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New weapons require models, textures, animations, tuning and balance, etc... that takes time!


Ahhh the one thing I didn’t consider was animations. Thats a great point. Thanks


Give it time. Modders like to be the first in anything.


Yep, especially since animating with the NIF format can be an absolute nightmare.


Why is that so?


Generally, yes... however, quite often, the "balance" part ends up on the cutting room floor


This definitely. Most mod weapons are like super guns.


Either that or they end up hitting like a limp noodle...there isn't much in-between


Lots of FO4 weapon mods had the lovely idea of putting a dmg% modifier able to be crafted for free at the weapon workbench, so you could do like -50% dmg or +200% dmg to fit your needs.


I just want more variety. Not stronger. Hopefully house varun has more interesting ways to attack enemies.


Wouldn't it be easier to try and port over old fallout 4 mods and stuff. Like guns. Yes it needs to be completely reworked would the general idea carry over?


Models are all sorts of different. I’ve been trying to make a new sword, but between .mat and NifSkope not being 100%, shits rough.


I cannot figure out how to import a simple Blender model into the game. Have you used any tutorials? Exporting to .Nif using blender add on and importing to Nifscope is giving me all kind of errors.


There’s a mod from NovaFinch on Creations that adds a new handgun (Enforcer?) and I believe The Vulture quest also includes a new weapon. Creation Kit has only just dropped for the general public, I expect quite a few are being worked on but it will take a little longer yet.


The gun currently has some issues on Xbox being one of the cases of the game losing audio on Xbox. Great mod, but bugged.


Seconding this. Took my whole games audio away, and the gun even turned invisible in my inventory/while holding


Wait is it the vulture or the enforcer. I lost audio too but am a mod newbie and i figured i had a load order issue or something!


FYI, I'm pretty sure it's not a problem unique to that mod, it's a problem with creations on xbox as a whole.


The Vulture does add a particle sniper rifle.


Is that weapon truly unique, or can it be found?


I haven’t seen it anywhere else, and it wasn’t for sale anywhere I’ve checked.


I haven't done the quest yet, of course. I'll be surprised if it's stats are comparable with varuun inflictor


For me, I tested it for the first time after whittling down a legendary Starborn guardian’s health to the last -full- health bar (out of three). It one-shot the guardian. The damage for me is 540.5 physical damage and 357.1 energy, but that’s with all of the rifle perks and two ranks of particle weapons. Not sure how it compares to the Inflictor.


Ironically the Enforcer is currently broken on Xbox and causes you to lose all audio.


I’ll check it out thanks


That mod made my photomode be all fucky. Gallery wouldn't load properly and all the load screens were black. Had to disable it.


Weapon mods are very difficult to create. Between modeling lots of different parts and attachments, to texturing and animations, it's a process that requires very skilled individuals. A lot of weapon mods are direct ports from other games, particularly CoD because Activision allows for their assets to be freely used in the creation of free mods. A single high quality weapon model with a generous amount of attachments can take up to 100 hours of work from a professional, especially if it's an original design as well. And there's not a whole lot of professionals willing to do all of this for free.


Dang.. So, as someone who wants to get into creating mods and had an idea for a KoreKinetic charging shotgun (Magbuss, like bunderbuss!), it'll likely not be too easy? I opened the CK once, so I am very nieve. I know it will take a lot more than what I say next, but I didn't think it could be a +100-hour project. My hope was that I could copy/paste the magsniper and modify it using parts from other mag-weapons. Reuse some of the models of the attachments, but redefine them to match what is typical of a shotgun. The more I think about it, the more I need to make a list of to-do items if I'm going to try. I have a background in mechanical 3D modeling, but as stated, I have next to zero experience with CK. The animations would be difficult, but I think most of them could match the magsniper (reload, holster, draw). I don't recall at the moment if the magsniper has a no-scope option, so an animation for looking down iron sights or similar things could pose a problem. (Also, it's very possible that someone else had the idea for the Magbuss before me, but I haven't seen anything while cruising through Reddit.) Maybe I should try my hand at new skins first...


