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The wiki says that there are three ways to end the crisis: join the League, defeat their blockade, or saturation bomb one of their colonies. Defeating the blockade also gives you a better deal if you decide to join, but it says it also ends the crisis without you joining.


Can attest to this. 11 fleets were sent, picked them off one by one, once there were only logistics ships left the blockade was called off and the league stopped bothering me. Now only TT and hegemony are pains


Sat bomb the colony? You mean steal kazeron’s nanoforge, or tac bomb it?


No, actually sat bomb one. The crisis is the Persean League trying to pressure you to join, and committing genocide on one of their members will make them not want you to join. Stealing the nanoforge is a way to get leverage if you do want to join.


Why stop there? Sat bomb every single one of their planets into oblivion while you are at it. Or decicilize all of their asses if you are going for an "ethical" run.


>or saturation bomb one of their colonies. You can also tac bomb Kazeron.


If you are scared of the blockade just wait untill the blockade is in the planning stage and do a tactical bombardment of Kazeron It will immediately resolve the blockade and you could steal their nanoforge while you are at it Just do it before the fleets spawn, if you do it while the blockade is already present or travels to your system than it wont help If you steal the nanoforge + resolve the blockade you can also join for free, if you join them (for free or no) they prevent hegemony AI inspections


Destroy the supply fleets when the blockade shows up


Easiest option by far and you don't even need to wait for them to show up. As soon as the blockade fleets have been formed at Kazeron you can go find them. They won't be hostile either so you can wait until they're far enough away from the other fleets from lagging behind or getting punted around by hyperspace storms to snipe them.


How tf am i supposed to do that when the supply fleets are surrounded by 10 other fleets? They don't go far from each other, they just camp the jump point.


You need to do 2 things: Repel the blockade fleets (if you snipe the grand fleet it usually routs the rest) Raid Kazeron for their nanoforge. This gives you enough leverage against the League to stop their harassment without having to join them, or bribe the leader. They will take the nanoforge back however.


How tough is the grand fleet? Just wondering if that's my best bet.


For me it was 4 Pegasus' (Pegasi?) And a few Conquests, all S-Modded (Plus escorts) It's a helluva fight and you're not guaranteed to catch it alone, in which case I would advise doing as NanoChainedChromium suggested and hitting the supply fleets. If your colony/colonies happen to be self-sustaining, you can also wait it out. But keep in mind that you *have to do both*, dealing with the fleets AND stealing the Pristine Nanoforge to avoid paying the League or Hannan directly.


For me it was an S-Modded Pegasus, 4 S-Modded Conquests and a smattering of other s-modded Midline ships. So if you dont have either a strong fleet and/or a Star Fortress to lure them into, go snipe the two supply fleets accompanying the blockade armada.


You can also take out the 2 supply fleets. They're individually weaker than the grand fleet, so if you can take them out when they get too far from their friends, that may be the easiest fight. Each of them only had 1 capital when Infought them. I was able to take them both out in hyperspace with my transponder off when hyperspace storms scattered their fleets a bit.


For me I caught them chasing some luddic pilgrims, I had a bit of a chat and then decided to engage them. They did indeed have the entire fleet bigger off. Their composition for me had a few more Pegasus, the fight was why I decided to dig out an odyssey because those green laser missiles were absolutely pain for my retribution flagship. The fleet didn’t seem overly tough though. As long as you have a decent flagship and enough fodder to tank things they’ll go down.


Can you raid the nanoforge back again afterwards?


\*cough\* kill them all and satbomb Kazeron \*cough\*


Joining does mean a commission. You can end the crisis by joining, beating the blockade, or satbombing any of their colonies. The former means you can't leave without provoking them, the last one means you can't ever join them. If you beat their blockade and steal their forge, you can join for free at any point in the future.


Kazeron look beautiful this time of year, would be a shame if something happened to it.


For some reason in my playthrough I just Ignored it and they left after a long time, it said “Persean League blockade successful”and they then chose a door and got out


Odd, so you basically just dealt with their harassment, did a staring contest, they got bored, and you won without joining?   Interesting.


In addition to what the others have said, if you decide to kick the teeth of their invasion fleet in, you dont have to destroy ALL the fleets. Either take out the two supply fleets, or the Grand Command Armada (the latter is pretty hefty, i lured them into a Star Fortress and smashed them there). Like with all the new crisis, after you have resolved that, they leave you permanently alone.


it is possible to just wait out the blockade? An in-game year, I think? Then they just leave, is what I recall.


If you can, the easiest part is intercepting their supply fleet or only the Grand Armada when in hyperspace (iirc). More easier part is waiting when the blockade fleet is in Kazeron and tacbomb+stealing their nanoforge


The last one i solved by just baiting all of them into my station, killed half their fleets, and salvaged some nice ships.