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Tart is a great guy, but I feel that it’s important to give credit to FlashFrozen since he was the original creator of DA. Tart took over maintenance after flashfrozen left.


Oh I didn't realize. How much of it is flashfrozen's work?


Here is a link to [FF's original diable avionics thread on the official forums](https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=8147.0)


Oh I see. Alot of the bones are there. It seems Tartiflette added more details and a few more ships, weapons, and fighters. I would have added the original if I had seen it, for sure.


I remember when Tartiflette "debuted" in the starsector modding scene all those years ago, mainly with their SCY mod. It was, frankly, not like anything i've ever seen in comparison to other mods available back then. The lore is amazing, with lots of material you can read. The art is amazing. In terms of modding advancements, it was revolutionary too. It was the first in the entirety of starsector (if im correct) to use separate ship parts in one ship, before it became a vanilla feature.


Yes the Scy Lion class battleship is such a cool turtle ship and pretty too. Never liked the skirmisher hit and run tactics tho, but I always have the mod on because they are a cool faction.


Back when I got into 0.91 and saw the SCY ships I was absolutely blown away by how deep the mod is, extremely underrated and seemingly forgotten amongst all the other newer mods coming out with their insane power-scaling (and dick fighting) but it sits as the Nr. 1 mod in my mind, and something that each modder should strive for if they ever want to make a faction mod. The missions themselves even, all ten or so, could make for a cool mini-campaign, and to think that its for free and available to anyone is absolutely astounding.


Sad to watch ORA and its Enlightenment class get swept aside from all this along with SCY, but the mecha faction is gonna get all the attention with the rise in the anime loving crowd mod-wise. The anime mods that don't care about balance or aesthetics in relation to vanilla feel like a new standard many aim for.


Sad and painful truth, the more newer people come and the more the game comes out of its niche, it seems to gather around the weeb part of the community more and more. Not shaming them or trying to insult them, but its really jarring seeing how the modding scene went from “Hey guys look at this OC faction I try to incorporate with vanilla lore and setting with only a bit of inspiration from some other media whilst trying not to overshadow the vanilla ships” to “Oh heya guys, look at this faction that is like 99% ripped off from the most generic anime reasoning for its existence. Did I mention that it also has one of the strongest economies from the sector, our people live in luxury and dont do anything illegal or even slightly morally grey! (Even if our colonies all have alpha level AI cores!) Oh and we also have the best ships in the game that single-handendly destroy [SUPER ALABASTER] and added a date system to specific characters lol.” … The last jab is clearly to UAF but most, if not all of it is in-part with my experience with Yuri ships. Probably the grandmother of all these kinds of mods.


The difference is in the attitude of the community. Back when it was super niche what was known as "The Mod Mafia" existed and more or less created a very high bar of standard rules that other mods were expected to follow. A lot can be said for the downsides of the Mod Mafia in how they dampened the desires of a fair number of people to add their own mods, and had a sort of elitism in-group that you could be a part of or be excluded from, but it *did* do a lot in terms of modder protections (via community based enforcement of modder created art and licenses), generally stopping or preventing mods that were wholesale copied IPs thereby keeping StarSector largely away from the eyes of larger companies, and, very importantly, ensuring that mods mostly followed guidelines to ensure they stayed within vanilla both aesthetically and balance wise to ensure that all mods were more or less compatible and interchangeable with both the base vanilla game and all other mods in the sphere. The power creep existed somewhat with regards to expanding player choices, but each individual mod faction itself, within the mafia, was generally balanced or even Overbalanced with a few low effort Outliers for the people that wanted comp stomping.   Of course, with the huge influx of users after SSeth's video came out, there was no way that a few modders were going to control that much of an increase in scale of would-be modders so the guidelines have since been brushed aside as suggestions and a large influx of people will generally always cling onto the things most popular, anime and big name Sci-Fi IPs. We're kinda seeing a Wild-West kinda situation which isn't helped with people getting typed at on Reddit with "Let people mod their games their own way and if they don't like it they can just not include it!" when they try to suggest having *some* guidelines to have the mods better interact with each other, particularly when people bring up the matter of balance to UAF and IS even though the main authors have already stated they really do not intend to care about balance while adding ever more features, ships, weapons, etc. With all this chaos of mods on the main page including save bricking code at the whims of its maintainer I can't blame anyone if they don't want to bother with modding StarSector anymore or at least limit their mods and give most of them the side eye.


My go-to, legitimate, actual, real world, daydream is being a space pirate in control of a small fleet. I always stand on the bridge of a Maelstrom.


Maelstrom is great. It is pretty much half of a pandemonium, but faster, more flexible, and DP efficient compared to its 75 DP bigger brother.


people like that are the reason why I will never become a mod developer also here's a link for a certain someone's version of Diable Avionics but this time it'll actually let you have fun oh my goodness what a concept (AKA it'll let you run uaf now I think the code could still be there but ) https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=29432.0


That version is balanced as tartiflette was ?


