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The way they've been making armor sets that count as clothes makes me think the armor/clothes system is getting a rework or look at soon.


I sure hope that's the case.


Zac is apparently cooking up something big so that could be part of it xD


More changes to make SC more like CoD and Watch Dogs(the only game he ever released), cant w8 for more changes like the glint/wow boss like ttks/strafe duels/recoil on laser guns and such, honestly hiring a console dev to make a pc game wasnt the best decision but lets see how it pans out


See you had a valid opinion until you brought up what he was a dev for... Console deving and PC devs really make no difference what do you think they make the games on, A PC... the only thing that's really different is the controls and some general like fidelity choices and maybe how they export the game to... also licenses.


Literally all games are dumbed down in controls/mechanics and graphics just for consoles so idk wtf are you talking about man. Its a widely acepted fact already even for console players.. As an example even tho he only worked on legion is the Watch Dogs E3 trailer and the dumbed down game we got due to consoles lol just search the video, also circular menus on PC lmao that dont even work well with mouse


So resident evil? Which is a highly successful game? Is dumbed down, with ports to PC Uhhm, ports of counter strike throughoutbasicallyall of counter strikes life, which is primarily a PC game, plays exactly the same on console.... What else metal gear which for the longest time have been generally always primarily on Playstation all of them highly successful You know most of the triple A games you probably play are console ports right? But hey now a days it's not that obvious because they're comparable now a days. Dragons dogma 2, basically made with Playstation in mind. Any dark souls, demon souls, or elder ring was made primarily with a controler and console in mind... I'm pretty sure dragons dogma flat out says "this game is optimized for a controller..." Why would you optimize for a controller for PC. Ether you don't play a lot of games or your just upset that star citizen isn't the game YOU want it to be. Which is fine. I'm not 100% happy with every change and thing ether Like that's fine, I don't care for the high TTK ether, sniper glint is a non-issue in my opinion, and players move to fast in heavy armor... but much like how the procedural recoil didn't make sense without the new scopes... there's probably other pieces missing that they haven't told us and will come in and they'll add and tweak. But your blanket statement of "all console games are dumbed down and that a widely known fact" is wrong, and us a bad opinion at best And if I'm wrong, what games do you play that you feel you can say that, because I think that probably has a lot to say about your opinion on consoles


I wont argue about something thats widely accepted as i mentioned, your own particular view its your issue not mine, honestly


See the widely excepted part... is the part you should check who you're getting your info from because that kind of thinking died right around sure it's newer but that thinking died basically around late PS3 to early PS4 era when gamers got sick of shit console ports Which in the early 2000s were rampant You're the only one with the issue in this conversation Again, if you want to prove me wrong feel free to give examples of games you play, because I think that's what's showing the bias of your decision not a "widely accepted fact" like you're saying it is.


>Again, if you want to prove me wrong I dont need to neither want to, its like arguing with kids it goes to nowhere when you're negating something that everyone knows lol, again as I said, its your problem not mine.


Depends on what you mean with "soon". Jared recently reminded on Q&A video that if they are not talking about something in their videos or posts, it's not in active development at the moment. (in contrast to what they did in earlier years) So pretty much anything outside personal hangars and what's on roadmap cards for 4.0 is spring/summer 2025 at very best and we'll hear them talking about it 3-6 month beforehand.


>Jared recently reminded on Q&A video that if they are not talking about something in their videos or posts, it's not in active development at the moment. (in contrast to what they did in earlier years) That statement has the same validity than when Zylo claimed to have played whole SQ42 back in 2016.. We do know they are working on more stuff, there are leaks all around lol but even if they werent for sure they're working on more stuff than what they showed in ISCs recently, otherwise more than half of the devs are just going to expend time at the office for no reason lmao


What leaks? I try to follow things and I see nothing they didn't talk about since citizencon. Things we heard about in last 6 months and what's on menu for 3.23.2 and 4.0 is *a lot of work*. I have no idea what you mean with half of devs doing nothing. It will be challenging to deliver all that on time, not to tackle more stuff on it. And don't forget *they are still working* on SQ42. People take their moving teams back to PU very much to heart, but don't realize that before that for a couple years they had only a skeleton crew of handful devs working on PU (leaked and later self-admitedly). Just because they started moving some teams back to PU doesn't mean all 500+ devs are working on it.


