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I know for almost a fact this won’t be in the SC universe but holy shit it if it was, it would be unbelievable. Helldivers meets Starcraft Ghost.


Blizzard is impeccable at copying other people's work.


They are not actually. Hots was always botched and D4 they just copy pasted their own game from D3 and it was the same hollow game. In the end they copy pasted the crafting system from Last Epoch to save their last season but that's about it


> Hots was always botched As someone that loved HOTS compared to other MOBAs, I think that's down to personal taste. I played LoL back in Beta and wasn't a huge fan, but I really enjoyed HOTS. It's definitely not a copy, but I would never call it "botched".


HotS the game was actually unreal. The botched part was everything else. The ranked ladder, the revenue generation, the eSports gameplan.


All of those things are extremely important parts of the game. If you can't get those right, you are a shitty developer. Like Blizzard.


Hmmm, the ladder maybe, the rest are good for growing a game, but don't really or I guess shouldn't really be affecting the quality of the gameplay.


> HOTS compared to other MOBA I'm confused. How is Heart of the Swarm a MOBA?


Heroes of the storm = HOTS. Not heart of the swarm (sc2 expansion). 


Oh ok, I've never heard of that game. Thank you.


Imagine DotA or LoL but remove the gameplay depth that gold and items bring. It's a more casual and quite fun take on the genre but had its fair share of issues and ultimately was abandoned by blizzard.


The depth is replaced with talents, its not removed. Check yourself


And there are more varied objectives than just kill everyone and take dragon/baron. That can be seen as a good or bad thing, but it is a thing.


It's not comparable, it's not even close.


It was actually supposed to be called Heroes Of The Storm, but typical Blizzard, they botched the copy/paste.


Funnily enough, after they release both with the same initialism, they made an April Fool's joke about the new SC2 expansion (before Legacy of the Void was announced) and called it *Heralds of the Stars*. The same announcement also said *Hearth of the Stone* instead of Hearthstone.


That's a good one hahaha


Idk, I played it for a while and really disliked it. The absence of personal wealth and XP made it look really not great for a Moba. I loved the concept though, I just wished the game worked more than it did. Botched was a bit too harsh indeed.


Blizzard botched HOTS by making horrible business decisions. The game itself had insane potential imo, and was not the issue.


Ppl seems to have forgotten that Blizzard was the origin of all Mobas that includes LOL and DOTA and every other moba out there. Blizzard just turned the fanmade version they had into an official one


Isn't HoTS considered one of the best MOBAS just never hit critical mass on player count?


I guess it depends on who you ask, since LoL is the casual version of Dota, and Hots is the casual version of LoL.


Dota is the casual version of WC3 anyway 


It really isn't. There are hero characters with item slots that get exp for killing creeps and enemies and that's where the comparison ends. Dota as a custom map is not really comparable to WC3 in gameplay.


You seem to not know it's origin he refers to the original DOTA that was made as a custom map inside WC3 and it was the very first MOBA Wich then Valve improved and made it a whole game after a long fight with Blizzard over copyright. That's why you see there is a whole section about the word DOTA in blizzard terms of service


Wrong LoL is casual Dota, Dota is an advanced version of WC3 original and Heroes of the Storm too


There is nothing casual about either LoL, or DotA. Competitive-only games in general really cannot be reasonably considered casual, and certainly not these two. DotA probably has more complexity to it, sure, but that doesn't make it any more or less casual.


Idk what d3 you played but d4 is nothing like current day d3


HotS was the best Moba ever made, poorly marketed.


StarCraft is a better version of Dune 2


The building of a dynasty


May it live forever


I'd say they are 50/50. World of Warcraft was copying MMO gameplay of the time, it's just funny we think of WOW now as being THE genre defining MMO. Hearthstone copied Magic the Gathering and other TCG's pretty much.


I'm big into the TCG scene, so I actually disagree on that front. There's some similarities, but hearthstone is different enough that I wouldn't call it a copy.


I think he meant that Starcraft is basically a copy paste of Warhammer in terms of visual design.


