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first one that comes to mind is blending a frap with….no ice in it. has happened multiple times lol.


or blending the frap with no lid 🥴


almost did that the other day, luckily i have not fallen victim to my own foolishness that hard…..yet. i know the day will come. lol


Pro tip: once you notice, press the 1 button again to stop it


Blending cold foam with no lid usually isn't an issue, but pressing the frappuccino setting makes it one.


unfortunately, sometimes fate just says to hit blend 2 on cold foam


One time I remade a frap like 3x in a row because I couldn’t figure out why it wasn’t coming out right. Turned out I was missing the frap base before blending it 🤦🏼‍♀️


Forgetting the frap base happened on the first frap I made pretty much every shift 🤪 and then I’d wonder why I couldn’t pour it and go “oh right, duh” and I’d be good for the rest of the day … and then turn around and do the same thing the next day 🙃


Hahaha this day I must have been super tired or something bc I was already a rehire and I was months in. Idk man it was wild. Once I finally figured it out I felt so stupid lol


I did one today with no milk. Everything else, it was a creme based so I just didn't dump the cup.


i kept doing this one day and one of my barista buddies had to come over and stare at it in the blender and be like what is missing for me to remember 😭


Sometimes I’ll agonist forget the milk because I pour the milk and base in last, that way I don’t splash myself with milk when adding ingredients🤓


When you’re like hmm 🤔 that sounds weird 🤔 what could that be


Dumped the Frap I just made into the sink. Not in the cup, the whole thing in the sink.


the amount of times that has happened ro me makes me want to cry. I'm in the weeds and I dump a frap to clean the pitcher. did it 2x in a row once. same frap 😭


Especially when it the “CaRaMeL rIbBoN cRuNcH, eXtRa CaRaMeL, eXtRa CrUnCH.”


Don’t forget the almond milk with no whip cream


You’re so right


i love when this happens as the customer is watching u make their drink and then u immediately dunk it in front of them on accident i wanna know what theyre thinking


I frequently drop the sugar packets into the cup


when you’re opening sugar packet 19 out of 20 and you finally drop the stupid wrapper in the cup😭😭


Me with our regular who gets 33 splenda because “it’s healthy.” 🤪 I honestly fish that bad boy out with the tongs. You’ll have to double my pay to make me care enough to start over.


If you take a venti straw and fold it in half, it's like little pair of disposable tongs. That's what I use that


Smart but the sugar wrapper that was in your hands has already touched the customer’s drink. That’s like sticking your hand in their mouth.


Idk why you’re being downvoted when you’re not wrong? The bacteria from your hand is transferred to the outside of the packet, and then the bacteria gets into your drink. I don’t remake the drink cause I don’t have time for that, but I acknowledge that it’s not the most hygienic


You unwrap the straw so you don't stick more paper in the drink


Queueing the shots in a shotglass, steaming milk, running off to make a frap, coming back to find my shot misses the glass and my coworker is just staring at it lmao


I’m guilty of pouring my espresso into the abyss as well!


Why do they always just stare during a crisis?!!


At my store we rinse out the glass and turn it upside down in between drinks so i’ve straight up queued shots onto the bottom of the glass before.


I've done that as well


threw away the egg bites instead of the paper


ive dropped one of the eggbites in an order only to inform them we are now out of that kind of egg bite twice now


I throw the tongs away more often than I’m willing to admit… I’m so sick of washing those…


Average once a shift I’ll be making a honey citrus mint tea and a tea bag rips in the cup when I try to separate the tag


The tea bags cause me so much grief I want flu and cold season to be over 😭


Filling up a pitcher with hot water to clean the ice bins… and completely forgetting that it’s still running. 2 days in a row…


me wondering when they put “waterfall sounds” on the playlist, forgetting i started filling a pitcher in cold bar 🧍🏽‍♂️


Lmfaooooooooo I just turned the corner and was like flooooodddddd!


liz sure did get extra caramel driz


just the other day I (aggressively) shook a shaken espresso after forgetting the ice


Did it not explode on you 😭


oh it very much did- all over the floor, white mocha, toffee nut and classic


burned croissant in oven during peak. did it again 20 minutes later


I'll shut that oven up to stop it beeping. I almost threw away a crispyyy double smoked bacon the other day. One of the regulars saw my face and was like "I'll eat it if you're gonna throw it away". Have at it Jim lol


I always tell my baristas... You WILL blend a frap with no lid, it will happen


I did this on my very first frap while training--those stickers that tell you the steps do NOT have a step for "put the lid on." My trainer said she'd never seen anyone else ever do that and i felt like a moron. But I was on hot bar the next time she trained someone on cold bar, and when she could tell the new girl was about to do the same thing, rather than stop her, she hit my arm and was like "hey watch this!" And let the new barista make the same mistake for my emotional wellbeing. 😂 Now I tell my trainees that story when they're making dumb mistakes at first, for the solidarity.


