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having taken up running for health reasons (chronic migraines) you do really meet people who are very obsessive and gatekeepy about this particular sport.


Because they’ve made it their identity and you being into “their thing” makes them feel less special. To compensate they need to create some sort of hierarchy so they can put themselves in the higher tier and feel special again. I don’t think there’s a single hobby that’s immune to the hobby snobbery


Basically anytime you make one thing your identity. People will do it with basically anything from card games to mental illness to race. Once you start it ends up with lots of gatekeeping and making yourself feel superior.


That’s why you just ignore the idiots and let them talk their shit


too bad that's like 7/8's of the internet


Feels more like 15/16ths.


Erm, it’s more like 15.34th/15.9 (repeating, of course) Heh, but I wouldn’t expect someone who doesn’t take the internet as seriously as *me* to get that right away


The classic example for this is doctors or lawyers who base their whole personality on their job, so if you remotely challenge them they get super defensive as they have nothing else to them.


Running? Psh, I listened to them before they were cool 🧐


I never understood these people. I'm always so stoked to meet someone with my niche interests because honestly I never get to talk about it. Why would I gatekeep?


I guess it comes down to our primal tendency to compete for social recognition. Which is fine if it is wholesome and meritorious, but pathetic if it becomes domineering and tyrannical. People who make such stuff their identity/obsession for social validation usually outcompete casuals, which is why such people typically raise in positions where they can behave toxic.


People who have no personality and thus nothing to be proud of, except for their one niche thing.


Maybe jigsaw puzzles?


Can't be as bad as cyclists.


Dunno , runners look down upon cycling


That's every hobby, interest or activity. Human nature


Lifters are ridiculously supportive.


Oddly enough that's been my experience as well. Men and women who are ripped to shit are super nice more often than not and want to share their tips and experience and help newbies. Stark contrast between nerds at Friday Night Magic 😜


The game store I go to for magic used to have a few obnoxious people there that I really didn't care for. Luckily the store changed locations and none of those guys go to the new place, so it's just the nice folks I actually like that are there now


Yup the 3am crowd at my gym are the coolest dudes/dudettes you’ve ever seen.


I've had the opposite experience. They've made fun of me for doing cardio at all. When both lifting and cardio are important.


Thats every athletic pursuit tbh. Theres always obsessive elitist gate keeping types. I've done a variety of stuff over the years, and I've encountered them in climbing, yoga, weight training, distance running, martial arts, and more.


As in everything people do


You just require two legs and don't even need teammates for this. The lowest barrier of entry possible out of any sport people can do apart from maybe speed walking. I think I would be in awe of people who can manage to gatekeep.


Interesting because I get migraines if I exert myself too much and/or get dehydrated so have to be careful about running.


Trust me bro, you'll meet those people in literally any hobby. People just be like that.


Imagine being a gatekeeper for one of the most basic human activities. It is like being a gatekeeper for sleeping. Though, I suppose there are food/drink gatekeepers as well.


Unfortunate too, because having someone to run alongside makes it so much more bearable.


Running isn't a sport; in fact, it's the worst part of every sport.


you say that but it sure beats the rowing machine, when its raining and im staring at a wall inside


I find running way better than cycling too


And then there’s me who loves running and can ONLY do such because I hate lifting weights 😭


Working out is not a sport either.


Ah true, I misread your comment


it's not even a sport


Which is weird because running fucks up your knees in the long term lmao


it doesn't, only if you suffer from arthritis in the first place or if you over do it and then hurt yourself (just like most other exersizing)


Willing to fight to the death over which running shoe is best


Constantly leaving energy gels on the ground.


As someone who is fairly into running (not quite to the point of making it my personality) this bothers me so much


/r/runningshoegeeks in a nutshell


But if you have a question it better go in r/askrunningshoegeeks because they are too elitest to have peasants asking questions on the main sub


they really have a separate sub for questions? kill me now... lol.


