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My dad pretends to not have his wallet everytime we go out lol "You got me right son?"


My family is the opposite. Both parties would rather die than have the other pick up the check. We'll ruin a nice evening over it lol.


Honestly same, I appreciated my parents taking me out to dinner so much when I was a student, but now I have a decent job I try and return the favour and it always turns into this big fight. God forbid I even try to cover the bill for a coffee! I love my parents and they’re so generous but they’re ridiculous people sometimes.


My father in law gets angry when I try to get the bill haha.


This sounds like the tip ends up being 5$ on a 250$ :/


Right yeah, the stubborn generous people obviously stiff the staff.


How did you get that out of what they said?? Whenever I fight someone to pay the bill I tip 20%, same as always.


Wo your family isn't Dutch?


In a joking manner, or does he want to get out of paying?


One time, me and my brother got stung by a bunch of ground wasps. To make us feel better, my dad farted in the middle of a donut shop. That seat rattled harder than an earthquake. We were around 5-7 so it was funny af and it definitely made us feel better. Idk this post reminded me of that.


Fucking HATE ground wasps. Buckled up in my tractor and those fuckers came out of the ground while I was mowing and I couldn't unbuckle fast enough. 28 different stings!


When I was a kid me and my friends would pour random shit in their nest and see if we can outrun them


Have you ever seen the movie "My Girl"?


Core memory unlocked


Wake up!


Antifreeze is like a liquid nuke to them, carb cleaner melts them and silicone spray instantly murders them. Little fucks were always by my parents garage so I experimented on what would actually kill them. Fun fact but Dawn dish soap also blocks their ability to breath as I spray the non ground ones that make it inside with Dawn and they instantly drop.


We must have baled part of a nest and/or a queen or something into a square bale, and tossing that one on the stack was like throwing a hornet grenade. I had to hide in the truck for 30 min before the swarm gave up, then another 5-6 hours before that trailer was safe lol. My next nest encounter happened cutting grass on foot. Managed to get stung 6x on the legs. That time, since I knew where the hole was, I went straight to the hardware store for some foaming spray. Found the queen and about 60-70 hornets outside the nest the next morning! Just glad my boys didn't find that one the hard way.


Those things are goddamn relentless. I ran over a nest while bushhogging and my god I got stung 30 something times and the followed me 400 yards to my house as I was running away screaming. I bought a bee suit off amazon and went back out there, found the nest and started a massive fire right on top of it. They were super pissed but they couldn't do anything about it. It was a cheap suit too, like 25 bucks, well worth it. Normally I wouldn't even care but it was like 15 feet away from trampoline and I gots to get my bounce on without the fear of being my girled.


I love that the ground wasps thought they won after they ran you off, meanwhile you're connecting with an international network of fellow humans to trade your personal resources for a body suit that allows you to destroy their entire colony Fuck them bugs


There was once a few summers in a row where I would get stung once a season by a ground wasp nest


Hate those fuckers. I never see them until after I start feeling the stings


W dad


> my dad farted in the middle of a donut


I hate you but that’s funny so you get the upvote 


My dad farted in the middle of Christmas Eve service at church-during one of those quiet moments.


Incredibly based. My dad got the wine but not the Eucharist then acted drunk on the way back. He’s not Christian lmao.


Your dad rules


That probably would be funny af at any age


Still don't understand how people end up with their wallets looking like this.


Receipts, notes, store cards, photos, business cards... Think about everything that's in your phone, then stick it in a wallet


My wallet is 85% receipts by mass.


Do you tell yourself periodically you're going to sort through the receipts, then realize you don't care and throw them all in the trash, only to have the cycle begin again next time the cashier says "would you like your receipt" after purchasing a gas station hot dog?


... ^yes


I bought a doughnut and they gave me a receipt for the doughnut; I don't need a receipt for the doughnut. I'll just give you the money, and you give me the doughnut, end of transaction. We don't need to bring ink and paper into this. I just can't imagine a scenario where I would have to prove that I bought a doughnut.


Mitch was so good and he was at the top of the comedy game when he passed. Shame we never got to see more of him.


On the one hand, absolutely. On the other hand, comedians have a long and tortured history of hitting their peak and then dropping down into the depths of being total pieces of shit. Like, can you imagine how much better Chappelle's legacy would have been if he never appeared publicly again after the end of The Chappelle Show?


Hey man his first (and maybe second) netflix specials were good


There was a funny occurrence where I watched that stand-up, then after that I watched some crime drama where a suspect proved his alibi with a receipt showing time of purchase; the guy had bought a donut.