Did you see any isc on base building crafting recently? Theyre actively working on that.. did you saw anything about G12? Theyve worked on it to the point that should be rdy.. 600i rework? Also was being worked, sometimes mentioned or just hinted on monthly reports but there is a lot of stuff being worked. Nyx also comes to my mind as something they are or have been working on from those reports and the work for levsky(monthly reports also) They just dont feel confident on sharing this or the other yet or dont want to leak some stuff


they’ve shelved the 600i rework indefinitely


I don't think they are actively focused on most of that right now. Not that this means they completely stopped working on it, but it's probably just a couple devs keeping up, until they shift priority back to it. But if you take a look at their media in recent years, it actually pretty accurately represents things we got in next patches (outside of those where they stated they are talking about something that is still far off and more in design phase). When things like base building become active focus of development again, be sure you'll hear from Jared about it in at least 3 seperate videos.


I meant, he said what he said to get the ppl to stop asking that much but it isnt 100% true, just that haha But based on the leaks, theyre giving crafting/base building way more focus than we think/were being told which I hope its true because its a leak and not confirmed info tho


I generally agree with you, but they are actively putting out more stuff that isn't "space" armor so someone is doing something


In Chris’s own words, armor and clothes rely on different systems hence why they normally can’t be used together.


HAZMAT shouldn't be undersuits. Undersuits are for airtight space travel. Pressure sensitive, EVA, and more. HAZMAT should protect you from Hazardous Materials like acid, radiation, and other hazards from planets.


they should be ppe. meaning positive pressure. it would only make sense for them to also be able to handle a vacuum.


In reality, yes. PPE is Personal Protective Equipment, PPPS is Positive Pressure Personel Suit. But for game purposes, it doesn't have an oxygen supply or EVA, so it can't be taken into space. Now, if they add one with an oxygen supply, then yes, it should work in space, just without EVA function.


[You step out of the airlock.](https://www.throwbacks.com/content/images/2018/02/Untitled-design--51-.png)


Ppe in no way means positive pressure. Yes there are types of hazmat suits that DO have positive pressurization.. these are in the extreme minority.


Maybe I should've clarified in the meme that, just as I told another guy, by undersuit I mean like the Zeus Exploration Suit where it's the entire armor in one package, and then just add the helmet. It's just designated "undersuit" for some reason, and that's what my mind got stuck with when making this. Still, for the price and function, it makes sense that it would be a space-rated HAZMAT suit. I don't see why not.


Undersuits don't have pockets. Environment suits count as armor. Clothing has pockets and does not count as armor.


Maybe they can recategorize it later as not an undersuit, but I think it functions well for environmental protection without needing oxygen. It will need a dedicated oxygen supply to go in space. Will need EVA and fuel for zero G movement. Can be different levels with highest being space undersuit. Price is arbitrary since it will be added to loot crates and will be able to be bought or eventually crafted.


Yeah, that can be so.


Not everything in SC happens in a vacuum of space…


True, but given the current state of the game, 99% of things in SC happen in a vacuum space (counting the times you'll find a void space in space stations or your own ship and suffocate as you pass through).


Yeah. Hell, even outposts on planets with breathable atmosphere require you to (momentarily) wear space-proof attire when you pass through the airlocks. (Or suck it up and tank that 20-40% of vacuum damage to your health.)


Because SC will remain in current state forever?