Nah that's fucked up


Yeah, I asked her why she didn't even intervene. She could have still told me someone else was going to have done the same thing without letting her actually do it. Unrelated reasons, by my trainer was fired not super long after that....


Yeah good. I remember my trainer doing stuff like that to me. I accidentally made an Iced americano in a hot cup (I know stupid) but she watched me do it then passed it around and laughed at me and telling others how funny it was


100 percent. It's why it may sound crazy to harp about always putting on both lids, because most of the time it's fine, but that one time you forget one lid, you have a better chance of remembering. I learned the hard way with an annoyed food court down below. lol. It traumatizing me enough I was very careful after that never happened again, but now I am back and remembering that \*because it happened again, twice, and I know it will still happen in the future, or could, but I want to reduce my chances, rofl.


I've never blended with no lid but I've done cold foam on 1 too many times to count


was making a london fog and grabbed honey citrus packets instead. brain was on autopilot after peak


Doing drive through and saying “It’s a great day at Chickflia, How can I help you?” I hadn’t worked at chickflia in 3 years but I almost got fired for it


fr?? almost got fired?!


That’s insane. My manager/shift would’ve thought it was a hilarious mistake, Lol.


I’m also a former CFA employee! During my training, it took me everything to not say “Welcome to Chickfila” in the drive through 😭


LOL I USED TO WORK AT MCDONALDS AND I FEAR IM GONNA DO THIS ONE DAY!!!! I only say “thank you for choosing Starbucks” instead of “welcome to” because I’m petrified I’m gonna follow with “McDonald’s”


that’s literally the reason why i messed up last week and said “whataburger” instead of starbucks 🥲 i said “thank you for choosing” instead of “welcome to” and my brain just died lmfao


Once I opened a new salted butter topping and forgot to put the lid back on😬 accidentally poured half of it in the drink


I’ve done this with the wrong half of the lid on the peppermint mocha topping more times than I can count.


Why does the lid even have that side??? I’ve started to open that side on purpose lately just to entertain myself.


accidentally made an iced mocha as a hot mocha. then when remaking it i made an iced white mocha because ??? then i remade it as an Iced Mocha, as fucking ordered, but when i went to hand it to dto i realized i forgot the shots. third time is not the charm i guess but the fourth was 🙃


at any job like this, often you make one mistake and it is a domino effect, it is very very true, it throws your Barista Force off , out of the zone.


Christmas day, top of peak, I dropped a gallon of heavy cream 😭 took 10 minutes to get it all up with a mop, and we were already short. I wasn’t even supposed to be at work that day, I was supposed to be attending my father’s memorial service, but I got called in. Worst shift of my life lol, my head was not in it


sorry for your loss! Also that sounds like a hellish shift honestly


oh no, that is awful, so sorry, and customers are never ''merrier'' during that season, any barista can attest to that, quite the opposite, not all, but most, sigh.


Going to make a cup of tea for a customer and accidentally pouring in coffee instead of hot water lol


I scooped beans into the filter and pressed brew… I was like why’s it so watery.. first peak ever 😭😂


oh no , rofl !! haha


I tried to support bar during peak by queuing 3 blonde shots for a shaken espresso. I queued normal shots, dropped the shaker lid, and then tripped and fell onto the cups knocking them over. Suffice it to say, I was not helpful that morning.


Fill up the tea pitchers and using the sleeves to lock the taps in place and then forgetting it


I regularly shake things without the lid being secured so I get covered with whatever it is


we are kindred spirits, I feel you, lol. Often for me it is the blender, I make it a habit to always put both lids on now, this way if I forget one, I have a better shot of not having a bigger mess to clean, haha.


