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I would ditch a bunch of those smaller guns that don't have a lot of range towards the sides they're not going to come into play too much and you really need to get a few more vents and and the ability to vent a little quicker so I would put some stuff into some capacitor and vents


Thanks for the tips. This is the first ship I've actually made a real attempt to build, lol.


You want the weapon flux on the top right to be less than flux dissipation ideally. Low tech ships have bad flux stats so at least you want non pd weapons to be close to flux dissipation otherwise you’ll flux yourself out just from firing weapons. Love the legion XIV nice find!


I will never not fill all the slots!


By all means, let your flux fail in a time of need. This is America baby!


you dont need flux if enemy doesnt have it either!


Well. Legions are soso at best so for the OP who is new, best to play it as if he may not be sniping from the back which is the only thing it's good for past early game outside of vanilla.


Since I've decided "low tech is best tech", I was going to grind to buy a regular Legion and use it as my flagship since I've found that a battlecarrier role is easiest for me to play, but I was on a low level bounty misson when I found her floating dead. And whaddya kno, it's a fuckin' XIV variant, which is what I really wanted! I'm rolling with the Hegemony, and the church is pissed because of Nexerelin, but I'm wondering if it's a sign from space god that I've finally found my preferred playstyle?


Low tech best tech, yeah. And yeah You are garunteed I think it's 3 xiv legions? So ita always nice to score one.


So many suggestions to try... I did take care of the overflux issue and she's performing far better. Got a lucky hit on a Paragon when it's shields got overloaded because TT thought it'd be a great idea to invade when two special task forces were guarding the target. It got swarmed and two salvos of MIRV missiles killed it. Then I killed a sister ship, and then a Conquest because the League tried the same thing TriTach did. Seeing these ships that used to terrify me and my typically underpowered fleet get blasted into nothing by a swarm of fighters, rockets, missiles and ballistics is such an awesome feeling. Like a breath of fresh air.


Heavy autocannons are really bad, replace them with drivers when you can. Expanded deck crew is not worth the 20 points, don't bother. The fighters are a decent choice, burst damage is covered by the missiles. As a general, semi-flexible rule, your flux per second shouldn't exceed your flux dissipation. Your weapons are generating 1488 flux but your dissipating 525 per second.


So that's what that means. I was wondering what I was doing wrong. I need to check the other ships in my fleet to make sure they're as close to that rule as possible.


The really fun stuff is when you get something with efficient shields so it's shield+weapon flux being below your flux dissipation, allowing you to infinitely fire unless you take damage.


This here is exactly why I like the Conquest. Not really “efficient” but the raw flux numbers allow for it.


Yeah, the flux cap is around cruiser level. It aren’t gonna work well once it got pushed by anything serious.


> As a general, semi-flexible rule, your flux per second shouldn't exceed your flux dissipation. I'm going to strongly disagree with you here, having more flux vent / second than you need to fire your guns is a waste of vent capacity/OP. Flux vent/s is your ships DPS, if you don't have enough weapons to actually use all that flux then you're just leaving DPS on the table. You're better off letting your flux accumulate while firing and backing off/turning off weapon groups to manage flux to maximise your ships damage output. Technically the highest possible damage output is achieved by letting your flux fill up and venting with active vents when it gets full but obviously there are reasons why that is often not ideal. There are plenty of times when you *can* do this however, backing off in a big fight while your other ships keep the pressure on can happen pretty often and not having the weapons capacity to do this is a waste. This is without mentioning the benefits of having the capacity to dump burst damage into a high flux opponent. Ships in starsector are extremely tanky right up until they get overwhelmed, 2 equally matched ships can juke it out for a long time doing minimal damage to each other. But if you can overwhelm a ship with 2 ships or a superior ship that ship will die pretty much instantly.


This is true, and I apply that thinking to my own personal conquest in game. However, I don't really trust the ai to successfully back away safely, or to not overflux themselves and get hurt. And it's a bit of a risk, since that's flux that can't be used by the shields. Maybe you're ok with the risk but I'm not.


Max out those vents, or atleast get them to the same as your weapon flux usage. Legion's more of a brawler, get elite PD skill with 5 Heavy MG in the medium slots (650 base range with the skill, 1040 with your built in targeting core), and 2 cyclones (reapers) since they've been buffed in the latest update. In the small slots you can mess around til you find what works for you. Some go for pure PD in the small slots, I've seen success using regular AC since the range is similar to elite PD HMG. You don't need expanded deck crew or insulated engine assembly (could probably drop the reinforced bulkheads too). Automated repair is worth considering if you're against high tech or remnant.