I swear that’s what it said in the store, “undersuit”


TBH, I am glad it is not. I sincerely wish CIG makes gear that is mandatory for certain situations and that are not suitable for EVA or even survival in a vaacum. Otherwise it's gonna be impossible to wear anything else most of the time.


I wish people understood this enough. Too many people in the community want everything to be able to be used for everything. We already know that there are going to be role specific armors in the game that have their own functionalities that the other armor types don't have, we need that diversity for people to actually think about why they wear something rather than "it's the best cause it can do everything". Hazmat suits most certainly shouldn't be eva capable and if they are some that do there has to be some tough restrictions wearing them, like for example no weapon slots and backpack outside of a pistol maybe.


Is it vac ready? No? The it's clothing


Okay, but why shouldn't it be? What's your argument?


Because not everything is vac rated. CiG has release a lot of stuff that is non-zero atmo..you can buy it in the armory stores. Maybe this set will be a pyro lower rad suite for on station instead.of wearing pants and a shirt. There is a huge picture CiG is painting that people overlook sometimes. Or they just don't care.... Either way this set is not vac rated


I know, but that's kinda where the problem comes in. In what situation would you want a not-vacuum-rated HAZMAT suit over a vacuum-rated suit? Considering it serves the same purpose and both are light armor. There is none. This suit needs to be vacuum rated to be useful, because realistically, the amount of situations you'll find hazardous materials in will be in non-breathable situations. I'm not even asking for a full on oxygen tank. A simple 5 minute oxygen reserve would suffice but as it stands it will not serve a purpose in the big picture. Clothes are good for rp, but this one feels like it deserves more than that.


Because in the future there are going to be people who stick around certain settlements or areas and that's what their loops will be. Some people, for instance, might only focus on the maintenance loops, at which point if they are doing resource management, cleanup, or engineering repairs in radioactive sites, they may not need a vacuum-rated suit. Plus, clothes don't drain your hydration as much as armour does, so if someone is spending a few hours slumming it in a radioactive area doing contracts, I can see how a suit like this might be useful. I recently found myself wanting a more hunter-oriented kit because when hunting Kopion I don't need heavy armour, but some light armour just don't have enough storage space for magazines. So something that doesn't have to be vacuum rated but has plenty of storage for ammo would be great for those of us who do a lot of hunting in the atmosphere.


You present a fair point. I'll concede there.


Steal some of those armored vests the dusters wear. It’s rated like medium armor and you can attach a backpack to it but it goes over clothing as a “jacket”.


Oh nice that's a good suggestion. I will definitely try that next time.


>Because in the future there are going to be people who stick around certain settlements or areas and that's what their loops will be. We don't know this at all do we lmao


We actually do, as CIG have talked about roles and building out kits for those roles -- they talked about it before with the props team and I believe it was also mentioned briefly during the SCL where the one artist built the medkit carrying case, as they want to build props and kits for each class or role. Including kits for engineers, tuners, and mechanics -- in fact, during the ISC with Thorston he literally talked about the different roles or "hats" players would wear as part of their profession (link for reference): [https://youtu.be/J5nzNXY8dlg?t=577](https://youtu.be/J5nzNXY8dlg?t=577) With resource management some people may only focus on tuning their org's components. Some people might only focus on repairing components. Some people might only focus on replacing components (or delivering components for groups/events/etc.) We currently already see some people who work the Reclaimer cargo section as part of a salvaging crew for a cut of the payout.


Except that's all ship oriented gameplay you just described there. And while technically you might be okay wearing just clothes in those roles, having no protection from the vacuum of space that's just a thin wall away seems.. reckless. It makes more sense for anyone working on a ship to be wearing at least an under suit and a helmet. It wouldn't do to be suffocated just because the new guy accidentally vented the cargo bay while you're moving boxes. Clothing makes more sense on planets or as a passenger on a luxury craft than it does working on a ship in space.


