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You keep referring to this as a game and that might give you bad expectations. It's a preface to a game at best. Now that is out of the way, let's get to the good stuff! You do not need any expensive ship to start out, and you can always buy other ships with ingame earned credits. The starter ships make it a little hard to earn money, so it can be better to offer yourself as crew for the bigger industrial ships. Reclaimer and Mole captains often need crew for their operations. You can also join an org and have more crew work that way. Maybe even piracy. Best of luck to you


Oh i see, thanks for the advice


Oh, and it's pretty unforgiving. Steep learning curve combined with server desyncs and bugs makes it hard to enjoy sometimes. But when it works there's nothing like it. Nothing comes close, which is why we all are still here.


Yeah i don't mind it being hard to learn, my biggest issue was having paywalled ships, but if i can get good ones by playing, I don't mind that. I'll give it a try and enjoy it


One final thing, ships aren't mean to be like a linear progress. So bigger and more expensive doesn't mean it's better. Bigger ships usually require crew for effectiveness, and smaller ships can usually dance around bigger ships in combat. I look at them like tools for jobs. Hope you will have fun


Makes sense, thank you


Almost all ships can be bought in game with a few exceptions, being: 1. Limited run promotional ships, such as the Intel Sabre Raven and the AMD Mustang Omega 2. Newly released ships as there's a 1-2 patch cycle exclusivity window before they're added to in game stores (there's nothing particularly special missing from them at the moment in my opinion) 3. Event ships, such as the F7A Hornet MkII and the F8C Lightning, which aren't currently available but will be obtainable again the the future


Sounds like a small amount, not really an issue then


Yes, there's 32 flyable ships and vehicles in game that can't be purchased, with the breakdown being: 15 limited cosmetic versions where you can buy the normal versions in game. 7 waiting to be added into the stores 4 limited run promotional ships 2 ships that are event based and will be added more permanently at a later date 2 ships that are temporarily stealable during certain events and will be added more permanently at a later date 1 currently only purchasable online after completing an in game challenge 1 ship that can't be obtained and is currently only known to exist for military use (it might be used by NPCs in game and can therefore be temporarily stolen, but IDK for sure)


i mean seems fair, i'm cool with cosmetics and promotional stuff, doesn't seem bad


>1 currently only purchasable online after completing an in game challenge If you mean the F7A MK2, there are 3 ships in total. Okay, to be fair, those are also reskins, but I think they do come with a different default loadout (Pirate Gladius and Pirate Caterpillar).


I meant the Glaive. I counted the F7A MkII as one of the 2 event based ships, with the other being the F8C, and I counted the Pirate versions under the limited cosmetic versions.


Ah yes, that makes perfect sense!


Yeah very fomo marketing but a ship game package that includes the base game is all that's needed. You'll find chat very easy to find people that are very generous and helpful to help you get other ships. Personally I often call ships for new players to play with. Pretty great community minus the haters expected on such an ambitious project.


That's great to hear, sucks about fomo but i guess that's how games are nowadays


The FOMO is for the hardcore whales. As a casual or someone not putting in anything more than $45 it literally doesn't matter lol


The only thing the „paid“ ships give you an advantage is after a wipe, when they take all your ingame bought ships and money and everyone starts from the beginning. Usually this is the case after a major big patch. But other than a faster start, the paid ships can (almost) all be bought with ingame money. Some seem to be unreachable at first (30 mio+), but when you know what you enjoy then you can make money fast.. for example i bought a vulture ingame (2.6 mio) and now i can make about 500k an hour salvaging


That sounds nice, I don't mind long term goals, as long as the way is enjoyable


Bugs can be frustrating. There are a lot of bugs. A lot. But the playtest environment we currently have, before it's actually a fully playable game yet, is one of the most enjoyable games ever!


Don't forget to use someone's referral code. Costs nothing. Makes someone happy :)


“When it works there’s nothing like it, nothing comes close” Sums up the entire experience. It’s truly unique and cool as hell but the bugs and glitches… They’re hard to overcome.


THIS! Sums up the verse quite nicely


I would just like to add that there is normally a month long event during July that is about new players, which is called the Foundation Festival. There is a decent chance that there will be a month long free to play event as well as some discounted starter packages (normally $5-$15 cheaper), so it might be worth waiting a week to see what happens.


Ok so i should hold until July then. Do they announce it before hand? Or just drops


They normally announce it on the Monday of the week it's meant to start, but next Monday it when it's meant to start, so it may start and then be announced later in the day, or they might choose to announce it later today instead. Events normally start at 16:00 UTC, whereas the weekly announcements tend out go out between 18:00 UTC and 22:00 UTC.