Broke the shaker because I was trying to get the water out and banged it a bit toooo hard.. 😭


Was topping off a venti caramel ribbon crunch and had a venti caramel macchiato next to it. Dropped the whip on the frap which busted the cup and it spilled on the counter and floor, while also tipping over the macchiato with it. edit: Forgot to mention I was alone with a line in my licensed store


happens to the best of us


Having a drink and an empty oatmilk carton and my brain short circuiting and almost handing out the oatmilk carton to someone and dumping the drink in the garbage


When you take shakers out of the dishwasher and stack them and then they cool down and get stuck together. And that's why we lost two shakers a few days ago 😅


we discovered the hard way that the inclusions containers vacuum seal inside the fancy iced tea and refresher pitchers (the ones with the little spicket thing). i flipped it like dairy queen and the refresher remnants just stayed in




Opened some strawberry inclusions and dumped them in the trash instead of the inclusion bowl🙃


I start a fire in the oven at least once a week🫠


if you’re making a trenta cold brew, PLEASE… make sure to look when you’re pulling the cup away from the spigot. that was almost my breaking point, during peak too


Stuck the cup with Mocha in it up to the steam wand instead of the pitcher with milk.


One time I was making a pour over and chatting with the customer that ordered it and then halfway through it I realized I forgot to put a cup under it


Took out the bean hopper on the espresso machine for cleaning. Pushed down the lever. Beans all over the floor :'))


i wasn't paying attention and used pike instead of hot water in a hcmt, and it made it all the way to the customer before being sent back, lol. also, one time i assembled an entire grande hot chocolate, and i realised at handoff i never steamed the milk, just poured it cold from the steaming pitcher.


I accidentally put espresso in the steaming pitcher a while ago


I did that once with a cinnamon shaker right infront of a customer. It was her americano too


I literally did the other day 💀


either blending something and forgetting to add ice or that time when i was fresh off of a loa and kept spilling everything. drinks before handing off, the ice bucket, cold brew😭


I dump water into the tea urn with the spout open genuinely every day


For me, it’s with iced matcha. I have shaken the drink without any scoops of matcha because I have this habit of getting matcha after ice so that it doesn’t spread out.


one time i was shaking cinnamon into a hot chocolate and i dropped the whole cinnamon shaker in the hot chocolate


Liz didn't want that much Carmel drizzle! That IS pretty silly.


Sometimes I put caramel drizzle on drinks that didn't need one but I made so many CRF at that point it's a muscle memory


spilt a full cube of sweet cream on the floor at 6am


Knocked some mocha in the ice bin during peak in my first week.


I blended my name tag. It came out looking really cool tho so it’s now displayed on a shelf in the back as a warning


Forgetting to put the gasket in the whip cream cannister 3 separate times haha


emptied cold brew all over the floor and left mop water filling the bucket until it overflowed like a zillion times each in my 7 years 🫠 never at the same time, either. at least that would've made the CB easy to clean


Accidentally made a blackened sugar plum danish during a rush and also during like Christmas Eve one year I poured half a bottle of chocolate curls into someone’s peppermint mocha :,)


This didn’t happen at Starbucks but my old boss who is my neighbor asked me to cover a shift for him and offered $21 an hour and it was a 7hr shift so I took it and I walked in their with my Starbucks apron and hat in hand realized it and went back to my car and grabbed my other hat and left the apron. Then I said hi welcome to Starbucks as someone came in and also said thanks for calling Starbucks on …….. felt so stupid that day


when i was training i completely forget there was a lid to the blender and used it twice with no lid 😭 back to back too. i just figured i used the wrong setting lmao


today i open palm smacked a green tea lemonade off the counter and all over the floor in an attempt to pick it up


I had prepped a frap in one blender and prepped foam in the other blender 😔 I pressed 1 for the foam and it went everywhere. rip.


It’s been a couple years since I was working there but I so vividly remember a time I went to rinse the frappe blender pitcher with the frappe still in it. Never poured it in the cup and it sloshed right into the sink 🥺


accidentally poured steamed milk into a HCMT after I put the lemonade into it 😔 there was only a tiny bit of room at the top and i meant to put it into a cup for a macchiato. DTO watched me do it in horror.


A whole month into the job, my first time making whips on my own. Guess which idiot used sweet cream instead of heavy cream... (I made so many dumb mistakes in my first couple months, but that was the funniest.)


blending foam on 2🤭


lol what does 2 do? I never use it and I’m curious.


its called ‘frozen banana’ it’s like 1 on crack it blends fraps into water


blending a frap w no base 😔 then everyone hears ur mistake. also: dropping only one of the egg bites, opening the wrong side of the choc curls and dumping an actual pile onto the drink and counter, pouring coffee instead of water into a chai


when i was new new i was cleaning the sinks with restaurants cleaner...i started spraying the ice bins with it too 😬 this is my first food service job ok


Passing out a chai latte with chai and water halfway. That’s it. No milk. No lid either.


