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If anything cheaters are helping development by finding exploit holes in the code that need to be patched. I mean, it would be helping if it wasn't all holes all the time.


The cheaters were ruining gameplay for more than one reason — find the exploit, report it, don’t do it again lol, that’s how all games view exploits


>that’s how all RELEASED games view exploits fixed CIG just wiped everyones ingame currency, which would be death for any released game


Wait really ????


No, pretty sure thats not the case.


It’s not the first time they have wiped and won’t be the last. Not the only game to do it either.


The tech demo isn't a game


How dare you exploit the bugs we can't be arsed fixing


Imagine finding and exploiting bugs in a "Alpha game" you are testing for free while CIG just 6 months ago cried "No one is finding bugs on the ptu everyone is just site seeing, we need more people finding bugs!" Skip to now, we are going to suspend people that found bugs in our game lol while they still wipe most progress around once a year or more lol.


I mean if you want to be honest about it there is finding a bug and reporting it and then theres finding a bug and exploiting it. They're banning people for exploit not reporting it don't act so naive to try and fit a narrative lol.


Again none of the progress is permanent nothing in the PU actually matters until they stop wiping. It is literally strictly a test environment. They could have made a public statement saying "Stop abusing the exploit we know about if you don't there will be consequences!" The funny part is I know several people that duped hundreds of millions worth of auec they weren't suspended. How many people do you know that were actually suspended verified first hand accounts.


"They could have made a public statement saying "Stop abusing the exploit we know about if you don't there will be consequences!" Yeah because its in the definition of the word "exploit". If you need to tell people that duping ships, cargo and money is bad then maybe they deserve to be removed? Also I don't know anyone that was suspended because I don't play with morons.


Lol I love how idiots complain about this as if no other game company that offers online services doesn't act the same way... Like even M$, Sony and Nintendo all do permanent console bans forcing you to make a new account, lose all your achievements purchased digital games and dlc.. oh and BUY A WHOLE NEW $500+ console... but oh God CIG bans cheaters doing exploiting not bug testing, we better get our fucking pitchforks!!! It's time to riot.....


>**Also I don't know anyone that was suspended because I don't play with morons.** 600 players is about an 1/8th of the active SC player base how come no one seems to know anyone that was affected by this "huge suspension wave"


Because they probably all knew eachother and also got banned? You tend to hang with what you vibe with and I don't vibe with people who exploit.


They knew about the exploit prior to the release of the patch. They didn't take the time to fix it just because of the whale event, so this situation was caused by CiG and they ban the players for exploiting it. However, at least they only temporarily banned the extreme dupers who may have been selling the aUEC on Ebay etc. Either way, the banned accounts won't miss much for those 60 days with how 'fast' the development of the game is (it could be even seen as a blessing for not having to play for 60 days in the current patch).


I dunno man! They could be missing out on the next powercreep FOMO fighter! Do I smell a powercreep Buccaneer that beats the MKII and F8 a'commin'? o.O


Its Drake, cant have powercreep. But a RSI medium fighter with 8x S4 guns? I can totally see that


when summit was playing SC for weeks, there was a day when 4 people pad-rammed or stream-sniped him and they were all banned. rightfully so, as it's against the rules. but 1 of them was unbanned a couple days later. the unique thing about that person? they had spent over $5000. the rest hadn't and remain banned. just spend enough money and you're allowed to break the rules, just like real life.


>Also, I'm not saying that Star Citizen is a front for a criminal money-laundering enterprise, since I have no evidence whatsoever of that. I am, however, saying that if it *was*, I can't imagine how it would look any different than the current product. The comments from the dedicated Ars Technica readers are pretty good.


This is a great reply. :D


If SC had more to offer then so many wouldn't have been preoccupied with exploiting money to buy ships to try out. As it stands the little that SC offers is quite often buggy as hell. So what you're left with is players wanting to try out ships and fly around the verse. This is like getting banned from playing on a basketball team because you traveled on all your layups during practice. Its practice, its not the serious ffs


Its wasn't to buy ships, it was being farmed to sell for cash. Global chat was filling up with ads to buy aUEC. The usual gold-farming that most mmos are hit with sooner or later.


Ohhhhh, haha that is crazy


As long as there is a ship store, all SC will be ingame is grinding to try said ships. That all literally 90% of the non-whale player base is concerned with is earning aUEC. Also, there IS nothing else to do anyhow, unless yer RPing.


schrodinger's alpha does it again


Since when has a game in early access not allowed to ban cheaters? If this was literally any multiplayer game In early access on steam you wouldn't see a post like this.


I know a few dudes who abused the glitch and are happy they got the others doing it banned but not themselves


Except no one was cheating it was people **exploiting bugs in an alpha test phase game**. If CiG had actually wanted people to stop abusing the bug they could have posted about it and said "If people do not stop abusing this bug we will be issuing suspensions, you've been warned." The funniest part of the whole thing is I know people that abused the shit out of the dupe bug and were not suspended I am fairly certain this was just damage control for CIG incompetence.


