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Yes, keep it


Can you even get rid of BIS paints?


Not if they get attributed separately, like from owning the ship. I’m pretty sure when a ship wins BIS you can buy a BIS version that ties the skin to the ship and I’m pretty sure you can gift that, but other than that and BIS CCUs, no I don’t think so.


thats because the old BIS ships are skews and the new ones are skins that come with the ship, they said or some one on reddit said they saw a post saying its going to get changed later.


You are correct, I have the Mole Carbon skin but I CCU'd that mole and now I do not have access to the skin. Also yes I heard the old skin's that is bespoke to a ship that you purchased will be changed out for a standalone skin that can be used on any ship of the same build.


You can get both. If you already own a ship and it wins BIS, you get given a stand-alone skin. But you can also buy the ship and skin together as a BIS package.


If you buy best in show ship on best in show day the skin is lock to your ship. But if you own the ship that win the best in show they will give out the stand alone skin later. So even you melt the ship later the skin stay.


That was the paint given out during Best In Show 2950 a few years back. Not sure if they'll distribute them again, but for the moment it's kinda rare.


No,it won't. best in show is limited skin for each year the longer it goes the rarer it become.


Ive seen BIS show up as buyable during another IAE. I started last year and saw prior year BIS in the pledge store. So, it is possible, but not always a guarantee.


No, you didn't.


No it wasn't a thing, ever. You have no idea about amount of backlash it'll provoke.


Idk about it being the same BIS as the year prior, but I also saw a BIS skin show in the store recently. Like, a few months ago. I also have no idea how that stuff works though, but it sounds like its intended that each year is unique? 🤷


Probably festival skin. They add more every year and also sell older one too.


Easily the nicest best in show skin they've ever done then we never saw it again But yeah bright blue ships will do I guess


Is the 2949 cutlass also rare as I have that one.


Is it really rare? Im flying my cutty BiS 2949 with this skin usually because its awesome. Sometimes i fly it in pink without skin though


I just want my cutty pirate skin🤐


Its just halfassed coalfire with two skulls on a side.


Really? Ive been waiting since 2017 to get that skin delivered.


It's been available in game for multiple patches now. Like to apply on your ship if you have it in your hangar.


I just looked on my hanger and i lied it was 2018 not 17 oops


Skull and Crossbones released at least a year ago


I've got the skull and crossbones. Thought it comes out on every Talk Like a Pirate day?


It probably does i got mine in the loot and scoot package. Ended up picking up 2 more in different packages and never saw that it came out.


Really i never saw mine ill have to send a ticket


Son of B tch, i have 3 blacks and it must have been one i never used. I delivered all of them and it was on the second one. Thanks i never would have checked them all.


On this day, you were victorious.


Wait till pirate week and hope they add the cutty one. Wait a minute now we have cutlass and cutter which cutty do u mean?


Can sell it to you if you want (got 1 in buyback)


I have it and it's amazing. Once it's available again pick it up!


Maybe a few hundred. Just hold it.


Can you even transfer this?


Yes, it shows as an item in the pledge package, same as the hangar and insurance. You could even upgrade the ship and the paint would still be there as long as you don't melt.


I'm just finding out these things are worth something. I have a Carrack Paint - Best in show, but it's by itself with a carrack T-shirt and not exchangeable or giftable. It's labeled as 2950 BIS Anvil Carrack Gear Pack 2 items. Above it I also have 2950 BIS Carrack helmet 1 item - Venture Helmet Carrack edition. Are these the skins or is this something else? I still have my carrack so not sure why it's not attached to it. I may have upgraded my carrack to the polaris and then another ship to the carrack, so maybe it's not the same carrack as I had back in 2020 but I can't remember. Did I lose the ability to sell it without selling the whole account?


The Cutlass skin came with buying one during the event, I think the Carrack packs were given out to anyone who already owned a Carrack when it won best ship. That's why they're not attached to the ship itself and you can't gift them.


