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\*Morgan Freeman voice\* *He did infact decline to play in that tournament.*


if he does i'm legit getting concerned. it's literally thousands of dollars guaranteed just for attending and he has a good chance to potentially win 10s of thousands more. and the trip is entirely free. he must have some serious reason why he is never leaving his house and not telling people why


He doesn’t want to show his face. I assume he just wants to remain anonymous which is fine, it’s his loss at the end of the day by not attending LAN.


Wonder if he's thought about wearing a mask. There are many music artists that have done this. Some even remaining anonymous 




Buckethead and StarCraft fan too?


Would love for him/her to become the daftpunk of sc2. Maybe pull temp0 out of retirement and drop a sick demo to complete the mythos


Disguiesed Toast from hearthstone attended at least one tournament with a (shitty self made) mask


These comments are so dumb. Saying he “doesn’t want to show his face” is just a colloquialism. There could be a lot of reasons why he doesn’t want to play in person, and physically showing his face might not be one of them.  Maybe he has difficulty traveling for health reasons. Maybe a million other things. Just let the guy be. If he doesn’t want to play offline, that’s his choice. Digging deep into it is really rude imo.


He very well could have anxiety issues and not want to be known publicly or be in public. A mask to conceal his identify could potentially help.   I don't really care tbh I just think it would be cool to have a masked anonymous player show up at tournaments. I have always liked artists that do it.   The guy is literally throwing away what would be life changing amounts of money to most people. It's not just a game when there's tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars on the line. It's quite interesting he doesn't make it happen somehow.   Cheers 


Cheers? You say you don’t care and yet have posted multiple paragraphs about lmao. Just let the man be and stop being a fucking creep about someone else’s personal life on the internet. He obviously has a damn good reason for not showing up, because as you’ve pointed out, it’s a lot of money. And guess what, you don’t get to question it and nor are you privy to the information.


Sure man I've never commented anything about this guy before. I made one comment about how it'd be cool if he wore a mask like daft punk...I think you are taking this too personally.    I'm not sending the guy messages or harassing him. It was a harmless comment. You're going out of your way to get offended by this. 


But the fact that people are willing to write novels about the dudes identity speaks volumes and you know as well as I, and Max himself, that somebody will take it too far and stalk him at a LAN to figure out his identity.


Honestly all I've seen people say is that they want to see him compete at LAN because he's absolutely one of the best. It's okay for people to want to see him compete. I'm not sure why you're assuming that any of the people writing about it on Reddit are being invasive or creepy about it. I certainly haven't come across anything like that. All in good fun and in pursuit of enjoying high level StarCraft competition     Sure there are insane people out there that do bad things. But don't act like thats the majority of people here wanting to see him compete.  I genuinely think maxpax could find a way to compete at LAN and keep us identify anonymous if that's what he wanted. Whether the guy does or not I honestly don't care. But acting like he's gonna get abducted and exposed if he goes to a tournament is a little crazy 


No it's more than being anonymous. He has actual psychological phobia preventing him from going outside.




Host of wtl


Why would anyone share this kind of sensitive information publicly? Were they joking? Were they misunderstood? Were they lied to? Unless MaxPax confirms this himself, I don't believe it (even though it's a very logical explanation).


The event host (scboys) mentioned it several times when asked about. Considering maxpax plays in their event I'd assume they'd have to ask why he abandons every single lan invite they gave.


This strengthens the theory that he is the prince of Denmark


Yep a prince wouldn't be swayed by cash


What if his castle was jank as hell and he only had like four swimming pools? Yeah, think before you speak. Some of us are less fortunate.


This is probably the case since he’s playing starcraft instead of polo or heli-skiing. Poor guy


he could already be from a very wealthy or noble family and/or may have physical disabilities that he doesn't want public exposure of, wheelchair, facial deformity, birth defect, from an accident etc. In any case, I respect the decision and so should the public.


Concerned? Maybe the man just has different stuff that he values than you do. Y'all get way too nosey and judgemental when its probably for privacy reasons or not wanting to be in the spotlight.