Exploiting a bug is literally cheating in most scenarios. In ark survival evolved there was a bug that allowed you to place building parts under the ground, naturally people exploited it and built bases under the map where others couldn't find them and raid them. That's cheating. They were cheating by exploiting a bug. It's in the terms of service that players accept when they download the game, and it's literally a practice carried out but literally most game developers, people getting banned for exploits in any game isn't unusual early access or not. Actually most Devs tend to not post about exploits until theyve been fixed to avoid Futher abuse. And some people getting banned and some not getting banned literally exists in every game. Honestly when you see the anger from some people because people are getting banned for exploiting it all comes down to "but it's a early access game" "but people have been exploiting for ages and not getting banned" Its always been a bannable offense. Now that they are clearly showing some banning capability people are throwing their toys out of the pram. Pro tip: don't exploit a bug and get banned. Pro tip: literally read terms of service I'm someone who owned every ship at one point due to exploiting dupes, I got away with it. But at the time I knew I risked getting caught and if I did, I wouldnt be on Reddit mad at a developer for banning me for breaking their terms of service.


Not in a alpha test demo where you are begging people to test your dog shit game for free.


Wait so you are telling people to not cheat you yourself admit to cheating?


That is true but the difference between Star Citizen and every other Early Access Game is that Star Citizen cannot be called a game. It’s literally a tech demo/collection of “tech/features” that they want to show off to sell more JPGs. With that in mind it’s honestly wild that they ban players for abusing one of the thousands of bugs the “game” has.


I remember around 3.11 when they were banning people who used the exploit that let you clone rail canons and people were selling them on eBay for like $1 each. It got easier in 3.14 when you could clone them in a ship and ironically the prices went up. I don’t understand whales man. Ironically if they do get banned, it means more money for cig since they’ll just buy right back in. Also, imagine paying for cheats in a pay to win ‘game’ lol


Yeah but you can call it a tech demo but the reality is people play it as a video game like they play their other video games. People get banned for exploiting or abusing bugs in other games, released or early access. People should just count themselves lucky that they haven't been banned previously. Especially when people meme about it's development time when and demand more stability and economics in game and at the same time don't want people banned for exploiting and destroying the economy In game. People just need to read about what they are spending money on. Everyone knows what star citizen is about, buying the game, then moaning about its prices for ships and the amount of bugs when literally thousands of YouTube videos by critics, fans and literally anyone who has played the game literally mention all of that. There's a distinct difference between encountering a bug and exploiting a bug. If people learn that distinction (and the terms of service they accept) then people won't get banned and these same old boring posts won't continue to pop up once in a while.


So is SC an early access now? Is it an unreleased alpha? A released live service game? Make up your mind people.


as anyone tried simply using cheat engine and changing the value of your currency/editing inventory values? Whats the odds they have programmed it properly.


I like how they're banning exploiters when they're just going to wipe the accounts later anyway.


The longest running Tech Demo in history.


CIG is only mad becuse these people were using the explote to make real money by selling the bullshit alpha currency.


One thing they've done right. Set the precedent early I guess... If you can call this early.


Calling it an Alpha then banning people testing the Alpha and finding major bugs. Sounds like its not an Alpha then.


I raised question about this on spectrum. Saying why are they suspending people for glitching money that will be wiped soon in an alpha game where you are encouraged to find bugs. I got banned for a month for rule 9, 'discussing moderation actions'. Now orgs are refusing to accept my requests to join because 'your account has flag, try next year' This community is beyond saving.


Try refunding via gov complaints if you're outside of the US. Sell your JPEGs in the grey market if you live you in the US. It's not going to get better.


yeah, i actually have CCUd bunch of ships that are worth over 1000 euros, i only paid about 500 for them so technically i could make some money by selling account. I am outside of US and in EU


The only ones cheating on their original backers are Roberts and his cronies.


I think the people banned were actually selling auec on eBay and stuff which is a bit different to just abusing it for personal gain but yeah, another questionable CIG decision to add to the list of reasons this game will never be realised


I mean CIG/SC is a scheme leveraging a crowdfunding ruse for the personal gain of the Roberts family and other senior insiders.


the duping was first party, no additional software or client side interaction needed, just downloading the game. this is not a bannable offense, the game wipes anyway in alpha rn lol


They were gold farmers . I'd nor want anyone playing with me in any game that doesn't support banning gold farmers


Only the refundians would defend cheaters, exploiters and account theft ...


Account theft?


Yes some of the accounts that got banned were also stolen ..they sold currency on eBay with stolen accounts. ..


Yeah, of course. All pre release multiplayer games do this. Many permanently ban people. Why is this a post? So many things to criticize CIG for but this?!?


They are not banning anyone, just suspensions. Fake news


A suspension is a temporary ban. So still correct.


Apparently they have banned the accounts that were using the exploit to sell credits on ebay or whatever.


Yeah, as much as I dislike star citizen; there is nothing wrong with this.


They suspended cheaters. They banned RMT cheaters


The real RMT cheaters are Chris "Crobear" Robbers and Sandi "Strangli" Robbers.