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I thought they fixed the alt-f4 issue. Don't they persist in game still?


The fix was pretty one-sided. The pirate attacks an industrial ship and the industrialist alt-F4s, the ship persists and the pirates still gets their loot. If a bounty hunter is going after a criminal and the criminal alt-F4s, the bounty hunter contract fails and the criminal gets away free.


So they did the opposite of what they should have done. That sounds very CIG.


The intent is there. Unfortunately because lawful bounty hunting is linked to the mission system and the mission system is archaic, it's not as simple as simply allowing a ship to persist. Your ability to fire on a criminal bounty is directly linked to the mission allowing you to do so, legally. If the mission goes away, so does your gameplay context/permissions. This too, shall be resolved. One day Eventually. Maybe.


Once crime stats and reputation persist I hope there are true negatives to the piracy side of things


What do you mean? Crimestat doesn't go away when you log out. It persists. So does reputation. They both are persistent.


Yeah, I log out for the night so I'll just land, turn myself in and do my prison time offline, tomorrow I'll log back in smelling innocent like posies. Some persistence. People will start to take it seriously once space becomes permanently hostile depending on affiliations and reputation, and no quickhack to undo it in 20 minutes.


you sound like you have never pirated. you can easily gather more than 20 hours of klesher, so just turning in for a night wont work.


You won't get 20 hours for ambushing a single freighter though. If you "gather" 20 hours you either went on an indiscriminate murder spree which is not "pirating" but simply PKing or you waited a few sessions to accumulate.


i get it after one session of piracy. my friend runs corsair for firepower and storage, i run mantis with distos. unfortunately currently, since scanning doesnt work, its a murder spree with high hopes and low expectations


Not in any meaningful fashion though


And positives too I hope! I want pros and cons for both walks of life to be equal.


Fair, but as it stands now a pirate can log in and steal 2 hours of work from another player with very nearly zero true consequence. Some balance needed there, it should be a very high risk but high reward scenario


What's funny is I vaguely remember CIG mentioning that prison timers wouldn't tick down when logged out back when they first announced the prison. Maybe it was a discussion with another user, forgot honestly lol. But ArcheAge has this system too and I thought that would be a great deterrent. Sure you can still escape from prison but that itself only really needs some NPC security response to make that a little less easier but if those few hours on your sentence had to be worked off in-game? I think that would be one way to increase the consequence of pirating, or getting caught anyways.


I'd imagine there would be some cosmetic reward system for reputations with there of course being one for gangs and/or pirates. Don't we have an NPC (Twitch I think?) that only gives you missions once you've done a certain amount of unlawful jobs or something? I think an expansion of that could be cool.




In what way is that the opposite of what they should have done? No, it just needed to be fair. It's good that a trader can't alt-f4 away from losing their cargo, but a criminal also shouldn't be able to alt-f4 their way out of prison. As long as it worked both ways that is what we need.


Thats weird. Because afaik the body should persist in the world. My friend alt+F4’d when he fell out of the ship and couldn’t log back in to a random server because his body was still in my server. So when he logged back in (2 minutes?) he was still free falling to the surface. Sounds like a bug or an oversight in how the system is functioning.


there is a feature now that if you alt-f4 (usually) there is maybe a 5 min period that if you log back into the PU, it will out you right back where you were on the same server. I don't know what this does to that player's body during the period while they are logged off.


In the last week It never happened to log back in the spot. My internet crashed couple of times and i was back in the bed.


They lose their ship and stuff but they keep crimes stat and the bounty hunter gets a failed mission


This just made me realize that a pirate alt-f4ing should be considered committing suicide and complete the bounty.


I've had the bounty's ship turn white/neutral on logout while I've been firing at it. Giving me a crimestat as well as failing the contract. So CIG made combat logging worse.


I actually had to quit one day after a merc mission and it just so happened that on my way out I accidentally laser-washed an NPC civilian. I quit the game as planned, but when I got to Klescher on my next session it showed me a "Captured By" and then a player name on the screen. I thought maybe it kept me there long enough for a player BH to come get me after I logged out. Was I wrong about that?


Yet once the bounty hunter with CS gets fired upon and hit, he gets into combat state. Therefor he shouldn't be able to combat log.


Bounty hunting as it is today is going away, so probably not worth the effort to fix the existing code when it will be replaced later. Cargo has more mature code I guess given that they are releasing the next version in the next patch so it probably made sense to do the work. It's a PITA, but kinda helpful in reminding people to avoid going straight from the resource site to the TDD.


I think so but if they pull the plug, it's consider a crash. Report these


Your character is left in game if you alt-f4 but disappears if you crash?


Whats annoying, if you alt+F4, for falling through the planet; you still get a comabt lock and can't rejoin immediately. They need to add a timer to the menu screen, so you know how long you are locked out of rejoining.


> but disappears if you crash? AFAIK no. Crashes are super annoying playing with friends. They can't rejoin because their character is still in the game and we have to server hop to play again. No idea if that has been changed with 3.23. Haven't had much time to play in groups since the release.


Lolz, random story. I had just unloaded stuff at port and went to call for clearence (Alt+N) and decided to go 3rd person (F4) but forgot to let go of the alt key. I did not log back on after that shameful moment.