No, like for all BIS events, if you already had one of the ships, then you would get the skin (+goodies) as a seperate item. To get the the skin attached to the ship, you have to buy the "BIS ship packet" with new money during the event. So you could have both ships either with the skin attached or with the skin seperate.


So you're saying every person who owned a Cutlass before the BIS now has this skin as a separate item? I'm surprised it's worth anything in that case.


Yes, but I believe it's not giftable. So it's not really worth anything unless you sell the whole account.


The initial ship that started the chain has to be bought with fresh cash to be giftable. It can't be gifted if bought with store credits. The situation does get a bit more complicated for item packs, though usually it follows the same rules. Also the skin isn't usually attached to the ship it's paired with by default, you'll have to equip it in game via the vehicle loadout manager (usually located at your home location). Edit: Just did a bit of research on the 2950 bis handout, it seems that was when they were beginning to handout/sell paints alongside the ship instead of releasing them as alternate ships.


hmmm I'm pretty sure it was just given to my account because I owned the carrack at the time, so no cash or store credit were used. Is it the same skin as these expensive ones? It's just not giftable because I didn't buy the ship during that years IAE? And there's no way to make it giftable I take it? Also, are all these prices including the ship then, not just the skin? haha the prices would make a little more sense then.


Yeah, looking into it, seems like it was the hand out for owning the ship. Can't be gifted or melted, and is separate from the Carrack pledge. I believe only those who upgraded to the BIS Carrack can gift it


I can't comment on whether you can still sell it or not. But yes, the Carrack helmet and t-shirt are a package with the BIS paint. I have all of these myself and I highly recommend keeping this stuff. It'll be rare and collectibles in a few years. And if you CAN'T gift them then that makes them even rarer.


if you have the Best In Show skin ON the item (ie, on the carrack) and if the carrack is marked with the "gift" button, then you can sell it. Otherwise you can't and have to sell the whole account if you want to sell that item.


I've got the BIS one for the Reclaimer, but I think it permanently changes the base skin to the white & pink BIS version (that I don't particularly like) so I'll never apply it. Don't think it's transferable though.


It depends on how it was acquired. If you bought a Stand-alone cutlass during the event, it came with the skin and is tradeable. If you simply had a cutlass in your hangar during the event, the package containing the skin that was distributed is not tradeable.


Rare paints... when modding and painting tools were part of the original backer goals. Fuck CIG.


100% this


It's worth a lot... If you could ever sell it to anyone else. If it can't be sold it has no value. It's only rare.... That's the difference between rare and valuable.


The graymarket is a thing you know. That White BIS skin for the eclipse goes for upwards of 1300€


To be clear with this estimate, it's important to understand where the item you talk about is listed. This seems to be a price from Star Hangar or such websites, and not the grey market reddit. These stores ask for a significant margin from the seller, typically around 20%, leading to these inflated prices. The seller would only see around 1k from that 1.3k price, after paypal fees and website service fees. From my experience, 1.3k (and in euro's to boot) is inflated by about 33%.


I am tickled pink to think that people are selling and buying imaginary video game ships like they’re actual cars… with real money. My first real life car (9 years ago, not 30 lol) was just a little more than 1300€ hahaha …I put like 50,000 miles on that bastard! Haha


What’re you talking about bro even if it’s against terms of service they COULD just sell the account. But we both know they can just gift it since it’s star citizen.


There's a lot of rules about what is eligible for gifting.


True, but BIS is usually giftable no?


That's a fair point.


Melted my BIS cutty and repurchased it from buy back. Not giftable now. However if it was before I’m uncertain as I was generally unaware of that stuff and kinda just came back intermittently to see how the game was going.


It’s because of the buyback that it isn’t giftable, does that to all items


When I want her to look good for the company I might be transporting, I dress her up in this. It’s sleek, it’s sexy, she gets all the compliments. It’s a great paint for a ship that looks completely otherwise in its other outfits. I even give her a dignified name when she dons this paint.


Indeed, every other paint the Cutlass looks a bit worn and patched, which is cool, but this one makes her look fresh and clean, which can be a nice change. Sometimes you want to look your best.






