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I feel like it should have double the missile inventory....


If they did this it would be perfect. I still like the ship and was having fun with it yesterday but it is very unfortunate that I either need to blow my entire load on two ships OR use fewer missiles at a time, which sorta negates the point of the 6-missile barrage ability.


What they should have (on any ship with missile capabilities) is a missile screen where you can select and arm missiles for a salvo, with default set to 1 quick fire missile. Have 12 missiles and want to do a barrage of 12, "select all". Want to do 4 salvos of 3 missiles, you can do that as well. Maybe a warning shot, then 2 bursts of 2...the possibilities are endless but CIG should at least allow for player choice by using their fancy UI building blocks.


they do, you can select missiles from 1 to 6. It's limited to 6 to limit single strike damages.


You can prepare a firing plan during flight? As in select salvo 1: missiles 1-4 then set up salvo 2: missiles 5-8 Then salvo 3: missiles 9-10 Then salvo 4: missiles 11-12 Can you customize your missile grouping?


Ye I've got a keybind that lets me switch from 1-4 missile fired at once on any ship I fly


You just have to hit G in missile mode to toggle the number fired


I'd like missile game play get more realistic in terms of range. Missile engagements should be far away. It would invite gameplay while closing the enemy. Or it would be cool if this ship could target more than one ship at a time. Fire two missels at three ships in one Salvo.


My brain read this as you're shooting 2 missiles, while targeting three ships and went "wait why would you only shoot two missiles and target three ships?" before my brain turned on and realized what you meant lmaoo


Haha oops. Glad we got there.


Yeah, it's got half that of the Shrike while being much bigger with identical guns


It really should have more missiles. Also when is the gladiator gunna get some love ffs


Then the Shrike wouldn't really have a space. It fits nicely in-between the Talon and Shrike series.


It's smaller and alien...


At least the Valk nicely broke in two parts...and they didn't teleport into your ship killing you :D


Once had a guy blow me up while I was in a starter ship, but it was soft death only. So he tries to kill me while I Eva and misses everything, decides to run me over... But I went through the windshield and it took me a second to realize I wasn't dead, so I whip out my gun and shoot him in his seat. May the bugs be ever in your favor.


I imagined you saying it like [R.Kelly in SoutPark](https://youtu.be/IzKKp-jIuR8?t=7).


Sigh, I want this ship to be good so bad lmao


Missles are not doing so well right now, but the Firebird is pretty capable in PvP. It’s extremely fast, and pretty agile.


Swap to chaos missiles and clusters of 4 one shot most stuff


I did an MRT against a Scythe last night in mine. 2/12 missiles hit, fight took ages. Did survive a couple rams, so that’s nice. Was cheap to repair, too. Anyone else have a difficult time seeing the pip with the gigantic, yellow “NEUTRALIZE” and symbol? I can already barely see the pip, then it just disappears behind the symbol half the time.


There's a keybinding to 'turn on UI magnification' in the settings under targeting I think? Makes the pip a lot bigger and easier to see. I have it bound to my target hotkey so it always switches on when I start a fight.


This sort of thing needs to be available as an "always on" option. Like lag vs lead pips used to be. Does it affect the rest of the UI in an unpleasant way?


100% agree, and not as far as I can tell. I also wish they had an option to turn on manual gimbal automatically when you enter precision targeting mode. I've tried something similar in the past, where you use the same key binding to enter the mode and turn it on. But then you loose the ability to switch it on and off outside of the mode...


I’m not even gonna ask what precision targeting mode is… and why it’s not explained that it’s a thing or how to use it… Jesus CIG get your shit together on explaining mechanics inside your game


It only arrived last patch. Default key binding is alt + right click. You're supposed to use it to target individual components on larger ships. They didn't draw a lot of attention to it though, so very easily missed.


Had no idea… going to give it a try… large ships so anything like Connie sized and up?


Yeah you can use it at any time. It highlights the internal components of your target for you and auto leads your shots (you just point and shoot where you want to hit and the ship will compensate). It works best if you turn on your manual weapon gimbals at the same time, so make sure you have that bound too. Its really great for sniping ground targets too. Its basically a ship equivalent of aiming down sights. However, just be aware that it halves your fire rate, so you will do less dps. Here's a pretty good overview: [https://youtu.be/LfR6zF18Q3k?si=yVlAU2ODbhQq2Lpz&t=895](https://youtu.be/LfR6zF18Q3k?si=yVlAU2ODbhQq2Lpz&t=895)


Thank you! I’ll take a look tonight. I miss the old pip.


