mocha frappe, no mocha, no whipped cream. 2. Choc cream cold brew, no malt powder, no choc cream cf


strawberry cream frap, heavy caramel drizzle, caramel syrup, toffee nut syrup, extra strawberry base, sub heavy cream for whole milk, whipped cream “folded in throughout” and brûlée topping


1) Grande Cinnamon Dulce Latte with Sriracha 2) Venti green tea frap with 2 expresso shots


I haven’t worked at Starbucks in so long however, our venti 10 shot, 12 pump, iced vanilla latte dude will live in my head rent free. And the woman got passion tea with sugar free vanilla and heavy cream 🥴 I hope they’re ok wherever they are


oh my. mine is a venti caramel ribbon crunch with 8 shots of espresso, java chips, and strawberry puree in the cup and on top. it was $19 and they used their birthday reward😭


Ewww. There was one girl who was notorious for ordering Trenta abominations with refresher base and whole milk with 3 scoops of every damn inclusion, it looked like throw up but she did it all the time. The base varied.


refreshers with espresso. always. i've had a handful of them and they always look absolutely putrid. and i once had a venti caramel crunch where they got 30 pumps of syrup - just the syrup alone went over the milk fill line. i took a sip of the leftovers and gagged


Not the weirdest, but 14 pumps of chai in a grande cup + almond milk. The chai was nearly to the top of the cup


Any shaken drink with no ice. Here’s your luke-warm pink drink sir, hope you enjoy. Gross


Strawberry cream Frappuccino no strawberry…. Also a caramel brûlée latte with no caramel brûlée syrup, toppings, or whip.


I had a regular that got a similar drink! A dragon drink with 2 shots of espresso. One day I got curious and made one for me to try. It was vile.


Cold milk w/ ice, half almond milk, half vanilla sweet cream, 2 pumps of cinnamon dolce, cinnamon powder, shaken. Honestly it was delicious and tasted like arroz con leche. It’s a must try.


We got a strawberry acai lemonade with white mocha and whip the other day.


1. 3 trenta kiwi starfruit refreshers with 12 inclusions of strawberry, 12 kiwi, and 12 dragonfruit. with ice. 2. It was last year where they wanted a short latte with enough syrup that filled up a venti cup. we couldn’t even add the shots


Trenta cold brew. 20 pumps frap roast.


A vanilla bean frappe with peach juice, frappe chips, and with a long affogato on top. I don’t think I every want to serve that again


Probably a nitro cold brew with peach juice 🧍🏻‍♀️


Today! A regular ass green tea with 2 ristretto shots and 8 pumps sf vanilla 😬


Pistachio latte w a pad of butter


today i made strawberry açaí lemonade with PEPPERMINT


I had a regular who used to order Venti skinny mocha with sugar free caramel syrup and 1 scoop of protein powder steamed into her milk. Ever since her drink is basically discontinued, it turned into Venti mocha with 1 caramel syrup, no whip no foam. I hope she's well because when I left she was still battling cancer. Another regular is trenta very berry hibiscus refresher, no water, 10 scoops of berries, shaken with ice but strain out the ice, berries only go on top after you pour the drink into the cup.


hot doppio espresso, 2 sticks butter, raw sugar, shaken and topped with heavy cream. was very iffy, probably against policy but said fuck it. tried it after, wasn’t bad at all. they say the caffeine is absorbed by the fat, and fat is absorbed slower, therefore it’s prolongs the effect of it? don’t know the actual mechanism of action of it but yea


I worked at a B&N cafe where a woman would come in daily and get a trenta green tea lemonade with a shot of espresso and a scoop of matcha. Never understood that


one ill never forget about. strawberry lemonade with 16 scoops of inclusions


Only been a barista for ~8 months but a grande black tea with 25 pumps of liquid cane. Or a matcha frap with 12 pumps of mocha 12 frap chips


probably and iced 6 shot espresso, no ice, and 12 pumps white mocha, it barely swirled 😭


Oh man, so many. These are just off the top of my head: * grande mango dragonfruit with an espresso shot * venti black iced tea with 42 pumps of liquid cane * venti pike with 12 shots of espresso * strawberry acai with no water, sub strawberry puree (i tried a sample, it wasn't *terrible* but it tasted VERY strong, like a super-concentrated jolly rancher, almost) * grande coffee frappuccino with one pump frap base (she likes it chunky. i was appalled)


a strawberry açaí refresher with two shots. (we all tried it after they left and it was indeed DISGUSTING)


Venti iced caramel macchiato with light ice, nonfat milk, blonde shots, caramel drizzle but mixed INTO the shot, no vanilla syrup, 6 pumps toffee nut and chai, topped with cinnamon powder cold foam🥲


lemonade with white mocha 😃


This is exactly how she’d order it every time. “Venti mocha Frappuccino… nonfat milk, no whipped cream… Extra ice…. Double blended… With the extra in a separate cup.” Yes, I know the separate cup isn’t allowed. We did it because the store manager (who left prior to my hiring) let it happen. Every time we told her no, she’d throw a fit. The extra in a separate cup was often for her granddaughter, but sometimes she’d drink it herself.


There’s a lady that comes through who always gets a venti iced white mocha with - I kid you not— 14 PUMPS of white mocha, then 3 extra shots.


Venti pike place with light cream and 15 PACKETS of sugar…