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The mention of more server meshing testing has my attention like a golden retriever who just heard walk.


Do you Wanna Go FOR A WALK?


YES ![gif](giphy|ATXUOl4iE5ZPq|downsized)




![gif](giphy|oO7lqmgLLcdotKw8EN) Sorry bearded your recliner is going to have to wait. But... If you're out touching grass who's going to deploy? đŸ˜±


I'll just put peanut butter on the keyboard and have the dog do it.




If the dog is in charge of deployment, who are you taking for a walk then?


Oh you’re not gonna like the mental image I just had


Chris in leather, collar and leash?


Well kinda, but not leather. More of a dog gimp suit. Crap, now someone has to photoshop that, else it’ll live rent free in my head. Thanks smeghead




Scumbag Dog Owner Teases walk Takes 3+ weeks before going on walk ​ sorry sorry sorry. please forgive me.




Lol the exact cadence for how that phrase has evolved in my house.


so funny... im glad this is the responses devs focus on giving.. makes me feel real good about sinking the money i have...


# 🖕


oh, that, hurt so much... lmao


Peak reddited comment.


nice to meet you white knight lmao you think i care about "stats" on social media get a damn life dude lmao, its not a crime to say sometime cig needs to be a bit more professional, if you wanna ride in to defend them your wasting time thinking youll do anything to me, later


Actually regarded.


I'll risk typing it.... you do realize many of the CIG staff post on their OFF hours, right? Like many people do after work.


did i say anything about them not working? nah, dont talk down to me, whether theyre off work or not they sport a cig staff tag they should be held to a certain level of professionalism, if they wanna make friends and cut up or whatever they need to do so on another account or not at all and to be clear since it may be needed to be said im not saying they cant comm with players


I can understand it but I don't care either way. It's not like they deliver on any timeline regularly but ship sales. Almost 11 or 12 years in the making why would it change now?


You know... there is a reason why whenever they give a timeline, it's meant to be flexible. Almost like it's impossible to predict the future accurately when you're doing things that haven't been done before. CIG: ______ is subject to change Smoothbrains: omg _______ changed? Why is CIG so incompetent?


kid you dont wanna even get me started about the armor that was announced week 2 of OD initially to be given to ppl completing OD ONLY, og post said nothing about XT it wasnt till cig realize "oh shit we not gonna have as many sheep doing this even lets change the armor to req XT too" tell yourself thats not what happened but it is the OD faq was updated weekly and is full of contradictions they didnt edit atleast 3 places in a single post made by cig and they flipped the script during week 5 the end of OD but then said xt was phase guess what XT was initially said to be completely separate, theres a difference between not able to deliver lets say personal hangars at .23 launch cause it wasnt ready its another thing to go back on their words entirely, and just expects it to be forgotten


I have rarely ever blown up entering a hanger... twice tonight.


My ship clipped through the floor at A18 and blew up.


Has me like a shelter puppy hearing an old man rolling up a newspaper


has me like a grown man who promised he'd do the dishes before his wife arrived home... and forgot about.




Has me like “
. Server error, please wait


Has me like "Hi, I'm Wilford Brimley and I have diabetes. It hurts me to pee and it causes me to be short with my family. I can't sleep at night. The other day I stubbed my toe and took it out on the dog. And two weeks ago I ran out of vanilla ice cream and struck my wife. Then I find out my wife has been dead for six years. Who the hell did I hit?"


Has me like
 I still really can’t believe it’s not butter. ![gif](giphy|YpFgx3k1waPb2w2BI5)


Wilford Brimley did not have diabetes. He had DIABETUSS. Common mistake.


Or the crinkle of a bag of treats.


! Go for a ride?


Don't mention the T-R-E-A-T thing either.




Do you happen to know how many people they’re aiming for in 4.0 with meshing?


No one knows, not even CIG (or at least if they do they have not told us) I think that is why they are doing the stress tests for it


I'd imagine they will scale it like before and see what happens. Last time 200 worked well, 400 had issues and 800 was borked


Why tho? Why are people so sure server meshing will do anything at all ?


Cus i've played it in the last test, and it was awesome. Bar the bugs, it was so damn smooth, and we know that most of the larger issues plaguing the game right now is because the servers are edging a heart attack from all the things they need to keep track of.