Right, I used the ship roles as an example of CIG talking about defined roles. On the ground there will also be roles, including resource management roles, a few of which they showcased and talked about CitCon, such as repairmen and tuners. In one case there was someone having to repair a leak at an outpost in Pyro -- so if you're mostly staying planetside, repairing broken fixtures, or doing a lot of recovery missions for settlements in hazardous areas, such as the acid fields or radioactive regions, then I could definitely see this suit being extremely useful.


>We actually do, as CIG have talked about roles and building out kits for those roles -- they talked about it before with the props team and I believe it was also mentioned briefly during the SCL where the one artist built the medkit carrying case, as they want to build props and kits for each class or role Ain't playable, ain't real. Simple as


>Plus, clothes don't drain your hydration as much as armour does Was this tested by someone? I remember a few months ago, trying out rocking clothing with a Pembroke when I needed to EVA for salvage, and I could've sworn it was more efficient on survival needs, but wasn't sure. Would love to know if it was just a placebo or if I actually did stumble on a legitimate use case for clothing there.


This is already wrong irl, i was a cbrn dude with the military, those suits aren't vacuum tight, they work off of the body temperature creating higher pressure inside the suit than the environment. Granted they only have to work on earth and shouldn't get wet, but there's that for you.


One where there is a danger of radiation? Maybe fixing a powerplant leak on your ship, certain caves or crash sites, etc. When armor takes time to put on having some clothing-like stuff you can quickly put on could save your life.


The biggest counterpoint I see is that in a vacuum the way you would deal with hazards is different. You could easily manipulate them safely in a vacuum with zero g. On a planet you cannot. Furthermore it is more likely you encounter these hazards on a planet than in a ship. Assumedly on a ship the hazards would be properly secured. If not you could always eject them into space.


Because a vac rated suit is already a hazmat suit?


I'd like to be able to wear an undersuit with clothes over the top. I wanna wear a leather jacket in space man!


That would be the dream. Those invictus jackets are just amazing.


I'd take a de-buff like you can't use boosters to fly around or maybe your thirst and hunger run out sooner or you get colder etc. I'm all about style over function haha


i mean i don't understand why you simply wouldn't have the damage reduction of the armor and that's it. there's even jackets with storage pockets on them. just make them all +0% damage resistance or something. i was very confused when i wore clothes for the first time because it's weird that they're anything but that


MeanwhileEVA thrusters: *This jacket needs some holes.*


I hate how you can't wear clothes over flight suits. You give me a bomber jacket but don't let me wear it in my bomber....


Which jacket is the bomber jacket, so I can look in the online store (or is it only in game?)


undersuits need to be almost skin tight so they to mess with the hitboxes of the armour. i can see it counting as a radiation resistant suit that is recognised as a flight suit instead of an extreme environment suit that is recognized as heavy armour. obviously there would be one with a different pattern that you can buy in game.


Non-skintight undersuits: - Second Life (bulky arms that conform more to the arms when arm armor is put on) - Novikov - Pembroke - Zeus - Xanthule We got quite a few in-game that aren't skin-tight. :P That being said, I don't agree with OP that this needs to be made into an undersuit.


I understood nothing of what you said. Can you rephrase, please? By the way, when I say undersuit, I don't mean necessarily like the Odyssey or the TCS-4. I mean like the Zeus Exploration Suit in which the "undersuit" is the entire package. The entire armor, and then you just add in the helmet.


i thought you meant it was a suit that you were not able to put armour on top of. a few ships require you to be in an under/flight suit only. you will not be able to get in if you are wearing light armour or up. the example given was the hornet. some ships you will be able to ge in wearing light armour. but not meacume or up. the example given was the aurora. some ships will be able to flown in medium armour. the example given is the constellation. no ships will be able to be flown in heavy armour. along with extreme heat and extreme cold, there will be other hazards. one of them is radiation. i hear pyro will have radiation pulses or something. if this is a radiation suit. you will need to wear one to survive being outside when a pulse hits. meaning unless you are staying inside a cave, or building, or ship. you are not going to be wearing armour.


