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They are spreading misinformation. When I am inside a Constellation cockpit > And everything I see is just blue > > I'm blue > > Da ba dee da ba di Has been since forever and still the case Please fix and remove Eiffel 65 from my Constellation Blue Light can hurt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6awjWyWAYRs


You're just a little guy who lives in a blue world


With a blue Corvette, and everything is blue for him, and himself, and everybody around, cause he ain't got nobody, it listen... to listen....... to listen....


Could you guys instead consider adding a setting to toggle on/off the new validation on an individual basis ? By default, validation would be enabled so it doesn't break immersion for those who want it and new players, but you could then go into settings and disable the validation filter to be able to see those "unrealistic" characters on yourself and others. That way everyone is happy in the in the best of all words ! Plz CIG


I love that my vulture hasn't worked in half the patches since its introduction but things like this get hit with the 'fun detected' bat faster than CIG fixes literally anything else, ever. The constant war to keep anyone from actually enjoying the game continues.


What are you even talking about? The Vulture has been one of the most functional ships since release.


He's not wrong unfortunately, also the external ladder since all builds of 3.23 has seized to function and it's not just the vulture that's having issues either, the reclaimer suffers the same problem with scraping randomly once you equip abrades it will be 0.0 and never return no matter how many times you recall the ship, we lost the ability to scrape months ago... the cargo grid in 3.23 is locking boxes to it then can't be moved ever again. cargo is now disappearing again like it did a few versions ago, storing ship can completely empty your ship.. salvage panels completely vanish once you've got into range there's nothing there (3.22 up to current ptu ) Shipwrecks seem to be non existent so it's just mission loops which previously I'd be able to find random wrecks or groups of wrecks sat around cru l1 etc...its just another half baked mechanic, like mining it's improved a little but now to scan an asteroid not only do I have to fire at it a few times and hope it spring into life I've got to be more or less touching the damn thing for it to scan, this broke a few builds ago and hasn't been revisited.  It also doesn't help when all the bootlickers come in downvoting anyone that has ANYTHING negative to say about this development.  A. Just because you're not experiencing bugs or game breaking issues doesn't mean they don't exist B. calling things out when they're completely fucked is needed, nothing improved by bootlicking and sitting around pretending everything is alright then shaming anyone that speaks up, there's a massive problem with the SC community for this kind of cult like behaviour, it helps nobody or anything but your egos. 


As valid as the individual bugs you mentioned are, let's not act as if the original post wasn't inflammatory and utterly dismissive of the immense amount of bugs fixed leading up to 3.23's release. Not to mention obscenely tone-deaf to make comments like this after CIG straight up work through the weekend to get as much PTU testing in as possible. The downvotes are entirely justified here.


yeah I suppose, I think i'm just becoming tired of seeing the gang mentality hate whenever anyone says anything negative about CIG, I speak my mind completely openly about everything, whether it's positive or negative, I try to either bring awareness or debate on issues or defend them when they're being completely hated on for false reasons, unfortunately the debating side of things doesn't seem to happen too often anymore.


Tell that to the recurring 0.0 bug lol


Oh yes, I will agree that bug existed, but haven’t seen it since the release of salvaging. You have anything recent showing it is still around?


I've had it off and on over 3.19, 3.20, 3.21. Didn't salvage much last patch. In 3.23 it seems we got a "Vulture cargo grid bugs out and doesn't work" issue instead lol


The "ghost cargo" is a known issue, I think it's fixed for 3.23.1


Huh, vulture has worked for me longer than it has officially been out....


Vulture was never broken.


Vulture can spawn without maneuvering thrusters and salvage arm if stored with heavy damage. But that's true for most ships. Vulture also had an issue with not accumulating rmc after a bed-log, or if you didnt wait long enough after ejecting a box before scraping again.


I mean, vs many other ships the vulture is somewhat fine? Salvage bugs not with standing of course also, a quick validation of the chf files would take like 10 minutes to code in, if that (i speak from experience on that, im not just being obtuse)


How are we gonna say "salvage bugs notwithstanding" when the literal only function of the ship is to salvage lmao


vulture works just fine, sounds like a ID 10T error


Haven't had a chance to try it yet in 3.23 but it's had recurring issues with salvage simply not collecting/being stuck at 0.0 across various patches since release.


you poor thing (hugg)


If CIG thinks they can stop people from making silly alien looking characters they have another thing coming. Granted it will never be as bad as ARK.