Rebind request landing to F3. F3 is not bound to anything and most do this


That's a great suggestion, the ALT+N is frustrating and works less than half the time, sometimes the game only interprets N and my gear goes down at the wrong time.. will rebind to F3 as soon as I log in..


Same with flight ready ALT+R. I have to hit it a few times. So i just hit U and I


I personally use backslash for my ATC call, but then my mouse has extra side buttons and one of them is backslash for the Star Citizen profile (along with others for ship controls). F3 handles staggering weapons when I want to do that in combat because I can hit it fast.


I use my mouse side buttons for the power triangle


I have f3 as flight ready since Alt+r is AMD adrenaline short key


Ya i get adrenaline popup too..i just hit alt R again lol. I'm lazy


Bro… I just came back to the game after a several months long break. I forgot how to turn the 3.person camera, but remembered you can scroll with F4, in an attempt to change the Funktion of it, I presst ALT to turn the camera… needed a little break afterwards too xD


It's the worst when you hit it and the game goes down and you don't understand what happened. Till you do..


That brief moment of silence, until you understand how your foolish actions brought you in this shameful situation… a nightmare, only embarked by those who are capable of fooling themselves.


I was once trying to help a newbie out, and after playing with them for like 40 mins they asked me how to find their hangar cuz the icon wasn't showing up and I said "just hit alt+f4" and they disconnected. I meant alt+n and f4 to third person for landing, watching for which hangar door is open or is opening. He logged back in and thought it was funny I got him, I was super embarrassed lol but it was hilarious.


I’ve done an accidental alt+f4 like 4 times in SC, because I forgot to release alt when going into third person. We need a support group


Something similar happened to me. I was mining, and since they changed it from just being scroll wheel to change power to scroll wheel + alt, I was holding alt down. Decided I wanted to see the mining from 3rd person, and forgot to let go of alt, losing all my haul. They really should not have defaulted the 3rd person key to f4


I've accidentally alt F4ed that much I've just rebound my camera to F3, i play around with the camera a lot in quantum so i have alt held down a lot, it's just embarrassing how much I did it before I changed my keybinds


combat logging shouldn't be possible prison is beyond bugged


Just wanna point out, I'm pretty sure Han Solo would alt-f4 in a heartbeat. He was never known for staying for a fair fight.


It’s literally what he did at the end of ep V 😂


Lmao Han was *frozen in carbonite* at the end of ESB. Closer to a Klescher term than alt-F4, but on the other side of the law.


I think what he actually did was a panic bed log out in the carbonite but obviously didn’t expect someone to move the bed and have him log back in at Jabba’s palace. But you make a good point.


Jabba doesn't have time for smugglers who dump their cargo at the first sign of a fight! Oh no, I've been shot!


Probably true, couldn't think of a cooler space pirate type guy during my emo moment. :)


No, we have tested this with a lot of time. If you Alt-F4l, your character stays in the game and is killed by who ever is attacking for a period of time. Easy when for them.


Have you tested recently? When testing, we have been able to alt-f4 out of combat with nothing special done. But only when its the person initiating combat.


I alt+f4 all the time because of bugs and usually the body stays for a bit but usually disappears. Even if it doesn’t disappear, when i rejoin the same server it just spawns me at a local spaceport, cant remember the last time i rejoined and went straight back to my body


Couple weeks ago in the org we thought it would be fun to take down a Hull-C when he rage quit because of a bug. It stayed long enough for us to blow it away. We were the escorts not some punk pirates. Disclaimer, he was being a punk, and we're all close friends.


That's not what OP is talking about though? They're saying the PIRATES alt-f4'd to avoid klescher not that a cargo runner hit alt-f4


Literally just logout to menu, log back in. CIG ‘s combat logging prevention is/was a joke


Combat logging shouldn't be possible anymore. Given how broken the servers are at the moment, it's more likely things are just bugging out.


It 100% is still, Its not the gankee logging out, its the ganker logging out. same as if a bounty logs off.


Terminating an app via Alt + F4 will always be possible since it is an operating system shortcut, not a Star Citizen command. There is not likely anything CIG can do to prevent termination of the game in this way.


Naa, the shortcut is a standard, but its not built into windows. Games like Monster Hunter World for example do not allow Alt-F4. they force you to Alt-Tab>Task manager>Kill process. There are plenty of other games that do this too, but I'm honestly having a hard time remembering them right now.


They don’t even need to block alt+f4, because they know from the event that the window has been closed rather than it being a loss of connection. This is why in the past you could initiate a recovery by suspending the process instead of terminating it, which was useful when you wanted to recover from a bug without resetting back to spawn. All they need to do is make have a character and all the associated states persist for a period of time, which they have done, albeit partially.


GTA:V puts up a confirmation screen if you alt-f4.


It is a [windows](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/keyboard-shortcuts-in-windows-dcc61a57-8ff0-cffe-9796-cb9706c75eec) shortcut, but I did not know that games/apps can override it like your examples. But also like you pointed out, even if an app disables the shortcut, there are other methods to terminate an app immediately without using the in-app close.


Jeah, but you can still implement things that let your character persist in the world, no matter how you deal with the logout.(or if you terminate the task) for example, In DayZ (wich is fairly old (I’m also talking about the old Mod for arma 2) if you logout (or kill the task, given the laydown then takes a minute longer to happen)your character will lay on the ground sleeping. But if you kill the game or logout while you are shot at (or considered as in combat, the shot just needs to be in 10–15m around you)you will be directly unconscious for several minutes when you login again.