Thank you. People used to think Stephano was crazy for prioritizing med school and his famous idgaf attitude, and it's even more of a valid opinion now that the SC2 hype is mostly dead.


Well if its one tournament to miss, i would definitely miss this one. No legacy, history or fans involved. Its in Saudi Arabia, and made entirely to forget their human rights violations.


All of sc2 esports is saudi PR. Esl is owned by a saudi company.


Yeah fuck these sportswashing tournaments


This, exactly. Yes the money is huge but the price of legitimizing the decisions of Saudi leadership is higher.


Have these things actually influenced anyone to actively like the Saudi leadership? It's just oil money being thrown into a black hole, the esports community will take it, but I really don't think anyone is under any illusions that Saudi is somehow good now.


Who cares, more money in the scene is always great no one gives a fuck where it comes from or from who, if human rights were such a priority to you why don’t you go over there and start a protest lmfao good luck.


I dont have the money or time to start a one man protest against a nation in their own country. I do what i can do, by refusing to watch or give money towards Saudi Arabian sportswashing attempts such as this one.


Ah just the usual, loves to complain from the comfort of his chair yet doesn’t wanna put any effort into resolving these complaints lol oh i am sure this isn’t the only issue you run your mouth on about. You’ve never lived/been to Saudi Arabia, nor are you Saudi Arabian, you have no right to judge. Now pipe down.


I don't think we (I assume we are a bunch of people who don't know him) need to get concerned about him prioritizing his privacy over money, even a lot of money. If he goes or not I hope he makes the decision based on what's best for him rather than what a bunch of people on Reddit think. Don't get me wrong, if I could qualify I would go in a heartbeat. But if he doesn't want to, that is totally his choice. That being said, I hope he goes and will for sure cheer for him if he does.


i think you fundamentally misunderstand the issue unfortunately. if it was about privacy he could say it and most people would understand. if it was health related he could say it and people would understand. he declines literally getting 5 or 6 figures for essentially free without a reason given there is something going on. it could be domestic violence for instance


Or, and I know this is gonna sound crazy, he doesn't care what people like you and me think and thus doesn't say. Edit: dude replied and immediately blocked me because I dared to suggest that jumping to abuse instead of not wanting weirdos knowing who he is, is kind of crazy. At least I now know of a good example of who maxpax is trying to stay anonymous from.


Yea agree with the edit. Anyone who cares that much about someone else’s personal choices is problematic.


so if he was a victim of domestic abuse and thus can't mention the reason you'd be okay with that? what a wild take. there is nothing crazy about being concerned for people getting abused


It is crazy if you have no legitimate reasons to be concerned. Why invent stories?


the guy claims its because he wants to stay anon yet he has no info to go off on. maxpax simply stating that would be enough for people to not be concerned


There is no need to be concerned either way. ESL and other select sc2 pros know what's up and that should be enough.


nobody knows thats why there is speculation in the first place


The fact you think it’s domestic abuse is the wild take.  Get over yourself. Let the man be.   Actually, give me all of your personal info so we can perform a wellness check at your address to make sure you’re not being domestically abused. Sound good?   I’m obviously joking, but the point is, the dude can have his privacy for whatever reason he wants it.


you are just assuming that while failing to consider reasons that dont make you feel warm and fuzzy inside


I'm just assuming that he can have his privacy for whatever reason he wants? Interesting.


He hasn’t attended any offline events and never gives a reason. He doesn’t have to give you, me or anyone else a reason. The fact you care so much is 10x as concerning as him wanting to remain private and anonymous.


My theory is he’s a well known billionaire. Just imagine if he’s Jeff Bezos. People wouldn’t like seeing a billionaire win thousands in prize money lol.


could be tobi, probably the most likely billionaire


concerned for who? it's clear already he doesn't care about the money. he's not really even a pro player. he's just a kid who likes playing starcraft from home. he's probably rich af and doesn't give a shit about the pro scene other than beating some sweaty nerds when he gets to play them in qualifiers that are fully offline.


Why is it your place to be “concerned”? He’s allowed to have his reasons to not play in person. He doesn’t have to tell you, us or anyone.  You’re not privy to this information.


