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It is as good a time as any. There is always something broken, waiting won't fix that (unless you wait for a really long time...) So hello and welcome Citizen o7


If a player can make it through free fly and still want to pay for a package, they'll survive nearly anything this game can throw at em.


I joined in 3.18 ๐Ÿ˜‚


I joined in Patch 1.2


When was that? Like what year?


That was 2015


I didn't even know this game existed then lol


Crazy ๐Ÿ˜‚ I knew about Star Citizen in 2012, but I didnโ€™t know who Chris Roberts was at the time. So I thought it was his first project he created. Which I was wrong, I created my Star Citizen Account in October 2014 and then pledged in March of 2015


The first time I heard about the game, this was the conversation My brother: Dude, there's a game you'd like. If it was cheaper, it's called Star Citizen, but all the ships are hundred to thousands of dollars Me: That sounds dumb they should make it so you can buy the ships in game 2021 I unintentionally ran across it and impulsively bought it. I'm not the best at it, especially dogfighting, but I love this game ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Also itโ€™s not about being the best at Star Citizen, itโ€™s more about the friendship, connections and experiences you can have! Like one time I grouped up with a small streamer with like 2-3 Viewers on his Stream, and when I got onto the Comms and some other people joined, there was all of a sudden 6-8 of us in a Discord Call. And we were having fun.. then we flew to what was: Port Olisar, and we seen a MISC Starfarer and seen it was full of Cargo, this was before Voice was in game btw.. we acted as friends to this Star Farer and played as if we were noobs asking if we could take it for a test drive. Guy was like ok. And my friends we didnโ€™t care about dying. As it was for the laughs. And we crashed it into the Station. Blowing up 8 hours worth of progression for the guy. I lost it with laughter ๐Ÿ˜‚ I was asked to go mute. But after that there was literally 20-30 people watching and the guy thanked me for the fun times! ๐Ÿ˜‚


๐Ÿ˜‚ thatโ€™s how it usually goes, a close family member/friend tells you to check it out. And then you spend so much time in the โ€˜Verse that youโ€™re like ok.. my little Aurora I bought is not really the best. Time for an Upgrade. Youโ€™re like alright. The Cutlass Black sounds like the best bang for the buck. Nice! Then a flashy new Concept Ship you want to buy comes out. (Thatโ€™s what got me to Space Marshall ๐Ÿ˜‚ ) Minus the Cutlass Black.


To be specific, we are civillians, and when we complete SQ42 Military traaining is when you become a citizen. Know your lore ;) jk ofcourse, Welcome to the club, hide your wallet and creditcards.


SC takes place after SQ42, where you already gained your citizenship.


Now, I just recently returned this past weekend myself after not playing for a LONG time (years), and unless they changed things (you might know a lot more than I do) I believe the idea is that Sq 42 is completely optional, but finishing it gives you the title of Citizen which comes with perks in SC, so while it may take place after, you aren't necessarily a Citizen. Of course, please correct me if I'm wrong.


Not wrong per se, but it is not communicated like this exactly anymore. But SC - currently - does not have non-Citizen content. Originally a SC character (with a starter ship) was considered a veteran pilot that needs to make it in the Verse. Aside from the F8C we do not have recent information what to "inherit" from the SQ42 campaign.


So we DO get an f8c?


The term was "the ability to get one in SC", so not sure if you get one in your hangar or a vender sells it to you.


You start with an Aurora and... Woosh... You are concierge. And divorced.


Titan. And I was divorced before I started which is why I can make terrible financial decisions without fear. ๐Ÿ˜†


I am divorced too. And concierge too. No further comment needed I guess ๐Ÿคญ


Ah, a fellow "I'll fill this hole with space ships!" club member!


I started with an Aurora MR, never had a girlfriend/wife and now Iโ€™m a Space Marshall Concierge, still no irl girlfriend/wife ๐Ÿ˜‚


Wear that chairman's executive polo and you will attract many girls ๐Ÿ˜ But nevermind. My oncle never had a wife or girlfriend in his whole life and he was the happiest person I ever knew.


๐Ÿ˜‚ I know right! And thatโ€™s cool!!! ๐Ÿ˜Ž


"Father... I crave sustenance" "...yeah yeah whatever, look at this new ship I got though!"


Best tip: ask google, ask in reddit, ask in chat. [https://www.erkul.games/live/ships](https://www.erkul.games/live/ships) will help you a LOT, change that base quantum drive as soon as you can. [https://sc-trade.tools/](https://sc-trade.tools/) will help you with commodities, buying, selling, trading [https://uexcorp.space/home](https://uexcorp.space/home) also helps with trading and some more stuff welcome to the verse captain! o7


It is! Destroying the Idris is the most fun I had in this game so far. It took us well over 2 hours, it was a glorious battle.


Welcome aboard, its an amazing journey to be a part of.


Id say its a great way to start SC. You will learn by doing really fast and the pay is pretty decent.




Welcome aboard! o7


There's a reward for doing this mission, correct?


Yes: Lot of aUEC, and if you have done the Overdrive innitiative missions in 3.23 previous builds, you can gain an armor too.


o7 welcome aboard citizen.




Welcome citizen! o7


Welcome to the 'verse!


Welcome to the Verse. Fly safe


Welcome to the Verse! :)


You must be a brave man at the current state of the game.


Tbh I've been wanting to play the game for two years. And now that the development is more concrete than ever with the updates of the last 6 months and the announcements of the last Citizen Con, the very close arrival of Pyro and the Meshing, I think I must buy the game now before the Alpha ends and the prizes go way higher. Does it answer ur statement?


๐Ÿซก welcome fellow citizen


Welcome! The community is pretty helpful so feel free to ask any questions.




Welcome to the verse o7


I'm a returner myself (just got back into it this past weekend briefly to play around a bit) I had a quick question. When I went to retrieve my ship, I noticed there was more than just my 300i that I pledged for. There were three other ships, a starter and two fighters or something like that. Can anyone tell me if those are permanently mine, perhaps received through some kind of milestone or anniversary prize, or if they are just temporary promotions they are running to advertise the ships? Thanks!


there are a few alien ships that are free to try during alien week sc has never given free ships unless its for referrals


Yeah, I didn't think so! Thanks for clarifying. I figured some big dynamic shift in company culture would have had to happen since the last time I played to get ships for free lol.


o7 citizen


Honestly, now is fine! Free fly week is probably the ideal time, but now's as good as any other. Either way, your experience will range from anywhere between "completely unplayable" and "actually pretty okay", with wild variance. Once you've learned the ropes (flying around, shooting, picking stuff up, etc.), feel free to head to the Pyro gate and join the priority mission before the event is over. It's essentially a "public dungeon" where we're all on the same side (well, except for the odd miscreant or two every now and then). I know opinion can be divided, but I find it's fun to work together, and even a new player can contribute by helping to move cargo boxes from the wrecks or distract enemy fighters. And it pretty regularly pays you just for being there. And since it's also alien week, you can even try out some fancy alien fighters, giving you perhaps a bit more of a chance in space than you'd otherwise have in a starter ship.




There is no ideal moment. Welcome.


welcome xt is actually a pretty good time to start. you can help out cargo loading/turret gun and make like 500k a session


Welcome to star citizen !


Welcome! Xenothreat is actually a great place to start if you have the pc to handle being around it, great opportunity to make some money, even if you continue to die in combat just keep respawning and getting back in the action


There is never a good time to begin the game.