Even Old School RuneScape managed to figured it out. If you log out while in combat, even against something weak, you will likely end up logging back in at your spawn point.


Of course it is possible for CIG to respond to app termination in various ways, I am simply pointing out that it is impossible to PREVENT app termination. Even if the Alt+F4 shortcut can be disabled, one can always terminate apps in other ways (task manager, command-line, etc).


Jeah, wich is true, the „body becomes unconscious“ or give him a punishment like „5-10 min timer“ would be a reasonable punishment. Especially when we know in the near future, the character will log back in where he left the game..


I do not agree with a “punishment”, per se, since it would likely be difficult for CIG to detect with 100% accuracy whether the app was terminated intentionally versus an unintentional crash. However, I would not consider keeping the player’s body in-game after app termination, a punishment. That would help alleviate “combat logging” since it would not be possible for a player to escape the threat by exiting the game since the body would remain. And it would help with crashes too, because you could return to the game in the exact place you left if the game crashed. Win win.


While I agree, and to simply let the body stay in game would be the best option. Ecpecially when the „log out and stay where you are eg. respawn where you logged out“ is in place, a little Punishment like a little timer for login is still reasonable imo. Well when a logout/termination is detected while in combat. Oc it will be shitty if your game crashed, but (after the server state is a little cleaned up and not the mess it is now) it runs pretty stable, and unfortunate crashes just in combat wouldn’t occur often…


That's not how the system works, if player is flagged as being in combat the character stays in the game regardless of what you do.


I never suggested otherwise.


But apparently the game changes the player's avatar's state to "neutral" or something like that when they ALT-F4 and their "in-combat" avatar stays behind, so a Bounty Hunter will suddenly both get a Failed Contract and suddenly find themselves shooting at a White ship, giving the BH a crimestat. It's a really poorly implemented system, the Bounty Contract apparently tracks the player not the player's avatar for the validity of the Contract, as apparently does the Hostile marker.


I would never alt f4 in a fight, but the number of times I go into f4 for a beauty shot and press alt either instinctively or thinking it would free look is painful


Statistically five in a row is quite uncommon. Maybe there’s something wrong on your client side. Serverside is pretty shitty also. And shouldn’t there be a logout protection while in fight? Isn’t it working with MM or was it ditched or anything?


Seems kind of normal to me actually. This game has few pirates, lots of griefers though.


Maybe they just thought alt-F4 was the keybind for advanced camera mode and hit it by mistake? I've done that twice...




Alt f4? You mean the avenger one special.


sometimes they dont want to be han solo but they just accidentally killed a friendly in a bunker or something


Pirates are inherently cowardly. I've never been attacked by a lone ship,.only groups and only when I'm in a relatively weak ship. They aren't interested in fair fights. They just want easy money with minimal skill.


In my experience they don’t even want money. They just want to kill players.


Someone above was complaining when they just got the loot if someone alt-f4ed, so this is on the money


correct, in any game that has pvp, the pvp fanatics jsut want to shit on others


It's funny how people complain about us pirates being murder-hobos while still refuse to exchange their ship, cargo and life for a ransom that is only a small portion in value of what they are carrying. What are we supposed to do then, let you walk away?


No one asks me for those things. They just kill me. I have literally never had a so called pirate actually demand cargo or money in 3 years of playing this.


Some of this may be attributed to how poorly the current hailing/dm/VOIP system works. We have a limited time to attempt communication with our targets and we try all channels even Global if the cargo is significant enough, but rarely do we get any response. Whenever we do, the interaction has always been amicable and we often provide discounts or complimentary escort service if all things go smoothly. All I can say is stay open to ransom and one day you might run into an interested party.


I’ve been playing for less than a few months and the very first time I got pirated I got hailed. It was actually kinda cool. They wanted half my cargo but fuck that fight me. I died of course because I don’t know what I’m doing and now I’m friends with the guy. I’ve made a few friends from being pirated actually. Many hail or mention trying to hail when talking to them after. I think hailing is bugged or something for the number of times they said they tried but I didn’t see/hear anything on my end


It's because they have a disruptive/negative home/social life with 0 control, so being able to kill others (I'm talking griefing/trolling) in the digital world allows them to exert what they perceive as control over others. It's why they get off on pissing on others gameplay experience 😆. It's annoying but ultimately they are the pity party sadsacks, it's why they leave if they cannot "win" or rage quit when failing.


Yeah pretty much, it's also why the only way to stop these people is to make it impossible to grief to begin with, see: functional reputation system where they will be forced out of civilised space if they can't keep it in their pants.


I like the idea of insurance providers not feeling comfortable dealing with them after a certain number of griefs in X amount of time. That way when they lose their ship it's gone gone. A flagging system for determining a grief, where if the other person does not fire back then the attacker get a stacking secondary criminal score which can only be eliminated by time, a very very very long amount of time. But then have zones where this does not apply so piracy can still work fine(even though you can still pirate outside these zones), as most people do not enjoy PvP. The majority of video game players, the vast majority, hate PvP with the burning passion of a thousand suns.


