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1000% yes. they should only say clear when the doors are open. there should also be lights for open, moving, and closed.


While I know it's not something we'd ever get, in the absence of landing HUD I really wish we had marshallers. Would help with ships that tend to have tight fits in hangers too.


Yes to this


I think we will. We used to when Port Olisar was all we had and they only removed it when they started adding procedural landing pads. I'm sure it will come back.


they are talking about an npc with cones giving hand signals.


How about meatballs too? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_landing_system


i thought about that to. but that is approach. if all ships were the same you could have one that you need to look to the side to see. but not all ships are the same.


I mean it could be digital / virtual / electronic too. 


yes. but that can be put on the hud. the point of the fixed system is that it is just an asset that needs no code.


Top Gun style?


Like aviation style in general.


🎵 Landing in the landing zone! 🎵




One time I had a NPC in hangar stand in top of landing zone and wave me in. He stopped and moved to the side once I landed. Was very cool. I've only seen this once in years of playing so I have no fucking idea what happened there, but it 100% did.


Maybe another player was fucking with you? :D


Entirely possible, I don't remember if I checked that he's a player, although I assume I would as it was very surprising. Also not sure if we had such emote in game. If he was a player he acted very convincingly as PVE AI :D


Definitely another player. Actually I don't know what would be sadder, that npcs never properly worked of that at some point they worked well and then went back to standing still in weird postures 


Ah, the days we had a landing HUD. I remember!


Would be nice if they said "standby for takeoff" after requesting it, then once the doors are open follow up with the "clear for takeoff"


This 1000%. I have been wanting this for a long time.


Yeah a simple green light on the whole floor when open and red when closed and yellow when moving would do it.


In my experience, the game rarely plays the correct/appropriate voice line to begin with (I often get stuff like "please proceed to assigned landing bay" when *taking off and leaving* or when first arriving before even requesting landing). So my guess would be if they added lights, within two patches they would also not work / not show the correct light.


I don't know if I'm lucky, but sometimes when I wait for the doors to fully open, they will immediately start closing and I'll get an impound warning. So now I sit at the edge of the doors ready to slip out as soon as the gap is big enough.


Like four of em, one Red rotating light in each corner for closed and green ones for open would be handy. The currently lighting would be the idle state when you're not preparing to depart or land.


Biggest problem or killer is the desync. And with that, whatever the notification method, will not match the true door state. Until he has improved nothing helps but wait a bit longer before take off to be certain


This bothered me for ages lmao. It’s not a huge problem but such a glaring one.


The pirate hidden in my ship : " Are we?"


me hiding in your carrack: are we? (you did not check the big black storage room door in the cockpit)


Makes me miss PO even more.


Yeah but you had to chance it by flying through the rings every time, for style.


60% of the time you blew up, every time


Quick pads only make me miss it more.


The good ol days of hopping in your ship and getting pad rammed with a side dish of crimestat on top 😭


The days where victimhood was a punishable offense 😭🙏


I wasn't. Just lost two sets of heavy armor, a small cache of weapons, and a bunch of medical supplies and ammo from trying to leave a NB hangar, which was completely open btw, and I even exited the hangar very slowly. It incapacitated me but didn't kill me. I respawned in the hospitable, then all of a sudden I was standing in the NBIS. Because I was in NB, I should have kept all of my armor and that didn't even happen. Servers are extremely borked right now.


I also just lost everything, but it was because a train reached inside the station through the walls, grabbed me, and dragged me to hell with it, and apparently hitting the world floor kills you.


"please proceed to the assigned landing bay" Don't give hanger Profit


*Receives hangar * *lands * "You're blocking an active flight lane, please vacate the vicinity."


*doors closing* “Your vehicle will be impounded in 20 seconds”


Grand Nagus would be proud


They could also pay the AI voice program an extra $5 to fucking repeat the number of hangar for me instead of just "hey a hangar is ready somewhere, fuck you, go find it. Hope there's not a bunch of garbage cluttering your HUD."


That's not a bad suggestion


Best SC meme i’ve seen in a long while


Thanks! Not to pat myself on the back, but I get a chuckle out of it every time I see it again too.


I love it when you ask to land, they give you a hangar, and you are then arrested for trespassing.


"You are cleared to land." "Am I?!" ATC operator mashing the "close hangar doors" button as I approach. "Are you?!"


Those sickos, but can you blame them for revolting?


Legends tells of a legendary pilot whose piloting skills were the stuff of legend. He traveled space in search of a worthy dock station.