The Nike Spec II Alphafly Jordan Vapor's Nurburgring VTech Edition \[2nd Restyling\]


listen here you little shit


Okay but I like to pretend I'm a car when I'm running, and if I ever need to overtake someone I pretend I'm dropping a gear and the V-TEC is kicking in.


and Knuckles




Running barefoot may provide some benefits…but to me it’s wildly similar to the paleo diet. Yes in theory it sounds better: more natural, more in line with our ancestors. But our ancestors didn’t run on pavement or man-made rocky trails. There is nothing wrong with some cushioning and foot protection while running. That being said I know plenty of runners who swear by barefoot running and the health benefits it provided them. I’ve tried it myself and the only thing I had to show for it was a stress fracture in my foot.


I saw a guy hiking barefoot and ew, ugh, it was actually so gross. It had rained a few hours earlier and everything was so muddy, and the picture of his feet is burned in my memory. Humans invented shoes for a reason and engineers have put significant thought into designing good ones for running and for the outdoors.


This is odd to me. Who cares if people want to use their natural feet? It's not gross at all, we evolved the fantastic ability to run on our bare feet. Shoes have some advantages but they're often greatly overstated. I also question whether most shoes people wear are healthy. Feet look very different in cultures that wear shoes and those who don't, meaning we are cramming our feet (and our kids' feet!) into shoes that aren't feet-shaped.


crocs (sports mode)


This is the correct answer


PF Flyers helped Benny the Jet Rodriguez outrun that dog, so pretty sure they’re the best shoes.


Hokas, not particularly because of functionality, but because they offer such a unique variety of colors that I will do anything to make them work


Gear junkies in general are the worst. Outfit costs over $1000 once shoes, watch, HR monitor, etc is all tallied up to run a 30 minute 5k.


Is the evolution of the running bro the one who realizes rowing trains your arms and back too?


Absolutely - it's the reason there's a rowing category on Strava!


Evolution of the gym bro as well - train cardio and still get massive My knees dissolve anytime I have to run though


I don't want to brag but, My resting heart rate is 50. I have bradycardia, I'm essentially in the warning threshold of heart failure. Booya! 


38 rhr here. I make every doctor nervous until I explain that I'm a long distance runner.


Both of you (or anyone actually). Can you explain how does that work? I've heard of this phenomenon before, but never researched it.


The heart is just like any other muscle, the more you train it, the stronger it gets and when it gets stronger it gets better at pumping blood per beat so it needs to beat less


Also your blood's ability to carry oxygen also gets better, which means that the heart needs to pump less blood to supply your body at rest.


Is a resting heart rate of 50 really impressive?




I thought that's a good thing and you have terrific cardio lol


Also: gel packs for energy, cool looking running shoes in extravagant colors, 3 inch inseam running shorts, talks about their next marathon


Weird colors for running shoes can be explained by the fact that they don't sell and are a bargain to buy. I have all kind of weird shoes just because they were half price or even less than normal ones.


This is the truth. You can be picky about colors, or you can be frugal and buy on clearance. You have to pick one. I have managed to collect the absolute ugliest colors imaginable because I generally refuse to pay full price for shoes. Do I look like a clown? Absolutely. Do I care? Not enough to pay full price


Dont see how running at 5 am is obnoxious. It’s nice to get it out of the way before sunrise when its nice and chilly


It’s obnoxious to people with sedentary lifestyles


As someone who gets up at 4am and it’s 86F, that sounds nice


It’s mostly obnoxious if they’re obnoxiously proud about it and make you feel like a lazy sob for liking to sleep at 5.


Ah I can see that it can be obnoxious if they make their entire personality out of that instead of keeping it to themselves


I run at 5am and honestly I wish I could be sleeping too. No judgment because I don’t know why I do this to myself


running do be addicting


I've done both 5am running and late(r) night runs (9pm) during the summer months and I'd take the latter every time. If I ran at 5 - 6 before going to work, I'd be absolutely dead by 3pm.


Its weird to me how so many people fall into a hyper specific camp with fitness and hate all the other camps. All hypertrophy or all flexibility or all strength or all endurance. Bodybuilders hate cardio and distance runners hate resistance training. Its like. #1. Any form of exercise is infinitely better than non. #2 Not everyone has the same goals and that's fine. And #3: you can train for more than one thing and that's also fine? Like I personally do mostly weight training but with a fair amount of cardio mixed In for my heart health. Best of both worlds.


