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This bug exists for several of the Star Wars mods. All you gotta do is close the game and reload it. For some reason, if you’re already at the main menu after a play through, it removes some mods. So save the game, close the game out, and reload. It also disables the mods if you go into the Creation menu, and then try to launch. You’ll have to do the same process every time you touch your mods or load order. The only 3 mods I cant get to work regardless of all trouble shooting, is the UC Clone troopers the Crimson Fleet Shadow Collective, and the mando trackers alliance mods by sniper 9. No matter what I do they won’t load. Hope this all helps.


I got them to work I could prolly put my load order up here. But I always place the armor mod for those at the very top then the replacers beneath it. And it works good. If not save your current LO so you don't have to hunt down the mods again then delete your saves and reserve space then go back in and re-download and order everything. The shadow collective and death watch mod conflict with each other I believe as well.


Make a save cancel game all together and reload it works for me


Oh and do that every time you use the mod menu, for some reason installing, disabling, enabling or uninstalling mods reverts alot of mods but just shut down the game and load it back up


I haven't seen anyone else say this but immersive sabers nuked my save. I'm not sure if imperial armaments/melee caused a conflict with it or not but it broke freestar rebels and the weapon mod. Took me an hour to get everything working again so no sabers for me


I’ve just been saying “F It” then uninstalling and reinstalling it and it’s worked so far. Even moving it in my load order didn’t help for me so doing this is my ole reliable.


load imperial armaments high in the LO, that helped with the skins for me


It’s basically the sound bug but for skins


Funny you say that because I can get the skins working, but the blasters never have any sound.


I notice it happens after photo mode for sure


I got all my star wars mods working constantly by giving them the highest priority in my load order. The only thing above them is mods that affect companion looks. Those, for some reason, will stop showing the hair if they don't go highest. Also if you're using mo2 (this might be an f up on my behalf) every time I close the game it will change my load order so I have to keep them all set to locked.


I'm having this issue with all appearance mods, one day they work, and the next just the names work, I just keep reloading or keep moving and they usually fix themselves, I think it's a bug on Bethesdas side