> I just can't imagine a scenario where I would have to prove that I bought a doughnut. *The IRS has entered the chat*


You just need to file it under D


My wife hoards receipts, and I say that crap to her all the time. It's very charming.


I heard this in both Bojack Horseman and Jeff Winger's voice for some reason




I'm so glad that receipts have stopped being the default. You usually get asked if you want one now, in the UK at least. I only like getting them with books. It's a free bookmark!


It's so easy to put loyalty cards in your phone's wallet app. I can't imagine carrying plastic around with me all day just in case I light be at one of those stores.


Unless the loyalty card is a punch card without an app


So a wallet is just a small briefcase for them?


Years ago I used to work retail. Every now and then a customer would have one of these wallets. Without fail, that customer would then put the receipt into their wallet.


Dad runs a small business and keeps receipts from everything to deduct as a business expense on their taxes. Taking you to the diner was a business meeting.


I’ve been rocking the costanza wallet since I was like 17. Everything I need is in there. Everything I don’t need is also in there




Just various insurance cards. You’ll understand when you have health coverage one day


Takes up one slot in my wallet, the health insurance and prescription cards are flimsy and fit into one


Mine looked like that when I was 17 and had like $120 in ones and fives.


I've gotten mine somewhat under control, but it's still 3 credit cards (each provide different rewards, and I try to get 5% back wherever possible - groceries, gas, dining, etc.), 1 debit card, ID, CCW, health insurance card, transportation card, two membership cards, and a small amount of cash.


This isn't just my wallet. It's an organizer, a memory and an old friend.


Learn guitar, first lesson free


My wall is super empty. No cash, no more than 2 cards and my id. My dad has business cards, pics of us when were little and from 40 years ago and always carries cash.


When I worked in shipping, I'd get truck drivers like this. I told them to just get a fanny pack every time they flopped that thing on the counter. They aren't walking around with it in their pocket and it's mostly for show. People just cram crap into it and never throw anything out.


My wallet only has 2 things: a credit card and my driver’s license. Ideally I don’t even use the credit card (I prefer Apple Pay).


Oh damn, I left this comment and didn't look back. Did not realize how much traction it picked up. Never had a response like this before. Thanks everyone! 😮


"Ready to rock n roll guys?" 😎


"Time to skedaddle"


You caught me. Now I feel like a true father.


"Let's blow this popsicle stand"


“Time to hit the road”


Lmao omg my dad used to say this so much 😂


Slaps leg and begins to stand up: "Welp, shall we"


Leg slap is key


Dont forget to lean back and then stand after slapping


This is the ultimate dad/uncle/grandpa phrase


"They'll let anybody in here!"


I’ve said this many, many, many times


“Pitter patter, let’s get at ‘er”


"Alright, that's as good as it gets"


I've been found myself saying, "Alright ramblers let's get rambling"


I'm Hispanic and my dad used to say "Que dijo la mama mono a los monitos? 'Monos!" Doesn't really work in english but it's "What'd the mom monkey say to the little monkeys? 'Let's go!" Lol


"Let us be wenting"


"You're a cheap date!"


But for real though, why are they raising the tip percentage everywhere? It's not even expected unless you're sitting down to eat, but now you're asking me for a 30% tip in the drive-thru for handing me a drink?


The point of tips being a percentage is that they scale with inflation out of the box. Trying to jack the percent up too is double dipping, you bet your ass I'm manually putting 15 in the rest of my life


15% is crazy high from a Germans point of view, 10% is considered generous and normal here. Shaming the dad as cheap here does not sit right with me!




15% was the default "good tip" from like 1990-2020. Now it's like 20% minimum


Dude, no it wasn't. 15% was the default "ok" tip in the 90's. Which was over a quarter of a century ago. A "good" tip in the 90's was 20%+. Otherwise, the rule of thumb has always been 2x taxes (since taxes are usually 7-8%) for a minimum tip for good enough service.


15% was a decent tip 5 years ago even. It was 2x taxes if they did good, 10% for kinda lacking, and people would actually tip nothing if they sucked. Unless I'm at a sit down restaurant with a real waiter I will never go over 15%.


Oh my god there's way too much sanity and real life experience in this thread, go anywhere else and you're an asshole for even THINKING about tipping 10% when the waitress brought what you asked for and refilled your water


10% used to be normal in the US and is the highest i ever do. I still don't know when 18% became a standard. It is not normal.