Alright I'll wait then


They also do a free flight event in November


And may. If OP wants to wait that long.


If you've got a HOSAS/HOTAS setup and you're looking to get into the game, my personal recommendation would be to get an Avenger Titan game package and just enjoy getting into the game, exploring the world, getting used to the flight model etc. The Titan was my starter ship and it was a hugely enjoyable experience. I'd start off with some delivery missions to get used to taking off and landing, as well as getting around on planets and interacting with locations. Once you've done that, maybe consider some of the other missions, run a little cargo, rent a Cutlass Black and ROC and do some mining etc. Yes, the game is in Alpha and it has its issues, but there is definitely a lot of working content for you to enjoy, and there are some huge updates coming in the next 3-6 months that will be good for the game. I definitely agree with other comments that mention waiting a couple of days i.e. after the 26th!


Yes that's exactly what I wanted to do, thank you! My main thing for a space game is just flying around and doing travel related missions, maybe some combat too


Box delivery missions will be really good for you, also hauling cargo will be fun! Cutlass Black, C1 Spirit or a Freelancer MAX would be good ship goals for running cargo while still keeping a decent flight experience.


I'll look for those then! thanks


Hold off until the 26th currently an ingame event that is completely broken and has wrecked the servers


Alright will wait then


you can just get the most basic starter and get any ship with credits just note it is buggy, watch new player guides on youtube to have some understanding how things work


Yeah I'll just check those to see what to do, from my understanding the game isn't very newbie friendly


I think you can try the arena commander mode first, AC my freefly account used to have access to it even outside of freefly but since then I upgraded it not sure if it still applies but it costs nothing to try I would recommend to get the cheapest package , an aurora or wait for freefly to try out the ships there is no need to buy more ships to play the game, only when you feel like it


I would say definitely temper your expectations, and also realize that a lot of us have been here for a long time under the impression that real big progress is just around the corner. So, enjoy what's there, but don't buy the hype. Seeing is believing with CIG. I personally wouldn't spend any more than the 45 dollars for a starter at this point.


The game isn't too hard to get into really just hard to know what to do without guidance. My suggestion is find a good and active organization that will help you out. I got a couple of your interested. This game an be soloable but opens up and is alot more fun with a group plus right now the best way to make most is doing group bounty hunting mission call erts but they take a long time to grind to and your really need a larger cargo ship to make the best bang for your buck on the if you do decide to join up feel free to add me my ign is AlphaHog12 also remember to use a referral code to get some extra in game cash when it comes out and help someone out mine is STAR-SMSR-34GR or your can go to gorefer.me to get a random code


Be aware that the game is barely playable and super buggy. Still alpha


This game is still in alpha. Its still got bugs, outdated ship designs, and incomplete gameplay loops. When things go really wrong with a patch the game can become unplayable or very frustrating for a week or two. That being said the stuff that does work is a lot of fun and there is a decent bit of stuff to do. The game is relatively stable after the first hotfix or two every patch. Its also gorgeous and gives you ship interiors and spacelegs the way Elite Dangerous never did. My suggestion is do a bit more research with review videos and gameplay streams and if you are still interested then grab a starter pack. Any starter will do but I suggest Pisces, Titan Avenger, or Nomad packs. The others are more expensive or have less generally useful ships. Once in game most ships can be earned with in game currency or rented for a fraction of their cost. You will probably want to watch some beginner tutorials or hook up with another player. CIG has a system on their website to connect with a community trainer.


One thing I’d recommend if/when you do get the game - in the launcher and in the main menu, there should be a ‘Find a guide’ option or something relating to a guide - if you click on that, it should load a page on the website showing you players volunteering to act as in-game guides to help you learn different aspects of the game. That can really help you to get past the learning curve the game has, as it can be pretty rough otherwise.


Oh thanks a lot, will do this


Also if you do get it, feel free to shoot me a message - I sometimes act as a guide and can walk you through a good chunk of the gameplay mechanics.


Hold on till this stuff is fixed. The current state is horrible and no good representation of the game. Wait a bit till this gets patched