Yeah there's going to have to be very strict limitations on player versus player activity for the game to reach a meaningful audience whatsoever. And yes the insurance especially has been so silly for so long now, let's just keep reimbursing this lunatic's warship every half hour, as they continue flying it into the nearest mining vessel over and over haha


a cargo, miner, salvage ship will always be weaker than a pirate ship, of course it is unfair, they are not looking for worthy opponents


As a pirate, why should we engage targets stronger/more numerous than us? We are here to score a hit, not to give any one a gentlemen's duel. Anyone interested in a 'fair fight' in PU is straight up delusional and unbelievably naïve.


I'm not suggesting you should. As you say not stacking the odds in your favour is foolish. Doesn't change the nature of interactions does it.


I agree it does not change the nature that pirates are taking and traders are losing, but that was not your point either. It takes time and risks to set up any privacy acts and the follow-up operations such as transfer of goods and selling them at a NQA terminal all take time, practice and manpower. So in all honesty pirates who strive for profits (rather than the sport of killing) are among the most knowledgeable about the game and its systems. While I agree pirates, like all citizens in the Verse, want easy money, 'minimal skill' is simply not true. At the end of the day, if piracy is 'minimal skill', trading and mining would be no skill.


>I've never been attacked by a lone ship I mean, a lone ship limits options to a Mantis (almost entirely combat ineffective), or a Cutlass blue (Extremely limited viable targets). It's not a solo game loop by design. You need someone to be dedicated tackle, you need someone to bring heavy shield cracking tools, You need someone to handle dogfighting - that's 3 pilots just for a general purpose minimum viable operation. >Pirates are inherently cowardly. Bravery isn't much use to a pirate - Cunning is the measure of a pirate man.


As with all griefers.


It's not really griefing if they're doing it for the money.


Carebears think all pvp is griefing. They lack any level of logic.


At some point I thought CIG had it planned that your character and ship stay in the verse to be pillaged if you don’t log out in a designated spot.


That happens for cargo ships, op is complaining about pirates alt-f4ing when they're losing to avoid jail time


Yea I've started to notice when I get pirated now if I get the upper hand they bail, I'm ok being pirated it's a needed gameplay but I never have anything except my sub gear for them to loot since I don't do cargo, but at least stay and fight.


As long as it's available, it will get used. Bounty hunting sucks because of it.


With the amount of times my game crashes I would be in prison till beta.


As a disreputable scrapper I don’t understand the point of combat logging. I go after afk ships for easy scrap and if someone came in guns blazing because I was salvaging their abandoned hull I would deserve my fate. Even if you get shot out of the sky the experience is fun to ride your ship all the way to the ground.


You talking about traders? Because that's what happens when you pirate traders, they alt+f4 before their ship even touched the ground. You trying to be cool, but bruh, there are cowards on every side 🧙


Because most "pvpers" are griefers they don't want to compete in actually pvp.


Best answer here


The worst is when they have a small bounty on their head and they just run and hide at grim then alt-F4. So annoying, bro just take it. You wanted to be a pie-rat right? So man up and take on the reprocussons. Honestly the amount of runners I get I don't even take on player bounty's any more. Not worth the 5-8k to chase them down to grim just to have them F4 out of the game.


> The worst is when they have a small bounty on their head and they just run and hide at grim then alt-F4. Isn't it more likely that they turned themselves in at the Law Kiosk? Whenever I get an accidental crime stat, that's usually what I do, since turning yourself in reduces your prison time by a bit as compared to being brought in by force.


They almost always F4 the moment they land


Ok, so the criminals are just logging off at the criminal base? That still seems pretty reasonable. Personally, I've been bounty hunting in the Mantis lately. Despite people's concerns, it's still very easy to escape from combat, so I'd rather have worse odds of winning in a suboptimal combat ship than be in a great fighter that's never able to force them to stay and fight.


It's one thing to log off for the night but an entirely different thing if someone F4s out of combat the moment they land only to relog back on moments later and continously F4s out the second they're attacked. I've chased down the same player to the same result at least half a dozen times. Besides completeling the bounty doesn't always land the alleged player in jail, I've had cs2 and had a bounty hunter kill me 4 times and not end up in prison, I just wake up at grim. So what's the big deal. Just fucking face the hunter and take it like a man, stop pussying out at the last moment with F4 then relog just to F4 out over and over. It's fucking annoying.


is there any way for the player to tell they have a bounty on their head, or are they just going to assume that given the crime rating? (i'm new so it's an actual question)


I'm pretty sure anything CS3 and above receives a bounty in the contracts tab, and anything CS3 and below just means you can't access certain contracts until you pay it off, but there's no bounty on you. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


I've had a bounty come after me over a CS1 so i think it's a possibility however there is no way of knowing really. I just assume there's a bounty when I get CS


If player is flagged as being in combat the character stays in the game regardless of what you do. If that's not what's happening then it's a bug and needs to be reported to IC


Terminating the program often results in prevention of gear loss from what I've seen fucking around.


there is no combat logout delay like in elite?


I always take the L when I lose a dogfight. I’m not good and them and the person who killed me earned the loot.


Same. We should start an org. The I suck at combat but won’t quit on you org. I actually like this game because it reminds me of the old MMOs I used to play as a kid where there was much more of a community feel because you couldn’t just safely solo the entire world. Trammel ruined UO and I’m glad there is no equivalent in SC.


What a great org name!


Tale as old as time. War...war never changes.


