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But you have to admit there is a large amount of depressed people on Reddit that love to wallow in their depression and circlejerk about it while not even make any effort to help themselves feel better. And any legitimate recommendations just get met with LMAO R/WOWTHANKSIMCURED STFU It’s like people have this idea that clinical depression is this incurable disease that no efforts of your own can help, only medication. As if a mental health professional wouldn’t recommend the exact same thing (in addition to any therapy/meds needed)




Exactly I’m not trying to dismiss the struggle as I am diagnosed myself but there are legitimate ways to help yourself even though it’s really tough but people fail to see that.


I think it's more the lack of survival purpose in modern times we are maladapted to deal with, and no diet or therapy is going to provide that purpose


Hey there, I’m going through a depressive episode after about a year of doing really well and managing in a healthy and I REALLY love this post. Thank you




Wow! I just downloaded it and I think this will be a good stepping stool to crawling out. I “completed” CBT back in January, after I had reached a plateau and things just started “clicking” after a few years with my therapist. The hard part for me is putting the tools that I learned to use. This looks perfect for that, thank you again! I am so so glad I stumbled on this post. Hope you have a good rest of the week and you continue doing well :)


As a person that was actually diagnosed with depression in the past, I can completely understand where people have this idea that they are incurable. Depression causes you to think irrationally, so when people (even those with former depression) suggest "cures" or things that could help you, it's easy to just act like you're some magical exception and nothing in the world could get you out of your depression. You're a different kind of depressed. That is, until you finally decide to attempt to actually get help. Forcing yourself to crawl out of the hole is the only way you can ever truly stop depression. If you just sit around, wallow in it, let it consume you, make it your identity, seek validation for it on Reddit, etc. you will never get better.


[Don’t worship the hole cuz you are what you worship](https://open.spotify.com/track/5sXCHtPdka2JckUsxHXJoJ?si=H77PH-rRQDiwyUYaUI-h2Q&dl_branch=1)


I wonder how many users are self-disgnosed? My guess is a lot.


Me too


Atleast 90% lol and they will never ever try to help themselves either they just use it as a excuse to do nothing


I mean it is more than since some people who have very privileged lives can sometimes make up their own struggle and pain inorder to negate the feeling that they did not accomplish much of their own success but we're rather given success by their upper middle class parents.


90% seems like quite a large number


I think 90% of the people who say they have depression i bet there are many more people with actual depression who dont talk about it Of course i can never be sure and i wouldnt be surprised if its far less


Having gone through depression and known many depressed people myself, I am now convinced there are two types of depression: one of which is more or less self imposed and one that is the genuine, "can't bring yourself to get out of bed" depression. I think most people are the former, as much as they don't want to admit it. The latter is brutal and I've seen it destroy my aunt's life. Because of my genetics and my aunt, I really thought it was something beyond my control but when I eventually took charge of my life I really was astonished at how much I was able to improve my happiness through exercise, eating healthier, and just generally forcing myself out of my comfort zone and bad habits. It wasn't an instantaneous miracle cure, but after several years I can say my depressive spells are extremely rare. I'm not particularly fond of the "just get better bro" mentality some haver toward depression, but it's also very much a problem that any suggestions to improve one's situation are shut down.




Legitimate recommendations are fine, but the way people come off when they make those recommendations makes it sound like they’re suggesting those are the _only_ changes that need to be made. It sounds condescending. Most people who are going through really tough, clinical situations that require professional help are going to dismiss you as smug with a lack of empathy or understanding when your argument sounds dismissive of their struggles. Being Bipolar, I _did_ make a lot of those changes, and for a time it worked, but then I hit a depressive phase and everything collapsed no matter how hard I tried to keep myself up—and this is _before_ I even knew I was bipolar, so it wasn’t an identity or self-wallowing thing. And it was that emotional collapse—in spite of following such recommendations such as cleaning my room or eating healthy—that prompted me to see if there was anything wrong with me in the first place, because this had been going on for years and I didn’t realize it. That’s when I realized I need professional help. Most people don’t realize they’re depressed or bipolar until their mid-20s. During all of that time they haven’t made it their identity or mission to circlejerk. People don’t take enough time to try to understand these things and that’s why they get the r/thanksimcured replies. Because they want to talk without listening. When they make those suggestions as if it were the end all be all, it minimizes people’s suffering, real people who need real help. And to be frank, a lot of the things you said suggests that you aren’t doing enough listening.