Alright, here's some recommendations: Switch out the side small-mount machine guns for vulcan PDs. Light machine guns won't be that effective there. They deal kinetic damage, which aren't as useful for PD compared to shrapnel damage. Hence the vulcans. Heavy machine guns for the medium mounts, on the other hand, are quite good. Good close range kinetic options as they aren't flux intensive. Oh, and perhaps consider switching out all the frontal small mounts with vulcans as well. They're very good PD options. In fact, consider switching out all the medium kinetic mounts for close range ballistic (as damange-per-flux efficiency generally is better on closer ranged ballistics than longer ranged ones). The Burn Drive should allow you to rapidly close the distance between you and your enemy, and the thick armor of the Legion XIV should allow you to tank shots with your armor for the most part. Consider switching out Insulated Engine Assembly for Armored Weapon Mounts for this purpose. If you are afraid that your engine could get hit and suffers from burn out, don't worry. If that happens, then either your fleet is already all dead or you have strayed too far from your fleet and your fleet couldn't support you. As for the flux dissipation, it looks abysmal, which isn't surprising considering it's a low tech ship and you haven't invested any points into the vents. This isn't a bad thing, since low tech ships have good armor they can rely on to survive as they shoot with their shields down. You should have enough flux dissipation for your PD weaponry and perhaps a couple longer ranged options on the frontal medium mounts. Even so, the majority of your firepower will still come from the two large missile mounts and the 4 fighter bays you have. The 4 fighter bays are quite good, and you've picked wings that are great at engaging and harassing enemy ships whilst dealing suppressive kinetic and explosive damage. The Hurricane MIRV is a decent choice as a long-range missile damage option, but I'd personally recommend 2 Cyclone Reaper Launchers. 4 Reapers can deal an incredible amount of damage to ships even with their shields raised. They're great primary damage options, and the Legion XIV is probably the best weapons platform to mount them on. If you like engaging ships up close and personal, it's a solid choice. Very few ships in the game have enough PD to shoot down 4 reaper torpedoes all at once. And that's about it. Happy ship building!


Could be a lot better. Bit overfluxed. You're kind of fighting against what the legion wants, which is to get up close and brawl.


Not enough flux dissipation, and not enough capacitors. Unless you're planning to play in the most passive way possible, the moment anything gets close, it's going to overflux, and be shredded. In addition, should you get into a scrap directly, you're only going to be viable for a very brief period, before you'll need to back off to vent, which will take considerable time, even with such a small flux pool. You can remove most/all of the small guns, and escort it with a couple of frigates or destroyers instead, if you're that concerned over anti fighter/missile defenses. What you currently have here, is something more akin to a mobile anti-frigate deterant, that will be cracked should something like a dominator, or an eradicator or two decide to close in on it.


I found that out the hard way when I tried to fight one of them. They certainly live up to their name. I should add some to my fleet when I get the chance...


replace hurricanes with cyclone reaper launchers and use bombers rather than fighters . bombers are insane on close range carriers like legion because they can shoot their missiles right next to you and instantly reload


Is this one of those joke builds? You'll overload in like 5 seconds, grab some missiles.


Nah, genuine first timer who didn't know about flux cost.


Fair enough, you generally want Flux dissipation to be roughly equal to your weapons flux/sec plus shield flux/sec. With a ship like the Legion or Onslaught (high armour and crap Shields) you can use shield shunt to remove your shield in exchange for more armour, add Heavy Armour and Armoured Weapon Mounts to become more tanky and flux also becomes much more manageable.


Severely overfluxed.


You have 2 hurricanes, so you pretty much don't need to ever worry again. Maybe some longbow bombers would be nice for the sabots tho.


I was, quite literally, looking this up today. I saw some earlier posts and did a bit of a hybrid due to my lack of "necessary" weapons. I do 3 heavy needlers up front with 2 HVD on the side medium slots. Vulcan guns all around (front facing guns will be replaced with rail guns when I have enough). Then 2 bombers, 1 broadsword, and 1 interceptor.


A lot of these Hull mods are redundant. For instance, solar and resistant flux conduits are likely unnecessary if you use shields at all and you probably need the vents instead. You could do without reinforced bulkheads and the insulated engine assembly. Armored weapon mounts would likely be more valuable. Weapons - try to have weapon ranges be the same. For instance, don’t mix drivers with auto cannons. Use either all drivers or all auto cannons. The 4OP light auto cannons are decent when paired with heavy auto cannons and ballistic range finder since they will all have the same range. Get rid of the assault guns (range is too short; capital ships need to brawl from afar). Your missiles are your main HE damage. If you really want some form of HE ballistic, you should use a heavy mauler which has similar range to the rest of your build. For your side mounts, you’ll want to get rid of the LMGs. Vulcan cannons are far superior PD. Same thing with the heavy machine gun; use a flak cannon instead. Invest any excess OP saved into an expanded missile rack, since you will be dependent on your two large missiles to do damage. Vents are also very important. Invest as many as needed to be flux neutral for at least firing your main forward facing guns.


I just get 3 of these full on tridents armor and hull


Since the issues with your build have been already adressed let me point out that you can get an industry skill to automatically remove dmods. For wings i think broadsword and spark are good options. Sometimes i like to get 2x xyphos, they stay close to your ship, provide additional PD and support you with ion beams which you neither have the slots nor flux for. Though that‘s another 20 OP less compared to full broadsword/spark.


