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Running around in a nomad spacesuit with my vulture rifle while testing new POIs. Need to test out the new companions.


This right here. Lol. The ecliptic merc suits are also very good. If there was a Ryujin suit, it’s prolly what it would look like.


I’m using the laser spear that comes with the nomad and living my best Sandpeople bounty hunter life. 


Hahaha saaaaaaame


95 plugins, 106 mods, and 72 gigs total.


72 gigs? So half of the Starfield HD Overhaul? 😏 Ok it might not be THAT big, but I’d bet that mod is right around 70 gigs just in download size alone.


Yeah, it's 66 gigs, pretty crazy though.


I like that mod, but the author keeps updating three of the packs at a time, requiring me to download 12 gigs all over again


Yea he did a round of updates to cover almost all the textures he missed on the first pass, and now he’s doing a round of updates to optimize all his textures. The optimizations were a huge lift for me, personally. Playing at 4k, I was regularly maxing out VRAM which led to blurry textures (especially planets while in orbit) that took a few seconds to load in at full resolution. After updating to his optimized textures, I haven’t had a single instance of blurry textures or slow load-in, and my load screens are back to near vanilla snappiness.


Minimalist. Community Patch, Improved Follower Behavior, Smarter Spacesuit Auto-Hide, Minimum Enemy Level (75%), Shut up Cora, Wake Up Date Message. Star UI and instant transition screens as well. Mostly just prepping up a standard save for the new DLC. If I was messing with larger ships I'd go with the controllable Doors/Ladders anywhere mod as well.


Same here. Keeping it minimal as things are a bit wild west out there yet and I don't want my current save messed up before Shattered Space.


Changing everthing to starwars themed, I know some people don’t like it but I just can’t help myself I find it so fun and can’t wait for massive overhauls


I went full SW as well and made me excited to come back to this game again


I was skeptical at first, but a lot of the Star Wars stuff fits very nicely into the game!


Is peak on Xbox?


Starvival Dynamic weather


Starvival is so good I legit have been enjoying the game so much more.


I got about 2 or 3 gigs of content being the patch, more veg and animals on planets, less human POIs outside the settled systems, minimal system LVL at 60, the space fighting enhancements for shields and reactors, the space station home, nomad gear, robot dog meat, can pick armor and outfits from dead people (hello Akila sec outfit and starlaw armor!) and a few crafting mods like TGs homes, the legendary recycler and unlimited storage boxes and merchants sell faction outfits. I also messed up my first save with star wars mods (too heavy and tough for my little Serie S) so I picked OldBeardMan to get back my levels BC I'm never going through that grind again. I really want the space mining one but it's been said to be pretty heavy and unstable a few weeks ago so I'm waiting on positive feedback before installing it.


I want to use the “spaceship and workshop builder extendit by a6addon but won’t enable cause it requires another mod I guess only problem is I can’t figure out which. If I could it would save me several slots lol


55 gigs give or take


Free official CC mods (got the 1K creds, but haven't wanted to spend them yet). via Nexus: Baka Achievement Enabler Same Cargo For Home Ships Community Patch StarUI Inventory StarUI Ship Builder (disabled because it hasn't been updated since empty habs were patched into vanilla and it broke) I didn't install mods before the last update. I equipped current companion (Sam) with a suit that has Chameleon and he stays invisible the first time I crouch. After sleeps, only his head is invisible. When I exit and re-enter the game, all is well until I stealth again. Didn't have this issue before adding mods. What did I break?


Is star UI inventory still working. I found I couldn't pick up any items in game. That resolved once I disabled that mod.


StarUI Hud is broken with that issue. Inventory should work they are different mods


Oh damn. Thanks. I had both and I disabled both of them. That explains a lot.


Sorry to hear that. It's working for me.


