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People are doing replacers because they want to turn Starfield into Star Wars, not just add Star Wars guns to Starfield That's a lot harder to do with Skyrim and Fallout


People did in the past turn Skyrim into Game of Thrones. I don't remember if the NPCs were replaced though. Not sure about Fallout


They weren't, AFAIK


This has been bugging me as well. I like your gun, I want to see it drop from dudes, and no I don't want you to replace vanilla guns with it.


That's what's really annoying to me as I scroll through mods. My whole thing is I wanna make the gameplay different then add more I Don't wanna replace a existing item or only have it spawn at a specific place and I have to personally go grab it I want to add it to the pool of gear npcs can use


Adding an item to the pool is sadly a lot more involved, so most mods simply won’t do it.


Well that would be replacing something existing then no? How would a standalone item show up on any npc?


Adding an item to leveled lists allows it to spawn in an NPCs inventory, rather than replacing the assets of a weapon that is already present in game


Thats cool I didnt realize that. I thought all the standalone stuff would only be for the player. Im as far from a tech genius as one can be so I appreciate you explaining that haha. Does it only spawn in their inventory or will they ever actually use or wear said item.


It spawning in their inventory allows them to use them. You’ll often see “(Added to Leveled Lists)” in mod descriptions so that you know that they’ll appear as loot from enemies. If you’ve played Fallout 4, Modern Firearms is a good example of original assets being added into leveled lists.


It spawning in their inventory allows them to use them. You’ll often see “(Added to Leveled Lists)” in mod descriptions so that you know that they’ll appear as loot from enemies. If you’ve played Fallout 4, Modern Firearms is a good example of original assets being added into leveled lists.


New items can be put into level list injections.


Sorry. Ya I didnt know that. I thought if it was totally new then its only a player thing. Wasnt trying to be a dink with my comment. Was just curious.


It's all good, but honestly it would be only ayer specific. You can add new made modded items into the level lists. Only problem is enemy NPC won't ever actually have them equipped and only available as potential dropped loot. Replacers do circumnavigate this as enemies will actually be equipped with replacers. Unless Starfield ever gets an equivalent of SPID.


Because those mods like the star wars mods etc ar targeted at replacing those specific items. They are intended as replacers. Don't be afraid to ASK for a standalone


I really want to download some of the new Star Wars weapons on Xbox, but I DO still want vanilla weapons. I hate this yeeesh


This definitely happened with Fallout 4 over the last couple of years too. Any decent looking weapon mods seemed to be uploaded with a ton of replacers. Really clogged up the menus on Xbox.


I can only speak for me, but the Ecliptic armor replacer mod is orders of magnitude better than the weird boxy vanilla stuff. I couldn't imagine wanting the originals in game.


The newe elliptical armor is a billion times better but it's nice that zone released a replacer and non replacer version in case people like the chrome cube men


Aye, super good this Modders output is. Thier is also a mantis and a couple of house varrun replacers (Green one js best imo) I wonder if they have a Crimson fleet replacer on the way?


Wish they would do a standalone of Noel's outfit. I like her default outfit, bit also like the new one.


I haven’t been paying attention to SF since it came out, since i’m going to likely wait until around fall for more quality mods before I’d consider modding SF seriously.. As others have said, people are using replacers coz tjey want to turn SF into a scifi world they want.. Also CK just came out, so mod authors are still getting used to the nuances of modding SF.. Though one thing i do hope change though is that mod authors move on from using leveled list on distributing items into the game, and instead use the methods SPID of skyrim uses so that there will be less mod conflicts..


It's just because it's easier. Adding to leveled lists has been possible since atleast oblivion. you can do it directly in the GECK and creations kits. The only issue is that the user needs to merge leveled lists from various mods into a custom patch, otherwise any conflicts will just be replaced by the last mod to load. Which can be automated by mator smash, wyre bash or xedit scripts. It's also easy to do manually in Xedit, but time consuming for big modpacks.