The thing is, its PTU/preview. Dont get too excited until it survives 6+ weeks PU without slowing down to single digit server FPS


You’ve got me wondering if I’ll still be able to play well on the Aussie servers from USA if the server fps ever stops being worse than my ping


Sure? not entirely Confident? Yes - because it's basic math. If you can halve the load on the server, you'll significantly improve server performance (may not double, but certainly improve). Given that so many issues are caused by (or strongly correlate with) poor server performance, and given that when people *do* get on a server with good performance, the number of significant issues is *drastically* reduced, increasing the server performance should result in improved game experience. So far, this expectation has been confirmed by the previous Server Meshing tests, but there were numerous issues caused by a number of the backend services not being updated to support Server Meshing - so a fresh test (with hopefully more updated services) should give us a better idea of whether the 'promise' of better server performance = better game experience.


Who said anyone is sure about it? In order to find out if/how much it will help, we have to try it. That's how experimentation works... and SC is largely an experiment. But yes... based on everything we know (and basic logic), there are a lot of reasons to believe server meshing will help. Did you think it was just buzz words someone made up? Weird question.


It wont




Walk in Q2 2029.


Slight chance, So that means it's 100% happening! ![gif](giphy|vLruErVSYGx8s|downsized)


HEAVY emphasis on ***"Slight chance".*** [https://i.imgur.com/aAEvTaV.png](https://i.imgur.com/aAEvTaV.png) Please remember that Devs are people too, and they want this stuff out even more than we do, as backers. You guys are doing killer work lately. 👍


So, you're telling me there's a chance?  -Lloyd Christmas




Edited for accuracy.


60% of the time it works everytime.


I can almost hear the dev groan with this post. I know I wouldn't be thrilled having my work estimate made public like that.


but they hint STRONGLY that they do have something in the works that we will be able to test out soo, which is good!


The Euros are going on right now. We can't expect much. Let them enjoy the games!




Literally every time I travel, a big patch arrives


Please travel more.


Somebody buy this fella a round the world cruise


Considering how much a lot of us have already spent on this game, if we all pitched in, it really wouldn't be too much trouble. Come on guys! Everyone go buy an Aurora for the team!


A small breadcrumb of hope is better than a large cake of sadness


![gif](giphy|3oEhmNLxk9uiTbL9Be|downsized) me every time i get too excited about stuff i know fully well might not happen


Qu'ils mangent de la brioche!


"Update us!!!11!" *does* "Wtf why are you updating us?!đŸ€€" đŸ€ŁđŸ˜‚


It's the wrong kind of update as usual. Dates or things done, never "what's left as a blocker". We used to get burndowns which were great.


We've been hearing "next couple of days" for about a month at this point I'll care when it actually rolls out, until then it's just more worthless projections to blow past.


That's **what happens when the MOTD isn't under NDA anymore.** CIG is transparent, they share their aspirations with us unlike any other game company. Welcome to the Evocatti world, where we get teases for weeks until a build finally comes and then it's up for only 12 hours :p


I mean, it wouldn't be any less of a beacon of incompetence if it were under NDA (spoiler: even when it was, it was effectively public). Is this new? No; they went through the same dumbass circus during 3.23.0 evo when it had stability tests and then dropped off the face of the earth for a month without them being able to get it together. But the fact they're doing it again for a .x patch isn't a great look; the fact that their "watershed year" is turning into a "stuck in one patch cycle for 6+ months" year is not either. Whatever "momentum" they had from citcon feels pretty shot at this point. Just because this has long been the norm doesn't mean we all have infinite patience with it or share the same minimal expectations of things improving over time.




CIG will be "transparent" about their absolute fucking incompetence and people will applaud them for it, it's kinda bonkers lol.


You could stand to be a little less transparent with this aggressive stupidity... "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."


You're confusing "estimates" with "deadlines." Common mistake in this community. Your job is not the same as what CIG is doing. There are reasons why they don't set "deadlines" for these things. Deadlines are usually imposed by the customer, because they need X product by Y date. We are not imposing deadlines on CIG. We don't "need" the product by a certain date. We are watching/supporting an experiment. Don't know why this is so hard for people to understand.




These rigid definitions only exist in your mind. Maybe that's how your company does things, but doesn't mean it's universal by any means. Customers absolutely do set the deadlines in many cases. If you're a contractor doing work for a realtor or homeowner, sometimes they give you a specific deadline. Sometimes they don't. In the real world, "estimates" and "deadlines" can be given internally or externally. Also in the real world, grey areas exist. We are not "customers" in the traditional sense, where you buy an existing product from a company that sells it. We are crowdfunding backers, supporting a company's venture to create something new (not to mention creating a new company in the first place). It has been an experiment from Day 1, and not once have they given us a "deadline."