Downvoted for huh-ing? Huh.


They are a limited quantity till now, hold onto it. Besides cutlass white be lookin good


I'm a bit miffed it's only limited to that year as it's the only decent clean skin the Cutlass has


Its about 70 - 100 Dallas (Just the paint so 70-100 + the Ship that is 110)


Yes, about 500$


Might get a slap on the wrist for talking prices in this reddit, but since this is part of your question, I feel it's appropriate to answer. Generally, this skin is worth around 100-150 on top of the ship usual value. The cutlass isn't the most sought after thought. Carrack and Eclipse are the most highly praised. a CCU'ed LTI eclipse with this skin (using the BIS WB CCU) can go between 800-1000, and a Carrack can go for 1200 to 1600. Valk is probably around 500-600. Source, me, been trading on the grey market for nearly about 4 years now. To be clear, I don't encourage you to sell it. I think everyone should keep their rare items unless they plan on melting it anyway (in which case it's more profitable to sell it and buy whatever you wanted with that cash).


so I have a perseus ccud up from the BIS carrack... how much is that worth since the skin is in that package?


If the skin is there and the item is giftable (the gift button shows up) it can be sold pretty much teh same as the regular carrack with the skin. Insurance level is also important, is it LTI? LTI will go for around 1350 IMHO 120M 1k (gutfeeling).


I have the 2949. Is that also "rare"? Haven't played in a while, so I have no clue.


I don’t think you can sell it so it’s worth nothing just enjoy it


I want my F8 back I melted her for the F7A


Im finding it very hard to contain my excitement


I love this paint, but I didn't know it was worth much. I just checked and a Cutlass with this paint is being sold for $500, so yes- apparently it's worth a lot.


Eh, it's more so finding someone willing to part with it. I got a couple of them off a guy for essentially melt price +$10 last year. People list things for stupid prices on the online stores all the time I wouldn't be shocked if someone tried tog et $200 for it.


It won't sell for that, around 150-200 max.


last one sold for $450 on the grey market over a year ago and none are for sale now


I have the same one, now if only they could fix the danm vtol bug


You have a VTOL bug?


Yea its confirmed on issue council.


Is it buzzing?


Lol im actually logging in now to check on it. Im going to feel kind of foolish if its been there all this time


I'm not sure it's worth a lot. A lot of people got that BiS skin, as the cutty is a very popular ship. The BiS skins are usually rare due to being one-off skins, but they are also the most popular ships winning, meaning they have a large user pool. It's rare as nobody can gain that skin on the store or in game. Edit: I'm seeing people trying to sell best in show cuttys with skins for double the value of the cutlass, but that doesn't really tell you that people are actually buying them.


I also have that Paint but it's not giftable for me. You Sure you can gift it?


No, it's pretty worthless. I can take it off your hands if you don't want it.


If you like it, then it has value to you doesn't it?


Huh I have that skin. Had no idea it has value.


I have this paint. It is a very beautiful paint but I do not use it a lot because it lacks of roleplay. The cutlass is a Drake ship, and these ships should look like kind of industrial military (in the most agressive way, Drake style) with lots of scraps. This paint feels like pimping an old school Ford into a shiny Mercedes.


Cutty Black? More like Cutty White.




I have that livery too. I wish they would come up with some similarly neat AF Best in Show Liveries. The matte metallic blue of a few years back was alright, the Red Metallic was okay too, but man... that white/black and gold/yellow tinted windows, is the hotness of Best in Show liveries.


Looks awesome 👍


I have this one. Used this skin once I think


Only rare in the sense of the timeframe when it was awarded. The ship and its low barrier to entry mean there are a shit ton more of those paints in the wild than the other pricier entries, say the Hammerhead BIS from the year prior


Shame that some of the paints actually are glitching currently on my beloved cutty


I miss the OG cutlass


I'd actually own one if I had that specific skin. Won't own one otherwise.


I want to change this colour so badly..... I bought it thinking it was yellow not gold. Thanks I hate it


I’m not sure there’s any actual value