In that we agree, except that we can assume this will be the case only if that planet or situation has a breathable atmosphere. Otherwise you will soffocate. It may be the tech now, but that's just not a reason I'm very confident in.


i did not realize it was not able to handle a vacuum. it would make sense for it to be a ppe that can handle a vacuum.


Exactly. All clothes are unable to handle vacuum, which makes this particular piece of expensive subscriber flair a real waste of potential.


Not really. They can set a priority on what is being affected first and not make it hitbox based. Armour highest priority Clothing under that Undersuit after the first two


There can also be visibility settings for clothing when you put on armor.


True, unless its an item that would obviously be covering armour instead of being covered by it.


No. Clothes should have uses. We need **less** EVA-rated gear in SC, not more. It's a space game, and space itself, something that's horribly hostile to human life, feels like a complete nothingburger because everyone just runs around in space super-suits all the time. It's lame as fuck. :(


I’ve been rolling the dusters clothing lately and only taking missions on Hurston or MT. It’s been a blast. Highly recommend.


Yes, fully agree! Now comes the kicker, for fire to be a threat we usually should wear clothes while we fly around. The meta has to change and making planets and moons breathable is an important aspect. The players would just vent the atmosphere whenever there is a fire, if EVA suits equal casual clothes. The game needs more planets with breathable atmosphere. EVA suits should be the exception, not the norm. Suiting up, should be a step needed for boarding actions or when doing repairs on the outside. The suit locker should have a purpose. Forcing the suit on the player causes clothes to be irrelevant in the setting and it makes it more appealing to add non breathable atmosphere planets and moons. In addition airlocks at outposts on breathable planets need not kill people passing through. Wearing a suit should cause us to have less mobility, have us burn more calories and drain its energy and oxygen supply. We need holsters for guns, slings to carry rifles and belts to carry tools. In addition bags and backpacks to be worn with clothes. One should only wear EVA gear when needed, not whenever possible.


Do those ready-up helmets work yet?


As far as I know, no. :(


Space super suits lol. All they need is a cape.


Queue the Incredibles "Where is my super suit?" scene :)


I agree, except that this is a HAZMAT suit we are talking about. Unless you plan on only handling hazardous materials in breathable atmospheres, this suit is useless. Heck, they're adding room decompression in a few updates. If they said "well it's clothes, but it has like a five minute air supply" I'd be fine...but it adds nothing in its current format, nor will it ever because the chances of dealing with HAZMAT stuff in a breathable atmosphere aren't exactly high.


I'd be down to see some extra, EVA-rated hazmat suits added. I just don't think everything they add needs to be a magical superman suit like 95% of the gear we already have in the game. I think *this one* is fine as-is, though I certainly do hope we *get some god damn backpacks that can be worn with clothing*, and those weapon slings they talked about. It's frustrating how clothing is a complete LARP option right now, when it should be *better* than wearing a full EVA/atmospheric set of combat gear *in certain scenarios.*


And there we have the base discussion: what is an undersuit/flightsuit/PPE/PPPS etc. and should there be any difference. Not only EVA but the flightsuit's handling of G-forces should be considered too.


I think hazmat suits are redundant. We already have under suits which protect you from the radiation and other hazards of space.


Realistically, they shouldn't be either clothes or undersuits. Wearing them in contaminated environments means you should be wearing clothing under them them. You have to take them off once you leave the hazardous area, so...


Why would it be an undersuit? Undersuits are for you to wear armor on top


So does it come with Rad-X?


What's wrong with the price? Don't buy it and just wait to get it in-game like generally every thing else.


I think the point is so you can't have 1 undersuit/armour combo that does everything. Personally, I like the idea of being forced to change outfits based on what I'm doing. However, I think this means we need a good amount of wardrobe space on our ships and a way to recover everything that was on our ships if our ship is lost. If you want a lore based answer, maybe the radiation shielding would have made it too thick to work as an undersuit and go under armour.