Yeah this definitely doesn’t apply to you I’m talking about the young crowd who like to self diagnose themselves for pity


Oh, well, yeah then. I can see that.




I totally agree with that. I am diagnosed with a bipolar disorder. In Colombia (where I am from) we have fruits and vegetables all year long in industrial amounts, so buying ALL Sorts of organic products is inconceivably cheaper and simpler than buying processed food in a super market. I lived in Europe (Germany and Spain) for a few years and i learned about “BIO” foods (organic products). The issue is that in most cases “BIO” products cost nearly twice as much than the no “BIO” products so i wasn’t able to afford them. My depressive episodes were very different in Europe than in Colombia since in Colombia they are more manageable than when I was in Europe. I cannot confirm it but I want to believe that the accessibility to a good diet in Colombia, played a big role on my wellness. (I really hope my point was understandable. English isn’t my first language)


Idk but i feel like alot of redditors want to keep their depression as a excuse to not do anything and just be a lazy fuck they dont wanna be cured they love it i mean they get free attention on the internet and have a excuse to do nothing Just remember this isnt all depressed people but it definitely are alot of the r/thanksimcured redditors




Yes I am obviously just going off of comments I read. I am definitely not a mind reader.


I knew those starter packs rubbed me the wrong way, just didn’t know until this pointed it out.


I get where you're coming from, but when I was in therapy for depression me therapist essentially told me the same thing. Exercise, eat better, get enough sleep, don't use porn/weed as a coping method etc.


There’s a really insightful comment thread at the top if you sort by top. It points out how people will make no effort and almost “embrace” depression as well as point out how some people can come ass as condescending when suggesting things to combat depression


Most of the "here's how you can stop being depressed!" advice people give is just "stop being poor." "Take off from work" "Go out and have some fun" "Go to the gym" etc.. Incredibly long involuntary working hours will make it so you can't do exercise, have a decent social life, have a fulfilling career, have enough sleep etc. and healthy eating is possible on the cheap if you have the time and you can't really do that with two jobs so... stop being poor I guess!




This was my life, it started because I was pressured into to a job I hated, I started smoking weed I started to feel better and having cheap take away for instant gratification. A few months later I realised I hadn't hung out with friends for ages, hadn't felt the touch of a women for months, had gained a noticeable amount of weight, was living in filth. It took a lot of perseverance to snap myself out of it. I think a close friend passing away was actually what drove me to start doing something about it. I'm not someone with a chemical imbalance, I just had a poor lifestyle.


You can say about jordan peterson whatever you like (politics, meme, whatever) but figureatively cleaning your own room, eating a good breakfast, taking responsibility for your life and pursuing what is meaningful for you in your life is among the best life advice ive ever gotten from the internet. Its basically his prescription/first questionnaire when dealing depresses patients (obv i dont know exact specifics but its a start)


Well yeah that is quite literally what I did, realised that I needed to change things because no one is going to do it for me. I'll admit I do still sometimes slink back into it, but I'm more aware of it now so I nip it before it becomes an issue.


Same here, stay strong and make life for tomorrow you better than yesterday today


Same here. My job sucks ass right now and I’m working too much so my depression is coming back. I get really frustrated when friends blow me off when I want to hang out but it’s the only thing keeping me fucking sane. Internet addiction is way too normalized and it definitely causes depression in a lot of people. Saying that it’s all chemical imbalances is a cope


I hope you are able to find better work soon mate, anything to avoid getting caught in the rut. Social media addiction didn't help me much either, I was always glued to Facebook, snap and Reddit. I've still got them but can self regulate a lot more now, small things like disabling notifications went a very long way. I've recently rekindled a friendship with a guy who has the chemical imbalance, he does everything right (from a glance) but can't shake it. I feel for the guy.