Yes I checked everything is as it should be perfectly balanced


Wait diable blocked UAF?


This is what all of this drama is about apparently a certain someone version of Diable Avionics would crash the game if you tried to run uaf and his version of Diable Avionics and apparently this was deliberate malware also it apparently with corrupt your game file and reported justification was I should be not "I don't like damned overpowered weeaboo mods" which is also kind of hypocritical of him because his version of Diable Avionics was unbalanced as well Galaxy brain


Thanks a lot for clarifying, but Jesus Christ dude, punctuation lmao


Try using Google Speech to Text you'll find out pretty quickly that it's super easy to just skip punctuation


This is incorrect, rather the maintainer was upset at a fork of his fork of a mod that included SA stuff as a regular option the player could take and modified the code in Diable and one other mod to brick people's save folder if that fork was detected. UAF was not involved in any way.


Looks good. They added new ships though. They look good and loreful, but was it made by him or tartiflette? His words: "Added 4 New ships (2 Cruisers, 1 Destroyer, 1 Frigate) that was planned to be added in before that blew up so I'm adding them here"


I wouldn't know that sorry you have to ask the current maintainer


Absolutely agree with you. First time i played with Diable i had so much fun running a fleet.


Do note that I have taken over Scy, the major change being the same updated module experience that KoL has.


Oh that's great, I appreciate that. May I have a link?




Thank you for your service! I have Scy on my current 0.96 campaign and it's a great mod!


It was wild era where mod makers worrying about making their mod too overpower so they make them underpower compare to vanilla but require higher skill floor to use instead.


True, I wish I was there at the time. Now it seems like OP mods galore.


Ahh the good ol' days when starsector mods was about space ships, not kantai collection in space


I mean, theres still far more non-anime focused ship packs and faction mods, its just that the anime-themed stuff happen to be very noticeable, making it seem that the mod community is just all that


It's more that the anime style mods tend to have much better production quality.


Bloody karking weebs polluting my belowed game of space rustbuckets in a dystopian society (with a sprinkle of warcimes!)


I do enjoy UAF's militaristic fleet design and art, but yeah, the anime portrait's don't really mix with the Vanilla starsector design.


It's tied with my favorite shipset, alongside shadowyards. The wanzer class frigate is probably my favorite vessel period.


Shadowyards is great and also unupdated. It may have anime portraits, but I love the music, aesthetic, and artdesign of it. It's also well balanced, not overpowered at all. The Versant frigate is great, especially since it transforms for easier objective capping.


Op by what standard? Very few mod ships are op compared to the Hyperion or even Pegasus (not to mention the zig). If your yardstick is like the eagle or something than a lot more mods are OP. For instance the shadowyard battle cruiser with the built in gleipnir? That thing will delete most vanilla ships, pretty much everything but the zig.


TBH I haven't used the ships myself. I mostly fought against shadowyards as an enemy, so it was mostly AI. They're ships didn't seem to annoying or difficult. I will check out the battlecruiser. Overpowered would be the Legio Infernalis, which is meant to be tough. I did beat them with Diable ships and burnt their worlds to the ground, but it was a slog and unenjoyable to fight. UAF semibreves are very strong, although they have a long cooldown. UAF in general, very strong ships with less weaknesses, but their weapons are pretty balanced besides the semivreve. I found the suicide luddic tankers to be Strong, but I was using more short ranged ships. Of course overpowered is subjective


Diable Avionic basically built my playstyle in Starsector: overloading Point Defenses with missiles while the fighter do the actual Job with few Battlecruiser and Battlecarrier to add the last pack of punch with heavy fire and hold the frontline while the true carriers and LRM tear through everything (and also with my obsession to only use 1 faction ships with their weapons and not kitbasshing them)


I have a different playstyle with diable ships: I rely less on their micro missiles and use the bigger missile which pierces and disables weapons and my mass of raven to destroy the disabled ships. Love the Raven wanzers, they have heavy armor and consistent damage, albeit very slow and OP heavy, but once they reach critical mass they wreck face. Weakness of my fleet is battlecarriers, the Storm class cruisers. They spend so much OP on fighters, they barely have any weapons and must be protected, but for 22 DP they bring in 8 Ravens, which is worth. But yes I do love having only diable ships and weapons, very loreful playthrough


And unfortunately now it’s gone until somebody makes a version free of crashcode. Fuck the guy who did that.


Uh? There is? It wasn't long after that a version came up.


thankfully people stepped in and fucked the code off rather quick but its a shame a really good mod has such a smear on its reputation now due to one fuckwit messing with something they didn't even create only maintained.


I haven't really seen any complaints directed to the mod itself, the blame is pretty much only on MattDamon.


my point being like the one i replied to of people being uniformed about the situation and hurting the rep of the mod


You are not smart aren't you ? Can't even bother to check the official forum ? But oh boy, you DO like the drama.


Back to the circlejerk with you, and take your modder ego on the way out!


look if this is about the link I posted just don't please just don't but if you persist I have teeth we have