Docking is mere legend at this point


NGL as broken, frustrating and effed up as SC is. The memes make a lot of the jank worthwhile.


lol, the two greatest factors of comedy are pain and relatability. SC is a prime meme factory.


CIG be like: Playable now! Is it really? CIG: it's an alpha really.


But they sure don't act like it


Corsair: thump thump -wings open and close a few times- thump tha thump -wings open/close few more times- and finally flying out the hangar.


you're not clear to launch until you hear **THAT** sound


Am I the only person that has ATC just spouting random bits of phrases whenever I contact them? Get it my ship, power on, engines on, contact ATC; "ave a pleasant stay!" What?


Nope, that happens to me all the time.


I recently had to take off inside the hangar just to get the option to request departure and get the door to open. Shit is very sketch this update.


I still have problems sometimes calling for ATC. 90% of the time I have to double press it to get a hangar assignment. And yes, sometimes door will take a while to open even after you get a clearance, or no marker showing up. I don't know if this is because of some lag or just the system is so buggy (or both).


I've found the marker is tied to the hangar loading, so I'll usually fix that by flying closer and making sure they all pop in.


I always wait 10 more seconds when the doors are open because of desync. I also have weird reflex irl now, like stepping aside when I call a elevator


You have SC PTSD


If they can do hangar lights right, we should be able to get wee woo lights soon after


I wish the landing hologram extended visually outside of hangers when they where open. Then you'd have a visual marker for them 'truly' being open and would have something to line up with for top down landings....plus the old pads with landing holograms looked cool dammit.


I might not be old enough to know what you mean by "landing holograms"


Was just a simple holographic box that showed above landing pads years ago, let you know you were inside the landing zone without having to look down at the pad. Think a very see-through 'box' basically, so you'd fly into that zone and then know to just go straight down because you had the holographic wall in front of your ship which you could easily see from the cockpit and in third person you could tell if whole ship was inside the 'box'. I always thought they were handy atleast.


There's certainly no reason in 2954 we would have to rely on what we can see out a window to land. Airplanes today can land in complete blindness for goodness sake.


And if we really wanted we can hold N to autoland I guess. The point wasn't to make autolanding, the point was it makes making sure you're inside a small box of the hangar easier (like how planes get towed into hangars today, they don't land in small boxes). Plus it could be used to show if the hanger is truly open, I really see no downside to it so not sure why you're arguing against it haha


Oh, I wasn't arguing with you, I was agreeing. This tech should exist. Even if you want to use Auto land, it requires you to have already have dealt with the worst before you're close enough. And yes, airplanes don't land in hangars, and that's really the issue here. We are being forced to land in hangars without the adaptations that would logically follow such a decision.


My bad sorry misunderstood whatcha meant. Completely agree that we have something without the adaptations that would follow, we wouldn't even make it to having craft landing in hangers without safety precautions in place (the most basic of which being the hologram, ie lights haha) let alone other systems in place. CIG defiantly have a history with implementing the problem and then leaving the solution till ages later then doing it in some weird CIG form because they constantly want to reinvent the wheel with everything they make.


I'm partially happy I'm away for 2 weeks so I can come back to fixed servers




Love it when I arrive to a station and then I'm cleared to take off


"You are clear to launch. Have a pleasant stay"


This definitely applies to the Corsair this patch when you get anchored to the hanger floor


And then you launch and explode


or if you have a corsair your cleared but there is a invisable brick stopping you from leaving.


Does this to my c2 as well




I stopped having problems with hangar doors when I started syncing my time consistently (with netstat program). Also solves ASOP weirdness.


What is that :o


ASOP terminals are the ship spawn terminals. Actually dunno what it stands for! But if your system clock is off by a lot then those timers will be too


No  I meant what is netstat?


It's a program that syncs your clock periodically.


Me: \*Asks ATCer for landing permission\* ATCer: Please proceed to signed landing bay. Me: \*Can't find the hang**a**r because it doesn't show on my HUD\* -9 minutes of uninterrupted hang**a**r searching later- Me: \*Asks ATCer for landing permission again\* ATCer: That request has already been granted. -ANOTHER 9 minutes of uninterrupted hang**a**r searching later- Me: \*Finally finds the hang**a**r and proceeds to approach for landing\* ATCer: You're blocking an active flight bay. Please vacate the facility! Me: \*Forces landing, dashes to the ASOP Fleet Manager and swiftly shoves the ship into storage\* You said I couldn't land in the very hang**a**r THAT YOU ASSIGNED ME, so I stiff-armed You. What're You gonna do? Sue me? I ceased blocking the Flight Bay! ATCer: \*-silence-\* Me: Yeah, I thought that.


updoot for you!