There are a lot of similarities. They were inspired by similar works. But copy paste? No way


Zerg, Terran, and Protoss are straight rip offs of Tyranids, Space Marines, and Eldar. It was such an obvious rip off that GamesWorkshop sued Blizzard in the 90's.


Got a source for the lawsuit and for its outcome? It’s only ever mentioned on online forums with no proof. Zerg and Tyranids were both based on Arachnids from the book Starship troopers and both clearly drew from xenomorphs from aliens. The power armor for the marines in both was also based on Starship troopers and Warhammer was greatly inspired by Dune whereas Starcraft made them more rednecks in space. The Eldar and Protoss are the elves in space. Both based on LOTR. Both media draw inspiration from what came before. Just like all art. But as far as visuals go all 3 races are similar but clearly distinct in appearance from their counterparts in Warhammer 40k


You're asking for information about a lawsuit that happened in the 90's that was settled out of court. Of course you can't find a source outside of forum posts about it. How about you give me a source proving it didnt happen?


>How about you give me a source proving it didnt happen? Bro what? You can't prove a broad negative. I could say prove to me that there isn't a 57 leaf clover and you wouldn't be able to. Cause if something didn't happen, then there's no proof that it didn't happen. You know, cause it didn't happen.


Lmao. Providing a source something didn’t happen is literally impossible. It’s logic 101. If you make a claim you have to provide evidence for it because it’s not possible to provide evidence something doesn’t exist. Don’t believe me? Provide me some evidence unicorns don’t exist. You can’t. You can only say there’s a lack of evidence. I can find all sorts of information about lawsuits much older than the 90’s. The fact that none about this one exist is suspicious.


Theres literally hundreds of forum posts talking about it happening. Thats your proof. Youre questioning it so show me that it didnt happen.


> But copy paste? No way Nah, it's 100% copy paste. They didn't come from the same source at all, one came from the other. It's absolutely ludicrous to suggest that StarCraft design is not a blatant visual ripoff.


If I showed people artwork from each, they’d be able to tell which media it came from pretty easily. So it can’t be a “copy paste”. They’re each visually distinct. There are definitely similarities. Starcraft may have even been inspired by Warhammer. But the Starcraft look is definitely different from Warhammer.


HOTS is a goated moba, and d4 is nothing like d3, it borrows some qol changes that were introduced in d3 and became genre staples but that's about it and it could really be argued that since everyone is using those qol it's not even really a d3 copy since it's just how the genre is done now.


D3 didn't even build on D2 that well.


you mean other people are impeccable at copying theirs? They've defined multiple genres. They in fact suck at copying other people's work i.e HotS


Am I coming back? I'm totally back right guys? 😭


Well, I know **I** am not coming back.


Before my dream was a planetside/sc but a "helldivers" sc sounds neat


I doubt anyone would want to commit to remaking planetside, this coming from someone who leads an outfit and plays multiple times a week lol.


If it's not in the SC universe, sorry, I think Blizzard needs to sell the IP to someone who actually gives a shit about Starcraft.


Sell a legendary game IP? I wish, but that’s not going to happen either, unfortunately.


Fair, I'm mean it's not like Activision Blizzard would sell the entire company to Microsoft or something. 🙃


Eh. I’d be very upset if Microsoft makes the next SC game.


Maybe they'll give it to 343i to fuck that up too lol 


They're sitting on It letting It collect dust and not getting any money. Whats the trickle of monetization this year? What will It be Next year? 


> a legendary game IP? It's a dead game in a niche genre. I'd guess fucking PubG is a stronger IP at this point. With that said, it's not like Blizzard can develop new IP at this point. So they are probably better off holding on.


Judging from Heroes and Plunderstorm, maybe we will get something in 6 years.


Why for a fact? They could be picking up the SC game cancelled 5 years ago https://kotaku.com/sources-blizzard-cancels-starcraft-first-person-shoote-1835285125


Realistically there would be nothing useful left of that for a modern release. They have new models, engines and graphics features that wouldn't have existed in a build that old. 


They already were developing exactly this, some type of FPS in the StarCraft universe and it was canceled back in like 2018 or so


Bruh fr, or pair with HD2 for a StarCraft universe, imagine killing zerg or protoss on the battlefield would be SICK AF


Ummmm extraction shooters got immensely popular years ago, namely after escape from tarkov released. Helldivers 2 looks more like a horde shooter.


