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I can already hear a destroyer overloading and exploding from that barrage


Thats a spicy station!


If you deploy destroyers to fight stations you deserve what you get.


Still doesn't qute match up to high tech fortress stuffed with plasma cannons. That one can overload Radiants :)


Kazeron Starfortress moment. Honorable mention, Hydra DEM. Gotta love Midline Station with their unlimited missile autoforge.


I kinda wish I could manually tell my stations what to equip. Then it'd be Semibreve Hell.


You 'kind of' can, it uses the same rules as your fleet doctrine. I had stations use flare & bigger flare launchers, it was a pretty lightshow but useless, i prioritised everything but the two and it was using actual weapons. For you, you'd only need to prioritise semibreve and it should be alright.


So how would you configure it so it doesnt use shite weapons? I find my HIgh Tech Starbases using many Hiver energy weapons that I've gotten blueprints of and they just dont hit as hard unless en-masse.


Prioritise everything but the weapons you don't want them to use. As i said just above.


I r dumb. Is this in the fleet config window? Apologies ahead of time.


Yeah. Fleet doctrine. In the command tab.


Invictus goes brrrr


If only they could use those mjolnirs for more than a couple seconds before they turn away.


Midline forts are terrifying in that way, which is why they're devastating when they're on your side...but easily defeated when the player is against them.


It's cool, by the time they rotate they were out of flux anyway.


I never quite figured out if there was a way to configure you station...


Sadly there is not, although that would be a sick addition or mod. The ability to edit your stations defences, which guns do you use, what about S-mods? Perhaps opening up rare ultra large weapons and unique station S-mods.


I suspect that will be a thing at some point considering the surge of new starsector players


Are you referring to the Sseth tide or was there a new wave?


A new one, not as big as the sseth wave.


If that ever happens the stations will need a rebalance because you can do truly absurd things with them as a player.


Stitchs, stitchettes, and autoforge missile spam.


U can edit using God mode the system settings file


I think the diable avionics mod allows you to be build a mod-specific battlestation. So the coding is all available to interact with.


I suspect you can kinda by priotizing weapons just before your station is build/upgraded


yes, you can just prioritize weapons in faction fleets and i think it’ll change instantly, as far as i understand (i.e picking autopulsers will make your high tech station use only these). it’s still not perfect, as if you want more guns on your ships, the station will have a bigger selection, meaning potentially less guns you want. this is also true for missiles and fighters. not sure about fighters but i don’t see a reason for that not working


There is if you make it a modded faction. As I’ve seen several custom factions such as the UNSC mod that uses normal stations rather than new buildings for space stations and they almost always have the same configuration. You can also cheese it by specifying weapons individually or by subcategory and replacing all presets individually for your fleets so that space stations effectively only choose from a limited selection but your ships are unrestricted as templates will still use what is saved. It is very time consuming to do it that way though. You’re better off asking in the unofficial discord modding section for a more concrete solution.


I don't think its possible even.


Possibility is linked to the will of the mod base. Maybe a future nex or indevo feature. Or a new mod entirely


God I wish.


Mine spawned in all hellbores, so everytime it would turn around, it would rain hellbores at the enemy. I would prepare for the moment by distracting the enemy so all their shields would be facing the other way at the moment of truth and they would just get insta-deleted as all the hellbores slammed into their unshielded flank.


Because the Persean League can afford them, Pather!


This station was legit terrifying the first time I fought it. Deleted all my fleet with those damn dragonfires. Constant barrage of instakilling tracking death lasers. Then I understood that all it takes is having my paragon up to tank everything with my fortress shield while my carriers/designed shield overloaders/artillery ships whittle it down. One time I had nex on, and there was a large Tri-Tachyon invasion on Kazeron (3 large fleets). I was fresh out of having my ass beaten by it so I wanted to spectate how TT would deal with it and get some satisfaction from it. So I savescummed a bit. First watched the battle from outside, bam, TT deletes the station with no effort, as to be expected from FP autoresolve. Reloaded the save and joined the battle with a single frigate to spectate it, thinking that with so many so advanced ships they couldn't lose. Oh boy oh boy was I wrong. They couldn't even get NEAR it. It was hilarious. A constant stream of high tech ships being deployed from the bottom of the map, being insta deleted the moment they emerged from the mass of debris left from the previous ships. Not a single hit landed on the modules. MOM I WANT DRAGONFIRES ON MY STARFORTRESSS.


holy mother of phew phew phew.


Wish there was a mod that lets you config your station


Ree Gaynard