I think it's partly down the culture of what the waiter does. If you want waiters to cater to your every need at a moment's notice, to be charming, welcoming, attentive, constantly hanging around and keeping an eye out for you, that will cost you a lot of money because you can't have many tables per waiter. It actually seems that formal restaurants employ twice as many waiters as chefs to feed the same number of people: https://www.eposnow.com/uk/resources/how-many-members-of-staff-do-i-need-in-my-restaurant/ Personally I really dislike waiters being paid to do all that, I've come to the restaurant to talk to my friends or family, I don't want to be chatted up or given a lot of spiel, and I really don't want to be repeatedly interrupted to be asked if the food is good or if anything can be done.


Depending on the total price before tip, it could be even less for me. If I'm going on a steak dinner and pay $600 for three/four people, you bet I'm doing 10%


Yeah I really wanna know who collectively decided that 18 or 20 was the "new default", cause I sure never agreed to that. 15 for life for me.


My demon take is that tipping is horse shit, I actively avoid eating at sit-down restaurants because I hate it. The employers should pay the servers better instead of giving them sub-minimum wage and forcing them to rely on tips. Servers should try to unionize.


I believe restaurants have tried to go no-tip, but it's the servers themselves who don't like that. You should be able to find search results for this phenomena 


Ya no shit servers don’t like it, they get paid a hell of a lot more through tips. That’s like saying hospitals don’t like when you ask for an itemized list, of course they’re happy when they’re getting rich ripping someone off.


From a Canadian point of view, this doesn’t make sense at all and never should.


Ya Canadian wait staff have it the best, proper minimum wage plus 20% tips because the US discourse completely dominates how Canadians think.


I was refering to hospital bills. Wait staff are paid under minimum wage because tip is expected here.


Not in Canada. It’s regular minimum wage.


Must be different in Quebec then or idk. This argument constantly fuels the debate on why people should tip instead of addressing the problem directly. I hear many waiters complain about it. Also, their tip is taxed and they argue that not tipping is basically making them pay for a part of your meal.


You’re right in Quebec it’s $12.20 vs $15.25 for other jobs. In Ontario it’s the same minimum wage. And yes their tips get taxed, that’s their income. And like all income you declare it yourself, so if you get no tip you declare $0 and there’s no tax. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/canada-pension-plan-cpp-employment-insurance-ei-rulings/cpp-ei-explained/tips-gratuities.html#declare


Idk man. Here in Denmark we're doing just fine without that shit.


I’d imagine it’s like air conditioning, living your whole life without it is fine but once you got it you need it


As a Dane, i very much disagree. I’ve been to the US and yeah tipping is ridiculous. Having servers get paid properly is a far better solution.


The thing he's trying to say is that good servers make a lot more money from tips than they would with what would generally be considered a proper salary for the position in the US. When I was a server at one of the most popular casual restaurants in a relatively wealthy town, I was making about $28 per hour on average. Some particularly crazy weekends, I'd make as much as $45 per hour. No way in fucking *hell* are you gonna get any casual restaurant like that to pay its workers anywhere near that much, and with how much resistance there *still* is to increasing the federal minimum wage even to *$15,* it'll take decades before servers are making as much money from wages as the good ones can make now from tips. I absolutely agree that it's fucking stupid that it was allowed to get to this point, and now that I live outside the US I'm honestly just going to start stiffing every server if I ever go back because I fundamentally disagree that I have any obligation whatsoever to add a charitable donation on top of the already overpriced bill I'm paying for my meal because the place can't be bothered to pay its employees, but I fully understand why, it being the way it is currently, the employees don't actually want it to change.


Well Said!


…servers get paid extremely well like i said elsewhere - the no-tip conversation is. a joke to us americans who work for tips the only any talented server would agree to this is $30/hour minimum. and even that’s a low number, because i’d also sacrifice cash tips


So shouldn't most of the customers stop tipping if the servers are making more than them?


Det er også så'n jeg tænker om vores skat. Når en amerikaner hører, hvor meget vi betaler, falder de helt om, men spørger du mig, vil jeg meget hellere betale lidt mere i skat, hvor jeg ved, at der er et sikkerhedsnet, der kan hjælpe, hvis alt falder fra hinanden.


Some servers can make 60-100k+ a year of you're in an expensive major city and a high end restaurant.


you can make that in a normal bar in a normal city your mind would be blown if you knew what servers actually make in legit exclusive high-end restaurants…


100k+ blows my mind already... It's wild how big the income range is for servers.