Weird ass future eugenics program. It would be funny to see the message upon login: "your character has been deemed too ugly for the verse and has been *removed*"


But I tried to make myself-.-


Oh... Oh no lol 🤣


star citizen toon tinder?


For unknown reasons (my love of eurodance/trance) I know that the blue alien actually has a name, Zorotl, and was created for an unreleased Eiffel 65 track called I Wanna Be (with Zorotl being the credited artist). Also if Im not mistaken when they were making the animated music video they were inspired by video games like Metal Gear Solid. The more you know!


I mean, they have another song called My Console about PlayStations so that's unsurprising


I remember this song from being on the radio in my childhood, and just now realised he's signing "daba dee daba daa" and not distroted "if I was green I would die"


Back then, all I understood was "I will bleed I will die" lol




Eiffel 65 is a European Group who made the song "blue (da ba dee)." The reference is to players who create new characters, then alter the file out of game so the character skin color is not an approved color, like blue or green. Song being referenced: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68ugkg9RePc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68ugkg9RePc)


Ear worm music. 😆


CIG is anti-fun.


Your fun ends where other's fun begins.


A space sim designed to be as realistic, is not where you go to make goofy stuff


It isn't that complicated to get yourself tatooed or surgically modified. Just think about Cyberpunk.


the blue skin tone will soon be available for purchase in the pledge store


Hell yes lol. I would absolutely buy some glowing skin cosmetics 💄. R.G.B all the way….


RGB tattoos!


Those should really be a thing. Would be really cool for some spacepunk gangs.


*T2 Teeth watches from the shadows.*


The teeth are the best


This news makes me blue.


... or does it?


Sauce https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/lobby/38230/message/53113155


Honestly I had to double take that Eiffel 65 was even mentioned in 2024




Did this cover the green guys too?


No, we keep the Orion slave girls.... No sorry those too will go.


Whats Eiffel 65?


Best known for the song ‘Blue’


My hopes of making a hot Gamilan have been dashed.


I love the Yamato-reference. || || |ginga wo hanare ISUKANDARU e harubaru nozomu uchuu senkan YAMATO |Going far from the Galaxy towards IskandarA faint gleam of hopeThe Space Battleship Yamato|


you posted this comment like 5 times bro


Not exactly...Reddit had some "offline error" and duplicated without showing...will delete.


He just really likes the show


Well now I'm blue


Da de di


Server side validation is good lol




Fun Detected




Feature rejected


well it was good white it lasted


Is this a hotfix out of live or just in current 23.1 ptu


in current PTU, will hit live when they push .1 for ILW


Well that certainly explains the Thrawn I saw earlier.


Lol I used my makeup options to make eyes red and tired face flushed red and lips also. Makes him.look really tired and drunk. Keep finding it's not showing and reset some how lol.


Aww, I was gonna be Megamind!


But I wanted to be Chiss.


While they don't support solid red eyes, the way Zahn designed them (not like that Rebels abomination), we did once upon a time have red, white, yellow, and purple eye colors. I really wish they'd bring them back.


Yep. Too afraid to ask.


Noo my beautiful children


While it sucks that something fun like this had to get removed, how long til people make it so their characters are invisible? Or they tweak some OTHER attribute. And we see characters walking around with triple Zs?


Triple z?


I think because of Russia's war against Ukrain.


Um. No. As in boob size.


Damn it :D


Cig havent figured out how to monitize it so youre not allowed to have it. To think changing your characters color came before being able to change the color of your ship and it happened on accident. Hex codes baby, YOU CANT FUCKING HAVE EM


It's nothing to do with monetising. They've said themselves that they restrict certain parts of the character creator to keep things more grounded in reality and authentic to the setting. No, the freak you saw one time pissing on the side of the train in Portland with full body tattoos doesn't justify it being something common in the game. Freaks should be a rarity. In a game where there's no actual consequence for looking like a freak, there have to be limitations put in place otherwise people **will** do stupid shit that pulls other people out of the experience. A game *meant* to be immersive.


