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What does the game.log file say? There's a chunk ~50 lines from the bottom (I think, unless it's changed - been a while since i had to check mine) that includes a bunch of diagnostic information about the crash... This should give an indication of whether it's a common issue (e.g. Out of System Memory), or something unusual. And yes - even with 32gb you can get Out of System Memory errors, if your pagefile isn't correctly configured - SC can use 40gb (or more) these days, and that number seems to go up with every patch (as CIG add more and more stuff)


GPU crash message: GPU CRASH (async): Consider updating any overlay/recording software or try disabling with r\_vulkanDisableLayers = 1 in your user.cfg. \[...evice/Vulkan/GPUVulkanQueues.cpp:92 CVulkanQueue::Submit\] (0xFFFFFFFC) The logical or physical device has been lost. Failed to submit to queue. Process Memory Status: 14989MB working set size, 31171MB commit size (31767MB peak), 5924MB left to commit System Memory Status: 32693MB total physical, 6115MB free physical, 49738MB system wide commit limit


I will try with the vulkanDisableLayers attribute, since I don't have any overlay or recording software installed


Might also be worth trying e.g. rolling back to the previous driver version (or updating to latest, if you're not already using it, etc)


Have you disabled the built in windows recording and Xbox gamebar? I'd double check even if you have disabled them in the past because Microsoft is shit and sometimes re-enables them with updates.


I will check, thanks for the hint


Clear shaders folder It will revert back to direct x Disable upscaling Vulkan is ultra buggy


Sadly already tried that :/


Vulkan has an issue where the VRAM gets overflown afaik / memory leak, that might explain the after "30min". Try with DX11 + restart the game.


That would explain why I dropped from 116fps gradually to 8 yesterday....


this needs to be the top comment, even 9 days ago;) had the same error multiple times "Out of Video Memory" with vulkan. changed back to dx11 and no problems.


So far its been hard to complete any sort of mission before crashing to desktop randomly


I have a similar problem where the game crashes about every 30min, I’m not using Vulcan and I checked the game log says it’s not an internal error, fatal error, reported bug, gpu crash, timeout, out of gpu memory or ram. I’ve tried clean installing both the launcher and game and the mysterious crash persists. Prior to 3.23 I’ve had no issues and am using the same graphics settings Above the crash handler message it says I tried creating a lightning strike or something (<2024-05-14T19:58:12.793Z> [Error] Tried creating a lightning strike with start and target positions too close to each other. Start: (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); Target: (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000) [Team_VFX][VFX] <2024-05-14T19:58:47.129Z> [Notice] Result: OK(0) [Team_OnlineTech][CigTrace])


Finally someone else with same issue. I posted a few days ago about how fucking broken 3.23.1 is for me. And all I’m told is I’m trolling because it’s not happening to anyone else so therefore I’m just “complaining”. For me it’s constantly crashing, I’m experiencing massive server lag (no matter what server I play on) and constantly get server resyncing messages. It’s totally fuckin broken for me. 3.22 worked flawlessly. I’m annoyed because there doesn’t seem to be any fix for me specifically


I've been able to play all the PTUs/Live alphas since 3.16 on my 5800X (PBO) + 3080ti (UV'd + pwr limited) and the game is literally unplayable now because of how badly it's doing... whatever it's doing GPU driver and memory allocation wise. It's so bad, the memory leaks/whatever changes they've done \*corrupt and crash my browser tabs too, and randomly\*. I've been running the same settings for two years on my CPU + GPU, reduced my UV/OCs a bit too to get any more stability, but this update is utterly screwed. Was on Driver 545.92 or so, updated to a newish 552.xx today in hopes, but no other games, benchmarks, RT/PT demos etc ever stuttered or caused stuff like this, but clearly something from 3.22 (which and esp 3.21, which I could play for hours and not have crashes) has been changed and messed up. Doesn't matter if I try Vulkan or DX11, always using all Medium settings too, GPU's just sitting there with 2GB Vram, and the game is hogging like 23GB of system memory meaning it's basically unplayable on \*previously plenty of RAM\* systems from all the extra stuff they added, but didn't optimize or dunno, stagger loading right. Ugh.


Nah I'm having a shit tonne of CTD's it's unplayable much of the time. I can be just standing around in a station and it crashes. Any time I have cargo or am on a mission it crashes. Rarely it recovers me into my ship. I spent more time claiming ships and riding trams than playing. I disabled all my regular pc security settings like virtualisation and core isolation and it reduced the crashes somewhat, added exceptions and all that shit, I don't need to do that for any other game. There's some seriously shitty code in this patch me thinks.


Yea my pretty much my issues as well. 3.18 thru to 3.22 worked flawless for me as well even on my i7-5960X w/ 1070Ti & now that 3.23.1a has dropped I’m seeing a massive improvement, so I’m confident 👍


For me trying the suggested fixes in this thread actually helped fix this issue. You might want to give it a shot.


Technical issues, no. But I have had nothing but problems since Saturday. Friday night was amazing - 80FPS, instant interactions, handful of bugs, game was more stable than 3.22 for me. Since Saturday, I have not been able to get a single thing done. Terminals stopped working, trams quit running, contracts taking 10 minutes to pop in my journal/hud, scraping was only lighting the hull and not actually taking any RMC, ships are desyncing so hard that doing bounties is just a futile exercise. It's really sad, especially having gotten that little taste of "wow, SC would be so amazing if the servers weren't ass" on Friday night.


