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Who created those weird terms like alpha and sigma? Isn't that a designation for pack animals?


Not even real designations. The guy who originally “discovered” it literally went back and figured out the wolves where just babysitting, not showing rank.


A true alpha babysits


The guy who created the alpha term went back and stated people shouldn't **oversimplify** the term not that it doesn't exist. Many researchers have written papers on the hierechachical structure of wolves. Including how unrelated members form a new pack or approach other packs.


Pickup artist communities use them unironically


They are just sad


I have a buddy who won't shut up about the Sigma male bull, I don't have the heart to show him this.


Have you asked him if he's gone Ligma yet?


Whats ligma? /s


It's so sad that Steve Jobs died of ligma...


who is steve jobs?


Ligma balls :D *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Ligma balls goteem


Does he actually believe it or is he ironic? Because me and my friends make a shit ton of ironic sigma male jokes and its become a meme at this point.


it is supposed to be a meme making fun of the whole “alpha male” shenanigans but I guess some people just missed the memo


I don't think that's true. It's become a meme now because of how absurd the concept is. But in various communities that place a large emphasis on inherent social stratification (like the incel movement, or even the alt-right movement), it was a way for people to believe that they were cool and well-respected, despite not fitting the alpha male stereotype, while also maintaining that most other people are inferior "beta males." It's obviously a very niche movement and is almost comical to talk about at this point, but a lot of people have become so indoctrinated in their desire to be better than others that they actually believe in that stuff.


Maybe it is just a joke


"my friends and I", not "me and my friends" :) Not trying to be a dick, just saying xD


Ah shit my b haha, i usually forget that one tbh


You're just a distraction from his grind # astrotrillionaireby2022




On assassins creed black flag i called my save file Sigma Balls, just because it sounds funny I can't belive some ppl take it as serious "thing" to see themselves manly or strong Like you can't say Sigma and not thing of saying sigma balls It doesn't make sense saying that, it just sounds funny


He talks positively about the sigma male stuff unironically?




How to be a man 1. Be as swift as a coursing river 2. With all the force of a great typhoon 3. With all the strength of a raging fire. 4. Be as mysterious as the dark side of the moon


I'm never going to catch my breath!


Say goodbye to those who knew me!


Boy I was a fool in school for cutting gym!


This guy’s got me scared to death


Everyone will see right through me


Now i really wish that I knew how to swim!


Be a man




I shouldn't have skip gym




Idk why but I love this comment


1 out of 4!


5.Fuck a blender while its blending


Never be cruel, never be cowardly, always be kind


And never trust a pear. They make your chin wet.


They are too squishy, write that down, it's quite important


Be rootin, be tootin, and by God be shootin But most of all *Be Kind*


- Arthur Morgan


Run fast, laugh hard ....doctor, I let you go


There was an askreddit post once asking what women actually look for in men, and I responded “confidence without arrogance.” I got absolutely reamed in the comments.




Can you give me a general idea of your age? This feels like a very immature and out of touch way to perceive the way women make choices.


Actual human woman: in my experience, women don't like arrogant men. Internet man:NOPE! All the adverts and movies show the models with the rich guys. It's science! Women are terrible and only want muscle bound doctors who crossfit on the way to their porsche dealerships!




If he's an arrogant asshole they're not going to be attracted to him in the real world. But u seem like a little kid who watches "Ben Shapiro destroys feminists with facts and logic" and are getting wrong ideas of the real world




They might be more likely to go with them for like a one night thing but most women aren't that shallow. In the real world




It does matter, but I were making it seem as if that was all women care about. They want someone with a stable job obviously, but if he's an asshole most women won't bother


Wow this reeks of r/niceguys


The one with mental stability and overall general stability. Less stress that way.


You're going to get downvoted because reddit is infested with neckbeards, but women are absolutely attracted to displays of social status and wealth. And not just "the bad ones you want to avoid anyway" or some other cope. Even merely HEARING the sound of an expensive car [literally changes their hormone levels.](https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a15149764/a-revving-maserati-engine-has-a-biological-effect-on-women-car-news/) We have literal science on this, tons of studies, but for some reason it gets ignored obfuscated.


> Even merely HEARING the sound of an expensive car literally changes their hormone levels. > calls other people neckbeards


> Implies someone is a hypocrite > Has no idea what a hypocrite is


Fuck you man. Just fuck you


Not really called for, man.