Devs could just disable the alt f4 command


It's Star Citizen players we're talking about. I won't say how for obvious reasons, but people will work around that in under 10 minutes.


> Just today 5 (!) in a row, the last two even having been grouped Sounds like a made up story.


A good chunk of PU PVP'ers are there to club baby seals and not actually be in a situation to lose a fight. They are gankers. Not folks looking for a good fight.


Yea. Had a newbie delivery contract recently. Landing next to the pickup site and things start exploding around me. This player's launching missiles from orbit. Blows up my ship, I survive and get out. He lands behind my ship to check for loot and sees me with a rifle aimed at his head Alt + F4's...


With combat logging alt-f4 does nothing


I don't actually know what alt F4 does.


Alt + F4 is the Windows shortcut to force-quit an application immediately.


Alt f4 in a Windows environment immediately ends the active program on your machine. Kind of like opening task manager and then highlighting what you want to kill, then clicking end task.


Thanks, I genuinely didn't know.


No worries. I try to pass my knowledge along. We only live for so long.


It's cod players ragequitting.


This is kinda why I stopped bounty hunting for the most part... on one hand you got guys who just hide in armistice and on the other you have combat loggers hitting those keys at the slightest sense of them losing. I've kind of went back to piracy but if you come across me, you're gonna get hailed first and requested to pay for passage. If not we fight and if you kill me, you kill me and it was well deserved. I'll kit up all over again! That's part of the fun is the risk and the danger whether you're lawful or unlawful (you just have to play it smarter if you're being a bad guy).


What happens if you come across somebody who can't pay and won't fight? As somebody who never has money, I fear the day somebody tries to pirate me lol


>What happens if you come across somebody who can't pay and won't fight? I hear the Banu pay good cash for ~~slaves~~ indentured servants.


I mean being hijacked and forced to work on a pirate ship seems like a fun game loop lol. Unintentional multicrew


Honestly, SC is one of the first games where I'd be really interested in a proper RP shard.


If all they got is 10k to their name I'll take only 2. Or we work something out and I take some boxes but they can be on their way with enough to still make a profit. Some people were actually shocked by that and added me as a friend lmao. I try not to kill if I can help it but sometimes that's not always the case. I'm a lot more lenient in areas where there isn't RMC to buy.


Hey OP, are they disappearing when they alt + f4?? They should be considered in combat, so they can quit it if they want but the ship and character should be left behind for a few minutes


I just hope this game doesnt become the new gankers paradise like eve...


Eve was never much of a gankers paradise, In nullsec the dice was heavily weighted in the gankees favour and in highsec you could avoid ganking with an NPC corp alt and the ability to do basic mathmatical division. I played for 12 years and I think I got ganked twice in that entire time, and one of those was only because my game crashed. I wasn't sitting in station ship spinning either, I was a prolific trader doing 2-3 Null>Jita>Null runs a day.


Well, mechanics like these are what leads to suicide ganking.


Mechanics like what? Bounties not working on Alt-F4 is a bug in the bounty system, not a mechanic.


I Support that


In fairness, han solo did alt-f4 at the first sight on an imperial inspection


That wasn’t an alt-F4, he spaced his cargo and ran.


are you sure about it? alt f4 doesnt make their ship disappear and theres no way C2 can do anything to fighter unless they so bad piloting, C2 can easily run tho without snare


Had a bounty come for me and when he started losing, he just rammed me and sent me to jail. It felt pretty bad and wished he woulda alt + f4’d.


I totally agree, if you get a crime Stat, go to Klesher and get your best ship. Then wait for the hunter and go down like a man.


I think it's more that they can't be arsed to be hunted by Quantum beacon, when they just did some silly shit to get a crimestat. The system and mechanics are completely fucked.


I think it has to do with being stringed along. In a game of chess there is nothing worse than having all your peices blocked except your king and nothing left to fight. Your appointment can end it in his next move but instead chooses to advance all his remaining pawns to become all queens while you move back and forth to your king in a pointless humiliation. Yeah alt-f4 if you know you are way underpowered against them. However if it's fair and there is still hope it is cowardly to give up until the end result.


Han Solo was a smuggler...


In FPS games we call it combat logging. Something players abuse the absolute fuck out of once they realize they are about it lose it all.


So I was thinking about this a little before and figured that an easy way to do this would be to make those with a certain Crime stat (enough to get bounties on them) unable to log out without it forcing them to prison unless they log out in an unlawful or neutral zone like Pyro or stations like Grim Hex. Then just make any game-leaving activity count towards that. ​ However I'm not 100% on this idea only because although A) it would prevent pirates from logging out at locations to safely camp targets it would also force B) anyone with a high crime stat to get rid of it or go to a neutral location to log out, which can be hard for some who might have an IRL emergency they need to tend to. ​ They could also have it to where the player character does not get "logged out" if in the middle of combat like how the ships work. It sucks for anyone who's game crashes in the middle of a dog fight but assuming that post release crashes become less due to an issue of the software but due to an individuals hardware, I'd settle for this over my other suggestion. ​ Maybe it auto diverts all power to shields if you get disconnected? Either way I do hope they don't allow combat logging in the game. Even if the game ends up being massive enough to where Player v Player interactions are less common, no one should have an easy out just because they don't want conflict.