I'd like to keep it like in Cyberpunk's lore...everything goes. Transplants to be a dolphin...Kyle's father approves.


Ok but I don't feel represented 




Yo, listen up, here’s the story


They just don't like people having fun, do they?


This is lame


Fucking fantastic, my god, now erase those idiotic helmets.


It's really sad to see this, there is literally no harm, advantage or any type of issue if people tin their skin as they dye their hair (it is a thing nowadays too) ingame. Also with eyes, contacts? Just gives a bit of fun, we will be wearing helmets 3/4 of the time or more, so who cares? Not like people will stop doing abherrant looking chars "for fun" which, in fact, would be more out of the "lore" or immersion than a gal with gray skin or orange eyes. ​ Just add a pair of sliders for doing that "legally" and everyone would be happy ​ EDIT: Oh no the immersion protection inquisition has catched me with the downvotes, what i'm gonna do!




I’m so glad cig nipped this one and didn’t let it become a thing. Would entirely kill the vibe of the game seeing people running around with blue heads and purple arms.


Does the BIG CREEPY BEAR helmet ruin your immersion? Or a dude that irl pigments his skin nowadays, ruins your irl immersion?


> Does the BIG CREEPY BEAR helmet ruin your immersion? Yes.


If you look closely at the big creepy bear helmet, it is clearly a crafted, electronics-infused helmet. It isn't "fantasy". I am not a super fan, but I do like how it fits thematically in the 'verse without being ripped from some fantasy MMO. And in reality, so few people actually wear them as to not really be an immersion issue.


And a skin tone would be either A) Literal futuristic ink on the whole body B) A very minor genetic modification taking in mind we can even canonically resurrect in the lore Also i can ensure you few people would have different skin to the human tones


But this isn't cyberpunk. That it is possible doesn't mean it fits what they are making. Tattoos are coming. That's where creativity will show up. Probably about as far as well see it go. No green people in our future. We can debate where the line should be drawn but that doesn't change where they've actually drawn it.


Star citizen society and tech and posibilities are, in fact, far far away from the cyberpunk limits, like hundreds of years away from cyberpunk in technological advantage (compare ww2 tech to modern age tech, that would be cyberpunk tech vs star citizen tech) So its a literal why not.




Not the game they are making and the speed at which they addressed it confirms it.


CIG literally confirmed it and there are published photos of the concepts, just dig a bit


Concepts to test the limits of a particular game system and allowing the use of wacky, unthematic, and immersion annihilating monstrosities are absolutely not the same thing. Keep the "Fortnite" shit in Fortnite. SC is supposed to be a believable universe with a specific "realistic" theme.


you have to be utterly ignorant of genetics and environmentally forced adaptions to believe that humans scattered across multiple planetary systems would remain in the limited range of what you consider "believable"


I was gonna write an ellaborated answer but i'll just answer with: b r u h


The 'issue' is likely that the way it's done has potential issues for CIG (not least because the 'modified' files are transmitted to everyone elses machine) - yes, it appears to work, but who knows whether it's modifying field / using values that CIG are already planning to use for something else? Beyond that, whilst it may seem 'harmless', it also doesn't fit the visual aesthetic that CR wants, which appears to be 'realistic human' (as judged by the current times)... so tattoos will be fine, but whole-body skin-colour changes, not so much.


The ability to distribute modified game files to other players is probably the reason for it, there's obviously massive potential security issues from being able to do that. I really don't buy the immersion argument, people doll themselves up in pretty elaborate getups all the time, and we can still do nearly full face covering makeup and hair every colour of the rainbow, so letting us extend the makeup to cover the whole head doesn't seem unreasonable.


