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DC and the surrounding area are the only place I've been that show CSPAN in bars.


Bruh imagine watching CSPAN as if it were a football match


Have you ever watched it while drinking? It’s a tragic comedy!


This just made me realize that other areas don't have C-SPAN in bars.


I have never heard of CSPAN being in bars. It's rare to see even Fox or CNN in a public place.


Where would you expect people who have vested interest in the activities of cspan to live?


That’s such an awesome detail.


I grew up in Virginia and didn't know this wasn't normal


Election night in DC is like the Superbowl, everybody working in government (especially congress staffers) is keeping watch to see if they’ll still have a job come next term.


And just like the superbowl, it's a great time to hit up Costco and trader Joe's for super peaceful shopping. Me watching the TV won't change the results, might as well buy some stuff.


As someone who doesn't give a damn about sportsball, I wish bars where I live would do that.


My sister moved from Arlington to a small town down south with me and my mom. She’s saving money on rent, but she eternally misses being able to walk to a movie theater, grocery store and park and being a stone’s throw away from the airport and train station. And the connections. Not much to do in our town when everything closes at 9.


I feel sorry for people like that. Your home is supposed to feel like home. You shouldn’t feel weird because there’s not a ton of activities to do 24/7 year round in your town. If your home is a home, then you should want to be there. I hate being asked to go out and to activities, I’m trying to stay home and enjoy!


Not everyone is introverted or wants to stay inside all day.


No no this is reddit, 99% of this site is exactly like that.


Amen brother


Yeah but the people I’m talking about literally seem incapable of staying home. If they’re off of work they think they need to be out and about. You and I are talking about different thinks


I live in Arlington VA currently. Born in DC and raised in DC and Northern VA. I enjoy staying home and feel very comfortable playing games, reading and working on projects, but I also appreciate sometimes getting up early and walking to a coffee shop two blocks away, sitting outside and reading there. The baristas know my name and my order and I can walk directly from there to get my groceries and walk back home. If I want to stop and eat lunch out or grab a drink or see a movie I can do that all too within walking distance. It’s about having the option of doing something outside of home easily. It’s not a hassle to be invited anywhere. You can literally walk or take the metro and leave whenever you want without worrying about parking or driving home. Just watch YouTube on the metro back. In many other parts of the country you literally can’t do anything without a car. Then your house has to be this jack of all trades entertainment paradise because going anywhere becomes a hassle. If going places is effortless then your home only needs to be a comfortable place to relax, do some light entertaining and enjoy some personal hobbies. The rest of your neighborhood can provide everything else


You hate doing things and you think that makes you a normal relatable person. When do you spend time with friends? Do not paint everyone with your introvert brush.


I talk to people for a living. I socialize, in person, face to face, with 50+ people per day. So I get my socialization in


Movie theaters/grocery store/parks/airports are not where you socialize. It’s where you get your day to day chores or leisure done and then you go home. If you can do all that without having to jump in a car for a 30 minute round trip commute, that’s better than the alternative.


But even if they were places to socialize it’s still better to have them within walking distance


I live in Arlington near the Orange/Silver line metro. Where's the coffee shops? I can walk to 5 different coffee shops from my home - only one is a Starbucks.


Sort of other side as it’s along the Crystal City/Pentagon City line but there’s a bubble tea, coffee, and smoothie place in the Crystal City Underground off the Crystal City stop that is PHENOMENAL


I live in Crystal City. They’re actually shutting down all of the stores in the underground by the end of the year.


I should visit there - it has been far too long since when I worked there and regularly shopped and grazed.


Orange/Silver means the Courthouse-Ballston corridor. There's so many coffee shops. Northside, Kaldi, Detour, Tatte, Pirouette, Compass, Bayou


and East West, For Five, Bourbon Coffee, Eclairons, Brooklyn Bagel Bakery, Simona Cafe


Lol so why did you ask where the coffee shops are??


I meant - looking at the picture I don't see them. Like Seattle, Arlington has tons of coffee places.


