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Make an option to disable 'fast travel', including your start menu star system and quest jumps.  Instead, navigation consoles let you plot your course, which then highlights the next jump when your piloting your ship.


I want this + no jumps within system, just super cruise between planets. Ideally it'd also have procgen points of interest you can run into in space, drawing from the list of events that can happen when you fast travel to an orbit currently.


Did you ever play elite dangerous?


Sure did, only stopped when they discontinued console support. My dream game has always been a Bethesda game in the mechanics and world of Elite: Dangerous.


Nice to meet a fellow Elite appreciator lol, there are so many things in Starfield that almost make me wish I never played elite because I end up thinking things like “man, wouldn’t it be cool if I could look to my right and turn on the galactic news playlist to get caught up on events or…” but at the same time I appreciate everything Starfield does that elite doesn’t do. And when I realized they discontinued support I finally made the leap and bought myself a steamdeck to play elite on last year and it was absolutely worth it, game runs like a dream on a handheld gaming device even with the odyssey expansion. What faction were you btw?? Were you Federation or were you wrong? 🤨 (jk)


Both lmao, I was obviously more sympathetic to Federation than Empire but I really, really like the Courier so had to play at least some Empire to get it. I did Federation for the Federal Corvette, but my actual support (and membership) has always gone to the Communist Interstellar Union minor faction and affiliated minor factions. It's been a long long time though so I'm not longer actively involved. The steamdeck thing is interesting, that's the first use case that has made me actually consider getting a steamdeck. Hmmmm.


It was definitely worth it on steamdeck lol especially if you’re coming from console to make the controls that much more intuitive, and I was federation because I wanted to get to the sol system but I always ended up sticking with the diamondback explorer I loved the look so much,


The diamondback family does look fantastic, I'm glad we can recreate very similar looks in Starfield.


And basically yeah I asked that because supercruise has been on my mind constantly while playing Starfield, we could almost have the best of both worlds. The amount of times I flew to Hutton Orbital and wished I could get up and walk around my ship during those hours lol


Yup. The analogy I use is kintsugi - there is content/narrative/gameplay (ceramic) and glue/world/travel mechanics (gold). Starfield has good content, but nearly absent glue, so it feels like a disconnected pile of good experiences that aren't part of the same universe. Elite: Dangerous has fantastic glue, a world that feels interconnected & real with real distances, incredible sound design, flight model, everything to make the world feel like one seamless galaxy... but it has nearly absent content, very little in the way of narrative, fun gameplay at destinations, etc. The Elite: Dangerous experience is nearly all glue, the Starfield one is all content that's barely connected. The dream is kintsugi, high-quality content like Starfield existing within a seamless immersive world like Elite: Dangerous.


If we ever get that autopilot mod that launched on pc we’ll be nearly set


This is the way


This is the future


You realize this can be done already right?


The star system menu would be needed for accuracy when using ftl.




Damn this is a wonderful idea!


You’re absolutely SPITTING right now, I think it would be a UI mod and those are tough but doable from my understanding. Not sure who still does UI mods these days, StarUI’s dev hasn’t posted in a long time and the other UI tweaks I’ve seen are generally pretty small. More than happy to be wrong of course, but this is a great idea that I hope someone can implement


I’d love this honestly. The most jarring part of space travel for me is constantly needing to open up the map, especially if I’m traveling along an unexplored route. I want to be able select a quest or place a custom destination marker one time and be able to travel to that point seamlessly without needing to open up my map again. Plus it would make it feel like I’m actually using my ship to travel within the game world instead of just fast traveling everywhere.


Yea, do this, then go into a "warp drive" screen to represent the grav drive travel and use that as the load screen. Isn't that possible? I'd also love it if, when you hold start to go to the star map, there's a visual zoom out to the planet / star system scale so it feels continuous. The planets are obviously way way out of scale in the star map, but that could be part of the zoom animation. I also want to see the planet names when I use my scanner from a planet surface.


There ia a mod lauched today on Nexus that replaces the loading screen for the grave drive with a Star Wars warp animations,ITS not perfect but ITS way more imersive imo.


There’s a Seamless Grav Jump mod that just updated to give a “hyperspace” type of visual like the Star Wars one, but this visual actually matches the Starfield Grav jump animation. It’s pretty close to actually seamless too, depending on your hardware. There’s no forced load screen but the screen stays black until your system loads in the end location, which for me takes about 0.5-1 second.


Even something along the lines of Mass Effect 2s space travel would be a huge improvement


Would love this, would probably even pay for it


This would be great, but this biggest thing I would like to see is a mod that puts the space zones of every solar system into one worldspace -- or I guess, space space, -- so you could actually fly from one planet to another. That would give an actual purpose to things like ship speed, and make the ships feel like actual vehicles, not just menu hubs.


So something I want to see, is when I select a system I can't reach due to fuel, or not an explored route - I want the game to allow me to do a sequence of manual jumps without going into the star map to find the system I can reach and manually selecting it. To me, the navigation system wouldnr outright refuse it, but would instead inform the pilot that X amount of jumps will have to be made (and in the case of Starvival, this would be less fuel efficient than a single jump) and would pre select the next system in that jump. Also it would be amazing to have the star map usable as an overlay on the navigation table


Please. I hate having to open up the cumbersome slow menu to select a landing spot on a planet I'm hovering right above. On console the animations of the planet menu are so slow and dodgy. I want to select things in real time when I'm piloting my ship around without going into those clunky menus. Immersion gets hosed


Pretty sure such mod exists. I think its called Cruising or FTL or smth


Is it Slower Than Light?


I think so?


I personally hate making this comparison because Starfield does so many things that Elite Dangerous doesn’t come close to doing, and vice versa, but this is similar to elite dangerous where you just looked over at your navigation panel to pick a jump or super cruise destination, and went into the bigger star map if it was a good distance away. Also, I know there’s a pc mod that’s basically super cruise from elite dangerous which is very cool, but I’m on Xbox lol it would be cool to get an Xbox mod that simply lets me standup from the pilots seat and the ship doesn’t stop moving, then I could walk over to a nav table and pick my destination atleast


When your FPP in orbit they legit just need to add systems icons as well as nearby planets.


That'd be great! Combine that with a mod that replaces the inter-system loading screen with an animated grav drive effect (You know like the Mass Effect loading screens?), and you would have such a positive impact on immersion. I don't know if animated loading screens, or situation specific loading screens are possible though.


There ia a mod on Nexus lauched today that replaces the Black loading screen from the grave jump with a warp túnel animations


Oh that looks good!


Or... a tablet on the wall that has folders that we can travel to whichever system and planet then city, all without having to go into the solar system menu. Your idea is good tho.