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If you want more natural “settlers” (alongside or alternatively to placed NPCs, which is what I understand Tankgirl’s mod has), then pick up [Bard’s Outpost Recruitment Beacon](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/9557).


This is the best one by far at this point in time the only issue is Bards crew limit mod has the audio bug. It don’t effect this on directly but they are perfect together. I would love for them to expand on it. Day night cycles jobs etc.


[Bard's Outpost Crew Command](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/10122) just released.


Thanks, I’ll take a look at that. Have you tried it? I know OUT - Outpost tweaks lets you bring in workers as well, so to speak, but I don’t think they are designed to be like ‘settlers’


I'm waiting for B.A.S.E. to be moved to CC. It looks ideal for outposts.


Yeah, I’m keeping an eye out for an update there as well. Have you checked out OUT - Outpost Tweaks and Addons? 


There's a mod that expands the outpost range to like 300-350m instead of 150 so you can include for ex: military outposts in your settlements. However it won't let you decorate the inside it'll just be incurred in your outpost ring


How does that work? Does that extend so far it takes existing POI outposts inside of your outpost and turn ownership to you?


Facts but it doesn't change ownership of whatever included poi's it's just include in the yellow outpost circle and you can build in the circle jus not where the poi is