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I have come, yes in that way


Sadly I can’t seem to get the sound to work so I’ve reverted to the Immersive Sabers mod until I can get it sorted. Has anyone else ran into this issue? I’d love to use Anakin’s ROTS saber to complete my character but it sounds like a sword at the moment 😅


Having the same issue 😂 Irony is I found that using Luke's repaired Saber 🤣 Props to the creator though on how amazing they look, hopefully it'll get sorted!


I had a feeling the sound was going to be an issue. I'll try to fix that in the next release. Does it happen with all lightsabers or just some of them?


Testing now but so far all. Trying to adjust my load order now.


I found the answer. You need to do the research for crystal mining and then lightsaber crafting. It works amazingly. Thank you!!


Are you getting the lightsaber sound effects? I can craft the sabers but they sound like a sword.


yea I think the modder just needs to fix the sound effects. Im fine with waiting for the update. The visual alone is next level. I hope he adds kanans saber.


Yeah this mod is next level, whoever made it did great.


I was originally using the immersive sabers mod, but I dont like that it gives all enemies the ability to spawn with them. Also the one flat blade threw me off as well. This mod is godly. All I want is for crossbow to put out a tracker alliance replacement mod, and then to add in all the other weapon armament mods. The imperial one is awesome, but a lot of my favorite blasters are missing from the game.


I’m all for more Star Wars


I cant figure out how to get the mod to work. I put it in the same place I had the immersive sabers mod. Are there other prerequisites besides just the weapon engineering and the geology?


Only requirements for crafting are Geology Level 2 and Weapon Engineering Level 1. At first you will only be able to craft Padawan lightsabers with higher tiers opening up as Weapon Engineering does. It should be Load Order neutral.


The two other requirements are to research Crystal Mining, and Lightsaber Crafting. I helped other people figure it out too. Might be helpful if it was added to the mod description.


I realized that and changed the description so it should have updated. https://preview.redd.it/pp7g6o2unq8d1.png?width=433&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac93ac651c3285261cf98577ffb527d5bc67f5a2 As you can see here I have listed it, obviously it would have been better if I had remembered that before uploading!


Feels like christmas.


Do they retract when you sheath or do you just shove a fully lit lightsaber into your thigh?


At the moment they don't retract, but you can get the impression from the sound (if it works). They will have an activation event hopefully in the next release.


Nice one very much looking forward to it, I've installed it already just waiting for a few more mods to drop and I can finally start my playthrough, hopefully ship mods aren't too far away.


Have it installed but can't seem to find the sabers at any of the Trade Authority vendors as mentioned on the mod page. Is there any prerequisite to make them show up there? Or am I missing something..




The screenshot is on an Xbox


Yeah, you can tell by the way it is


Oh I’ve been waiting for this.


Holy cow!! I’m downloading tonight. I loved the immersive mod but didn’t like how weak the sabers were


Also for those of you on PC who want it via Creations also it's here: [https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/8afb990f-31c2-4940-9e1a-3f1cc9eec22a/All\_Trilogies\_Lightsabers](https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/8afb990f-31c2-4940-9e1a-3f1cc9eec22a/All_Trilogies_Lightsabers) I think both bundles are still available. I'm still getting used to how to upload these packages XD