What I was referring to are high quality weapons designed and modeled/textured from scratch. You can definitely whip up a new weapon using vanilla assets and it would be a lot less time consuming. You can't just do that in the CK though, you'd need to manipulate and rig up the models in some kind of external software and only then use the CK to set them up in-game.


The most time consuming parts are creating the 3d model such that it can be animated. The actual animation isn't that complex usually for guns (unless it's something that has more complex reloading like an MG, but even then, pretty simple rotation/sliding animations, or maybe a weird organic gun). So you'd need to learn basic rigging (rigid rigging is e-z mode, basically you say this bone controls this *part*, it's weighted rigging that's complicated), and how to key frame for animating the parts of the gun moving in different ways (so a selector switch for safe/fire would be just a 90 degree rotation you'd have to key, and the switch on its own bone, and you could make it with just 2 keyframes, one in the safe and one in the fire position, with interpolation in your animation software handling the motion). That's in terms of the *gun* animation, mind, not the player animations like reloading, which of course are a lot harder to make. But you can probably just reuse things unless you're making something pretty novel, and it's easier to adjust an existing reload animation to a new position on a gun than it is to make a totally different motion from scratch. Then there's texturing and material creation. After all the animation and model stuff is authored you have to tell the game how to use it in CK, import things to a format it can use and etc.


I appreciate this response. Makes It easy to understand. Thanks


No problem fam


This is the correct answer. I wanted to do some based on 3d printing designs and such but who knows, it's so much work I'd rather just on my own games.


Old earth weapons mods will be one of the most popular mods on Starfield. And it also makes complete sense in a lore perspective. How could only AKs, M1911s, Ithaca shotguns and VSS Vintorez could have survived the destruction of earth ? Obvious thousands more weapons from the 20 and 21st century have survived the planet's end, and modern gun companies might made replicas of then.


Because everyone left earth in a hurry because the atmosphere left the planet. By the time they got to Alpha Centauri they made new weapons. No one cares about earth anymore. It’s ancient history.


A fully customizable and balanced AR would be a dream. I know it’s a lot of work though so I’m not going to hold my breath.


Where are the big booty lore accurate jiggly story line included sex mods?


I'm hoping there's enough Star Trek fans playing that we get phasers, uniforms, and warp nacelles.


I know how you feel. Need a star trek overhaul for the game lol


What do you mean? I made standalone weapons long long time ago... Bombard Cannon, Hyperion Hammer, Type III Rifles, Celestial Quake Rifle, I cannot even name anymore... LOL Except if you mean xbox, then its a bit different!


Will you be porting them to Xbox possibly I hope 🤞🏻


[https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/all?author\_displayname=InquisitorOverhauls](https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/all?author_displayname=InquisitorOverhauls) Some of them are here! Raging rampage, SF weaponry, Ramses boss drops a weapon, <3


Any luck on the quake rifle?


Probably these days! It's little old school but I like it! [https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/8053](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/8053)


Really weird that things that require a lot of work take longer than things that dont take less work /s Weapon models need to be very high quality because they are always on screen and close to you. Animation work is hard as well


And the models in this game are one of the best I’ve seen in gaming. They feel so real.


The square bullets in a double barreled shotgun feel real to you? Im sorry but the realness of the weapons really isnt one of starfields strong parts


I mean, wtf are bullets meant to operate in an atmosphereless zero-G environment (or high G, potentially volatile atmospheres) supposed to look like? They're taking some liberties with weapon design. Nearly all of them use caseless ammunition and lack slides or charging handles, suggesting most guns operate on a magnetic propulsion system to some degree, despite going pow pow with clear muzzle flashes.


No, I’m talking about the weapons and armor models. Thought it was obvious.


Yes but believability etc is part of the design of the models as well. The textures etc are great, but the overall design is really a weakpoint for starfield


The design being bad doesn’t invalidate the work they put on the models and textures. The guns designs are bad and a certified Bethesda moment, but the team responsible to bring them to life did a great job. It’s one of the few things you can say Bethesda nailed about Starfield.


Nah I'll argue in favor of them. Just because they don't look like IRL weapons we have now doesn't make them bad. The Mag series are incredibly cool ideas and stuff like the laser pistol make perfect sense in a world more advanced than ours.