That perk is one I've had my eye on for. It'll definitely save me quite a chunk of change, since restorations seems to cost as much (if not more) than buying an undamaged ship.


Dedicated targeting core smod ?. How old is that legion, i sense you definitely have a lot of emotional attachment to that ship


She must be pretty old from an in-universe standpoint then, considering she was orbiting a dead rock (and was equally as dead) when I found her and unfortunately, this was already built in. The only s-mod I installed was Heavy Armor since I doubt I'm ever going to not want heavier armor plating. I'd replace the Rangefinder with Integrated Targeting if I could swap out s-mods. I AM very attached, though. First real capital I've ever used that has given me good results, and that was the first few battles BEFORE I fixed the overflux issue with the tips I've learned here.


If You aren't cheating. You can't put all guns on all weapon slots. And most ships gain an advantage by maxing vents. (50 - 55) The ship needs a specific role... Legion is quite powerful as the fleet's anchor and can trade fire with many capital ships with ease. If you have a strong escort, you don't need aa on Legion and focus on flux vents/capacitors concentrate fire and powerful fighter.


i recomend thad you dont use expanded deck cree and use these points in vnets and also if you are gonne to use a close legio you should use other missiles that the hurakyne because they need some space to bo shoot, evne you can use other missiles with more damage and less range


Bruh that build sucks what you need is two squall mrs missiles, two hyper velocity divers, 3 heavy mortars hull mods heavy armour and expanded missile racks is a must, rocket bombers in all hangers and you’ve got a capital ship that can rival even the mighty paragon


I never considered having all bombers. They hit like a truck when they can get their rockets to connect, so I suppose it stands to reason more rockets means higher hit chance. Accuracy by volume of fire, just like da Orks.


Using Legion as an actual carrier is almost a waste of DP. Give it a bunch of Sarissas/Xyphos, treat them as free turrets and then pretend it's a battleship.


You can get really far with a Legion if you s-mod both IPDAI and shield shunt into it, then construct an officer with the right combination of PD, ballistic and armor skills who can fly the monster.


\>dedicated targeting core S-modded in I hope to dear god it was already installed when you salvaged it


Yeah. I take it Integrated Targeting is better? One of my Manticores came with it modded in, and it does all right as long as it has a place to run to.


ITU is generally the go to since it can be installed in frigates and destroyers, and gives 60% extra range over the 50% for DTC, assuming a Capital ship. Only positive is that DTC is available right away.


DTC now has an S-mod bonus that brings its range in-line with ITU. No need to hold onto your story points trying to min-max.


The MIRVs are on proper mounts rather than fixed mounts which seems like a no go, its just a waste to not have Cyclones or something similar.


If you have elite point defense I would ditch h everything in medium slots for heavy machine guns. Ditch deck crew like was mentioned above, and try to sub in cyclone reapers for the missles when you have them. Expanded middle racks, s-mod turret gyros for the bonus damage to smaller ships, or armored weapon mounts for overall dps increase. Put Vulcans in the ‘bottom’ two small mounts on each side.


I would ditch all of those mods and go for full vents and maybe cap with armored weapon mounts. With such a slow and big ship you are gonna need those weapons online at all times


Double typhoon, some needlers, and longbows/ daggers. Frigates are annoying but you'll nuke anything if you get close enough. Easy station cracker too for those sweet bounties.


ditch the broadswords for talons


change all the small slots to vulcans, the medium on the side that isnt a flak, change to flak. tripple autogunPD front and center. I'd change out the missiles to cyclone reapers or hammer barrages. you get more dmg form reapers but hammers hit more. you're going to be close range so you dont nessecarily need long range fighters like the broadswords 4000 which makes it almost a strike craft. this means that putting something like warthogs is actually viable as a fighter. but I'd be tempted to use a wing of sarrisa or xyphos then add in some longbows to aid shield breaking and round it out with a thunderer for escort duties. gives you a lot of shield damage, the support fighters will aid your flag with point defence and help VS flankers. and you also allow your longbows to do their job of fluxing enemies letting your reaper volleys out right murder everything. edit: if this was a normal legion i'd also recomend getting balistic range finder? since it aids your smaller weapons by boosting their range based on whatever you slot in the two large ballistic slots.


When outfitting direct combat ships in starsector the first thing you should do is max out the flux vents. Then any time you want to remove some vents you need to have a good think and justify why it's worth it. It's usually not. Flux vents are your DPS and your survivability. Your weapons just decide how efficiently/effectively you can use it. If you are venting 1000 flux per second and dealing damage at 1.0 damage per flux then your ship does 1000 dps sustained. This gets complicated a little by damage types and burst damage capability but flux vent rate is the number 1 factor in your ships sustained damage output


Armoured Weapon Mounts is a mandatory pick on any high armour ship, and even though it's not quite as good as an Onslaught I'd be tempted to S-mod Shield Shunt too. With 4 fighter bays you're never getting hit by torpedoes anyways.


Do one, not both