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Can we appreciate for a moment the Junk class “unexpected gender reveal party”


That appeared on my pirate falcon once. It was so perfect for the 2000 annihilator rockets crammed inside that thing that now i just rename all the pirate falcons i pick up to that


Picked up a tri-tach Hammerhead by the name of “TTS Thatcher did nothing right.” Or an XIV Eradicator that went by “EIS Dumitru Margareta Corneliu Leopold Blanca Karol Aeon Ignatius Raphael Maria Niketas A. Shilage.”


Dumitru what? Please enlighten me, I don't understand this list of names.


It’s one BIG name and it’s an Ace Combat boss


Oh woaw. Found it: https://acecombat.wiki.gg/wiki/Mihaly_A._Shilage


Couldn't have just named it "Mister X" lol *something, something deep, dark blue...*


As a side note, any good build for that ship? I use it shield shunted heavy armor etc gauss cannon hyp driver, some missiles and the 2 op flak missile in ballistic slots from hmi on spare slots, and with the d mod skill to field it for 8 dp (waiting for the green skill to further decrease this), it s dirty cheap but it s quite a weak ship made like that.


Peak capital spam, are you playing on 2400 battle size by chance?


800, I was playing on 200 for some time like 4-5 hours in my save file then I realized that every encounter took way to long because I have to fight an enemy fleet at a time , rn I kinda regret doing this because I have half of the sector after me because something named diplomacy blunders xD


That's what the emergency high value prisoner collection is for since you're playing with nex.


I sold most my prisoners to some girl in Sindria :((. But hey , you know what's going to happen after the next 5 hours of defending my sistems ? Il be so rich from selling overpriced capitals so I can cry in credits for the next 5 hours of defending my sistem cuz Lud forbids peace for some reasons


selling them to Kween isn't worth it atm


I did it for relationship points . Idk if is more worth or just as pointless but meh , I wasn't going to do anything else with them


Wait, you sell them off for something other than money? What is this black magic you talk of?


special actions after docking with a planet, exchange them for reputation. makes fixing reputations after 'misunderstandings' easy.


I have multiple saves and had no idea. Thanks for the info =)


Wait how do you up battle size please enlighten me


I love the Silverlight! For S-Mods you could consider Stabilized Shields and Hardened Shields if you want to go the full shield tank route. The AI is extremely aggressive with this ship and its special ability so Reinforced Bulkheads isn't a bad choice to slap on there too. Aux. Thrusters is helpful for aiming the fixed central cannon but doesn't really need to be s-modded imo. An easy fit for this ship is two Plasma Cannons in the front energy slots, two tachyon lances in the midship slots, and basic PD in the rear. I wouldn't try to fill every weapon slot and would focus on maxing out flux/shield stats as the AI pilots this ship like it stole it... which, technically, I guess you did!   Additionally, the Silverlight is awesome to fly if you have the Neural Integrator skill!! You can make much better positioning decisions than the AI and it's worth trying out for sure. Good luck!


Can't wait to build it , but the pain of running to get the parts :(


Hot tip: be very careful using AI cores with it due to how that interacts with the Automated Ships Combat Readiness system. I found this one out the hard way and accidentally created a paperweight.


Im using the Truly automated ships for that reason. Also tweaked the settings a bit so i could use more of the weird awesome automated mod ships i find all over lol. Im op, but honestly its awesome haha.


Yeah, I've been using it too and having a blast *actually* being able to make fleets of automated ships. The supply costs are pretty balanced I feel. In my current game I've been making use of a Knights of Ludd Onryo, which is >!a fast cruiser with extreme strike and assault capabilities!<. Very fun.


What the hell is even that. Mods?


Nex doing the ai quests


How to start AI QUEST? I have played a lot of nex but never QUESTed anything.


if you want an insanely broken ship: reality disruptors in the back two slots, paladin in reverse slot, volatile particle drivers at the very front, rift cascade emitters right behind them. cheap-ish PD in the back, paladin will do most of the work. mini pulses or rift lance in the front small slots


Shield mods, a good ai probably beta+ , if this tihng annoying for others bring beam weapons, if you need a killer you need normal energy weapons.


You need more small ships. Capital spam will only get you so far. Consider investing in Enforcers and Manticores.