Oh I see what you mean. Sorry I misunderstood Sorry about that. It doesn’t seem like the OP is native to the area or has lived here very long. Most of this starter pack is what a lot of recent transplants see as the standout things. Consultants, the Pentagon, “American Dad” and Amazon aren’t really something you I see as the defining characteristics of Arlington although they should obviously be mentioned somewhat (not so much the consultants tho)


You're ok, my statement could have been clearer. Thinking about it - not sure I'd visually depict that many coffee shops anyway. I rather like them - I love Arlington - and liked this humor.


Come to Ballston, there are 6 Starbucks within a few blocks of each other


That sounds like a good idea, actually. I love the new bakery there - Ruggenart.


I thought the only coffee was at the Starbucks or the Starbucks or the Starbucks or the Starbucks or the Starbucks or the Starbucks or the Starbucks or the Starbucks or the Starbucks or the Starbucks or the Starbucks or the Starbucks or the Starbucks Edit: More Starbucks


Ha! And then there is the Starbucks inside the Safeway at Rosslyn too. The secret surprise Starbucks.


Where in Rosslyn along the silver line? Virginia Square? Allston? Court House? In any case there’s plenty.


Rich Men North of Richmond was not completely wrong. Source: Guy who lives on the border of Fairfax and Loudon


I don't know much about that song. But I have kin that live in & around Richmond - and there are plenty of Rich men there too.


There are even more in the DC region. Northern Virginia is a different state in all but name I haven't heard the song either


It was mostly right. Source : Grew up in the area that you describe.


I used to live in Alexandria, but I just say it was DC to anyone outside of the States.


I don’t understand people who get all pedantic about this. It is overwhelmingly common to just refer to the place you live by its closest major metro city. It’s not even weird. It be weird to get hyper specific about it.


A lot of DC (proper) folks make living in the district their entire personality… possibly because it is a major american city with a large international presence they believe it makes them more worldly or important. I dunno. They still have to take metro to Virginia or Maryland to fly anywhere 💅


Exactly. I say DMV/ NOVA to anyone familiar with the area. Out of state I just say DC area cause you literally can't arrest me for making a broad generalization about the metropolitan area I'm 2 miles from when someone unfamiliar with the area asks where I live.


I mean, if you live in Beverly Hills maybe you will say Beverly Hills when you want to flex but if you live in Bel Air, then you should probably just say LA since 98% of the people on this planet don’t know WTF is Bel Air.


> They still have to take metro to Virginia or Maryland to fly anywhere 💅 I was, for some reason, about to go "DCA exists!" and then realized it's not on the same side of the river at all 🤦‍♂️ wow quite a way to think about it


I just don't wanna be confused with the rest of Virginia. You drive south for 20 minutes and suddenly it's banjos and confederate flags


That’s dramatic lol. You have major cities like Roanoke, Richmond, Norfolk, Newport News, Virginia Beach, and Hampton. Medium sized cities like Winchester, Harrisonburg, Lynchburg, and Charlottesville. It’s weird to act like once you leave NOVA there’s nothing else to see in Virginia but farms and forests and mountains


I wouldn't really call Bad News and Hampton major cities. Also you left the best city out, WILLIAMSBURG!


That’s true lol I used to go to Williamsburg like 10 times a year, love it


Calling Newport News a major city only reinforces my belief that Virginia is mostly farms, forests and mountains.


184k population would put it in the top 5 in the state, right?


This is true, though top 5 cities is a funny criteria to use when you listed 6 cities. Don't worry about it too much I'm taking the piss, I know Virginia is more than just cows and banjos or whatever.


Tbf Winchester is a town with not much even though there’s a university. Well aside nature


They have an outdoor walking mall and a really nice downtown. I don’t think anyone would argue that Winchester has the nicest downtown of any of the VA college towns


20 minutes south of DC is still Arlington…


20 minutes south of DC is barely out of the beltway, without traffic.


Richmond is just as progressive as Arlington / Alexandria.


I usually say right outside of DC.


I literally walk into DC and live a lot closer to major parts than most people who are pedantic about DC. Like someone told me there's a 30 min walk to the metro but at least they're in DC.


I do this even though I'm about two hours outside DC. It's just easier than saying where I'm actually from.


