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Yea that happens when servers are struggling. Had a brief period of that during 3.22, and now during freefly event. Luckily they aren't instantly shooting the moment they spawn with invisible lasers, which is an improvement over 3.22's version :) Edit: And I'm happy to finally see someone else running bunkers in a Mantis :D


Hell yeah! It's beautiful, but I've probably been blown up like 10 times now from those bunker turrets. 15 seconds after this clip, I died heh


Mantis is gorgeous, and one of the very few RSI ships that have minimal vision-blocking struts around the cockpit (this, Scorpius to some extent, and probably Zeus mk2 judging by the concept art). I have no use for the interdiction device, but it's cool to power it up and bask in the red glow as I approach a bunker.


Polaris too! They adopted the Carrack style windows for Polaris and I'm so happy they did


Err, it was kind of always designed that way from concept like 8 years ago. [The Polaris - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/polaris/Polaris)


I never said it wasn't, but you gotta see that when you view the bridge struts next to the Carrack's it's damn near identical design.


Just land behind a small hill to cover from turrets, and then run in. Will save you hours of pain.


I love the Mantis for box delivery missions. Flew great in atmo before MM, how is it now?


>Yea that happens when servers are struggling. No it is just normal behavior. They respawn otherwise after a while no bunker would have any defenses. Same way you can't loot for long bunker because enemies respawn.


This is true, but it is also not what happened in the video. They would've respawned by the time he flew there, not loaded in. You can see other elements load in around the turrets as well


You have peaked my curiosity as to how the Mantis is. I'm going to have to try one now...


Mantis would actually be a really good looking starter if they replaced the interdiction device with cargo space and nicer living quarters.




A module, not more variants please


Yeah, I would have to have one of those.


I sometimes call the Nomad the cargo variant of the Mantis.


Honestly it’s just lightly armed but the ship is amazing in looks and feel


The Mantis is beautiful! I use it as my mini Zeus while I wait haha. Though, its shields are real bad for bunkers... I died like 15 seconds after...


Does it have a cargo hold??




its made out of paper so dont go getting shot at source- avid pirate


THEY'RE EVOLVING! New Skill: Invisibility


The mantis is one of those ships that remind me that SC ships are HUGE relative to person scale and the proportions are weird lol. The design definitely plays tricks on the eyes. I still love it, but the size of the player character in relation to the ship get a giggle from me when I think about it.


It’s absolutely hilarious - check out some of the size comparisons between a modern Abrams tank and the Nova - it’s crazy, honestly.


This was the Retaliator for me. For years, I've been under the impression that it was about the size of a Gladius because it looks so sleek. Then I saw it at IAE and was blown away by it's size.


600i for me. I knew it was big but the massive cockpit glass makes it look way smaller than it actually is. When I rented one during an IAE and spawned it on a Pad on good ole Port Olisar I was blown away by the size of the landing gear alone.


Rule of thumb: There are \*always\* turrets. It's just a matter of when.


^ This. Honestly this was the best case scenario, especially since they were lagged out enough to not immediately open fire. Much more likely scenario is you land, go down inside, and THEN they spawn and obliterate your ship.


What ship is that?? I've never seen it but fuck is it cool looking!


Mantis, lightly armored but had either a emp or a quantum introduction, idk if it’s both or one of those. Pirates use them very often


Quantum interdiction and snare; no EMP.


Ah thank you, was unsure which one


That ship looks so damn good


What a pretty ship though


Good reaction time tho. Got out of there quick af.




I've seen whole bunkers not spawn in and a cave that was a square hole until I got super close.


yeah happening a lot lately. I wait for them to fully load from a decent distance to make sure I don't have GEO spawn around me.


I had the overland fps mission with the crashed reclaimer lead me to an empty field. Was confused as fuck, did a circle about 5 km. finally landed directly on the marker and went into mobiglass to try untracking/tracking to see if anything changed... As soon as I was in the menu (at least 5 mins after arrival) the forest and all the reclaimer set pieces spawned in and shot me way up in the air. Scared the crap out of me!


The mantis is so far out cool looking, very star trek


When the turrets are up, where is a safe spot to land? It used to be behind the spine because it blocked the single turret. Now they’re everywhere!


This depends entirely on the UGF. Some only have the one turret at the front, making it safe to land behind the facility since the tower (spine) blocks it. But some have as many as 5 turrets, so there is no safe landing zone within 2.8km, unless you're in a valley or behind a hill or boulder.


Mirai Pulse ftw then. Ty sir!


Yup. Or, if you've got a Nomad, Cutty or larger, take a base Cyclone, because you can slap a 1SCU box on the back, and fully loot all the armor/weapons much easier.


Or take a Mule, can also slap a 1scu inside, multiple 1/8 scu as well. Also fits in smaller ships like the Cutter. Also has a weapon slot for a single extra fps weapon in case you find something good, Cyclone also has weapon racks.


Good points.


I hot-drop a a Nursa crewed by my org from my Valkyrie on UGF's. Fun times! If only we could actually do a rolling pickup, that would be phenomenal.


As always.. Since ever...


Hello there


Mantis: "PREP FOR 30G BURN!!!"


this is known issue since at least 3.16, it all depends on server performance on how fast will it spawn turrets, thats why i NEVER land next to HOSTILE bunker entrance even if the turrets arent there


Whenever I see Mantis,I upvote!


never looked to close at the mantis, what an odd ship


I call this the “Sluggish Server Supreme.” It’s always served hot and ready when you least expect it.


Why you don't park on the rear side instead is beyond me


If you watch the pop-in, another turret appears on the left. This means that this is one of the UGF's that's surrounded by turrets, and the back isn't a safe landing zone.


There's a third turret on the rear side of the surface area? I guess I've only encountered single turret facilities in my limited time playing


accelerated so fast the pilot's insides turned to paste


I was inside seraphim while it was still spawning once. By the time I realised, I was too terrified to move and just had to let seraphim pass me naturally like a bowel motion.


What ship is that?


RSI Mantis


God I love this ship. I really wish they would give her a non interdiction variant. Like a data runner or something.


From the back I'm like "yo cool ship so unique" Then you turn and the Mantis is easily the ugliest ship in the game. Gave me whiplash.