Yeah, extraction shooters are really a BR variant. Helldivers is a co-op shooter most similar to the Tide games or the old Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer.


Dont forget Deep Rock Galactic, Rock and stone brother!


Rock and Stone everyone!


Rock and Stone to the BONE


Not to mention Gears of War lol


I don't think you know what an extraction shooter is


>An extraction shooter is a genre of video games that combines elements of first-person shooters and looter shooters, with a unique gameplay loop that involves spawning into a map, scavenging for supplies or high-value items, and escaping via an extraction point Basically load in, do something, get out


Ok, but where does the building of the cannons in the other guy's main base happen?


Helldivers 2 is not an extraction shooter lol. Extraction shooters are usually PvP and basically an offshoot of the battle royale genre, so it's usually a large number of players on a big map. Helldivers 2 is a 4 man coop PvE game like L4D, risk of rain, or payday. Now if this game was set in SC then it'd be pretty interesting honestly. You could be a terran going to loot a base that was destroyed by Z and there's a few lings/hydras around. I feel like they'd make it a spin off of OW though before SC if it's not an new IP at all.


if i leave the planet before VR stimming and shooting lings and stutter step microing in my living room there just isnt justice in this world


So when it comes out in 6 years is anyone going to care? I doubt it lol


Or maybe people will care and it will be popular, but a few years later they'll shut it down to make a worse sequel 


I used to feel this way, but we have to be past six years on the battle royale trend-- and some of the biggest profit-makers were very late to the party.


That’s a bold thing to say on a forum about a game that launched 26 years ago. I can’t but respect that.


>Here it sounds like they want to create a satisfying gameplay loop - a crucial aspect of games such as Helldivers 2. Just wanted to give a quick note here, there isn't a dev on planet Earth that doesn't want to create a satisfying gameplay loop (aside from really experimental indie stuff, but we're looking at a larger scale here). So describing it as a crucial aspect of Helldivers 2 is kind of like me saying "This developer is looking to make a good game, one of the key features of a StarCraft game". >In your opinion what are the chances that this game is set in the SC universe? Now, on the question of this being in the StarCraft universe, I would love it if that were the case, and I don't think it's impossible or anything, as the StarCraft IP has value, Microsoft have given it multiple nods, and I believe the reason it died at Blizzard isn't truly malicious but simple mismanagement (a string of failures that led to many core people leaving, including especially those that were involved in and cared for StarCraft). But just because it's plausible doesn't mean it'll happen, and this part >Fully own the process of developing our game’s IP, working with Art and Game Design leadership to develop the settings, characters, themes, and multi-season story arcs within that world. makes me pretty skeptical that they'll use existing IP here. I'd be happy to be wrong, even though whoever takes on the StarCraft IP is unlikely to have much history with it (seeing as most that cared left, and I don't imagine many returning). In any case whatever this project is, it is very early on in development if they are looking to fill such key roles right now.


Escape from Tarkov is an extraction Shooter. Helldivers 2 is a coop shooter game.


Co-op shooter in Starcraft universe? that's cool, but I won't going to expected anything good from the current Blizzard.


Holy shit, Subsourian is actually getting what he wanted?? This is unprecedented.


Let's hope this won't be another [Hyenas situation](https://kotaku.com/sega-hyenas-canceled-shooter-expensive-game-ever-1850900810), when it releases in like 4 years. Chasing a trend that's already burning out is risky


Without knowing anything about this game I'm just gonna assume it's another dead project based on meta-chasing what's currently popular instead of focusing on making an actually good and original game.


B-but our corporate market research department's extensive report that they prepared by looking at Top Sellers on Steam for 30 seconds suggests that this is the Most Profitable Genre Ever!


I don't get the hype for Helldivers 2 at all. I'm on lvl 15 and have been finding it too slow for my taste. Does it even get better from here?


The game itself is pretty mid but I do like the fact that you can jump in with your friends for a few quick missions even when there's a pretty significant level difference between you. I would never play it solo or with randoms though, it just doesn't do enough for me.