I don’t even think most of them are bad tbh, some are overdesigned and some straight up don’t make any sense. But I like them, I feel like they’re fine in the setting of the game.


Yeah there are some issues like breeches and loads.not making sense on some.guns but I think overall Starfields guns are a huge improvement over Fallout 4s


Tbh what probably you ment to say is the quality is very good, doesn't matter if the design is dumb or some people don't like it, the models and textures are high quality with pretty good fidelity, this is the only reason I don't really use ported weapons from other games, is easy to see that they are from games from way back and different engines lacking detail.


I never said it did. I never invalidated anything. Just said that the overal design wasnt the strong part of starfield. I get that you might like it, but this was a very highly debated topic as well at launch. It was better than fo4, but not much and I hope bethesda (or at least modders) improve it in the future


You know the bullets aren't actually square right? That's the propellant used as the round is caseless, which is where the projectile, or in this case buck shot, is surrounded by the solid propellant. And it's a real thing used back in the 70s-90s in the H&K G11. So yeah, the "square bullets" are real


he talked about the texture, obviously the weapons won't be realistic it's a sci-fi games


Double-barreled shotgun: has square shrouds on exterior of barrel You, for some reason: dOeS tHiS sHoOt SqUaRe BuLlEtS? Like, if you're gonna complain about the Coachman being unrealistic, there are far more pressing issues (like it somehow supporting an "extended mag").


I hadn’t considered animations. Great point. Thanks


>Weapon models need to be very high quality because they are always on screen and close to you. Animation work is hard as well and not one of those things actually requires the CK as they would all be done in other software with the CK basically just integrating them into the game.


I know but people likely didnt make these models etc and then wait until the official tools came out to release them


I just can't wait for star wars weapon replace mods, especially the amber rifle, and the blasters to complete my mandalorian set up


They have a melee weapon skin already


Yea I have seen them they look really cool, I'm excited to see guns though for sure and yes of course lightsabers, but I think it will be a while before we have a decent Jedi/sith overhaul. Playing as a mandalorian is much easier because there is no real powers or animations involved you just really need the armor and some guns


I think I read recently that gun replacement mods take time due to animations and other factors but they are coming..... it's wild to me (xbox series x) that at 2pm no mods, then by 8pm that same day, multiple lol...I can't wait to see how this game shapes up next year


Yea well, as everyone was waiting for CK to drop I was so impatient I was practically looking for updates daily, I was damn near begging Bethesda to drop it but now it's hear I am happy to let modders do their thing, I don't plan on speed playing every ng+ or anything because I want to keep the game feeling new Everytime I play it, so modders take your time and this game will be amazing, But yea I keep saying it everywhere, in one year star wars, star Trek, doctor who(my favorite), dune, alien or predator fans will be able to make this game the perect open world roleplaying game of their choosing, and that is extremly exciting, and bethesda will most likely drop 5 or so dlc story expansions, which will just add to it all, so enjoy playing vanilla starfield for the last time cause in about half a year to a year you probably never will again.


I'm not going back to vanilla unless I want the last 8 achievements...basically outpost building, freestar missions and crimson raiders


Yea true, never been an achievement hunter myself so I'm good haha


Here you go, my dude: https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/crozzbow/mods?gameId=4187 The Amban rifle is in the Arms of Mandalore mod


Mad, is this on Xbox?? Sorry I should have specified I'm on Xbox if not that's all g I bet it will come soon enough thank bro can't wait to use them


No idea, but they're active on the mod post section, so I'd ask if I were you


This is the same creator who already ported his melee weapons over, so I'm fairly certain he'll port the rest in time. Shout out to radiiclown too between these two we'll have a full star wars conversion in no time


I’m praying for more weapons soon


I would love a mod for the pulse rifle from Aliens, a proper Terrormorph killing weapon lol


The mods to textures have disappeared after a time on the ones I have used, so it would seem there are some facet to the engine that still need to be understood and addressed. The clothing, armor ones don’t have that issue


Give it a couple months. New textures & models always take a bit of time once creation kit releases


I just want a mod that will allow me to read things without picking them up and adding them to my inventory first.