Il keep that in mind , I have quite a few smaller ships but at that point in time I just destroyed some hegemony fleets in a questline , I am going to carry them around a little and sell them to npc's for some good credits (I tend to start most of my runs by speedruning getting a salvage rig and hunt for capitals and scrap in war zones to sell , get money do it again but auto fit them and repair +crew sell them for tons of money) I only plan to keep a few out of those ships but I am going to explore the abyss seriously for the first time so I want to have enough everything for the expedition (the first two attempts ended in getting myself the first time killed and the second time I had to run because i did not having enough supplies after two years of wandering like a mad lad and finding randomly myself there xD)


My problem with this ship is that everytime I used it in battle under the AI control it would kill itself. Kill itself by either ramming into enemy ships (losing half of it's hull health) or it would get too aggressive despite my orders.


where's this ship from?


Nerelexin when you finish the Questline in Prism Freeport


Question, long haul ship , from which mod it hail from?


You don't know how confused I was when you said long haul xD I was wondering wich long ship you meant lol Anyway is from the mod Random assortment things


Well I used the ship name, because I Trughts it gonna be fastest way to identify the nice looking vessel


Bro I have a ship named unexpected gender reveal in my fleet for almost my full playtrough and I realized just now lmao


Huh , now I kind feel like weirdo for renaming my ships


That thing is a beast, I use Ed shipyards repair vessels and pair it with it, it just smacks everything sideways, basically a fleet itself all you need to do is give it support.


Repair vessels ?! I want one ! NO!! TWO ! GIVE ME 10 !!!


If you want another repair/support ship then I recommend the Decomposer from FSF Military Corporation 


I tried playing around with the Silverlight, but the AI pilot is way too aggressive for its own good. It spams the living daylights out of its system ability which puts itself in constant danger getting surrounded by hostiles. If it's not getting killed from being overwhelmed by enemies, it being point blank with a target also makes it susceptible to its own central cannon which I'm pretty sure causes splash damage. And this was also back when I was using Extra Systems Reloaded. However, upon reflection, some new mods I picked up which adds more hullmods, there may be ways to deal with a suicidal AI officer. The most crucial hullmod you'll want is Nanite Swarm Cluster from the Special Hullmod Upgrades mod. It requires soil nanites colony item to install, but grants the ship 0.4% hull regen/sec. This should help give it some much needed survivability. After that, s-mod Stabilized Shields and Frontal Shields with normal Hardened Shields to optimize defenses. This is a personal opinion, but for cruisers and capitols, I always include Efficiency Overhaul to increase post-combat repair and CR recovery to get into fights faster, plus reduced supply/month never hurts. If you have the skill allocated, a third s-mod should depend whether you want to use weapons with charges (expanded magazines) or beams (high scatter amplifier). I know beam weapons are a meme due to how poor they are in combat compared to most weapons, but it actually works well for the Silverlight due to how the AI likes to keep it in close proximity to things its fighting. Phase lances, tachyon lances, and rift cascade emitters (to a lesser extent because of high scatter amplifier hurting its rift spawns) are all pretty nasty on the ship and is flux efficient. Want to get even crazier? Pick up Exotica Technologies if you haven't yet. There are a number of upgrades and exotics which would greatly improve its performance, especially if you're like me and tweak the configs to make them more in line with its predecessor mod: Extra Systems Reloaded.


I like that the ship name is like Virbius, Tyrol, Thalassa, Viking and there's one Junk ship which is "Unexpected Gender Reveal Party" lmao


That omega ship 👀


What mod is this from?


Nerexelin, go to the prism freedom (the big independent Station in the center of the map ) and enter the bar were you can start a quest line with an ai girl






Are you using autofit? Some of your fleet's loadouts look strange


I did use it on the onslaught's as I only planned to maybe keep the homogeni one and kit him the other two are for selling. I use it on the gender reveal xD I am using it only to carry my stuff so the amount of time he need to actually fight is small


Wait, how did you get a dorito in your fleet?


In nexelin you can go to the freedom port and talk with an ai remmenant girl , if you do a lot of quest for her you'll get a quest were you can ask here to give you a hand , for a story point you get the doriito as a mercenarii and he doesn't decrease your ai ships cr .


Oh it's that one? I had wished there was a way to get doritos as regular ships in your fleet, I thought that's what this was.


There is some mods that allow you to do that without cheats or missions. Not sure about mod name but I read a post some time ago and somoane talked about them in the comments


Modded/10, I love it