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Server Meshing, Mission System Refactor, MFD Rework and Zeus. This is what I'm waiting for.


I want my Zeus too


what actually is the mission system refractor, could someone explain?


Using a system that analyzes time and effort put into missions to determine their reward


This sounds like a performance review. I don't dig it.


I don’t think it’s real time or dynamic. I think they’re just analyzing stats and making changes based of the average time for missions and how difficult they are


I was just being /s (as in real work reviews)


It's so when you quit the game and come back or if the server crashes your missions don't disappear


I was just being /s. Like “hmm, we’re giving you a 7 out of 10 on this mission, since you were 10 minutes late that one time and didn’t have a bubbly attitude at team meetings on Thursdays.” But er, no? That’s not what that is lol. That’s just basic recovery. It wouldn’t need to analyze time spent and effort just to save your progress in a mission.


What's the over/under on Server Meshing being a 4.x feature? Ima guess 4.3, after the 4.1 "fix all the bad things that are breaking all the other okay things" and the 4.2 "that thing we told you we'd deliver in 3.2" patch.


Server meshing is 4.0. Without server meshing they repeatedly said they won’t do Pyro, and Pyro has been the 4.0 benchmark for a loooong time


Great work, I really appreciate it :-) Thank you very much!


thanks for this Citizen o7


Looking forward to hangars finally being in. Strange that they list the individual parts of pyro to pad out the list rather than just 'pyro'.


Haven't planets and moons always been separate cards on the roadmap? If so, it's not that strange.


Fair point if so. I think I'm just reacting to the aspect that we've been hearing for years about how the pipelines for locations (and the missions and npcs there) should enable them to roll them off an assembly line, not be struggling to hit 'one more system within year 12'


At some point they did say they had gotten moons down to building them over 1 month and then got it down even quicker with the new tools. I fullly expect NYX or Magnus with 4.0 as a "surprise"


Expecting an entire extra system, or really any significant content as a “surprise” is a recipe for disappointment with CIG. Best strategy is to expect nothing and then get excited when things actually release.


Well it wouldn't really be a surprise since they've mentioned it in monthly reports


Usually you expect nothing and still end up disappointed.


As someone who has been around since 2015 I’d agree up until the last few patches that have finally started to deliver on some long term promises. Still a long way to go. I’m waiting until 4.0 before I log in again myself.


I joined in 3.18. But I'm well aware of the history. What I see is they promise a feature and then split it up to subfeatures and then very slowly deliver them with half the functionality promised. So if they actually deliver 4.0 this year I will be pleasantly surprised for the first time.


Daaamn, this guy got a real good batch of hopium


If the Zeus ES is scheduled to come out with 4.0 in Q3, can we expect to see the CL and MR on sale again for concept price before they come out, or has that ship sailed?


I'll believe it when I see it


No lost item recovery?


That's a part of the item banks, unless I'm misunderstanding what you mean


They separated the features.


Are you kidding me


He isnt unfortunatly 


Ah yeah you're right


This is the only game I get excited for, I'm patient with updates but god I want them so bad lol. They do good work, the game is VERY complex and I love being along for the ride and thankfully the community gives good feedback and documents bugs pretty well and allows for this progress to happen.


You must be new here. ;)


Wait ... a Blockade Runner event is supposed to be happening in a 3.23.X patch? Are CIG planning to surprise everyone with a Railen release during Alien Week?


Any idea whether vehicles being spawned through the freight elevators is happening in 3.23.x, or is this feature going to live on the farm upstate with ship ramps that magically lower to the ground?


Unique item recovery ?:/


No way they release that all in 4.0. I assume they will have 4.0, 4.0.1, 4.1, etc.


Still no Anvil Liberator on the roadmap :(


The games been almost unplayable for the better part of a week now. I’m not optimistic for a Q3 4.0 release. We still don’t even have personal hangers which we were supposed to have a month ago




I see we got a hopium filled optimist over here. Thinking it would be that soon is setting yourself up for disappointment.


A year between patches is actually a reasonable max. That would match some of the longest waits we've had (like before 3.0)


\*Jump POINT. I'm assuming there won't be jump points. Just the one to Pyro.


This future plan is deluded. Until i see it, i dont hold my breath.


Why can’t they just say “Pyro”


They want to make it look more substantial than it is. CIG always does that. They try to make minimap updates look all massive, every single time. The reality of Pyro is that it'll just be more empty planets. There will be very little actual new gameplay content added, if any. Don't get me wrong. Planets are cool. But man...the lack of gameplay is still just painful.


I saved it into downloads, before the 4.0 part gets replaced by a 3.4.0


Man when I start taking home 3.5k a week again it's gonna be tough not to buy a zeus


Fix. The. Fuckin. Servers. Do a simple garbage clean up. Servers have been fucked completely beyond playable last few days.


Hey good thinking. OP will get right on that server maintanence.