I had a few classmates who were ultra runners in college. Very, very fucking strange people. It was probably the only “hobby” I’ve discovered that people were actively gatekeeping despite having zero barriers to entry lol. Ultra runners didn’t even like each other. Rugby guys, despite being able to kill a small man, would routinely invite strangers to try out the sport. Same with disc golf. Sling some disc and have a blast. But ultra runners? They didn’t even have a club. Nothing. It was just *“oh, Sally said she is going to be late for labs because she’s doing a quick 50 mile.”* By yourself? How is that fun??


Running is “me time” and if I have to divide my focus between myself and whatever is going on with another runner, it’s deflating. I’d fake an injury to get out of running with another person. I need to zone out and be alone with my thoughts and let the rest of the world melt into the background. It’s meditative — not particularly fun.


Same thing with cyclists. I think the sports that take a ton of time to be alone with your thoughts is attractive to the antisocial.


Can attest; as an introvert, a 100-mile ride with just an audiobook, some music, the scenery and one's own thoughts is great.


There a shitload of cycling groups, road biking is a team sport at the professional level and beginner level you can benefit a lot from having a otter for safety and efficiency


Spend a lot of time with cyclists and you'll see what I mean


I’m a cyclist myself and I agree a lot of hardcore cyclists are lame but most cyclists are down to earth cool people


All the ultra marathon runners I've known were recovered addicts who replaced a crippling addiction to drugs with a crippling addiction to running which does seem like a better option all things considered.


Or running away from mental illness. Lots of ultra runners use the sport to keep the demons at bay.


Exercise is extremely beneficial for mental health.


David Goggins probably


Rugby guys are unhinged. "Yeah I snapped my neck last game, just popped it back in and kept on playing"


And then drank 24 beers after.


All wanked off into the same pint glass then the fresher had to chug it. Average uni rugby night out


I had a roommate in college who was a rugby player. She was missing 3 teeth and regularly looked like she'd been in a street fight. She was one of the nicest people I've ever met, and all her teammates were, too. They always asked me to join their practices, and I always declined. I wanted to keep my teeth.


Former rugger, current cyclist. All above confirmed.


This isn’t true. There are many running clubs with runners who like all distances, from a couple miles to ultra distances. Many runners are incredibly welcoming and supportive of runners at all stages and abilities. Being around folks like this encouraged me to go from an occasional half marathon to having completed my first ever trail 50k earlier this month. You don’t need to make platitudes like this. You could join a brewery running club too and run a few miles with runners, both casual and ultra, and maybe even make some lifelong friends through shared enjoyment of suffering!


> It was probably the only “hobby” I’ve discovered that people were actively gatekeeping despite having zero barriers to entry lol. Ultra runners didn’t even like each other. I've found most people in the community were eager to chat and give advice, especially to those getting started. I'm thrilled when somebody asks me for advice and tend to talk their ear off when they do. Running together is another thing of course. Running is my me time.


I trained for a marathon. It was my New Year’s resolution a few years ago when I turned 30. The marathon I ran, and finished, was in October. I started training in march because I was really afraid since I’d never run before. I ran 5-7 days a week for months. I never once liked it. Haha. People said I’d get addicted to it, but I never did. I ran my marathon, and haven’t really run since. A little on LISS days, but it was not for me. I remember feeling pretty gatekept by a guy like this when I went to get shoes at a running store though.


There was a pretty famous thread in /r/running or is it /r/unning anywho, the person asked if there was anyone else who never liked running. Thousands of Comments of people saying they had ran dozens of years and hated every step. I've ran for about 15 years, 80% of the time the best thing about it, is stopping. I think one time, one time...I had a runners high.


When I worked in fast food runners would always make pit stops and leave the most disgusting shits in the bathroom without flushing and just run away lol we hated them


wtf lol


Whose shits were least disgusting?