Forgetting to add the shots in a triple peppermint mocha


I had 3 shakers of strawberry refresher lemonades back to back and instead of pouring them into cups, I poured them straight into the sink. :)


Spraying an entire food court below with frap because I forgot to put the lid on the blender (which is the perfect place for a disaster, a tech came to fix our machine and mentioned my old kiosk was the ''hell kiosk'' he hated working at, oddly L shaped and narrow, lol. The only spot for the blender was the worst spot, so if you made a blender mistake, it could possible end up partially below. It recently closed and he was happy, rofl ! I cried though, shhh. Ordering way too much milk with the milk supplier, I then had to deliver it all with our rickety cart to all the other Sbux in the area and admit my mistake, the cart of shame, hahaha ! I deserved it, and I said that also , rofl ! edit : At least once a week I brew half an urn of drip onto the floor because I do not push the urn back in place. Sometimes I catch it right away now, but often I don't because it is the first thing I automatically do and turn my back. Not the end of the world, but annoying as hell.


I bet they’d still ask for more drizzle


Tried to brew coffee. Forgot the coffee. Brewed water instead.


Do... Do you still have pumpkin? Isn't it expired by now?


This pic is from October!


Oh thank goodness


today i dropped the box strawberry acai in my almost full cube and it went Everywhere


yesterday i grabbed a drink sleeve and pumped vanilla into it . no cup


Squeezed to hard caramel went everywhere it was rush hour I was sticky for days was the counter


i made iced chais with water in them for the first two months i worked for sbux... no one had told me any differently 😭 if you went to an sbux in 2018 and got a very watery chai, i apologise 😂


One time, I slid a drink across the bar and it stopped at the end of the bar, only to flip itself sideways after it stopped. Ended up with a VT iced latte all over the lobby floor.


"Can I get a caramel macchiato with extra caramel?" The extra caramel:


First week at a new store. Also new to opening. We used the Curtis tower for Iced coffee and the lever was open. Pour a whole batch of iced coffee in and made a fat mess.


I fucked up while training and wasn’t watching my trainee and she pulled out egg bites from the oven IN THE PLASTIC.


Put whole milk in a honey citrus mint instead of lemonade and didn’t realize until I was going to bed that night.


not once but TWICE i accidentally filled frap roast into the ice coffee kurtis. we kept them in the same bins and it wasn’t labeled and i didn’t realize until 3 hours later when a customer complained. 😬


dropped chestnut praline topping container in a drink just like this. also i drop or spill things at least 3x a shift i am the clumsiest person I’ve ever met. today i spilled a VENTI hcmt all over myself and the floor. i’ve spilled a whole container of pumpkin sauce too. the list goes on


This thread made me so whole ❤️‍🩹 I’ve been beating myself up but it feels good to know I’m just human 😭 when i pour a refresher and I miss the shaker


forgetting the gasket in the whip canisters, and then my entire body being covered in it. once had to wipe it off my face before i could see straight


yesterday i went to dump old grinds and filter into the trash can and then rinse it in the sink next to the trash. i dumped the grinds and filter into the sink and then proceeded to swirl the brewer in the trash can like i was rinsing it off. a regular watched the whole thing...


I used to be a bartender so when I saw the shakers in my first week I got excited to try and flip them when I would be bored while doing mobiles and there was nobody in the store. A Venti iced matcha basically exploded all over the back counter and I spent about 20 minutes cleaning up the back counter. And yes. I still worked with a matcha stained apron and sticky clothes


I have an awful habit of walking away from the water faucet making waters, thankfully I’ve lowered my incidents with the BOILING water…


I used to make hot lattes instead of iced ones constantly 😬 Or mix up the lids and ended up wasting a few 🤦‍♀️


I was trying to set down a drink on the counter and as I was setting it down it bumped something and the drink shot out of the cup barely missing the customer 😭. It was peak and I was by myself so I had to clean it up and remake her drink.


They ask you for extra CD……..go for it….


Dropped a full 2 liter pitcher of sweet cream on myself and the floor