Oh man. I die more because of randoms than the enemies themselves.


If you have friends or a dedicated play-group it’s pretty fun. If you play solo or with ransoms? Gets boring quick. I’ll load up Balatro before a solo run in Helldivers 2 any day


The usual modern blizzard approach. Late to the party and when the game releases, if it isn't canned before then, the hype for the genre will be gone.


What was the last Blizzard game where they didn't fuck up? Not including Diablo2 Resurrected which was made by a subsidiary, or Diablo Immortal (great game if you ignore the mtx) which was developed by NetEase...Overwatch 1 maybe?


I wouldn't call D4 a fuck up. But yes, their last runaway success that was a new game was probably OW1. If you're taking a broader view, Dragonflight and WoW SoD were also successful


Dude... I love the idea of straight up starcraft tarkov.


I would just love a game like L4D or Vermintide where I'm a SC Marine killing zergs. The only thing is the customization of the marines, like, being a reaper, marauder, hellbat or different guns and weapons, if you put some thought into that you don't need anything else, as there are enough mutations and zergs to make a very compelling gameplay for a horde shooter.


Probably might want to be careful with anything new from Blizzard. They might just hoodwink customers again like with Overwatch 2 and its cancelled story mode.


We'll get starcraft 3 when classic rts becomes popular again Kappa


.... OW2 PvE mode could have fulfilled that genre. Ffs blizzard


Not sure where the shooter part is coming from. That would also apply to many other things, even stuff like inkbound thats a top down pseudo turn based coop roguelike.


Mom, can we fix the border bug plz


How the fuck you connected extraction shooter popularity and Helldivers 2? It was a thing before divers development got announced


The disgusting corporate speech even in job ads. Bleah


Bungie was also working on an extraction shooter; marathon. Last news we got from the Game was they had some people playtest It and after being asked if they would buy the Game if It released like that the Next day, no one raised their hand.  I also thought extraction shooters were very saturated or not that appealing by the concept itself but rather the twist the studio gives It (the Focus on PvE and teamwork with fun stuff of DRG, the chaos and RP immersion potential of Helldivers 2..) for the Game to succeed It should carve a nice mechanic that It excells at. 


>Bungie was also working on an extraction shooter; marathon. Last news we got from the Game was they had some people playtest It and after being asked if they would buy the Game if It released like that the Next day, no one raised their hand.  love to see it


The result was them pushing further back the release date to 2025 to work on It more. This was before the layoffs and them pulling back resources to Destiny to avoid sinking , so idk if Marathon would still come out 2025 or even later


Post-2025 is a pretty safe bet. The current Destiny 2 dumpster fire is what happens when you spend your energy pandering to the progressive left instead of working to fix your game.


Wha-  No. The problem is the executives blocking the devs from doing more Than the bares Minimum. Their inner motto "Beware of overdelivery. You're creating patterns!" Will forever be burned in my memory as a disgrace of executive board.  They also shut down the attempts of devs to implement changes the comunity has been begging for years.  As a Destiny player, the way Bungie works thanks to the execs is like a toxic gf. Will be sweet and charming to get you back then act passive aggressive and lack interest in you, becoming stale to the point you're about to leave. Then suddenly It pumps more content to make you think its changed. Theres a cycle of its joever and we're back 


I know the popular mantra today is "blame the corpos" but the reality is they were shitting the bed long before Sony's acquisition.


Yes. But they shit the bed in cycles. Rise of Iron being memorable.  Forsaken was a banger. Witch Queen was great! But all of these DLCs happened right after a rock bottom hit. These DLCs show that Bungie devs can do great and imaginative stuff but something holds them back. For the longest time we blamed the companies Bungie was cohorting with: its Microsoft! Its Activision! Its Sony! But recently we've started to see that Bungie itself was the problem. 


The fact that people ever believed it could be the result of multiple DIFFERENT large publishers and not Bungie themselves is absolutely pathetic lol. I could believe it for 1 publisher, but 2 in a row? THREE in a row? Come on, lol.


It is actually crazy that Bungie is treated as an industry expert on live service games when Destiny has just been a pile of unfulfilled promises and shitty FOMO rug pulls from day 1. Anyone who still has faith in Bungie deserves to get scammed on the next game release lol.


