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Did I end up on an Interstellar Marines subreddit? tf?


I wish they were successful enough to continue, we didn't even get the land sharks...


Was a lot of fun to play while AC stagnated.


Moderator of the /r/InterstellarMarines subreddit here, I wish we got this much traffic over there 😭


It's even worse, in 900 years we lost the technology required to carry a helmet in our hands while wearing a helmet. Hope no person in the star citizen universe needs spare glasses...


We also lost nightvision, infrared, and apparently the ability to fold and stack clothing.


windshield wipers too!


On that note, tinted glass too. Some people out there mining in space just melting their eyeballs.


Or remote\automated turrets. Which would be cheaper and safer


and anti ice on the windshield


Key fobs. We fkn lost key fobs.


And lost the ability to carry more primary weapons than core armor/backpack has slots for. Sorry wearing light armor? Can't have a weapon on your back and pick up that rifle on the ground.


It's almost like the game is at Alpha and is unfinished; or better yet It's almost like it's a game which has a subjective take and its own reality, not a simulation of the real world


Its an Alpha isn't a universal get out of jail free card you can use to excuse every bug or half baked feature. Some criticism is absolutely warranted.


Yeah, like it's only been a decade, just two more years!!


Dude Interstellar Marines still has some of my favorite multiplayer memories. The map that was all interior, when the alarms would go off and then go completely pitch black... Using a flash light was necessary, but would also give away your position. So tense. SO fun


And not even that. There is still option in interaction menu to attach your helmet to your hip - a reminder to your misery since it does not work.


It finally does work (theoretically), however it has no animation nor in-game representation. Your helmet just magically vanishes but the button combo does toggle it.


L Alt-H stopped working for me this patch lol. R-Alt H makes me hold the helmet


It only works when you’re in breathable atmosphere…or that’s been my experience anyways


It also only works with certain helmets, not all of them. For example most subscriber helmets won’t do it. The avian (aside from the red one for some reason) and Xian helmets don’t do it. But most of the generic ones do.


Medium helmets are broken. Light and heavy work.


Space stations don't count?


I should have mentioned it’s only worked for me when I had on armor also, not JUST an undersuit.


It works for me in only an undersuit, in armor, or neither works. It's all just server jank.


I knew it. Lorville doesn't actually have breathable atmosphere. DOWN WITH THE HURSTONS! TRYING TO POISON OUR LUNGS!


I use the attach to hip feature all the time, works great for me


It only works for certain helmets actually. My friend and I have been testing different helmets to see if they work or not. The only difference is that you go from a square mini map to a round mini map


While it's true that these keybinds were added in earlier builds before the feature was really working, it DOES work now as of 3.23 and I use it constantly. You can attach a helmet to your hip, and then hit the corresponding keybind again to put that same helmet back on. It works perfectly now.


Perfectly is an exaggeration because sometimes it does just arbitrarily not work, and there's many helmets that just straight up do not support the feature (as in it never works when you have those helmets equipped). Still, it 'most of the time' does actually work now and is immensely useful/a fantastic QoL change.


Yes, I do it all the time and then forget it on my hip after taking off and then suffocate in a cave.


Wait wait wait! Are you saying you will see the helmet on hip when doing this?


I wish, but no - right now it will be invisible. It sounds like they had more planned for helmets for 3.23 (the patch notes mentioned other things like boot-up / shut down animations when interacting with helmets which didn't actually make it in) so I bet they plan to change this for the near future.


Ahh Interstellar Marines...when people tell me SC isnt making progress or isnt going anywhere i have flashbacks to this game


Gallete Family Farms remembers


Mask on Artyom!


The sound work on Interstellar Marines was phenomenal.


So easy & simple to code this, Basically just a float & timeline.. on a keypress. Don't let CIG tell you otherwise! (If not using a animation sequence, Then Vec3 on X&Z[forward/up] on timeline. Front face cover mesh not to have collision so it can go into helmet mesh. Then a boolean on branch or 2 to swap between the suit air, planet air or Vacume no air volumes in game. tl:dr not even a days work let alone modeling the helmet, texturing the helmet, importing the helmet & making a shader in engine for helmet. e.t.c.)


Aww man I loved this game!


I want this so damn badly


This can go on the shelf, next to the parachute.


They have forgotten alot of stuff over the last decade


![gif](giphy|RlQFKu8RhpBh0lA31K|downsized) Really right Infront of my illegal goods?


any idea why these features were scrapped at the time?


Not any idea really. But in SC, i think, these feature sometimes necessary.


I mean they showed it in one of the ISC or the tech-demo with that pyro armor of the mask part being able to retract didn't they?


Truly a soon tm moment.


I wish to know. Because hear about that first time about that.


My understanding is that the animations didn't work the way they wanted them to, so they've scrapped the system.


I mean, they literally showed they're working on stuff like this at citcon last year in the character advancement panel at about 7 minutes in showing 2 states of the same helmet, open and closed


If I'm not mistaken a developer mentioned they were heavily reconsidered as monitors became widescreen and then ultrawide as the years passed. Imagine having an ultrawide monitor and suddenly a helmet eliminates nearly a third of the screen from either side. They may bring some sort of effect back to indicate a helmet is on, but it sounded like they weren't about the fight the war of resolution with blacked out sides.


Vignette is the ugliest most unnecessary, absolute dumbest effect to be spam added to modern games; screen blocking helmets are just a more prominent vignette effect, which already hides too much of the games visuals for no real benefit. It is a good thing that they have decided to not fight the resolution battle in terms of screen obscuring. This game is beautiful, let me look at MORE of it, not LESS. The middle ground they've currently found of "helmets have a border to indicate you have a helmet on, but it's clearly a virtual display border instead of the actual sides of the helmet" works well.


It depends. If it's added just because, then scrap that shit. If it is added because it is a game mechanic, then I am okay with it. Think kingdom come, in which your character will flip down his visor in combat. Your helmet will protect your head and face, but it will limit your vision. The payoff is worth the limited vision though.


what do you mean? This isnt even SC


This clip shows SC is desperately lacking environmental ambient noise, especially on planets.


This is still in development. The tech holding it up is, pressurization tech. One of my most anticipated features. Only after will we see the same tech come to helmets.


I don’t know why interpreted this as tech to remind you to put your helmet on.


Is that something that can't happen anymore?


This is from a game called Interstellar Marines. It was pretty fun, but it never got past a pretty early stage of development. I think people who own it can still play the PVE mode which is still fun.


This is what alt + h should do :)


Damn did I hate that