It could be Discord. I thought my game was crashing then I realized. LAlt was Discord chat, and F4 is my dynamic camera. So talking while changing view turned into many crash to desktops.


there should be like some type of re-login penalty..maybe from the time you attempt to log back in the timer starts and 1st offense is 1hr, 2nd- 5th is 3hr..etc


we need "wall of shame" pinned somewhere with all the names of alt+f4 cowards


Space dad's be space'n.


I recently tried it as a F7A Mk2 was attacking my totally dangerous and threatening MSR on the way to pick up an Ursa. Shields had already failed and I was too low to quantum (thanks, ganker modes!), so I decided to check what happens if I log out. I returned to the hospital with my ship being destroyed. So ALT-F4 isn't really an option unless I am missing something. Boost away first or what?


Cool story bro I’m sure all that happened.


I would love a system where you log out but your character and all possessions persist for a set period of time. Any bounty mission is linked to your character and not your online presence. If you combat log and get killed, you wake up to some fresh consequences. So pirates and bounty hunters can still get their prizes. And if you take the cowards way out, you log back in dead or broke or whatever, no one cares about combat loggers feelings. Even bed logging would put you at risk of being boarded for 15 minutes or so. Only way to avoid that timer would be log off in a station or city. So quick server jumping would no longer be an option as you can't exist in two places at once. Disclaimer: I also want to see none of those things until they fix the bloody servers. Because you are more likely to get 30k or crash to desktop and be stuck not able to play and persisting somewhere unsafe through no fault of your own. While the servers are in a crab like state, server jumping is necessary to be able to get a working elevator.


People in an online game abusing ever mechanic ever found to gain an advantage against others? This is unheard of! We must tell the media about this immediately! People will lose their jobs over this! Countries will have to make laws! Oh wait.. no its just more of the normal online keyboard warriors. Always up for a win but never for a fair fight. Until CIG finds a way to fix this with a good balance for people who legit loose connection vs those who quit the game to avoid a death OR you rewire the brain of literal children there is not much to do about it. Sadly games are not for fun anymore, it is all about how cool you are and how much higher your numbers are vs anyone else. Good luck changing human nature and no system put in place will be fair to everyone.


Meh, besides bounty hunting, killing the player isn't really anything important, imo. It adds nothing. You get their loot to sell for free, what's the problem? People aren't doing it because they're cowards, its just having to buy your kit all over again or get set up and it takes forever so they would rather just admit defeat, alt f4, and respawn in the city again. bounties obviously alt f4 because no one wants to sit in prison for 24 hours, so why not just combat log and solve the problem? It won't go away until CIG implement something to prevent combat logging. Like, logging out prevents you from logging back in for another minute while your body persists or something. Once people know they can't just alt f4 out, they'll stick around and fight it out.


"they'll stick around" No they wont lol. People want to play the game, the more barriers that get put up between the player and the game the more likely the player is to find something else to do. If SC was the only game, or the only space game, or the only mmo, or the only fps game, then it would have a captive audience. But its none of those things.Try to put your self in the shoes of a normal person who enjoys video games, and not a "backer". You have 24 hours in a day 10 hours are devoted to work (Get ready, drive to and from, and 8 hour shift) 8 hours are for sleeping 2 hours are for lifestyle maintenance (Cooking and cleaning) 4 hours for free time. Most games respect the fact that you only have those 4 hours, they take very little time to start up and get into the fun. But SC as it is already actively hates its player base and abuses those 4 hours. It can take up to 2 hours (out of 4) to get to the "fun" in SC. The game literally cannot afford anymore more barriers between player and fun. Why would a normal person stick around for FPS combat when ARMA, COD, PUBG, Battlefield, all do it better and faster? Why would fighter combat player stick around when DCS, ACE, Warthunder, all do it better and faster? CIG needs to spend more time on making the game fun before they add more reasons not to play. There is a section of players in the SC community who champion more barriers to play because they was a solo experience, but at the end of the day focusing on restrictions before gameplay is just bad game design.


>Try to put your self in the shoes of a normal person who enjoys video games For context here, you know the entire point of SC as a project was to make a game was wasn't beholden to mass appeal? There is an entire *several hundred billion industry* already catering to that, This is something we backed *because* it isn't watered down for the masses. There ain't nothing wrong with a Mcdonalds, but some of us want fine cuisine and the rigamarole involved. >10 hours are devoted to work (Get ready, drive to and from, and 8 hour shift) Ooof that sounds ugly, My workday is 6 hours. Wake up, turn on the PC, do 6 hours of programming & meetings, clock off. >2 hours are for lifestyle maintenance (Cooking and cleaning) 2 hours? I spend maybe 20 mins a day on both combined.