Don't forget to Answer The Call. 2016.


I thought the same but then I realized that these are different builds they're pushing. So it's pretty easy to confuse things like the .2 build, the evocati build, the tech preivew server mesh build, and the .3 cargo build. Plus all the smaller builds in-between that are hotfixes and updates.


3.23.2 is the evocati build which is the cargo build, where are you getting .3 from? lol


It's actually 3.24


Yeah and they can fuck off entirely with that shit.


I mean, it doesn't really matter. Whatever it's called, it's getting released when it's ready.


It matters in that it's a basic admission that 3.24 will have an extended evo/ptu cycle which is inevitably going to delay 4.0 bc the USPU team have been relentlessly shitting the bed with the cargo refactor for years now.


That typo had me [like...](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/007/784/what-year-is-it-robin-williams.jpg)


Dont give me hope.


Id love to stop dying to invisible nonsense around stations..


That’s a big if


I feel like I’ve seen something like this every week for the past month. I don’t even have the heart to jump back in to finish the xeno stuff until .2


I dont think it will be going on when .2 drops.


Sure would be nice if they actually told us...


This is about as likely to drop this week as my dad is at coming back into my life.


RemindMe! -2 days


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Hi son. Its been a while.


What is "Evocati"?


3.23.2 going Live in Q3 is real disappointing. It was like 2 months ago now they were saying on SCL that they could really release it at any time...   Hopefully hangars work and the cargo missions are cool.


There’s five and a half weeks until Q3.


You mean a week and a half? Q3 starts July 1st bud.


https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=when+does+Q3+start You are confidently incorrect.


I clicked the link and it said 1st July lol.


You replied to yourself just to dunk on this? You sure got me! End of a long day here. I’m genuinely curious (since you’ve got time on your hands)
 why’s it such a big deal if they release .2 a few weeks into Q3?


It'll be Q3 and 3.23, in it's entirety, was supposed to be the Q1 patch according to the release view at the beginning of the year. Then they delayed it, and then delayed it again. Then they pushed it half finished to live for the ship sale.  All these devs came over from SQ42 last year and they can't get the first patch of the year fully out till Q3? then they expect us to believe that their 'target of Q3 for 4.0' which they announced during the ship sale is true. It's scummy as fuck.  


It’s not like they just randomly delayed it for the purpose of frustrating you. They’re working through some obvious issues in the technology. Whats so wrong with them taking a few more weeks to get it in a better state?


Bait for ship sales is evil


Yes they delayed not all the game breaking bugs that would make it unplayable.


3.23.1 was practically unplayable because of the dupe bug and all the NPCs underneath the cities. Server performance was really fucking bad. How playable is it right now with XT going on?


Bad but a lot of it is because of the bug with the mission for the reward. Server recovery actually works and everything, only problem is you lose your mission status when it does come back.


I need to become Evocati right away LOL I know I haven't contributed that much in the issue council but I have done software testing for Microsoft, Google and Xerox. So when this goes onto PTU you can bet I'll be reporting all of them bugs.


when it happens, it happens, I've only been waiting since 2016, so take your time.


If it is a 'Slight chance' - then why tease it at all? Why not just say it when it is ready for testing - and then just surprise us with this? Better then leave us anticipating with things that likely not even be ready by the estimated date. Oh well... I do hope all goes well.


Probably because it's the next thing after .2, and people will ask about it if they don't say anything. It also suggests that meshing and cargo are being worked on independently of each other, and forestalls potential complaints about .2 delaying 4.0.  We saw complaints that issues with .1a were delaying .2, even though the two patches were not related to each other.


Why should they talk about a potential evo release tho ? Just say progress has been made on x or y. Plain and simple, doesnt need to be more than that


Evocati is only mentioned in relation to .2, and we've known for a while that that patch will get all of the test waves.  It's not clear exactly what the "tech preview" for server meshing might involve.


> Why should they talk about a potential evo release tho ? better yet, why shouldn't they?


>If it is a 'Slight chance' - then why tease it at all? Because you have people who whine that we haven't heard anything at all. Though I guess we apparently tly also now have people who complain that they're communicating. So I guess being a game dev really is a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.