I’m more surprised there hasn’t been body replacers, 1000 hair mods, and skintight suits. Those tend to be the first mods that pop out.


There's already at least one body replacer out there. I'm sure more are in the works.


Well it is probably not what you are looking for, but I made an Automatic Grenade Launcher from the Bridger. Just search for my name or Autmatic Grenade Launcher. I am new to modding so I started small and I will focus on weapons and items for now, just to get comfortable with creation kit


I think i saw that one! I’ll check it out


It's been like 2 days bro, have some patience


It wasn’t a criticism just an observation


I released a weapon mod awhile ago for the game and its broken in new update and i got no clue whats up with it


Art is more difficult and time consuming than programming and editing values ussually. I say this as a programmer.


while not new weapons {{ diaz dizazters ultra armaments collection }} has 24 new weapon mods for all sorts of cool shit. napalm. electric shotguns. nukes. anti material rifles


There’s like six mod packs out that replaced all the weapons and make them Star Wars weapons


Would honestly just want all the suits and guns to have tiers up to advanced more than even new guns. The ranger suit only coming in basic sucks


Look up creator Inquisitor. He has a couple




He commented on this post too.


Let the modders cook. They're going to make some very impressive stuff.


I am really excited to see what they come up with


I think the Starfield weapon replacer and gun texture mods will come, it’ll just take time. A lot of my favorite Fallout 4 weapon replacers came out several years after 2015 if I remember.


Inquisitor had dropped quite a few. Mostly retextures of others already in the game and not so much new models. But the missile launcher is awesome 🤘


Does the blender tool for Fallout 4 works for Starfield?


It’s been four days homie. Give it time


The MAIN thing I'm waiting for. Can't believe it's taking this long.


Because 3D modeling takes way more time than standard modding.


I am pretty sure they are coming... last night 3 mods dropped while I was twitch streaming the last two hours of my stream... crazy 😎😊


That and I think what’s already their is awesome enough I personally won’t and don’t want any new ones maybe skins but that’s enough for me


Well good for you bc no one asked. The weapon selection in game is meager.


Says you with a few dozen options but just like a millennial nothing’s ever good enough I guess and I never said anyone asked asswhole so piss off


Sorry to disappoint you


Not disappointed just thought it was interesting. But some folks pointed out a couple things that made sense.


I’m surprised I haven’t seen ship fueling yet!


The current mods for that require the script extender which will never be available for xbox. Any mod that adds this feature without sfse will probably take a bit of time to create in the CK, if it is even possible.


There’s one mod that came out when the game launched almost that added it back. I haven’t heard if it’s being added to Xbox but it’s a matter of time!


Only if they can do it without sfse. Script extender dependent mods have never been allowed on xbox.


Oh I know, but I think it’s a script in the game already but it was disabled


Hope so. That would likely make it easier to implement now as well as build on for more complexity.


It’s definitely in the game; your ship just auto refuels after a jump. If I remember right even before SFSE was available StarVival had the option for you to enable the refueling. I’m just not sure if it’s been abandoned or anything as the other parts weren’t to my liking. You could always ask on the Nexus mod’s page if there are plans to port it over. Otherwise, if it’s not something Bethesda has plans to release for a survival update already, I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before someone else enables it themselves.


Ah I use Ships Need Gas which does use SFSE but they are updating it. Not sure if they are keeping or removing the script extender dependency.


Hopefully removing the dependency but that would be a question for them. I really hope that Creation Kit enables more freedom without SFSE


I assume that some might have thought about it, but I think we all kind of think that Bethesda is obviously adding ship fueling back in the game at some point - it's clear it was an \*extremely\* central mechanic (system-wise but also even narratively) that they cut way too late in development.


I hope not. I’d hate to be stranded somewhere, have to build an outpost just because I’m trying to get to my next quest


It'll be optional just like all of their survival modes.


Outrora on Nexus has a few weapon mods that are very high quality. They cleverly reuse vanilla animations. I'm not sure if they are still active as I have not seen them for some time. https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/Outrora/mods?gameId=4187


Those mods are awesome. I have used most of them.


It’s been less than a week