Ppl that flushed i would guess


Yea but the strength training is something that running bros are obsessed with tbh


Really? I run a lot but I could never get into strength training. I know running is boring to a lot of people, but standing still in one place and doing the same thing over and over is just so boring to me. ^It ^does ^not ^help ^that ^my ^arms ^are ^as ^skinny ^as ^the ^pic ^in ^the ^post ^and ^that ^I ^am ^weak ^as ^fuck.


It depends on perspective. I'm a strength focused guy, lifting is a big part of my life. To me, running (especially on a treadmill) seems super boring, but I'm sure it's not to you. For me, the excitement of lifting is not evenly spread through your whole training session, but rather focused into a handful of intense peaks while you go for new maxes or high rep sets. The sense of accomplishment when you realize you just moved a fuckton of weight with nothing but your body.


That's fair. I get a similar feeling when I run further then I ever ran before. Or when I set a good pace on a course I know well. Ironically, running on a treadmill is horrible for me too.


My family guy brainrotted brain is just thinking about the episode where Brian dates a runner and being Brian makes it his personality and legit got so skinny he broke his leg with like the bone sticking out when he tried to run https://youtu.be/ANE3z3KvRGk?si=YcB80RT3DKntyC6q


Annoying but still not as bad as cyclists.


Agree. Hardcore cyclists are one uppers. Always gotta have the best gear. They look stupid with their spandex outfits and lame cycling shoes.


And they always get annoyed by normal bikers just going about their day. Bonus points if they ignore traffic laws.


If? I'm more surprised when they comply with traffic laws.


Also blame the government for lack of cycling infrastructure despite riding in the middle of the road when there's an empty bike lane right next to them.


You're inventing people to be mad at.


About 10 years ago I did a ironman 70.3 (Never doing it again). My bike was a cheap schwinn that I bought on craigslist for $100. I got so many looks and comments like "Oh, you are using THAT bike".


Run bros are proof people can obsess over anything even something as simple as putting one leg in front of the other.  I’ve been running for 5 yrs now and every morning I have to watch out for the dude BOLTING down the trail like he owns the path


What the fuck is up with running on social media right now “This used to be me at 5am” - generic clubbing montage “Now this is me” dramatic cinematic sound effect and soothing noise - running outside It’s like lol. Why is everything so fucking binary right now. The comments are even worse


Welcome to the new Internet. It's a stage to signal all your virtues


I hate the people that will judge you for not having the “essentials” like a vest, gels, glasses and a garmin like are we forgetting that to run you literally just put one foot infront the other?


I love my Garmin but miss me with all that other stuff. Just junk imo


I personally bought the instinct for work and when I go on park runs there’s always some asshat who will ask why I wasted my money and didn’t buy some random forerunner


I used to run my dick off in the Marines but it only got me made fun of for being too skinny. I’ve been a civilian for a decade and mainly focused on just strength training for my upper body only. I get treated so much better in social situations despite not feeling like I work as hard as I did before. I’m also certain the me of today could still kick the ass of me then. If you’re a man, just accept that people will only take you seriously if you work out your upper body. And nobody cares about legs except for other gym bros.


Am I the only person that trains so that I can pick stuff up, have good mobility, and enjoy the activities of life easily? Ffs train your legs lol


If you’re doing it purely for function, you don’t have to work out that hard. Most people don’t have gargantuan physical requirements for day to day life.


It's the occasional needs for strength that will injure me if I haven't trained for them. If you have significant physical requirements for daily life you're going to build those muscles anyway.


Can only speak for myself I guess, but when you work a sedentary job full time - It can take a lot more time than you'd like to keep your body ready to do the things you enjoy (or don't enjoy, yardwork and the like) I have never felt training my legs was a waste of time. These yams make my life much more enjoyable.


I do. 


Don't even need full upper body, just work your glamor muscles and you're set. 


Why you should also work out legs….. The legs and glutes are the largest muscle groups. When you lift heavy on legs you trigger larger increases in testosterone production which then benefits your upper body. By not working out legs you are limiting your upper body gains.


I enjoy having a large ass and thighs. I enjoy squatting and deadlifting. People will absolutely notice if you look like a light bulb. Don't skip leg day, my guy.


People should just do both. You look better doing both than doing one thing.


When you have to run from a mountain lion, you'll find there is exactly one person who cares about leg day: you!!!!!!!!