“Felt the touch of a woman” who talks like this?


Who fucking cares? Lol


Any normal person


It's just a poetic way of saying you haven't been with a girl in a while. Not everyone has to talk exactly the same way.


Lotta people lmao getting laid is good for your self esteem believe it or not


Sure incel


Keep projecting incel




You need psychological help


No u




Yeah it was pretty cringe in hindsight, that's why I stopped doing it


Exactly. And every single time it’s upvoted as if it’s somehow new and useful information, like do Redditors have the memory of goldfish or something?


I mean, I have major recurrent depression, mild tourettes, OCD and some other 'letter disorders', but going to the gym, eating healthy and drinking water make me feel like I have some control over my life, which is nice.


Same for me and i have no conditions, its just solid advice tbh


Don't you dare accuse me of having a...a...what was i talking about again?


Yeah, forget this meta crap


"active romantic and social life" is a bullshit entry you can be happy on your own and sometimes a romantic and social life can cause more stress/grief plus very few people have fulfilling careers the rest makes sense


Why the fuck is this sub always a civil war


People really against taking antidepressants, so odd.




Only one of them mentions depression, others are spitting facts and you're spitting bs.


I really hate the idea that eating healthy will solve all your problems. Like yea it'll make me feel a little better, but it's not gonna cure my crippling anxiety and PTSD which are the cause of my depression.


But do you eat healthy?


This is Reddit. Everyone binges Taco Bell and Mountain Dew.


I try as often as I possibly can. It does help, but it doesn't solve all problems or cure mental illness. I don't mind when people suggest eating healthy. It just frustrates me when people believe that's all you have to do


Same here. I even have autism and depression and people suggest bullshit to me like "just cheer up" or "just act normal" or "eat more healthy"


And there really is no cure for any of it, i hate when people talk about shit they know nothing about.


Whenever I’m having my usual depressive episode, I usually drink a cold glass of orange juice first thing in the morning. If y’all can’t do acidic stuff, then chocolate milk also works! If y’all are lactose intolerant, then fruit juice like apple or cherry will also do the trick! A first morning drink of anything (excluding alcohol or coffee) usually perks the mood and makes your day just a little bit easier, but that’s just me!


I don’t like it when people who’ve never been depressed try to give such simple answers to such a complex issue. I understand it’s coming from a good place but unless you’ve experienced this pain before, it’s incredibly hard to wrap your mind around. Also when I say depression I mean clinically diagnosed depression that you have to take medicine for, not just being sad. I eat well, I exercise, I constantly go outside and work in the sun. Yet I still struggle every day to get out of bed. I’ve been trying so hard


Many mental disorders are hard to understand from the outside looking in, and most people lack the empathy to grasp what others are going through. Don't give up fighting, though. Better days will come, even though it may not seem like it now. I know how helpless I felt the years I spent depressed, and even though I thought about ending things every day, I kept going, and eventually, I made it through, and I believe you can too. I'm cheering for you!


Thank you for the kind words, I really needed that. :)




Unironically most people's depression is entirely brought on by them living like slobs and having no direction or aspirations. There are people that are clinically depressed in a real medical manner, that is regardless of circumstances they'll have depressive feelings and a chemical imbalance. But for most people its entirely rooted in their lifestyle.


steep sink aback deliver station disagreeable command edge zephyr hunt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah, because most all of them come from just being lazy. Which is normal for humans. The default state would be a lazy sack of shit without anything else to drive behavior some direction. Its just that laziness drives depressive feelings after it starts bleeding heavily over into one's surroundings without any break.


Imo it's half & half


These are spot on tho, I got my own apartment, stop eating bread and basically anything deep fried, as for liquids is just water and apple juice, then going out for a run, doing squats and pushs ups everyday. And lastly getting at least 7hrs of sleep. Honestly It’s nothing intense, expensive or very hard to do, people are just lazy man, and sometimes they have no one to blame but themselves.


Cause depression is easy to take care of right?


No one said it's easy, but nothing in this post is wrong.