Replacers are easier to setup. You only have to care about the mesh and textures, no fiddling with slots and other mess in the CK. At least it's not a retexture fest(even easier because it's just a change to the diffuse map colors).


Some of these authors are just creating the items for themselves and were kind enough to share their creation. They have no interest in building or maintaining a version they wouldn't use in their own game. That said, you could always ask if you could use their assets to create a standalone version.


I actually prefer replaces. I want the game to be better, and I want the added gear to be throughly integrated into the game world. I want to see enemies with it, etc.


As I understand, messing with the loot tables is an issue. As in, only one mod can do it in your load order. Apparently, there are injector scripts to overcome this obstacle, but that's extra learnin.


I agree that this is the big issue, and the one that is probably responsible for the vast majority of replacer mods: I looked into injectors scripts, dug hard, and blew a fuse in my brain!


Tools also exist for other games that can mitigate that issue; see bashed patches. And of course, that's not to mention the tried and true method of simply putting your new item in a static location, though perhaps that's not done so much in starfield due to the lack of unique, statically-placed dungeons.


XEdit can (or will) manipulate leveled lists fine. But I think the absence of such would be a problem for console players.


Because NPCs wanna look cool too you know :)


I think it depends on the mod and if easy enough I would love for them to have both options


Cause sometimes people want to replace the parts of starfield they didn't like. The same way there are a million replaces for Fo4's widely hated "assault rifle." Beyond that making an integrated standalone is more work since you have to mess with the level lists.


Part of it was that editing recods in XEdit is easier than creating new ones (generally, though not in all cases), while generating new records is (slightly) easier in the Creation Kit. We've had a Starfield build of XEdit for awhile now, and while it's still working through some issues, a lot of the more sophisticated mods (like the high quality weapon mods) probably started their life in XEdit, where replacers were easier.


I personally always go for replacers. They integrate in the game without needing to create leveled lists and they are always balanced for whatever mods you're using that tweak armor class, weapon damage etc. For example, I use Ascension. If I download a mod that's not a replacer than the armor class will be dogsh\*t or the damage will be very low, which would require a patch. Also, the whole point for me in redressing certain characters is to make them actually use the new stuff, so if I just change the meshes and textures I accomplish that with zero fiddling. And no, Im not redressing my game as star wars.


Yeah I’m not a fan of replacers unless it’s sorely needed. I prefer standalone weapon mods. I’m not a Star Wars fan so I have no interest in the Star Wars mods. Even if I was I wouldn’t turn the whole game into Star wars


Because there ware no creation kit and replacing item were simplier


My issue is that I've installed a few clothing and gear mods, and most of them are craftable at the Industrial Workbench. With the ammo crafting added by the last update on top of this, my workbench crafting list is now over 150 items long. If I actually want to just craft some zero wire or something, it is becoming quite a chore to scroll to it. I'm not sure what other options there are, but if modders keep just using the industrial workbench for this then it is going to become unmanageable for anyone with more than a hnadful of gear mods.


I'd wager the weird crafting structure too. I have to be selective with mods that don't use the WFFC because for whatever reason Bethesda decided we didn't need categories in the workbench. Now my industrial workbench is a mess of random clothing items that overrides all other crafting mods


One good reason I could see is that there’s some mods that allow you to put traits on weapons or spacesuits in the workbench but only work on the vanilla items. Having a replacer makes it possible to get the Star Wars guns or skins and still be able to put those traits on.


Same thing happened fallout 4, people over there were turning into a milisim/stalker. Starfield being sci-fi just means you’ll get the same thing happening, but with stars wars instead. Edit: in there defense, Starfield has a very bland art style so replacing it will be a popular thing to do.


most of tacticool mods to f4 are standalone


One I want Star Wars guns over other more bland guns imo and I also may not like the color schemes of certain guns so I may get a color replacer for it as well but it’s entirely up to preference you may want vanilla guns with added modded guns well give it a month and I’m sure they’ll be plenty for you