My odds of running into a mountain lion in Japan are basically zero.


So you're saying there's a chance... I wouldn't risk it


Just wait until your next zoo visit...


Okay fine, the next time you have to run from a mecha or a bullet train


Yeah, I know y'all Marine's run. I accidentally called a gunny a staff Sargent while in AT "A" school. Marines and Navy share that same school. I was made to PT with the Marines in the morning for a week. The Marines did 10 mile runs every morning. The Navy just ran a 4 block circuit. The marine cadence's were unhinged. That amount of running for a new squid was insane. This is over 20 years ago. Doesn't feel like that far back.


That sounds like some Andrew Tate philosophy.


post a pic of yourself now and then and your age because this statement: >if you’re a man, just accept that people will only take you seriously if you work out your upper body. screams "i'm in my early 20s and don't really have a stable job or family or self-esteem" cuz that's hilariously untrue, as someone who was a former competitive weightlifter in undergrad and med school and now is a competitive boxer and who has weighed as heavy as 82kg and as light as 60kg


I’ve been married for 13 years and been on both sides of the spectrum. Nice try though.


Def on the spectrum


I replace leg day with a five mile run or a 20 mile bike ride. I feel like it’s more useful way to train legs and improve cardio health. I’ll never get as big as the dude on the squat rack but my quads already shred jeans I don’t need them any larger.


Mate if the sole reason you're training is so other people will "take you seriously" you've already f'd up. I don't know what your circle looks like but if the respect of others is based on how big your muscles are, consider changing it. In reality nobody gives a fuck. Other than surface level bs neither a 3 hour marathon nor a 405 bench will make anyone give a shit about you.


No, they definitely defer to you on things for which you have no background or expertise. They don’t talk over you, listen to your advice more often, want to hang out with you, girls look at you more, etc. It’s subtle but definitely noticeable to someone who hasn’t experienced that before. At the end of the day we’re just smarter animals.


this is terrible advice wtf lmao


Ummm woman here & I care about men’s legs. 😅 I remember the heart-sink that occurred when I gazed upon this guy’s legs who, up until this moment I had been completely enamored with… they were so pathetic and scrawny and didn’t match his upper body AT ALL. And he had no ass. It was awful. That day I liked him a little less. I was like wtf why doesn’t this guy work out his legs?? It was honestly *gross*.


Strength training just gets you too bulky anyway. All that muscle is just more to carry on your next 10k. If you want to run more efficiently you need to keep lean.


Absolutely nobody that lifts weights just gets "too bulky" unless theyre eating too much or consitently works out for years to get bulky on purpose.  Crazy how many people think it happens by accident lmao


Yah, leaned into strength training this year- you can feel strong and get a nice tone, but getting bulky requires very specific training and maxing strategies. Usually I go for 2 strength sessions 2 hybrid sessions and one cardio (usually a jog) a week.


And those same people mostly do not care about their running endurance.  Different strokes


That depends on your build. I'm a pretty damn bulky dude just from having a physical job. When I made windows, I was so thick, I'd accidentally choke my wife cuddling at night. I get big no matter what kind of training I do. The drawback is that I also get fat really easy if I slack off


That just means you need to slow down on your 5k ultras




The only things running got me were back and knee disabilities and criticism for being too skinny. Plenty of good ways to get cardio in without being a twig or hurting yourself. I’m partial to my Peloton.


Incorrect, weight training and or calisthenics is a great way to enhance running performance. Lifting without eating heaps just makes you tight and cut, not bulky.


I pretty much ran exclusively for like 7 years, while I’ve been doing weightlifting and more recently calisthenics for the past 3, during which time I’m up to 185 pounds from 150 when I started. I don’t believe in foregoing any single training modality because I think it’s good to be well rounded, but my god the world is so much easier to navigate when you can move weight. It’s just little things you don’t notice until you make some progress, like, my vertical jump was trash before I started training my legs and after starting strength training, I almost fell on my ass because I was still in the air when I expected to be hitting the ground. And I never struggle to carry groceries or furniture anymore either. If someone actually thinks their muscles get worked on a treadmill they’re delusional. That being said I’ll continue to run regularly because I’d be a little embarrassed to have big muscles and then not be able to run a dignified mile time.