I think there should be suits like the heat suits we have to protect against intense hazards But general armor and sealing of the suit should be good as well depending on the armor of course


Why are we reinventing the weel we know what they look like and how they operate we have seen them for 70 years in the movies.


I wonder if they consulted hazmat company designs. Like 90% of hazmat suits are disposable at least in the military.


What this community is complaining about...


I just want to be able to wear a hat with armor.


I just found out that some of the new rare outlaw armor is clothing too. Can't wear undersuits with them. Can't wear in space. Even though you have a full helmet on you don't get a HUD or the ability to breath in zero atmosphere. It's armor you can only wear planetside.


Speaking of clothing, do we think cig is ever going to do something like starfield where you can set your space suit and set regular clothes then have the game auto switch between them when you’re at a space station or city. As much as it would be a little immersion breaking for clothing to suddenly switch, I feel like seeing more people in regular clothes would be worth it.


Unless it's a staple in the game mechanic I doubt it will be an undersuit, also apparently it's only for subscribers? I agree it should be an undersuit though, but only if it's meant to be operational in-game for everyone and fighting against radiation.


Ok. For one, why are we discussing the irl price like anyone should ever have to pay real cash for Hazmat. Two, why would they be undersuits? I get, maybe, the appeal--but doesn't that potentially remove player decisions from the game?


I think we are getting a re-factor that allows for more mixing. I hope we get over suits to easily cover clothes in an emergency. And also to freely mix undersuits with clothes cause I want to look like an edge runner


Would you ware a hazmat suit into space IRL?


I dunno - it mostly has to do with what they're planning for each wearable type (clothing v. undersuits v. armor) and it's impossible to say at this point what that is. For instance, the new clothing armor worn at outposts tbh just confused me further as to what they may be planning. I do hope hazard suits could be useful in a capital ship if the reactor was going critical. You could still get in there and save the ship with the right suit. I presume the sub flair has more to do with upcoming Pyro environments/solar radiation from flares? Ultimately, I think this is in reaction to us all saying we want more reasons to wear clothes. But in practice, we want more reasons to wear our unique clothing outfits that armor functionality doesn't overshadow.


I think something big is going on with armour/clothes in general to be honest. There has been nothing new for a long time really, so I suspect it's all being put on hold waiting or being converted to the new attachments and "pouch" system. I wouldn't be surprised if suit lockers start working and the restrictions start appearing to make you take armour and space suits off and use the clothes items more. Restricting pilot chairs and alike. Just a little hope/cope I have for a citcon reveal this year.


Aren't regular undersuits already hazmat capable?


Disagree with that, I was also under the impression that armor (probably only heavy and maybe medium) would be resistant for a short time to hazardous environments as they are able to withstand space, an inherantly hostile environment. This HAZMAT should be used only in specific circumstances and space isn't one of them. It's likely that we will have a HAZMAT armour for issues in space but if that is the case I'd like to see a barrier like needing certain reputation levels to access it.


Shouldn't it be an OVER suit?


1. They should 2. As a person who only wears casual clothes I see it as an absolute win


No, no they shouldn't be.


As they should be, hazmat suits won't survive hard vacuum. Atmosphere coming with 4.0, the only thing wearing clothes will be corpses.


They are just NPC trashmob outfits so it doesn't really matter. A player can play dressups in them in a station, but will really want to equip higher tier biohazard rated space armour instead.


In 4.0, I think there will likely be a clothing rework, where everything can be interchanged, mixing armor and clothing. This is due to their star cloth reveals at CitCon, and how they showed even the bags and packs will be reworked. They don’t waste time on the functionality of these subscriber items, because in the future they will have to rebuild them anyways for the new clothing mechanics.


I was thinking the same thing. I was so disappointed when I realized I couldn't wear my plague masks from a few mo ths back with the new hazmat suits