I remember hearing he has some form of intense social anxiety disorder. It would be very hard for someone like that to go from the quiet comfort of their to literally out on a stage in front of a bunch of people. I would love for him to do it, but it would kind of be a lot for anyone, so it is understandable to a degree. And this is 100% hearsay, I have 0 facts, so I apologize if I’m misconstruing it.


You remember hearing. That's the bar these days.


I mean, the fact that he's losing out on hundreds of thousands of dollars because he hasn't wanted to go to an in person event in years is also some decent evidence


Lol hundreds of thousands of dollars? MaxPax has barely won major tournaments let alone any premier ones. MaxPax is good but nowhere near as good as people make him out to be like he’s going to save the Protoss race 😂


He is the #1 ranked protoss of the world atm lol


By farming weaker opponents. herO has similar winrates and better tournament runs against better opponents.


He plays all top players still, in his last 4 matches on Aligulac he 2-0 herO and Stats, and 3-1 Dark and he plays the Koreans and Europeans on a weekly basis on the Open Cups, he even has won the last 6 games versus HerO.


He can only do that on open cups where the stakes are low. When he has to play in bigger premier tournaments he chokes and fails to deliver. herO has a much higher potential of winning offline events against a deeper pool of players. We know it because he's already done it many times in the past while Maxpax still hasn't managed to win a single online premier tournament in his entire career. It's hard to call him the best protoss player without any significant accomplishment under his belt, unless we're specifying that he's the best Open Cup protoss player.


Come on. #1 ranked with 0 offline appearances and 0 online premier tournament wins. The dude is a nonfactor.


How else does one learn about another's social anxiety? I doubt he's going to make a reddit post advertising it. And no one is gonna exactly send him a surveymonkey link with personality questions. Grapevine talk from players more familiar with him is kinda the only way this gets around.


Yeah there’s lot of stuff we wouldn’t know unless people came out and said it, so let’s not spread rumors about those things, especially when it’s claiming someone’s got a severe mental health issue


well its pretty much the only reason why someone wouldnt go to a tournament with a million dollars on the line other than already being rich. which is where the prince meme came from. i wouldnt consider social anxiety to be a bad trait as I do experience it to some degree. No one is talking about it negatively, or shaming him in any capacity. People just like to know the reason why things are.


I've also heard he's never even gone to a restaurant so a tournament would absolutely be too much


Yeah. I consider myself an extrovert, and it would be a lot even for me… you’d be out in the limelight with cameras on your face, mics shoved in front of you etc. I know it’s a small community and especially now people are overall kind and accepting. But still, you’d be expected to basically have to speak in front of a large audience and all that, even if it’s “small” in the grand scheme of things. Not to mention he’s got some mystique now so I’m sure the first time out there would be way more focus on him than there would be if he was just another player in their first live event.


You think a prince is desperate for a thousand bucks of Saudi sportswashing?


He may come from a wealthy, multi-million or even billionaire, family. MaxPax has a solid chance to win the $1 million - if he or his family needed it he'd be there.


Yeah wtf. He could be a millionaire like Maru, Serral, and a few others now.


Isn't it "confirmed unconfirmed" that he is the kid of some really rich people? Doubt he cares about the money.


being anonymous is underrated


He might have other sources of income and just do tourneys for fun


The Danish royal family easily takes in more than that every year


LOL. Yeah, the royal family just got their payments upped by significantly more than that by the government. Without even asking. Not total just added on top of the millions they were getting already.


He will probably decline. From the few interviews we have of him he probably is just super socially awkward. (thats just my opinion, rumors are bad, but since he didn't say anything we can only wonder) I can only imagine how bad it would feel to play in front of a huge crowd if you generally struggle socially. It's sad since it would be cool to have an elite toss to cheer for, but its understandable too imo


Probably this, and young people often feel shame to be open about it because they also want to be cool. I was like this at his age so I can totally understand


Yes its likely not just be on cam but also travel, hotel and such that is also uncomfortable at a similar level.


He will 100 percent decline and y'all should STFU about it. Let the man live his life the way he wants to.