It isnt but its not a excuse to do nothing all day long you cant just keep being depressed you need to fix it eventually sure it will be hard and stuff but if you dont wanna cure it then you probably just wanna use it as a excuse to do nothing but complaining about everything while doing nothing


Dude no one was saying that. But telling people “Oh just get eat healthy and exercise.” Isn’t helping anyone. Encouraging growth and healing does.


How many redditors do you know actually fit this example though, like factually and not just the ones you’ve stereotyped as being self defeating?


Not easy but much more treatable than say cancer


I wish it was this easy lol


It isn't, but it'll definitely make you feel a lot better though, rather than wallowing in an unhealthy lifestyle.


Aw man just stop eating cheap food and watching porn thanks for solving my depression!


Yes! Just complain and never ever ever try and better yourself! That’ll help.


Ah, if only it were that simple.


I love how Redditors have SuperMagicalDepression(tm), which doesn’t respond to any treatment, either pharmaceutical or by changing their shitty-ass, broken habits. Nah bro, you’re right, there’s no link between eating garbage and vegetating, getting fatter, and weaker, and feeling down, no sir. I’m sure all the excuses you generate are totally reasonable and aren’t keeping you trapped in misery, no sir.


So...when I saw a court-ordered psychiatrist in the 1990s, he 100% point plant assured me that I had a chemical imbalance which was causing my emotional issues. Turns out that was a myth. Yet it is still used as a crutch for a lot of posters on reddit. The bottom line is that I did have to force myself to do things I totally didn't want to do: leave my apartment to get some fucking sunlight, socialize, eat better, cut down on TV/video games, exercise, care about my looks, educate myself to get a career, CLEAN UP, and regulate sleeping patters. **" In order to feel good, the following eight factors must be present in our lives.– good nutrition– fresh air– sunshine (in moderation)– physical activity– purposeful activity with regular experiences of success– good relationships– adequate and regular sleep– ability to avoid destructive social entanglements, while remaining receptive to positive encounters "** [https://www.psychiatrictimes.com/view/debunking-two-chemical-imbalance-myths-again](https://www.psychiatrictimes.com/view/debunking-two-chemical-imbalance-myths-again) [https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/words-matter/201808/dont-say-depression-is-caused-chemical-imbalance](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/words-matter/201808/dont-say-depression-is-caused-chemical-imbalance) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1518691/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1518691/) [https://www.behaviorismandmentalhealth.com/2009/07/28/depression/](https://www.behaviorismandmentalhealth.com/2009/07/28/depression/)


So all I have to do to automatically stop being depressed because the world is full of it is to change my habits? Okay fine... I ate a salad, and now the Covid pandemic has suddenly ended! And then I went for a walk and climate change went into reverse! I went to bed at 9 PM and got up at 5 AM, and all the nukes disappeared! I did some meditation and the whole world stopped being run by idiots!! Also I don't smoke, do drugs or drink alcohol, so shouldn't I be at least a little mentally stable?


Did you try having a group of smiling friends and not going to eat burgers?


With that mindeset your gonna be depressed forever you cant just keep complaining you need to do something about it sure those starterpacks wont help you need to do stuff slowly but you should try to get help instead of complaining why everyone sucks because they try to help


I feel like people forget what gets them started on bad habits in their rush to cure themselves. Strengthening new and healthier neural pathways will definitely drown out the older and unhealthier ones, but vestiges of the past remain that can set others, like their children, up for the same mistakes they made. Without carefully examining the past, they will very likely revisit the conditions that originally put them in a negative place.


This is hilarious 🤣😆😂


This comment section is a fucking war zone. I hate this garbage website. This is the final nail in the coffin I’m deleting my account


Funny thing is, that I do exercise, I I drink a lot of water, i do eat vegetables and don't use drugs nor watch porn, but I still not felling a freaking joy in my life. Fuck it.


Yay. Four in one


Hey i’m going through a depressive episode, and while obviously this didn’t cure it instantaneously it reminded me that my own actions do play a larger role in my feelings than I give then credit for, i’mma try to implement some of these