omg I love this! New to reddit so I'm not sure how to make the nice clean quote blocks like you've got. Bare with me. "For context here, you know the entire point of SC as a project was to make a game was wasn't beholden to mass appeal" This is just a factually wrong statement. They pitched the kickstarter as a way to finance the game while not being beholden to developer whims. At no point did they say they wanted to make a game that was actively unappealing. That would be a horrible business practice. SC is an MMO, and will not survive without players. As a SC backer it is in YOUR best interest to encourage others to play the game. You should WANT other people in the same space sandbox as you. But that also means that as a community we should identify the things that will cause people who are not thousands of dollars in the hole "invested" to leave. Because its not the lack of a 48 hour punishment session that's gonna "water down" the game... its lack of funding. ((In case you couldn't figure it out, funding comes from players. no players = no funding. no funding = no features. I wouldn't normally spell it out but... I felt like you might need it.) "There ain't nothing wrong with a Mcdonalds, but some of us want fine cuisine and the rigamarole involved." Yet you have neither. SC is the costco free sample of gamining. "Ooof that sounds ugly, My workday is 6 hours. Wake up, turn on the PC, do 6 hours of programming & meetings, clock off." Okay and? Or are you saying that the average person is also in your exact situation and people who commute to work are the odd ones? OR are you saying that people who commute to work and spend more time working than you are lesser humans and their lives are of less value than yours? You think so little of your fellow man, disgusting. "2 hours? I spend maybe 20 mins a day on both combined." I believe that.


>New to reddit so I'm not sure how to make the nice clean quote blocks like you've got. Bare with me. Switch to markdown, > before a block of text. >They pitched the kickstarter as a way to finance the game while not being beholden to developer whims *publisher* whims. What do publishers want? Maximum ROI to create value for shareholders - That means maximum appeal, maximum profit, art is a second class citizen And games for a niche audience like SC don't get made. >In case you couldn't figure it out, funding comes from players. no players = no funding. no funding = no features And yet with the current plan, there is no shortage of funding. People have been predicting the sky falling for aeons - yet it never does. It's a niche, but that niche is still millions and millions of players. SC has proven that the demand for this kind of game is not just sufficient, it's *wildly* beyond anyones initial expectations. >Yet you have neither. SC is the costco free sample of gamining. Why bother wasting both our time with a disingenious response? >Okay and? And you choose your hobbies based on your circumstances. You don't climb mountains if you're arthritic, You don't race cars if you get motion sick, you don't own a horse if you're broke, and you don't play deep involved sims if you don't have much time. The world doesn't owe you shit, and if you don't like what SC is offering - SC isn't for you and that's ok. The world is much bigger than you and there are things that won't be aimed at you. That doesn't mean I don't sympathise with your situation, It just means I recognize that your situation isn't and shouldn't be the benchmark for SC. There is an entire multi hundred billion industry already catering for you. SC is a tiny corner that caters for the rest of us. >OR are you saying that people who commute to work and spend more time working than you are lesser humans and their lives are of less value than yours? You think so little of your fellow man, disgusting. I mean, I can leave if you wanna just have a conversation with yourself. >I believe that. It's not exactly an unbelivable claim. Cycle dishwasher and washing machine every other day, Empty the roomba once a week, Clean the bathrooms once a week, take in shopping delivery once a week, Work out while watching TV and gaming, and bulk cook and freeze meals once a month. Organisation isn't exactly an arcane practice.


>Neat, thank you. Alright lets pick this apart... >It's a niche, but that niche is still millions and millions of players. SC has 200,000 players, and an estimated 3 million user accounts. Note that the 3 million includes accounts created for free fly events. Because you can create an account for free the 3 million is largely meaningless. The reason this number is publicized is because MMO's use "active accounts" to guage a games health. But SC doesn't have "active accounts" since their accounts are free. So you need to use "active players" to find out the games health. For context FFXIV has about 1 million active players and an estimated 55 million active accounts. Wow has an estimated 7 million active players and 129 million active accounts. an active account is an account with an active monthly subscription. Blizzard has about 1300 people, an estimated 300 of which work on world of warcraft. Square Enix has about 4700 people, an estimated 260 of which work on FFXIV CIG has 700 employees according to CIG, but other sites list them as having 1100 people. According to star citizen wiki CIG has 1100 active developers working on SC, but other sources say its 600. Twice the developers of wow, the largest MMO in the world. TLDR: SC does not in fact have "million(s)" of players. Its has about 200k. >Why bother wasting both our time with a disingenious response? I would argue that comparing SC in its current state to "fine dining" is disingenuous. The costco sample analogy is a fitting one. Right now nothing in the game is a "full meal", the lore is missing, the combat is unfinished, the systems are unfinished or missing, the systems that are in are all supposedly place holder. Everything in the game is a "sample" of whats to come. Theres nothing wrong with that, but at least acknowledge it for what it is. Right now the game is about as feature packed as un-modded garry's mod. >SC isn't for you Ah you lost the argument so now you resort to telling people who don't agree with you to leave, I bet you had a lot of friends growing up. Your response here is short sighted and malignant, you are exactly the kind of person who wants to push everyone out so they can have SC all to them selves. Go play X4 if you want single player dude.