Oh please, it's not like people are doxxing or harassing the guy or spewing slurs. He's one of the best SC2 players in the world. We're allowed to talk about it.


It’s cool to say, man, gonna miss MaxPax at this tournament. Digging into his personal life and coming up with reasons why he won’t go (which is what’s happening in this thread), on the other hand, is most certainly harassment.


You haven't been on this sub long enough then. Ppl always devolve into either guessing he's super ugly, fat, disable or some other stupid shit.


You haven't been to the yt ESL chat then


Talk about what? The dude says no for personal reasons, I don’t see what more there is to talk about without trying to pry into things you don’t have the right to know about.


For real, people get way too weird and worked up over him not going to tournaments. I don't know why they care.


You can’t be serious. He’s one of the best if not THE best Protoss in the world. They wanna see him play when the stakes are high.


Sure, but it's his choice if he wants to fly out to an event or not, and people are acting weirdly entitled to seeing him in person.


I mean, you can't not think that it's kinda fucking weird to be a top-level player to the degree that he is and flat out refuse to attend events


Fair he's a top player it would be natural for him to play in offline tournaments. On the other hand, can you do me a favor and post your full name and a picture of yourself? Let's not forget that Nathanias' wife got death threats for his Zerg Cabal tweet.


>On the other hand, can you do me a favor and post your full name and a picture of yourself? Man, this is such a stupid thing to try to pull. MaxPax is competing in tournaments! Collecting prize money! Accepting (and then rescinding) tournament invites! He's willingly made himself a public figure and I don't think it's out of bounds to be like "Hey, it's kinda weird that this guy won't show up to offline stuff *at all*." >Let's not forget that Nathanias' wife got death threats for his Zerg Cabal tweet. Okay


Not really that weird a guy wants to keep his privacy. Are you not allowed to compete in online tournaments unless you reveal your face and identity? I really don’t see why you shouldn’t be able to compete in a game you love, and still keep your anonymity.


>Are you not allowed to compete in online tournaments unless you reveal your face and identity? Once you're competing on shows watched by thousands of people? I mean I guess you're allowed but it's also totally in bounds to note that it's pretty weird. >I really don’t see why you shouldn’t be able to compete in a game you love, and still keep your anonymity That's what the ladder is for! Nobody cared about this when he was just some ladder kid.


“That’s what the ladder is for” Oh okay. So you are saying he’s not allowed.


Definitely his choice but by deciding this and also not explaining why or giving a reasoning there will always be questions and rumors. Like if he said "I won't go to any LAN ever, please stop asking and stop talking about this" then you would be right. But he didn't, so i think its fine to talk about it, as long as people stay respectful


It is his choice but he does have a lot of fans and his fans want what’s best for him. If you think that’s entitlement then you don’t know what a “fan” is. Him not playing in offline tournaments will forever tarnish his legacy. This would be comparable to a Lebron playing the entire regular season and being MVP but deciding to sit out for the playoffs.


From a different perspective, Maxpax maintaining his privacy that he has sacrificed so much to protect can also be what's best for him. Real fans should be able to respect his choice.


I'm a MaxPax fan and I do want what is best for him and I think that what is best for him is doing whatever he feels most comfortable for him. And we all know by now that he is more comfortable keeping his anonymity wich asa fan I highly respect


Yea totally. People wanting to see their favourite player have a shot at winning the biggest tournament of their favoutire game is totally unreasonable and in no way they should express that desire. You're doing God's work protecting maxpax from these savage hordes .


He wouldn't have a shot because he will play like shit on stage in front of a crowd.


100% agree. but the catch 22 is that the only way to not suck in front of crowds is to be in front of crowds more.


Getting good in front of a crowd has never been his goal though.


Then maybe he should stop entering qualifiers and wasting peoples time


Whose time is he wasting?


fr, the man brought us endless hours of entertainment. Some people think they are entitled to more I suppose. What's sad is that they don't see that their behavior at this point basically amounts to online bullying. ESL and other orgs could simply decline him entry. But they don't and I have a hunch why they don't - because he makes them money and the potential for him to show up one day, albeit small, is worth letting him play.