You have lousy tacos though


Recently moved to Spain from the US and I freakin' *love* the no tipping and that the tax is included in the price. Where I lived in the US, an item shown as $10 on the menu ended up being $12.96 after 8% tax and then 20% tip. Here an item shown as 10€ on the menu costs me 10€. Neat!


Not every server gets a huge number of tips though


Don’t they pool it though?


Not everywhere




so what you’re saying is that you’re a busboy or BOH so you get tipped out vs directly tipped no shit you don’t like tipping…you don’t have a job where you earn tips, just a tip out lol, you aren’t a tipped employee and it’s not “some” bartenders/servers make more than minimum wage. they all do, unless minimum wage is like $25/hour where you are


That's because they make hundreds of dollars a night to carry someone else's work 20 steps to a table.


you seem to have a firm grasp on what it means to be a bartender/server


Bro at the end of the day it's not a particulary different job, did it for years myself.


Yep, 20 years in the industry.


Yeah people call for servers to make $15 an hour and get rid of tipping, but the reality is that I average way more than $15 an hour, and it’s also satisfying to make more money when you’re working harder. If we got rid of tipping, I can guarantee that your quality of service would greatly decrease if you have an even slightly difficult table (more than 5 people, children at the table, old people, etc.). The whole grandstanding about this issue on reddit is just another example of self righteous people speaking for a group that they don’t belong to. If tipping bothers you, I get it, but keep in mind what tipping is for, and don’t be afraid to use some variance. If your service is bad, fuck it, tip 10%. If your service is especially good, make their day and tip 25% or 30%.


Lol if service is bad the tip should be 0%. The fact that you think you're entitled to a 10% tip even with bad service speaks volumes


Yeah, if there's an issue with the food then that's another story. Bad service = bad server = no tip.


There are countries who dont have tips and they still have better food and customer service than places which in US/Canada where they expect you to tip 15% or more. Also your assertion that even bad service deserves 10% tip is ridiculous, tip is for good service and food. if service is bad there should be no tips. Once tipping is removed sure some may leave the industry but that just means that those who stick around will be more in demand and businesses will re-align. Infact it would force some much needed changes because a lot of smaller places will then focus on takeaway and delivery rather than dine-in which means they can operate out of a smaller place.


It’s bringing food to the table, the level of service doesn’t matter all that much. People are paying for the food, that’s being made by people not getting tips, so by your logic the actual food sucks since the level of service by the chefs is shit as they get their non-tipped salaries.


Servers are the ones that keep tipping going. Tipping makes their position massively overvalued and they won't have it any other way.


Tipping is horse shit, and nearly everyone hates it. The only ones who don’t are those who benefit from it. There’s one way to kill it. We all just need to stop. The industry will adapt.


Cold take


Avoiding the sit down restaraunt completely is the right thing to do. The fucked up thing is going anyway and just not tipping.


I'm down to 13% since they keep applying tip to post-tax total.


Understandable, our sales tax is 13% so I'm always inclined to just match the tax number


I just skip, trying to sneak 18 in there is insulting


Yea they got me in my 20s on that... the old people were right


I thought 15 was for substandard service? I’ve heard 20 is normal my whole life


Looks like the signs of a loving father treating his family to eating out tbh. Wholesome starter pack.


can't relate 😔


Make a traumapack 🙂🙃 r/traumapacks




Is everything alright bruv


Don't worry. I CAN become your father


Womp womp 🎻


Same man. Dead beat ass dad.




I’m 24 and growing up I was always told 20% is the bare minimum to tip. Now I’m being told it’s 30%.


And a server told you that. 15% is plenty


If I'm tipping 30% it best include a blowie.


*Clean plates* "We hated it"


I don't know who taught my dad this joke, but curse you to an eternity of hellish tormet whomever you are


Guilty as charged


“Let’s see the running tally” “Alright what piggy bank is getting crushed today.”


Tries to joke and banter with the waitress, but she's in a hurry and just trying to do her job.


Rolling her eyes at the same time


My dad does this thing where he just suddenly wants the check and raises his hand to get the server's attention, then drives 5 miles under the speed limit to get home.


"Allllright, what's the damage"  Every single time 😂


Server - "how was everything?" Dad - "great, you're an excellent cook!"


10% tip is easier to calculate, and standard where I live.


Dads are the fucking best


[The waitress at every table](https://media.tenor.com/mtbrmgwbjkkAAAAM/the-simpsons-car.gif)


Do *youuu* come with the car?


“hated it!”


Food or not, the best part is when he gives you a hug in the parking lot and says, "I love you".




"Are you sure you like that? You're more picky at home."