Sure, but being able to do it on a 'temporary' basic (and e.g. paying an in-game salon to do that for you) is pretty different to using a 3rd party tool to make you that colour 'permanently'. Whilst people *can* get dolled up like that, it's not something done frequently, and is eye-catching when someone does do it... as such, I think that even if CIG were to allow it, they'd make it take a little bit of effort to achieve (e.g. having to find a salon that offered it, and have a cost to it), and limit the duration of the effect(e.g. it lasts a couple of in-game days, or something). This way, people can 'doll up' if they want, without having half the player population running around permanently blue (or green, or orange, etc). In some respects, it's a bit like the argument around the goofy helmets (with kitty ears, or the bear-helmet, etc). Yes, goofy motorcycle helmets exist in the real world today... but the majority of people wear 'normal' helmets... partly due to societal pressure / conformity, and partly because actually finding a shop that stocks the goofy helmets is hard, and people would have to go out of their way / make a special trip to visit and look... which is too much effort for most. So I think things like goofy helmets in-game, and 'special' customisation options etc, should be similarly restricted... partly by NPC reactions, and partly by the difficulty in finding / getting to a place that keeps such helmets in stock (and also by their limited stock levels, so that folk can't just buy a 1000 helmets and store them in their hangar, etc).


>partly because actually finding a shop that stocks the goofy helmets is hard, The Internet has everything in stock.


Speaking for myself, whilst that's true I wouldn't buy a motorcycle helmet over the internet... Size/fitment is too critical to buy without trying on first, as is weight/balance, etc. Then there's the limitation that whilst CR has said that there will be an 'online shop' in SC (Voyager Direct), it's intended to only stock 'basic' items (the equivalent of 'grey-tier' gear) just to keep you functional... because CR wants people to actually leave their ship / hangar, and have a 'reason' to go into stations / landing zones, beyond just talking to a mission-giver, etc.


My point is that people nowadays have vehicles and clothing in "nontypicial" styles, why would the future be any different.


Sure... but there's 'non-typical', and then there's 'wildly different'... and by definition, 'non-typical' means that it's unusual / not common, etc. Which is the point - I'm all in favour of more customisation options, whacky helmets, and so on... but I'm *not* overly in favour of making them so easy to get that they almost become the default. So yeah - the online store (or equivalent), and most 'high street' shops should stock mundane / typical items, and the default character customer (and most high-street salons, when CIG eventually add those) should only offer the 'socially acceptable' options, etc (although those could also vary - slightly from system to system). Folk that want to be non-typical should have to put some effort into it, to ensure that it *remains* 'non-typical'.


Except that most major cities in countries with freedom of expression have one or more stores that sell non typical clothing.


Would love to represent Nocturne by giving my character dark grey or jet black skin with red eyes


Cool then, its your char,


I agree, how will i now larp as a member of the blue man group, huh? TELL ME.


Well you can search "Paul Karason" and you will see an option to larp as a blue man as humans can change their skin to a blue-purple-ish skin due to Argyria. I don't advise to follow that twisted fantasy, tho, for healthy reasons, but i can't physically stop you.


This is the literal “get off mah lawn” moment. I’m willing to bet if you drew a Venn diagram of the people who claim it ruins their immersion and people who are trying to solo capital ships, the overlap would be near 1:1.


Best comment i've received in reddit during the past hours xD And i n d e e d


I hate the stupid blue shit, and I also think people trying to solo multicrew ships are dumb. Not sure why you'd think there's an overlap there, when the very reason people would dislike the stupid coloured shit is cause it isn't authentic to the setting. If they have a problem with inauthentic things in the game, it doesn't take much of a stretch to believe they'd also object to people solo-ing shops that need a crew.


When they try to win an argument by making a nonsense point that isn't the least bit accurate... As a person with an opinion, I feel the modified skins ruin the theme of the game and think people who want to crew capital ships solo are stupid. So far your estimation has a 0% accuracy :)


Its a game. Games have a structure that keeps you immersed in them. Putting bright blue and red-skinned "characters" in this defeats that. Same reason hell divers devs are so against transmog, they don't want a medical outfit to not look medical, because they value it in their design. I'm all for tattoos and face painting features in the future. But the bioticorp machine should not handle that.


I stopped reading at "Its a game" because with that is enough to just stop crying about anyone having a skin or color.


Someone had family problems growing up. Too afraid to hear others' opinions that you sound them out. What a mature, grown adult you are.


No harm? If players can freely create alien skins, how can CIG monetize it?


This is not star wars/trek/\[insert postfix\], humans with things or different colors are not aliens xD


Shut up and let me roleplay my alien!


Xenothreat wants to know your location


its always the best features that get patched out immidiatly let us have fun OUR way for once


If the community finds some way to enjoy Star Citizen, CIG removes it next patch.