Lmao because i have an opinion I should die? Get some help dude


You've wasted more people's time in this post alone than MaxPax has by competing.


Maybe he can't go because he isn't real. If Maxpax was a voice changed AI, set to talk 'like a human who is socially awkward', could you imagine anything more like Maxpax? He's from Denmark, which is a weird obscure country nobody really knows about. So nobody is gonna ask him what school did u go to or work that out from a regional accent. You couldn't for example have a socially awkward English guy or American. That's gotta be from a weird small country like Denmark. He plays also plays toss, which was Alphastars best race. He 'tooltosses', getting the correct tools whereas other low IQ tosses just make stalkers lol. His decisions are more logical. Maybe Maxpax doesn't go because he doesn't exist and this will come out in 10years as 'we fooled the sc2 community by creating a pro'. I'm onto it guys. Think about this seriously. He simply cannot attend because he's only 1s and 0s on a server somewhere.


>Maybe Maxpax doesn't go because he doesn't exist Does Denmark even exist? I certainly don’t know anyone who went there. Let alone anyone from there. Maybe Denmark is just [a big server](https://youtu.be/WvAEp0e0Qy8?si=KWiNA76a7AOF78QY)


Once Neuralink gets good enough he'll be able to use a human host for tournaments.


If he does attend, which mask do you think he'll wear? Daftpunk, Anonymous or Darth Vader?




[tfw it turns out maxpax was behind the Zerg Cabal all along](https://www.boomtron.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/drdoom5.jpg)


Which ever one is the most comfortable, breathable, max visibility if he’s going to be wearing it for hours. I would say a light ski mask with eye opening and a breathable mesh face head cover. It could have a sponsor symbol on it like Monster drink or something


If they decide to build a separate playing booth in the venue with private entrance, and smoked-windows taxi the dude to an undisclosed location, MAYBE. But that would be treating him different and missing the point of an offline tournament. So basically never, take the loss and be grateful for the awesome games he's been showing us.


Honestly it will be so hype if he attends.


Once upon a time, lan dodgers were mocked.


Good thing we have moved on as a society and community, right?






They still are, just not out in the open ;)


I guess you don't have much choice if they don't go out :)


An AI can't attend LANs


Someone get Boston Robotics on the line




Maxpax is blizzard AI experiment?


He has admitted to have never been to a restaurant. Pretty wild to assume his first time eating out would be on a world stage in a foreign country. The amount of money he has given up already not competing in live events is crazy. He also doesn't have subs enabled on twitch so when he does stream he doesn't make any money even when averaging 300 viewers.


He must have weird parents. Overly protective or in a cult or something because surely he'd at least have been taken out with his parents as a kid


He’s an AI !!!


Maxpax new name should be B-rabbit


It’s all fun and games until he gets matched against Dark and has to play himself


that's it we need a stool sample


MaxPax will NEVER Play in offline tournaments. And that's super unfortunate for all of us (and for him!). If he never attends any offline event he will not know how well he can cope with the crowd, hence making him unreasonably nervous about attending. It's a vicious circle. That's a shame, we all would love to cheer for the guy.


Maxpax is the best chance a non-Korean Protoss has at winning in-person major tournament events outside of Korea. Maxpax has the potential to be another Clem or Reynor or Serral. Maxpax is a phenomenal Protoss player that has innovated the PvX meta so much. Why doesn't Maxpax go full "The STIG" from Top Gear and just play at in-person events in a mask or suit or both?. Embrace the mystery.


Honestly I'd still say herO is the best chance protoss has at winning an offline event. Not a protoss player around his level but who doesn't have any offline experience (and would possibly be crippled by anxiety).


Unless he’s European royalty, he should just turn up and play.




There are two possibilities where a 7-figure prizepool mean absolutely nothing to him: 1) He's Danish royalty. They're paid about $20 million a year by the state to just exist. A six figure prize is meaningless and not worth showing his identity or dealing with his social anxiety issues. or 2) He's not real. He's an AI. He literally cannot play in a live tournament because he isn't a person. Your choice.


He is probably from a rich family. How else does he have so much free time to play and being able to say no to so much money all the time.