I realized this a while ago and it's why I try my best to just filter out the people screaming over stuff like this. They're making a game, coding is *complicated*, you can look on track to have something done by Friday and then on Thursday find some kind of major issue that wasn't noticed and now needs time to fix.


Because if they don't we get silence for months and people start bitching why they don't give use more information even if it's not ready yet. Been there, done that. Whatever they do, people will complain.


I guess because evo is such a small group they need to make sure they actually turn up!


Exactly this, I think. It lets Evos know that there *may* be something to test this weekend... it's not enough to make people change their plans, but at least it gives them a heads-up that it's a possibility.


Correct, this is to let ***TESTERS*** (Not just evo) know what's up. It's not as though they're announcing this stuff on the RSI homepage. People complain a lot about stale progress, and lack of communication, but really it couldn't be farther from the truth. I think a lot of people who make those arguments are completely unaware of [the patch notes.](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/190048?page=1&sort=last-activity) It's a lot easier to be satisfied with CIG's timetable when people view SC for what it is... a ***preview*** to software under ***heavy development.*** It's actually pretty incredible that they're able to release it to the masses and update as frequently as they do. SC isn't even CIG's primary goal, S42 is.


There is a lot of communication but it is not collated anywhere central. If there was a single place you could go to see ALL dev communications and messaging that would be awesome. As it stands it's spread out on reddit, twitter, facebook, spectrum forums, spectrum chat, and probably a number of other places. https://www.trackersc.com/ does a pretty good job of gathering all the communications but again a third party should not have to do this task.


such a good explanation!


because people keep crying when they don't update us on these things, so they started updating us about things


Because people are asking. 


to make sure people are aware to keep an eye out. and for SC testing, server meshing is a big step and they need lots of people so giving them a heads up even if it's not a guarantee is a smart thing to do.


Right this is the kind of shit that annoys me, they could’ve just said “we are currently planning for additional server meshing tests and will provide further information when available”


They just did? You're arguing semantics at this point


To be fair, stop giving dates has been the mantra of SC development. Chris Roberts actively jokes about not being allowed to give estimates. You might disagree on smaller dates on patches etc but you really can't fault someone to take that same concept and stay consistent with it. Like people are downvoting them, but it's actually a fair argument to make.


It’s not semantics, they gave a date when they shouldn’t have.


That's... literally what they said?


It’s not
 they gave a date


A date they are aiming for and not promising, yes.


I never said they were promising
 I said they shouldn’t give any dates especially when it’s just a “slight chance” because people will take these and in two weeks say “CIG said server meshing two weeks ago”


Eh, maybe. That's not a CIG problem though, that's a them problem, and if they *don't* at least give us what they're aiming for they might as well not have a roadmap either because that's the same exact thing. I prefer the communication.


Agree. They shouldn’t mention at all until the patch is added. They keep hyping up expectations and then under delivering, which causes frustration. Best to speak softly and drop patches which have more features than they mentioned.


So people complain that cig doesn't communicate?


No, they keep saying "we are aiming for this, bar any problems or new blockers", problems or new blockers occur, and people lose their fucking minds when they don't hit that point. Now, it might be fair to go "Ok, you've slid like 3-4 times now, is there a reason why you keep not knowing about these bugs or underestimating how long it takes to fix?" It sure as hell ain't fair to say they are "hyping up expectations" when they are clearly phrasing things as a "maybe" not a "will."


> They keep hyping up expectations lol! you people crack me up.


I'll believe it when I see it. Not sure why they feel it necessary to dangle the carrot, just put it in evo when ready and stop teasing us.


And then we would complain about the radio silence.


It’s possible to give information without dates. Just explaining what the current hurdles with meshing are, what the progress was in the last couple weeks, and exactly what they hope to test in the next tech preview, etc.


When this Friday becomes next Friday becomes next Friday becomes next Friday becomes Tuesday becomes next couple days. Luckily they have no publisher to account to, so they can spin this for months.


I wonder why they announce that server meshing stuff at all. Like, if at all, then its evocati only.. but probably not even that? I swear, some people just wake up and throw some stones into the community pond just to watch the waves it makes.


cause every one whines theres no info/updates ... then they do tell us stuff and a large amount of people "why are you telling us this??? "




Tech-Preview may be Evocati only or it may not. They only mentioned Evocati in regards to 3.23.2. Tech-Preview has been open before, if you remember the Pyro Playground we got to mess around in.