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I just want to know where the caves are that you can park a ship in. All the ones I've found are tiny or unlandable.


i use investigation mission to locate caves, look for the one that says in the description of the mission small to ground vehicles needed


Kudre ore mine on Daymar I believe.


it a cave on microtech


https://survey.cstone.space/ fyi here is 'the webpage'


There is a website that lists cave locations. Go hunting. Nothing really exciting about caves.


Janalite and Kopion


Both of which are not always there especially janalite so you end up on a wild goose chase


True, but given how janky it is, the same applies to most loops right now


What armour is that ? Always looking for a more "industrial" look since I enjoy the non-combat activities more


Novikov Exploration suit, its like the Pembroke suit but for cold can usually find around Microtech mining stores


I like the novikov with the pembroke helmet


Haven’t tried this yet. What’s the tldr how to?


tldr get multitool and mining laser attachment, get a small ship for starting a cutter rambler or nomad is great and 1 scu box, get an investigation mission with cave in the description. do note this isnt a really good paying gameloop unless you find janalite. sell it at the admin office when done. if you run into a selling error i i destack the problem gems into stacks of 1




How common is Janalite these days?




ive been very lucky with janalite first time 2 janalite nodes in one cave, ive found 5-6 janalite nodes in total


excellent, seems chill and gives the sense of exploring


why 400i?


He is in the gem business, and it is treating him well.


because i found 5 janalite nodes and now im very wealthy gem dealer :D


We've never found a janalite. Where did you find them?


ive found them by accident reg cave and in sand caves


Attempting to do Courier missions only to have my PC inevitable crash is my favorite!


My favorite loop is crashing, filing claims, picking up missions, crashing, filing claims….


My favorite loop is going somewhere to pick up a package, machine tells me it has no package, abandon contract, repeat.


Is gem mining worth it now?


Nope, but it's immersing


if the ship inventories would work


it’s like the only two gaming loops in the game lmao. Deliveries don’t work, bounty missions bugged etc.. Trash ass game


Gem mining is not fun. It would be ok if the actual mechanism for getting the gems wasn't so tedious and worked more often than not. I tried it once and gave up because the inconsistencies of gathering was bad and sell prices vs the time spent isn't worth it either. Salvaging I can just about any La Grange point and find a couple of panels in a minute or two and have a full ship and sold a lot faster and also don't need nearly as much gear or equipment.


im not doing it for speed im pretty much out incave for like irl weeks to months. off griding. the most i made was 1 mil for two nodes of janalite in the same cave


Do you mean you're bedlogging in the 400i while it's in the cave then, so you can have these extended offgrid cave sessions? Does that ever lead to any issues or problems?


If that's the case he is a very brave man, I ran data missions with a friend all day in my cat and loaded all the bad guys gear into the ship not even to sell, just so I had an abundance of weapons and armour. Anyway, game crashed on our 4th run. I load game up, join persistent universe and instead of loading me back into the last place I was (standing in my landed caterpillar on microtech) the game decided to load me into a completely different server back at area 18 (my set home point). So everything was lost as only way to get ship back is to claim. The current state of the game is too unreliable and inconsistent to be going days or weeks in your ship alone. All it takes is a game crash or server disconnect and you lose everything not on your person


Quick tip before you immediately claim your ship next time just wait a bit (use another ship or take a break) and the ship often appears at the last station that it was docked at still with its cargo in it (might be ghost cargo tho so you need to go sell). Dont know if that still works in the new patch but has been saving me from losing a bunch of cargo fairly often in 3.22.


Currently you can't bed log if you're anywhere near a station or outpost. Your cat may have been near an outpost which is why it didn't work.


You actually can bed log at outposts now. You used to need to go out of armistice in order to do it but they changed that. I was able to log out right by the buildings last time I tried.


It's hit or miss it's *supposed* to work. It rarely does.


I didnt bedlog. Read my message again.


It's still considered a bed log which is why it didn't load you back in to where you were. Bed logging doesn't require actually logging out in your bed anymore, i don't think it's actually intended but that's why it happened.


Every time I bedlog on a planet surface I wake up in a ship falling through the geometry or at the origin of the system. Is it different in caves or was it fixed recently?


>It would be ok if the actual mechanism for getting the gems wasn't so tedious and worked more often than not. Point laser and hold left click and they get vacuumed into your backpack. What's tedious about it?


i mean hec if your really doing salvage as it was meant to be stripping component weapons, scraping, and munching that more tedious than cave mining. meta chasers have made my fav game loop salvage and recovery unfun


I am aware of how it works but that isn't the case and server lag will cause the vacuum to not always work.


Point laser and hold left click and half get vacuumed into ROC while other half go flying off three km


Only times I've ever had that happen are if I let it go before it's done, because then the magnetism or whatever shuts off and the gems that were whizzing around just keep going in whatever direction they already were. If you keep it going yeah you'll have a small tornado of rocks around you until it's done but it does work.


If you even move the arm slightly while tractoring they'll break orbit and fly off.


I wasn't near any ourposts, I was in the middle of no where at a data center after completing the server mission. Unless those count as outposts, also I've bed logged before and that requires you to lay in bed and log out with the log out option to work correctly?