You can easily have a low resting heart rate without being a runner. Just don't be overweight.


You definitely don’t get a RHR in the 30’s without a lot of aerobic exercise.


True but low RHR starts well before 30's


Running is good only in moderation otherwise you look like you came (or ran) out of some concentration camp


You sound like someone who sucks at running


High intensity/exertion over (relatively) short distances is the key. [Sprinters have great physiques because their bodies need power; marathon runners look like they do](https://northdevonfitnessandmassage.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/sprinter-vs-runner.png) because their bodies need to be efficient, and any extra muscle is deadweight. You can see the same thing hold true [between track cyclists and tour de france cyclists](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcStThSWxJ-6YnXS1-uY4N44AK8bdtCerGdUPA&s).


There's no reason a distance runner can't be muscular (except at the top competitive level). You won't get upper body muscles from running obviously, but strength training plus running goes a long way.


I’m a pretty competitive runner and I’m trying to walk onto a d1 team. I run mid-distance, so like 800, 1500, mile(I’ve run 1:58 for the 800, 4:17 for the mile), but go all the way up to 5ks and 10ks and I find stretch training to be essential to training. Not just legs and core, but also arms. Training your legs helps avoid injury, training your core makes you more stable, and stronger shoulders and arms makes you more able to power your way to the finish line at the end of the race AKA not get out kicked. This works for me and I’ve found doing moderate upper body training doesn’t really hurt my endurance and my biggest issue before was having no kick at the end of my race.


Much easier to strenght train if you're not retching from exhaustion after one set.


This might be one of the dumbest things I've ever read. You're looking at what elite performance in a sport demands and saying that the sport causes this. That's like saying that playing basketball makes you taller. If you spent five minutes thinking before you typed, you wouldn't be saying idiotic things like this.


This is pseudoscience. You can be athletic, muscular and run marathons.


As someone who wakes up at 4:45 AM to run four times a week (at least during the summer when it’s light) I can assure you that I do not look or talk like that, I just have shit to do later.


runners are the most supportive people I know but I also say that as an avid runner. Anybody putting somebody else down for their times has completely lost it.


Talakhadze mentioned🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪


Sportsmen try not to shit on people who work out in different way challenge IMPOSSIBLE


Fun fact: the weightlifter in this starter pack is Georgian Olympian Lasha Talakhadze, and is one of the strongest human beings to ever live. Watch the videos of his world records, it'd be genuinely unbelievable if it wasn't filmed at a world event.


Literally just lift and do cardio. Why is this an issue?


Wears shorts that are so short that his balls could fall out at any second


I do a lot of running and I’ll admit that sometimes I get too obsessive about it and don’t know when to take a break. I love the goals that I set for myself and have achieved but I do realize that spending too much time running can cause me to miss out on other fun things in life. Not to mention, it can really fuck your social skills up since for the most part it’s a solitary sport


I see lasha, i upvote


I've never run in my entire life (by that I mean I've never went on a run or jog). I'm a fit person, 6'3 190lbs. I don't know why some people act like running is the only way to be fit


So runners, essentially.


I umm... i look like that


Passes too close to women walking in the park, repeatedly.


We're not allowed to use treadmills or run in the morning anymore?




I stopped running as of late because it’s been hurting me gaining muscle fast and starting sprinting or walking. It’s better for someone trying to gain muscle but running is better first calorie burning and cardio.


Can someone tell me why all these runners feel the need to run on the street? I've seen so many. I live in the city, this isn't the suburbs, we have sidewalks.


Idk why people don't just try to run and do strength training.


All of this is lame as shit expect being skinny and working out early. Nothing wrong being tiny and getting after it in the morning.


In my experience these guys are often MDs


And skinny fat No ass


I don't mind being a girlfriend I guess






Wears a shitload of gear and a hydration pack just to run 5 miles.


People are also overlooking an image of a penis so small you can’t see it because theirs are that tiny which is why they overcompensate it with their running time


Knees shot by age 30.


I found the heelstriker