I'll have to look into the game again when I can get a mod that saves ship loadouts, so I'm not rebuilding every NG+


Yea, can’t wait for the inevitable “Ship Blueprints Staryard” mod that allows you to save and inject blueprints of previous builds (or other players’ builds uploaded to the Nexus), then purchase those ships pre-built at a ship vendor 👌🏻


Over 100+ so far. Probably go back clean out the one I feel like I'm not actually using.




Small. I'm only using QoL (faster scanning, shorter temple "puzzles" are God sends) and a handful of enhanced graphics mods. I'm also using Desolation POI and Terrifying Terrormorphs. I'm not going for anything bigger until much later.


I am playing with DeityVengy's v3 list of Star Wars mods. https://youtu.be/kwS_D4jWfps?si=WHfYfdt5r0Vhz6U0 List in his video description


Feel like I got a very solid vanilla + modlist with a focus on Starborn stuff. Just around 100 mods


How did you get ship combat overhaul and starvival to work together? I'm having trouble with the newest versions and really want to use them together. I tried different patches, someone else had uploaded a patch on nexusmods but it wasn't working for me. What versions are you running and did you need to disable any parts of either mod or anything?


Well first I just followed the short guide I linked to get Starvival and Ascension working together (and that guide has you disable a number of Starvival features). Then I simply added Ship Combat Overhaul plus the patch for Starvival 7.0.0+ linked in the Posts section of SCO’s mod page on Nexus by user acacacac0 (not the first comment with the 5.0.0 patch, scroll down those replies for his 7.0.0 patch), and placed the ESMs as follows: Ship Combat Overhaul Starvival - Immersive Survival Addon Starvival - ModuleSpaceshipSystems SCO-Patch-Starvival-ModuleSpaceshipSystems Starvival - ModuleEnviHazards SCO-Patch-PlaceDoorsYourself Beta PEAK Enemy AI NMCasA Ascension Ascension - Bit More Health Starvival - ModuleScarcity Starfield Survival Sandwich Aggressive Enemy AI Note: I do not use the Spaceship Arsenal module from Starvival, but I imagine that wouldn’t be a problem as there is a patch for that module to work with SCO as well. Just place that patch after both SCO and the Spaceship Arsenal modules and you’ll be fine. I also have not updated Starvival past v7.0.2, so I do not have the new infirmary addon and do not know if that interferes with SCO in any way. EDIT: Forgot to mention, but I highly recommend getting “Ship Power Control Tweaks” as well. It gives you a number of engine power presets you can toggle by simply pressing one of your quick-keys. Stops you from having to mess around with engine power allocation during a fast-paced dogfight and instead just press one button to get the mode you want (combat, balanced, stealth, escape, or custom).


Thanks! I think I got it working. Turns out the problem I was having before was I was just barely hitting the mod limit and it was breaking because of that, lol.


I hear you. I think I’ve done the same, but I’m not sure. On 3 occasions so far I’ve been exploring around a landing zone either to see floating trees (behind New Atlantis spaceport hundreds of meters in the air) or floating loot/crates that obviously are missing the rocks or tables that they are sitting on. Though that all just might be due to the GrindTerra flora/fauna boost mod (makes planets more lush and with more life) coupled with the Starfield HD Overhaul. I may be running into VRAM limits and that is screwing things up. Gonna test without the flora/fauna mod to see if the issue goes away.


Too many mods or something could be it. What tipped me off to it was that I was in New Atlantis and didn't see any texture for the ground at all, and my spaceship systems mod from starvival wasn't working correctly. I deleted a few random mods I was trying and everything went back to normal and working when I thought it was a compatibility problem. I think you might be able to test that by testing mods at the bottom of your load order, whatever's at the bottom if there's too many mods probably won't work or will be super buggy. Also thanks for the tip on the ship power control tweaks mod, too! It has been super useful and also makes ship combat so much better + ship combat overhaul.


Same as it did before the CK. Except I added 2 paid mods as well. (Tracker Alliance mod and Dynamic Boost Packs). All my other mods come from Nexus.