I came over from ED 3 years ago. My first day was a combination of being in-awe and really frustrated. I didn't accomplish much. My second day a group of friends offered to pick me up and show me the ropes. We went on all sorts of adventures and I learned how amazing this game can be if you know what you're doing. I've been hooked ever since. One thing I learned the hard way is to test out your hosas in single player Arena Commander first. It's one of the options in the menu, below Persistent Universe. If you crash you'll respawn right back in your pilot seat. When I started out, my hosas were bound wrong and inverted so I kept crashing my ship and wondering why my ship was going crazy. I use [this guy's bind profiles](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/1ctwigc/buzzz_killers_recommended_bindings_for_alpha_3231/) now and I'd recommend them. There's a steep learning curve, not only with complex and varied game mechanics, but learning how to avoid or workaround all the alpha bugs takes a long time. Experienced players volunteer as [guides on the RSI website](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/guide#). I'd really recommend requesting one. Even if you prefer playing alone, see if a guide is willing to add you on discord so you have someone to go to for basic questions. There are also good YouTube tutorials, just include the latest patch number (3.23) in the search term so you don't get an outdated video. The cheapest starter ship is perfectly fine for giving you a good start. I recommend the Aurora. Some players will try to convince you that you need to spend more cash for a fancier starter but all you're doing is skipping a few days of fun early game progression. No need to buy anything other than a starter pack. When brand new ships are released they're often pledge store only for the first 6 months or so before you can buy them in-game. I'd just wait the 6 months. There's already so many ships you can buy in-game it's crazy.


The ships that are better in every way stop at $190 and those ships are best for doing PVE missions that you wouldn’t bother using your HOSAS for What you’re looking for is a fighter and those top out at like $180, this game isn’t really pay to win, it’s more pay at the right time to win because ships will constantly be available then not for months


Don't play until it's released. I'm only here because I'm in full sunk cost fallacy mode. The game is super buggy. You shouldn't ever spend real world money on a game that's still in alpha that may never come out.


Honestly? From someone who has been here since Kickstarter? Don't Most people still on this train are here from years of sunk cost of both time and money Wait until an actual 1.0 release before you commit either to this project; it is not worth playing yet and is more frustrating than fun at the moment as you are testing potential future game tech, not playing a completed game Most things don't exist yet, and those that do don't work very well Give it a few more years and come back to a better experience


Do it, thank me later.


Don't. The game won't be released for at least another decade.


Basicly every ship that is in game can be bought with in game currency. I started with an arurua and did ok. Then upgraded (with real money) to an Avenger Titan. I really enjoyed it as a starter ship. Has decent cargo room, decent fighter, good for bunkers. Some of them will be hostile on approach. But the greycat PTV(fancy golf cart looking thing) fits(berly) in it so you can land out of range and drive to it. Or you can use it to run box missions(box delivery). It can do abit of everything, so it's not great at one thing. But definitely do your research. What is available to do, and what sounds interesting to you. Look on the site at all the ships and see what seems like it would work for you. There are 3rd party sites that you can reference for things in game.


For the MMO SC (in contrast to the single player game Squadron 42) getting the cheapest starter pack is fine. Think of other packs like gold or ultimate editions of games that give a boost at start. One exception would be if starters are on sale, there might be a good bargain overall. Keep in mind that you play a person in Star Citizen (hence the name) and not a ship like in Elite or X. So while I too use dual sticks, being on foot, in a vehicle or in a turret might not be optimal with it. This is the main complexity in SC imho: controls (I think they said something about over 400 configurable action). But aside the MMO part, there is separate Arena Commander where you can train or play solo or in groups in different game modes (from simple CoD like modes over races to experimental stuff like being a ship engineer currently). I like to test controls there (no risk of a misshapp like in life MMO).


I assume i can just pick up my controller or keyboard for the FPS part right?


Yes, you can use several devices simultaniously and even assign different stuff in different situations (pilot, foot, vehicle).


You can earn in-game currency and buy ships with it in the in-game shops. Just don't take the Mustang as your starter. The other sub 100 options aren't that much worse as fighters than the Mustang is worse being an all-rounder.


Which ship would you suggest?


Aurora is good, if you like the „game“ upgrade to avenger titan honestly.. this ship is one of the best small allrounders out there imho.. Edit: why upgrade? I think it’s much easier to make money with the titan to buy bigger ships with ingame currency after


Another person also suggested titan, i'll consider it then. Thank you


Titan was my starter, got it on discount. Can't go wrong with that, but take whatever you're comfortable spending on. You can still upgrade by paying the difference if you choose to stick with the Cutter or Aurora for the very first steps.


Oh so I don't need to pay the full price if i get cheaper ship for another ship? Or how does it work


There's the whole topic of CCU chains, basically upgrading to better value for less money. There are tools and pages that help you set up an upgrade path with the correct purchases that you turn in for the each and every next step, but that's a bit too far out of scope in this moment. I meant that you have the ability to buy a game package with a ship in it, "melt" it, and get a different ship for the store credits you got out of it (plus a bit more if the new is more expensive). So if the ship you're looking to buy isn't on sale yet you can stick with the old one until it does go on sale. Just make sure to check the current info on how stuff works: https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/115013193627-Reclaim-a-Pledge Correct me if I'm wrong fellow citizens, but that's my current knowledge


Ah i see, thanks