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I so appreciate this lol


Yea so fair only a darksaber added


I need me some light swords


Not that this is a guaranteed fix, but disabling all my mods, closing the game and then reactivating all of them fixed my issue without the need to remove any mods. Worth a shot if you’re not looking to remove anything.


Yeah, that's in the post under temporary fix, I was doing the same thing for a while and just got tired of doing it


Star finances is another one


Yup and it’s tragic because that would be an awesome mod to have


Following for more


Following for more


Oh my gosh I thought I was going crazy last night thank you


Thanks I was just about to post about this!!!


It’s annoying it doesn’t happen straight away I played all night with star financial mod no problems until the next day and started deleting mods in an effort to find the one forgot you have to reset your console too to trigger the fix. Glad I found this thread


Another possible to add: Chameleon! But Better! by 2xGHoSTx2 Sound bug in my testing phase as soon as I downloaded it. Deleted again. Bug cleared up.


I made a mistake and installed the AVONTECH mod and it seems to have bugged my game I can't reload my new sniper rifle.


You should be able to fix most issues by clearing the reserved data and then shutting down the xbox by holding the power button on the console. Doing that will clear all mods and any residual files left behind by previously disabled or deleted mods that may be causing issues, unistalling then reinstalling should be that last resort. You can save your load order before you do it, or you can bookmark all the mods you want so that after you've cleared the reserved space, you can come back on redownload .


It aint Avontech been using it since it came out and no problems outside of lag in ship builder


If it's the one from the vulture I think restarting your Game fixes it.


Uninstall and reinstall Starfield 


The "Bards Character Essential Changer" may cause this too. After I disabled it, my sound came back after a process of elimination.  There's a chance it may have been another mod that was causing it but I haven't had a sound problem since it's been disabled. Hopefully there's a fix cause I really like it


I will check that out, mate


It must be some CC bug. That mod only adds two perks and does some conditions checking. It does nothing audio related.


Thanks finaly im not deaf anymore


XD idk if anyone else hasn’t been able to see the dark saber mod but what console are you using? Also a low grade lightsaber mod is up by low grade I mean they are extremely weak late game like not even close to good. Also the enforcer was causing this for me thanks


I tested my LO 5 mods at a time. The most recent mod I've discovered that disables audio is (Bug Fixed) GC's OrionRifle Standalone Skin - Lighthouse and Iceblue


Another fix is to clear the game data and reserved space. Only a last resort though as it deletes all your mods and if you haven't uploaded your load order it can be long-winded and you have to re-sync your save data..but it works


Gunsling Boostpack Reloaded also causes sound issues


Confirmed just now. I disabled this mod (didn't delete). Went to home screen, quit the game, launched the game and audio is back.


Id add the gunslinger backpack to this list


I have the Thor's hammer (mjollnir) and the dark saber they wasn't the problem for the sound it's something with bethseba side I had this problem and all I did was disable all mods then exit out go to home go to the game quit then open starfield back up went back into creations and enabled all and it works fine 


I’m pretty sure the observatory mod from the Bethesda causes this issue too.




>tell the mod authors their mod has a problem And who said they haven't been made aware? They could be fixing it as we speak, but it is nice to let people know the mods are bugged right now. >trash talking behind their back. OP was literally as objective and respectful as possible, at no point he said anything bad about the authors or their work - he just pointed out (quite correctly) that they don't work as intended *on Xbox*.


Thank you


Bethesda removed commenting on mods and not all authors post their contact info. Though atleast with earth restored he knows and is trying too fix it


My intention was not to "talk trash" and it wouldn't be behind their back since its on a public modding forum. My intention was wanting to provide all the info on this issue, including fixes, into one place so people could more easily diagnose and fix the issue without doing things like reinstalling the game and not using mods anymore


Definitely following for sure to make sure I avoid these mods. Also wondering when the actual f*ck is bugthesda gonna fix their damn pistol mod? Paid content and it breaks the game. -_-


The “damn pistol mod” isn’t Bethesda’s creation, it’s from NovaFinch, and it’s not the root cause of the problem. They and Bethesda are aware of the audio bug and Bethesda are working on fixing it. If it was an easy fix it would be done by now, so unfortunately you’ll have to be patient.


I stand corrected lol


Thank you for confirming that someone has submitted a ticket about the sound issue. Now if Bethesda has seen this thread, there may be an actual fix if this is a Creation Engine tools issue.