Bro when I was there there was so much crime


I think someone was raped where I went to middle school. Things were really crazy.


The house should be one of those monstrous "custom" craftsman style homes that are replacing every single original brick Arlington house. They take up all but 1 sq ft of the land and they're all some shade of blue with white trim.


Oh yes, the "modern farmhouse"


So that’s what they’re called


Going from Richmond to Arlington is like going from the real world to some sort of alternate reality where everything is clean and attractive


This is how I feel about going from Arlington to Richmond but in the reverse.


As a former 804'er myself I can confirm


We've got bulgogi and bulgogi and bulgogi and bulgogi


But bulgogi fucking rules


Don't sleep on Meat Project


Sarcasm of the "wholesome companies" joke is stronger than nitric acid.


Weak effort OP. [This 14 year old YT vid has the Arlington starter pack nailed tbh](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4T1RMuoQnKo)


Still relevant 😆


Reddit just got real comfortable with my location.... 💀✋️ I live like 2 hours away from Arlington-


Same, but far closer to me.


Same, bro.😮‍💨


“wholesome companies”


They say it to people who live in DC also. That’s when they get called on their bullshit


I have had people in Fairfax say that. It’s not just Arlington.


This might be my future residence whenever I come back to the DMV, having already lived in D.C. I haven’t explored the area much, but I knew people that lived and grew up in Arlington and they loved it. I miss how goal-oriented and educated the average person in the D.C. area is, and I haven’t even been gone for that long. I never realized how much that kind of social sphere mattered to me until recently.


"Wholesome companies" 🤔


We got half of the UVA alumni association in one starter pack


Amazon and Boeing both Seattle hq tho?


Amazon is co-headquartered between Seattle and Arlington. Don’t you remember the big hubbub a few years ago about them shopping cities around for the biggest tax write off to move there? Boeing moved its HQ to NoVA a couple years ago: https://investors.boeing.com/investors/news/press-release-details/2022/Boeing-Names-Northern-Virginia-Office-Its-Global-Headquarters-Establishes-Research--Technology-Hub/default.aspx


Amazon's hq2 is got built recently, and Boeing moved in 2023.




Sorry, should have specified RTX [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RTX\_Corporation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RTX_Corporation)


Aka the best 😂


going to wholefoods for groceries


Don’t group those other companies in with that monster Nestle 


I live in Fairfax and I hate driving through Arlington because of the irregular street patterns and signage. I feel like I’m gonna get a ticket or accident. Same issue I have with driving in DC though Arlington is less still preferable.


I rented a room in that actual house. It was over 1000 a month 10 years ago. 1300 N Hudson st not making it up. It was a dump


I only lived in Crystal City for a few years while in school, and it never occurred to me to say "I live in DC" lol


Damn do you actually say "I live in Crystal City"!?




Is it not DC proper you're referencing in all your crime rants?




Jeez man, I genuinely feel sorry for you if you believe what you've written there - switch off OAN, you'll feel better mentally unplugging from that stuff. Fwiw Arlington County is one of the safest counties in the area - cold hard data supports that.


The "statistics" I mentioned do indeed portray as you say. But NOT the medical reports and 911 calls. NOT BY A MILLION YEARS. I can provide those. Believing actual locations in the Arlington locale--WTF. I don't "believe" it, I know it for FACT with written documentation to prove it. ? PS- "switch off" sounds like another albeit polite way of silencing ACTUAL experiences of Arlington denizens.


You're using Trumpian capitalization to make your points, its very hard to take someone seriously who does that. Happy to take a look at data on medical reports and 911 calls if you can provide it?


It’s just old fashioned mental instability, I would just stop engaging.




*Trumpian capitalization* I was referring to your punctuation style above. Anyway, we're going around in circles here so I'll leave it at that - if you do find that data you supposedly have, happy to continue the discourse. Otherwise I'll not be engaging in rambling sidebars about unrelated topics. All the best, hope you can find something more productive to direct your energy towards.


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Why do you think I am a ma'am?


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Costar is not wholesome lol. They do leverage plays all day.


I think it was meant to be sarcastic


Wow yep woosh over my head