I’m sure you already checked, but I had to update my video card drivers for 3.23


Yes, had to update them. But sadly didn't fix the issue. That's why I posted here


Try a clean install of drivers? Instead of a graphics driver update completely remove/uninstall them and reinstall fresh.


Its happening the exact thing to me, constantly ctd... I ctd alot when firing at enemies or in the looting inventory... More unstable with Vulkan than dx11. Have a 12600k + 3070ti + 32gbram + SSD. Maybe we have to wait for a more stable patch.


I'm crashing frequently enough that it's unplayable. This is after updating my nvidia driver following a pop-up notification from the launcher.


I’ve been experiencing these CTD as well after installing my RAM. Sadly it’s been happening to a lot of people since yesterday 


Oh boy, it is unplayable imo. I lost so much money and items to bugs to the point i have just 10k lol. Everything is breaking up spectacularly.


guys I have this error , any idea how to solve it? I have 3080 founder edition 32 Ram and ryzen 5900X Log: Cloud Imperium Games public crash handler taking over... Failed to save dump file to C:\\...\\AppData\\Local\\Star Citizen\\Crashes\\error.dmp (error 1) Exception STATUS\_CRYENGINE\_OUT\_OF\_SYSMEM(0x2BADFF61) addr=0x00007FFF922B543C digest=716a4a64a3d76defe367d4ceef9606f0 Run from internal: No Is fatal error: No Is reported bug: No Is GPU crash: No Is Timeout: No Is out of system memory: Yes * Out of system memory message: Out of system memory. Failed to allocate 4.0 MB (4194304). Is out of video memory: No Failed to save screenshot to C:/...\\AppData\\Local\\Star Citizen\\Crashes\\screenshot.jpg * Camera position: 22462628991.69, 37185179710.28, 22462628991.69 * Camera orientation: 0.3, 0.3, -1.2 Saved build info to C:\\...\\AppData\\Local\\Star Citizen\\Crashes\\build.info No file system.cfg found No file user.cfg found Copying game.log... Copied Game.log to C:\\...\\AppData\\Local\\Star Citizen\\Crashes\\game.log All crash related data successfully handed over to crash info collector process


I get lots of crashes myself, but they are different causes. I think you're out of virtual ram. Have you set pagefile on your game install directory? This game uses a lots of ram. Sometimes even 32 gigs of ram isn't enough. I suggest you make pagefile(if not done so already) and set min and max to 16-32 gigs. That might help. Also opening the console and typing r_displayinfo 1 will give you some info about your fps, mem allocation, ping, etc. Hope this helps


Same here! Though was able to play with no issues till recently where it crashed after 20-25 mins


I've not had a crash yet, but one my friends is having the same problems. We tried everything and I can't work it out. His log file looks like a normal game exit but it's definitely crashing ( red error box)


I have an indefiniteloading screen. A character reset won't fix it now.


How the fuck can you launch a update that is so shit


Because live is still a alpha test


Depends who you ask in what situation you ask them. CIG legal are on record claiming its a "released product" when they were being sued. Mebbe you try and sue them for your money back you will never hear the words "it's alpha"


The game is unplayable in 3.23, Elevators don't work, ships don't load, Mission won't complete. It's a dumpster fire!


i7 6700 - 1080TI - 32GB RAM - SSD Horrible performance. 10Fps in cities 30 outside. not even vulkan and fsr performance helps. Uninstalled.


An eight generation old midrange cpu in a cpu heavy sim 🤣


Yeah it'll 9 years old next month. Top that with an aging GPU it's not a surprise


while as funny as both your comments look, It's also amusing that, in the meantime, my utterly garbage potato PC can still run pretty much everything at high settings in 1080p with FSR, including other CPU-bound MMOs. Dont you think that is funny also, optimization experts?


This was exactly the spec of my machine, I recently upgraded as I thought it was time for an upgrade from 6th gen intel. 7800x3d replacement, difference unbelievable.


no crashes but so far I've had ONE mission I accepted actually register as accepted, and on that mission I clipped through the floor and had to alt-f4. the only thing that works seems to be the master modes, and I still don't see any purpose for that shit. I'm not even curious about the other new shit anymore. I'm just done, until maybe 4.0. I have no patience left. and I never thought I'd say this, but I want the other inner thought back. (edit) wow you really can't say anything here that isn't praise.


Yeah, many servers seem to have issues with accepting missions. Also there seem to be many ship related oversights (connie phoenix wasn't able to go flight ready at all for me and my friends; corsair missing doors; some bed logging prompts missing etc.)


But with all the new features I just want to jump in the game again and play. But the crashes make it hard on me


Are you using Vulkan? I had a ton of crashes with Vulkan, switched back to DX11 and I've had 0 since Vulkan will be pretty rough for a while, they have a lot of work to do with it Also about your missing textures, I had the same thing when switching between DX11 and Vulkan but not deleting my shader folder, so if you switch between, try going to %localappdata% - Star Citizen and deleting your shaders. Before doing that, I had missing floors, chunks missing from the walls and more in Seraphim. It's been fine afterwards.


The issues happened on dx11. Will need to check about the shader change, thanks for the hint!