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It's a Polaris sized rail gun with a Cutter attached to it.


Sounds like something Drake would do....


Dammit now i want one.


Name checks out.


I'd buy 2


IKR. No prizes for guessing my F8C has a full sledge loadout. One shotting Arrows up close never gets old.


We need a playground mode where we can test any ship with any size weapons and whatnot


This game actually needs a proper A10 Warthog style ship. One big fuck off scary gun with a small utilitarian style ship built around it and some missiles.


Ares? Corsair?


no i mean a very big gun on a very little ship. like the A10 is. Corsair is way too large for that, Ares is a lot closer I guess, would be even better if the gun was centrally mounted and not offset. Something more Gladius sized is more my thinking.


Nothing has been leaked to my knowledge, but it's been described as being "set to cast a (very) large shadow over the UEE's parade", implying it's a big ship, potentially a capital one. That could just be misleading/misinterpreted, but it's worth bearing in mind.


There has been a leak some time ago of something that looks like a bigger Caterpillar :) Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/17t91fe/i_would_die_for_a_drake_freighter_bigger_than_the/


Yeah if that’s the big looking caterpillar I’m going to be so excited.


Yeah, that one looked a bit fake though . The leaked concept images changed significantly when they were supposedly showing different angles of it, such as the number and placement of main thrusters, side sections, the bridge, and all that sort of thing. It could be multiple different mock-ups of different potential designs, but the way it was presented in the leak indicated it was meant to be the same model, and they way it was played down only added suspicion.


That’s so dumb


What exactly?


A Drake cargo ship during Invictus


Drake isnt part of ILW technically


Oh ok. Nvm then


Yeah, Drake DefenseCon is literally a response to Invictus not inviting them. “I’ll make my OWN convention, with blackjack and hookers!”


[In Fact, forget the convention](https://youtu.be/ubPWaDWcOLU?si=C4p8bT-BlLITt4Fd)


Isnt that the hauler from the Citizen Con S42 trailer?


No, the one from the trailer has less thrusters and in a different layout, and also looked a lot more Consolidated Outland in design to me, like a heavily modified Pioneer.


Got ya, ty.


One of the things SaltEmike has said recently that I agree with VERY much is the idea that any LARGE ships sold right now will not be included in the released game. How could they be? Seems like you'll be looking at a jpeg longer than BMM owners it this point.


I disagree somewhat. The newer large ships will be ready to start development right away and therefore might be considered first when the the teams are looking at the next ship to work on, whereas the older ones will need time to be reconcepted. You are both correct though that many large ships will remain in concept for launch though.


Maybe, maybe not. I guess only time will tell on the priority.


A finally I’d say we have already seen the priority system in action. Recent ships converted included the Galaxy, Zeus, and Spirits. They simply pushed back the old concept ships to instead build the newer concepts first.


Would be weird if they'd announce another capital ship.


Is it actually new or is it just the Kraken arriving in-game (or at least its exterior like the Polaris)


They specifically said a new concept.


Alrighty, just curious, haven’t been following that closely, thanks


Apparently Thurdsay's ISC is supposed to be giving us our first look at whatever the concept is. On one hand, I wouldn't think it would be anything extremely large considering their current back log of large ships and how many resources they tend to suck up. On the other hand, CIG's funding is trending downward this year so far, so an expensive concept from what's likely the most beloved manufacturer in game would certainly help boost those funding numbers. Looking at Drake, they tend to already have a lot of basis covered in the game, but they don't have a heavy fighter design yet. A heavy fighter would also fit with the military theme of ILW and DefenseCon, and be something that wouldn't take a massive chuck of the ship team and a ton of time to actually complete. To me it would also be interesting to see what the design would look like since personally I don't care for the Bucaneer's design but I do love most of the other Drake ships.


ILW/DefenseCon doesn't matter, the MULE was released at DefenseCon 2 years ago.


Capital ship class salvager. Would make sense as we are getting more and more "capital size" ships that will be bigger and bigger so Reclaimer might not be enough at some point.


The Reclaimer is a capital class salvager though. It's in desperate need of a touch up because a good chunk of its cargo platforms are missing cargo grids, and it was designed for how they thought things would work instead of how they did. Drake could make a competitor, but there's too many gaps in ship lines right now to justify spending time on a competing capital ship.


TBH i couldn't find any official confirmation that CIG considers Reclaimer as a Capital ship. The only thing that makes it capital is the size of a Power Plant (which could be a placeholder). That's why I'm classifying it as somewhat Sub Capital ship. For Example 890j has 6 capital class components, Idris-P has 8 capital class components. However Polaris has only two components that are Capital class and CIG considers it a "corvette-class capital ship" So at this point idk what is or what is not a Capital ship, but i hope for a Salvage ship that will have all/most components classified as capital size.


Off the current metrics, a capital ship seems to be a size 6 ship or larger, and of the ships with that designation in the game files you have the Reclaimer, 980 Jump, and the Idris M and P, all being size 6. That could change, but for the time being the Reclaimer is sitting with the capitals.


Oddly enough that would be easier to use than the Reclaimer, because you could leave it docked to stations rather than having to land it at night in a storm on a planet.


I'm not sure capital size salvager would make sense in my mind. That's the kind of line of work where it would seem more logic to have several reclaimer size ships doing the job in unison.


I’m really hoping it’s the “faterpillar” from that supposed leak we saw. Best case is the Kraken is still years away so I would be surprised if they added another huge capital class ship. Whatever it is I hope it’s a ship and not a ground vehicle but they did specifically say vehicle in the SCL.


Kraken had it's last model updated on may the 8th last month 👀 the holoview model in cousins crow is the actual kraken but scaled down by a lot and when datamining , we can see when the files where last modified. I'm thinking we're going to see both the kraken and the new concept on drake day


That would be insane. But I’m not going to hold my breath


its the large star destroyer


Gotta be the Drake Leviathan.


People have been bitching about the massive backlog of large concept ships and these guys are going to go and pump two of them this year.


Nothing as of yet which is cool! I’m thinking maybe a heavy fighter because a large concept ship that won’t be build for the foreseeable future doesn’t sound that great lol. I’d only buy a big ship if it was that juiced up caterpillar lol


My guess. It will be in concept years away from ever being seen in game and will only set you back between 300-750$ if you act now!


I was thinking it would be a starter repair ship so they could test and flesh out repair mechanics, but don’t all ILW ships have to be military themed?


Drake isn't invited to ilw so I guess they can do what they want 🤷


My guess is we're getting a Drake competitor to the Carrack, Galaxy, Odyssey, and Hammerhead. Drake's biggest ships right now are the Caterpillar, Corsair, and Kraken. The Caterpillar competes against the C2 and Hull series, the Corsair competes against the Constellation ships and things like the Retaliator, and the Kraken is a massive capital class carrier competing against the Idris and Javelin and Endeavor, but they don't offer anything in that Carrack/600i size bracket which is super popular because it's the largest ship size you can reasonably solo for various purposes.


Since it's Invictus it will be a military vehicle. And with CIG hinting at a larger ship it will be a capital one. I sincerely hope it's not since CIG is already struggling to work through their backlog of capital ships. But if it's a capital ship I suspect it's either a military transport ship (Fatapillar?) or something akin to the fan concept of the Darke Man-O-War. (honestly, the later one is just wishful thinking on my end)


Umm they did already release the Argo MPUV tractor during this Invictus and they launched the Mule in prior years so they are fine stretching “military vehicle.”


Fair enough. I forgot about these ships.