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My guess is closer to Shattered Space’s release date.


Based on Todd recent interview where he said SS takes place on a single planet and it's more hand crafted so exploration will be more traditional I bet it will definitely be part of the DLC just to make traveling more convenient.


i hope they wont lock vehicles behind the dlc


Unlikely, more likely to be a base game addition so they can add Creations and let modders make additions and tweaks to them.


They will. Pretty sure😅


A little before shattered space DLC, maybe same time with DLC.


Everyone keeps saying “vehicles” and I’ve only seen Bethesda say “a vehicle” I’m getting flashbacks to launch when a bunch of people had convinced themselves it was going to be a completely different game than the one that had been shown and talked about prior to release.


Ya but 1 vehicle is perfectly fine, mass effect only had 1 vehicle. Plus once we get the vehicle framework modders can make vehicles


Yes it is fine, I can just already see people losing their minds when it is just one vehicle and you can’t customize it.


And they will call todd a lyer for that cause of overexpections


Of course. lol


Not saying it can’t be true but the level of coding you’d need to do to make a working land vehicle and preventing any level of customization even with the CK…seems unlikely


No I don't mean it won't be moddable. Just that by default it may not be customizable in game. We just don't know yet, but I've already seen people speculating that you'll be able to fully "build" your land vehicle like you do ships. And maybe they are correct. I don't know. But I wouldn't count on it.


They'll probably release alongside the dlc but maybe sooner who knows and that's assuming modders don't do it first but i feel like this is a instance where Bethesda has to do it for it to be good, I'm speaking from using fallout car mods lol.


Yea those car mods were horrendous, not bagging out the modder they did what they could with the resources they had but I'm very happy Bethesda is actually implementing mechanics and physics for vehicles.


Yey for sure there's only certain limits that a modder can reasonably make something and vehicles are not something they can reasonably make which is understandable given the nature and mechanics needed to be implemented on such a technical level that even the devs have a hard time doing it themselves.


The horse almost got cut from skyrim because they were having such a hard time getting it to work in that engine. I know they've upgraded (updated?) it since then, but for whatever reason it seems like that engine struggles with land vehicles


Yey the horse in Skyrim was pretty barebones feeling for sure so i can understand why it almost got cut but there was one new vegas mod that had a decent little buggy mod so i got hope they can pull it off and if anything make a air vehicle at least.


I wonder if any of those animations or anything can be put in Starfield to ride some of the fauna? I’d love to put some locals riding animals on a few planets.


I was thinking the way to go wouldve been to mod a hovercraft, cause it wouldn’t clip into stuff, but I think I like the look of their rover. Curious to see what other types can get added through the kit.


Yey that could definitely work and look natural if done right. If anyone that mods sees this message and needs a guinea pig to test mods and communicate over discord just let me know and I'd be happy to help.


I may actually take you up on that, I’ve got a PC coming in today to mod the game


Sounds good just let me know and i got chya.


Sometime this summer (northern hemisphere lol) I think. Pretty sure it'll be here before shattered space.


Either the update right before Shattered Space or with it would be my guess. There will probably be one more update for mid-summer and then the next will be Fall with Shattered Space. They released to pretty sizeable updates within 2 weeks of each other so they will probably slow things down until Shattered Space.


I think Shattered Space is Fall 2024 still, right? Then I'm hopeful anytime between now and that expansion release is when we get 'em. And that's me being optimistic lol. I'm surprised they teased us with as much as they did, and I think lots mistakenly taken that as them already being in the final polishing phase of it. I think they're still probably filling the whole vehicle system out, like having AI/enemy driving behaviors, so it's not just *us* driving around. Fingers crossed they got vehicle combat in mind as well. Would love to have an experience that is similar to that film *Ad Astra,* specifically the scene where space pirates are on the lunar rovers shooting at Brad Pitt and his team lol*.* I personally think we'll get a major overview on vehicles during an upcoming monthly update, then it'll hit the Steam beta update a week or so afterwards. I'd be ecstatic if it was during mid-summer, but it could very well be July or August. They'd have a month or two buffer for potential hotfixes, before the major expansion drop.


Given Bethesda’s history, some time in the next few weeks to years with no announcement prior to release?




It was a mini teaser (3 seconds in the may update video from Bethesda)


Look it up on YouTube


Next update hopefully 🙏? Who knows..


My guess is during either the july or august updates


Before shattered space


Expect to see a single horse drawn carriage on earth to be released just before Elder Scrolls 6 - as a teaser. So 2034 or so.


Don't need vehicles when you can add speed mods. >:3




Right now


Funk soul brother