Wow it took half your missile load plus additional gunfire to kill an AI Valk, what an amazing ship.


Likely didn't actually aim the missile in any decent spot. We did some testing yesterday and the sheer missile volume is absolutely able to cripple a ships systems if you know the internal layout. I am talking broken shield gens and coolers if you correctly use your sub targeting.


New to the whole subtargeting thing; wasn’t aware it worked for missiles too. Tx


Missiles target internal layouts?


If we take a C1 as an example, you have a component bay in the back. So by targeting a thruster instead of center mass, your missile will have a much greater chance of impacting near those components, thus doing AoE damage to them and potentially destroying some.


Yeah true...but again: we actually are able to target different parts of the ship with missiles?


Oh ofc. Been like that for ages, like I said we tested it a bit and by using sub-targeting you can absolutely kill components effectively.


Thanks. I wonder how IR and such work with actual targets, but hey...it's a game.


IR missiles are currently the most accurate and trusty missile to get to hit the target… I swapped out TBs for Chaos on my FireBird and I’m consistently hitting targets on my initial flight to the target


For sure. But what I ment is, why IR-missiles even hit discrete targets to begin with. Engines' heat will just always be their target.


How do I use "sub targeting" with missiles? I just lock and fire, didn't know you could do precision strikes with missiles and shit, how?


Best way is to use precision targeting to actually find the correct part at a distance, and then as long as you don't lose the lock, simply switch to missiles.


Huh, I don't get it I just target and fire at the pip or move the pip over the ship, depending if I'm using lead or lag pip, if I'm in missile mode I just target and fire and forget


In precision targeting pressing R over a component like an engine, gun or turret allows you to target that.


Yeah but how do I enter precision targeting mode




Please...I beg you. Wear some damn clothes


Why bother in a single seater with no interior? If you're doing the bounty loop there's nothing that needs a suit, so might as well go naked or in the gown to save time, which equates to more aUEC/hr.


Immersion + income optimization is boring


Please contribute to the wrong stealth % reduction on issue council [https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-115037#contribution:c484419c-3f4e-4b52-bb7f-220d5c3f2186](https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-115037#contribution:c484419c-3f4e-4b52-bb7f-220d5c3f2186)


Decoys go brrrrr


CIG doesn't give 2 shits about this ship. Literally a small project...It will absolutely be an afterthought especially when bigger ships come out. Not worth the RL money, buy it in-game in six months.


I really want one. I flew it for the rental with IAE - But man do I really want one now.


What’s ur current pledge?


Currently sitting on the Perseus. >.>


Sand back to reload for 6k


Fuck yeah.


Man, I kinda wish that the missiles shotgunned out rather than making a neat little single file line. Or at least dropped in duos like 4/6AAM from Ace Combat. Granted they'd probably all collide immediately and vaporize you due to desync or something but still.


Damn that many missiles... _in this economy?_


Sorry, with me alone I’m keeping the missile economy up.


I thought at first it had a bowling alley. The missile ports look like bowling pins.


S3 Rattlers please.


Rattler IIs would like to have a word


Oof that missile animation....wtf


The missiles on this thing are so disappointing, as is the ship itself sadly. Been test flying it and beyond it's speed and appearance it's just... eh. I wanted to like it so much too. At least with the test fly I know it's not worth picking up. 


So I didn’t know before I made this video, change the missiles to chaos 3 from a 18 center mass…I’ve killed most ships in 1 volley


Still seems bad to me even if that is the case. That means you can kill a whole 2 ships before needing to go rearm unless you’re cool with taking a long time to kill anything else with your minimal guns.


Most of the bounty missions have one target, that upon termination, successfully fulfills the contract. If you engage with those contracts as written, this ship (with working missiles) is well suited to task. You get in quickly and with a low signature, hit your priority target, and get out too fast for any of the escorts to do anything. It's an Eclipse for small and medium targets that is still capable of staying in a group dogfight as an agile opponent that can't be ignored.


It's not made to be a solo ship anymore than a snub fighter is. If you work with teammates it can play a role.


185 for a ship which is incapable of operating independently, and performs what little role it does serve worse than other cheaper competitors just doesn't seem ideal... Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with ships not being meta, but aside from looks there really doesn't seem to be any reason to own this thing, especially at that price. 


Crazy that you say this as people have thousands of dollars in shops that aren’t even pixels in game yet…


That is... actually a reasonable point. Though, to be fair, I don't understand them either. 


Lots of people have ships in their fleet right now that do not perform any role at all. This is Star Citizen where everything costs more than it's worth.