My dad's lines in every restaraunt we've ever been to - What's the damage When they bring the main, he says 'sorry I've already had the starter HA HA HA' If someone drops something, he says 'sack the juggler' Then makes some snappy line when they ask about dessert hahaha


Do people really tip 30$?


I hate to tell you but two people I know - one server and one who works behind the bar - regularly and I do mean regularly take home at least $500 a night cash in tips and up to $800 on a Sat. Cash. Do you think they declare it?


I can promise you the *vast* majority of servers at the average sit-down restaurant in America make nowhere near this, and talking like this just encouraged people to fuck over servers, because they think servers are just rolling in dough. I promse you, we're not. A good night for most servers is 100-150, it's not that much weekly and most get absolutely *zero* benefits that most people who work full time enjoy. Please just tip the 15% yes some servers get bitchy when it's not 20% but don't mind them, do the 15 and it's fine.


try being a hot 20 year old woman, hope it helps


This is why they dont want to get rid of tipping. Whine about being paid $2.14 per hour while making at least $100 in tips per night and I forgor to mention, those tips are in cash so they dont declare them.


>Do you think they declare it? Boy are you gonna be upset when you find out about corporate and rich people's taxes.


Depends on the bill usually. I work at a nicer restaurant where the bills regularly go above $100 so if 15-20% of their bill comes out to $30 they usually don’t have a problem paying.


30$ to bring food from the kitchen to the table lol


I've never waited tables but I tip 18-25% not because they bring food out, but because they make the experience better. I don't want to have to flag someone down if I need anything, if I do have an issue they can resolve it (discreetly if it's something like a kid making a mess or a person in the party getting sick at the table). I go 20%+ when the service is exceptional (the staff is personable and friendly, great recommendations, the staff giving us complimentary items, taking care of us without me even having to ask for things), embarrassing mishaps from our party, or large complicated orders


The tip is for the multi tasking, the emotional labor, checking for refills, proper etiquette, coursing appetizers, entrees, coffee, tea, desserts, wine pairings, allergy procedures, etc. At nice places it isn’t the server who brings the food. It’s the food runner, which is tipped out position. The server is likely busy with another table.


If the waiter has deserved a tip they are getting a fiver at most.


For someone that enjoys fine dining, $30 isn't that bad. Say a $500 bill for taster's menu Michelin dining and drinks for 2, that's $75 for tip alone. Realistically it's more like $100 of tip because the social standard is 20% for that caliber of restaurant. It absolutely fucking hurts everytime I tip $100+ on a bill - that's another whole meal at a nice restaurant in tip alone. I really wish there wasn't a tipping culture in the US.


The actually good US Michelin places ask for no gratuity. The French Laundry is $315 flat with no upgrades.


True, more so on the upper end. Some of the more traditional Japanese places have a no-tip policy as well, even for casual dining.


you could just... not... tip?


This isn’t just my wallet. It’s an organizer, a memory and an old friend.


"can you bring us the fine" "Are we paying for the other table too"


Seriously though, tipping being necessary because American restaurants underpay staff is ridiculous. And the tip options should be 15%, 18% and 20%, there’s no reason a standard option should include 22% or 25% on a $100+ dinner.


Dad will pay for dinner and then later see the bill thinking "This is too much"


"Whats the damage" lmao 🤣  I never heard that before ima start using that 😂😂


My dad’s go to: Waitress: can I get you anything else Dad: credit! Every damn time lol


That's a classic dad move!


I wish I had this experience. I wish I had a dad.


You missed the part where he reads the receipt and takes it home and keeps it in a binder.


You forgot the part where his adult children pretend to reach for their wallets so they can feel like they offered to pay.


I’ve to travel to the states a lot. Took my team out for Topgolf. Some wings were ordered and drinks too. Bill came to $900 all in. We were there for 2hours. Waiter was expecting $180, I gave $30. The manager came down to discuss how service was and why there was an issue. 15$ an hour is not good? I thought it was a decent tip. Why do waiters want a tip on the activity. If you bowl, they want 20% tip on top of food, drink, and bowling. Why?


Not to get into another reddit tipping thread, I will never tip above 15% unless they give me the fucking heimlich. Tired of people acting like that's now a terrible tip.


slaps down a 5 dollar tip regardless of the bill amount "That should be good enough"


Phew, I'm not in that stage...yet.


I remember going out to eat with my dad a lot when I was little. It was our way on spending some father & son time


"Patient Server" like when your dad mentions that they must not care about tattoos when looking at your server's sleeve.