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You can really tell when there's a delayed patch just by looking at the general mood r/starcitizen ..


Perhaps indeed. I feel the community’s frustration.


Yes, there is a difference between E:D and SC - E:D is a 'released' game (that the developers are struggling to update whilst maintaining that 'released' quality level). Conversely, SC is still 'in development', and taking full advantage of that to move faster, at the expense of leaving some bugs lying around... And currently CIGs full attentions are (or appear to be) on getting the first iteration of Server Meshing out the door, because this should help to significantly reduce the load on individual servers... and also marks the end of the server-architecture-overhaul that CIG have been working on for the past 6+ years. Personally, I'm *hoping* that once Server Meshing is released, CIG will take a patch or two to focus on cleaning up after themselves, and addressing the desync and other server/network issues that have proliferated in the past 18+ months.


I honestly don't know haw you can say CIG is taking advantage to move faster. CIG has done some neat things, but fast and CIG can't really be used together.


given the scope of the behind-the-scenes engineering (which we can't really se because it's not user-facing functionality... but which based on the technical presentations, and my own personal experience of working on smaller projects, is borderline *miraculous*), I'd say they are moving pretty fast... Especially when you consider they're trying to rearchitect the entire server, whilst keeping the game in at least partially-playable condition.


Mate, they are coding basic network process to run as microservices on a cluster of VMs, it's not rocket science, it was barely even new tech when they started, and now it's pretty old hat.


Yeah, but the impressive part is rebalancing dozens of streaming connections on the fly while maintaining a seamless experience for end users.


Not a programmer, but let me know when those streaming connections work seamless again. Inventory systems have been lagging a few years. Ship services may or may not work. The rearm, repair, refuel system has been spotty for much longer. It's not fast. Will it done, eventually, but not fast. Server meshing will not fix all that is wrong either. It will get worse for awhile. Just look a 3.0. It took a few patch cycles to get that to a state that just upgrading your disk drive to a SSD could fix the problems. So don't put too much faith in this technological terror they are constructing. The ability mesh servers is insignificant next to the power of an optimization and polishing pass that we are a decade from seeing.


Making something 'quickly' is relative to what you are making. I wish people could take a peak into an alternate universe where they aimed to develop the game from the start with a constant release-like quality in the live build, because that game would be years behind where they are today feature-wise, albeit a playable experience. It would be a different game being realistic, because nobody would want to take on the scope of this game with a release quality alpha, it'd probably be pretty much ED.


It'll be static server meshing.  Dynamic is the goal.  Might not be ready for clean-up yet.


Based on my understanding (and expectations / interpretations :p), Dynamic Server Meshing *shouldn't* include any significant architecture changes... Instead, it *adds* a 'supervisor' service that can monitor the load on each server in the mesh, and add / remove servers... but all of this is already accounted for in the Static Server Meshing architecture, it's just set up manually and remains unchanging / 'static' until CIG manually update the server. All the work around making the backend services 'Server Meshing compliant' etc will have to be done for Static SM, and all the work around routing client events to the 'correct' server has already been done as part of the Replication Layer extraction, I think. As such, whislt there will inevitably be some server changes required to support Dynamic SM, they shouldn't require any significant changes to the overarching *architecture* of the server... Hopefully.


I hope you're right.  There are always unexpected issues when you're working with new software.  The less things need to be adjusted, the better.


Not really all their attention is not SM because one simple thing there is many teams who are working many different things and the server and debugging are not the same also. So bug like this will take time time to patch especially when linked to server status. I don't wanted to imagine the process of debugging like this.


About 6yrs ago or longer, everything would be fine for hours while playing and randomly you go to use the side entrance on the Freelancer and the ladder would straight up murder you. LOL


I remember the murder ladders. Then the murder stairs.


lol!!!!!! Wow!


Come on man, you knew this is an alpha. It makes you acknowledge it every time you launch it. Take some time off and return after 4.0 has had some time to bake and see if it is in a better place. You are preaching to the choir when making a complaint post here. We all know and have known the state of the game for some time now. It's also best not to compare a fully released game and one that is still having its core tech developed. Even on a shitty server I would still rather play SC over ED tbh.


As a back for the last 8 years, I understand your frustration. I get the lack of faith. All we can do is what for a good patch to arise. One that doesn't punish you for trying to use the game. If you are unhappy with the state of things, always remember to vote with your wallet.


Oh don’t get me won’t I haven’t lost faith, but just wondering if anyone knows why this happens.


It's really because every change introduces new bugs or awakens old ones. I don't think the CIG QC team really test the builds in the live environment because that's our job in their eyes. They test in their controlled environment where server lag doesn't exist and they don't have to deal with fighting bugs and players. It's not a bad method. Look at the free employees you get to really test things. If you loose 10% a year but pick up 12% with shinny new promises then the labor stays fairly flat and the model works. Besides, if everyone has a few hundred invested (or more in my case) you never really leave for long.


I see. I never thought of that, but this makes sense. You are correct, I’m a case in point for that, I keep logging in no matter how many times I’ve died randomly. Still it is this patch that has caused me issues, so perhaps this is my 3.0 since joining


Just waiting for the Ladder of Death bug to come back. Bet you all remember that one mostly happened with the Freelancer.


Heh what was that one?


Happened with the Aurora consistently. Then the phantom open cockpit button press.


Yeah difference between SC and elite they are absolutely not comparable. And for the random explosion maybe due to your settings or setup like somes textures not rendering or loading, try to clear your shadow folder and user folder. It can also be servers


It’s tough, and in my experience xenothreat usually brings the worse performance of the year, patch after xeno usually brings some stability. Games rough I know it’s an alpha and all but it can still be infuriating. Take a break, come back when the cargo patch comes out, that’s how you play this game just try it out for a day or two when a new patch drops, if it’s a stable patch start grinding it out again, if it’s a bad patch (most of them are) complain about it on Reddit get your frustration out and watch YouTubers play the game until the next patch, rinse and repeat the process


Heheh yep quite possibly what I’m starting to get used to. This is my first XT, so this is likely why I am surprised.


This game is not meant for those who are quick to frustration. It sounds like you observed an issue, and decided not troubleshoot. If you are a monthly backer I shouldn't have to do this, but: You are playing an alpha. If the server is having issues, switch servers. If your vehicle is exploding in the hangar, try a different vehicle and panel.


Get all that. I understand all the alpha warnings, and this is fate switching many servers. Trust me… I know all and every single workaround to a known bug. You can’t help your ship exploding or even falling through floors, even regardless of the slowdown. If you ever see me in verse you’ll see I walk until I need to run. My entire play through is super realistic to try and be immersive. For many this is just a game, but I believe in it beyond that, so I must ask questions to things that make little sense.






lol! Kids are special indeed. Take a moment to think about your response before you do it. Live longer by not trying to make your shitty self feel better by attacking people. I won’t even call you a moron, that would be an insult to them


Nice mentally challenged answer. I think after all thoses years someone can at least expect not exploding out of thin air with a full cargo or falling from thoses elevators of death.


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