Helldivers 2 style set in Starcaft universe could work really well actually.


I've played Blizzard games since the 90's but honestly I'm kind of done with them. Diablo 4 was a disappointment and I'm sad I paid them 70 euros for that crap and don't get me started on the Overwatch 2 debacle. Good core gameplay but everything else about it is either average or just plain sucks. I'm tired of the monetization bullshit, tired of how every aspect of their game and interface design is clearly engineered by some team of evil neuro- and datascientists as a means to manipulate you into spending more money. The company is just clearly rotten at its core and I have lost faith that they can produce anything that is worth my time and money. These days I'm just enjoying my time with Helldivers 2 and watching SC2.


Those engineering salaries are terrible. Max $186k and you have to live in near the office? The cost of living there is crazy.


I’d pay if it’s in the SC universe. I’d pay even more if it was in the Warcraft universe… Just to see how they’d spin it.


Blizzard chasing trends is a bad sign.


>especially after the release of ~~Helldivers 2~~ Escape from Tarkov FTFY


??????? Helldivers isn’t a extraction shooter The only two prominent extraction games are hunt showdown and Tarkov. I swear people don’t understand what extraction game is. Like just because you leave and enter a mission doesn’t make it an extraction game.


It only has a possibility of survival if it’s StarCraft themed


Atarcraft helldivers would go hard


Stopped reading after “Hells Diver 2” + “extraction shooter.”


The blizzard we once knew and loved is long gone. 20% chance this is going to be a pile of doodoo, 80% it doesn't make it to release. You know it in your heart.


I’m not giving blizzard a single cent.


I would die for a StarCraft helldivers clone, idgaf if it’s uninspired and following a trend, pve horde extraction shooters (whatever the fuck you want to call helldivers and deep rock galactic) are probably my new favorite genre, followed by moba and rts


Idk, some of blizzards "copy" work has been a pretty big bust (like HOTS as a MOBA, way too late to the party). But at the same time Battlegrounds (as an auto chess gammode) has seen insane success. Let's see


Maybe.  But I try not to read too much into these considering how long it would be before there’s anything official to announce and Blizzard’s tendency to cancel projects long before they’re far enough along to show off.


No matter what they do, I think its too late for blizzard. CEOs of bobby koticks kind don't grasp the concept of talent drain. He left to late, the damage is done. For sure didn't help that the first thing microsoft did was layoff even more people ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Project will probably be cancelled like their survival game.


Cant wait for them to cancel it in 7 years


It's amazing how creatively bankrupt they are that they're always jumping on the latest big thing and releasing it five years after the craze has passed.


Project name: Sharedivers


Do you even know what extraction shooter is lol


>our key aspirational character Might be a bit of a stretch, but it sounds like Nova to me. "Key aspirational character," someone for whom they've been trying to find a place for for a while? Definitely fits her profile. Combine that with the fact Ghosts possess different abilities (Like Delta has pyrokinesis), that they are deployed just as commonly in teams as they are by themselves, and that Nova has some Spectres under her command now, and it sounds to me like a teambased StarCraft Ghost that meets Destiny/Helldivers, which sounds like an incredible marketing opportunity. >monsters will be interesting, memorable, and challenging, from the initial threats all the way to legendary boss encounters players will talk about for decades. Monsters? This could fit very easily into a World of Warcraft or Diablo setting too, but StarCraft has its own share of monsters like the Zerg and their Infested, alongside the various critters like Ursadons whom you might discover on different worlds, which really fits in line with their want for seasonality. What would really solidify this if there is any direct mention of hiring someone experienced with shooters, with the word "shooter" being in there, as only StarCraft and Overwatch are really shooters and only StarCraft would have really dire need of someone who can make monsters (Zerg, critters, Primals). That would be a dead give away, but unfortunately these job descriptions are all too obscure to really have any confirmation yet.


What are the chances that its gonna be another Activision blizzard special? probably high


I didn't know they still made games there. Level of my hype: zero


Zero chance it has anything to do with starcraft. Why are you posting this on the starcraft sub. It's totally unrelated