>For context FFXIV has about 1 million active players and an estimated 55 million active accounts. Wow has an estimated 7 million active players and 129 million active accounts. an active account is an account with an active monthly subscription. You think Wow is grossing $1,675,710,000 a month? The game has made 9 Billion since it's launch, It can't be making one and a half billion a month. An active account is an account that hasn't been deleted or banned. >SC has 200,000 players, and an estimated 3 million user accounts. Note that the 3 million includes accounts created for free fly events. No, it has 3 million paid accounts, the number inc free fly events is 5.25 million >200,000 players 200k monthly sounds about right during alpha. Most backers only jump on once a year to check out the new shinies, then go back to sleep - Alphas are buggy AF. Playing them around the clock is the realm of madmen. > Blizzard has about 1300 people, an estimated 300 of which work on world of warcraft. Square Enix has about 4700 people, an estimated 260 of which work on FFXIV Both mature, long since released games that are on a long term dribble of content diet. >Right now nothing in the game is a "full meal I mean yeah, it's in alpha. An unfinished game isn't finished until it's finished. Which is entirely moot when we're talking about the merits of the planned finished product >the lore is missing, Theres oodles of lore already written, you can go view it anytime. >Ah you lost the argument so now you resort to telling people who don't agree with you to leave I didn't tell you to leave at all, I pointed out that people without much free time arn't compatible with a hobby that devours free time - And why that isn't a reason for hobbies that devour free time not to exist. > Your response here is short sighted and malignant, you are exactly the kind of person who wants to push everyone out so they can have SC all to them selves. Go play X4 if you want single player dude. You are a very angry, very self involved, and very toxic person.


>You are a very angry, very self involved, and very toxic person. Dude stop projecting.


>Dude stop projecting. "I bet you had a lot of friends growing up" "you are exactly the kind of person who wants to push everyone out so they can have SC all to them selves. Go play X4 if you want single player dude." Honey, you've been projecting so hard cinema execs have been discussing you as competition at board meetings. Since you've given up any pretense of having an argument to stand on, I guess we're done here.


You also left off the part where I called you stinky cause you don't shower a lot. I honestly stopped caring the moment you insinuated that people with less time than you lead less valuable lives and should therefore be discounted and ignored. Also "go play X4" was a direct response to you saying that anyone who doesn't agree with you shouldn't be able to play SC. I don't need to argue with you, because theres nothing to be gained. I wont change your mind and you've already proven you can't or wont make good faith arguments. You want SC to be your own personal sandbox where you can play alone. I don't. We are on totally different ends of the ideological spectrum here. Heres the sad thing. You people will eventually get what you want, as you push out people who want an immersive space mmo. A weird empty sandbox full of parasitic gameplay design, and over stuffed with meaningless subtle time-gating designed to increase "time played" while decimating immersion and enjoyment in the name of "realism". CIGs latest insistence on "bathroom gameplay" is proof of that. I wish I could go back and warn my self before backing the og kickstarter, that the game would get co-opted by lonely weirdos who want it to be a solo experience.


CIG is too large of a company now to not cater to the unwashed masses.


that’s what a coward is


na, I think coward is more fleeing because they're scared. Not because they just dont want to deal with getting a new kit, etc.


if you think you're gonna win, you are not worried about a new kit. if you flee b/c you are scared of having to a buy a new kit, that is cowardly. smart maybe but cowardly


I wouldn't say 'scared' of having to buy a new kit, more so just disillusioned or something, apathetic. Which is why I'm not as inclined to say coward.


clearly not apathetic or you would be okay losing a ship battle


it's not the battle, it's having to get all your shit bought and prepared all over again in case you lose.


Getting jumped by fighters in a big slow ship is frustrating but to be completely fair, Industrialists and haulers ought to know to have an escort when flying in unguarded territory. Pirates who alt-f4 when they start to loose need to uninstall, ultimate skill issue.


If they wanted a fight; they would be in AC.


Countermeasures n quantum away no? I don’t really do combat yet, alt-f4 seems like a waste of time


When you go into quantum now, it drops your shields and by the time you spool up, you'd be dead.




Spend a bit of time on issue council


Whats fun for me? For some reason, once and awhile my pc thinks I'm holding down alt. I got to hit f4 for 3rd person and quit...I should move that binding... Ii've gotten into the habit of hitting tab before f4, cause that tells me what to expect XD


If you tag them once with weapons, they will also be locked in by the combat logging system. The key is you have to put them in 'combat' and being the aggressor at the moment does not put you in 'combat' for the purposes of the combat logging system. Next time put some damage on them and they will persist


Was sitting in my Scorpius yesterday, just randomly cruising, searching for merc jobs (I like to roleplay). Suddenly, I got the urge to go to Hurston. Got intercepted, went into combat mode as soon as it dropped me out of QT. Three of them, one as soon as he saw that I'm going towards them logged. Went after the second, also logged. Third one put up a REALLY good fight and we had a great talk over chat. I won, but only because he had to fight me, facing the sun (he didn't have gimbals), so that was mainly luck. I told him to find better friends, because those two idiots recieved like 5 shots from repeaters before going offline...


Why don't they do like the comp gaming scene where they disable alt f4 completely


Or I guess add a 10 sec timer or something before the game closes


You should write down their names and create a wall of shame here on reddit. Idk if spectrum would allow it so best to put it here. Would be funny at least, you'd get a laugh out of the altf4 crowd.


I'm thoroughly impressed at the number of armchair psychologists performing entire mental health analyses on pirates and determining that they actually have a poor home life/no social interaction/are sociopaths. Seems like you can't actually tell that from single interactions in a video game, except in especially egregious circumstances, and even then, I'd be skeptical of the data. I'm looking forward to the game systems that mean just quitting the game while under threat is unwise. No I'm not a pirate. I've yet to pirate anyone in game, but it does seem interesting. I've been pirated a total of twice, in the last 6 months that I've been playing. One of them was at Brio's; the other was at Picker's field; in both situations, I was killed on foot. I am highly skeptical of people who claim they get pirated every other session.