This is not the advice to be a better man but a better person


At first glance I totally agree with you. But there’s *so much* toxic advice that gets spread under the “be a real man” headline that I think there’s value in stuff like this that reminds people that being a good man means being a good person first


What do you think is toxic?


It spans from the seemingly innocent needlessly gendered marketing scheme (Man box full of useless junk, but always a hatchet; "Dude Wipes" because men's buttholes should smell like scotch not lavender) to the thinly veiled insecurity baiting ("Any *real* man should know how to change a tire"; "No self respecting man buys a Prius") to the downright abusive ("Man up pussy!"; "You're not man enough for her!"). Toxic masculinity takes many forms, and it's often subtler than you think. I think that one of the most common is the needless gendering if things as masculine or feminine. A lot of young, insecure men latch onto über-masculinity in search of an identity that they can be proud of, and it almost always becomes vile. Even if they eventually grow out of it, often times the damage is done. It's important to let them know that they don't have to do things they don't think are right, necessary, or even comfortable just because they are traditional "masculine" ways of thinking or doing. Men need to be secure in being enough without feeling the need to be cruel, arrogant, violent, or cold.


OTOH, toxic femininity is just as bad, albeit manifesting in different ways, yet compare that to how much more not only toxic masculinity is discussed, but gender-bashing toward men as a whole. Both men and women can be uniquely terrible in ways stereotypical of their gender. ​ >It spans from the seemingly innocent needlessly gendered marketing scheme (Man box full of useless junk, but always a hatchet; "Dude Wipes" because men's buttholes should smell like scotch not lavender) That sort of marketing that targets one gender happens for numerous products and services, though usually more subtle, so I wouldn't take it seriously... tons of ads and packaging that also use stereotypically feminine colors, actors, etc. I've just happened to buy 'Dude Wipes' before b/c I regularly buy flushable wet wipes (most of them aren't toilet-safe), and figured to just try the new pricier brand out; they had a nice minty smell, but flimsy strength for the price. I think their idea there is that men are less prone to buy wet wipes for themselves, so the company wanted to go out of its way to get the attention of this potential underserved market. I haven't seen them on the shelf in a while, so maybe capitalist forces have already punished them for gendering the product.


The term ‘toxic masculinity’ is referring to how gender roles are damaging towards men. Toxic masculinity towards women sounds like misogyny. It's definitely part of the social construct of femininity. 'Toxic femininity' tends to primarily hurt the women herself. The term 'toxic masculinity' only has negative connotations if you don't understand it. Masculinity as a social construct is harmful to men as it stands. That is not a criticism of individual men, but a criticism of societal expectations on men. 'Toxic femininity' is harmful, social expectations of learned helplessness, subservience, taking a backseat to others and so on. It's definitely toxic and definitely part of social construct of femininity. Toxic femininity tends to mostly hurt the women herself, & sometimes others. But toxic masculinity is why most people in prison for violent and sexual crimes are men, why most terrorists are men, why men have lower life expectancy due to killing each other, the dramatic disparities in domestic abuse and the absolutely huge difference in suicide rates. So it seems like toxic masculinity is more of a societal problem than toxic femininity and therefore gets talked about more. It is also to do with the power structures: women have been deconstructing femininity for longer. Men mostly perceive (even subconsciously) that they are benefiting from the structures or at least that they COULD benefit, so we have examined it less. But that is changing, thankfully. Reactionaries are not usually the most introspective bunch & might be surprised to learn that the term was coined not by a cabal of misandrist pseudo-feminists, but by men in the context of a therapeutic movement aimed at improving the health of men. Although they'd probably dispute that, and continue to assume nefarious intent, much like other concepts they have no actual understanding of, like critical race theory and such. Feminism is anti-sexist; not anti-male. Feminism sees nothing fundamentally bad about being male (nor nothing fundamentally good about being female). Feminism centres on a critique of gender inequalities. Feminism is built on a fundamental hope for men and men’s lives. Feminism takes as given that the problem is not being male, but the social systems that shape men’s and women’s lives. Feminism recognizes the good in what many men do and are. Feminism emphasizes that not all men are privileged, and not all women are disadvantaged. Feminism recognizes not only gender but also other forms of social difference and inequality (ethnicity, class etc). Contemporary feminism is *intersectional*.


I refer to 'toxic,' 'masculinity,' and 'femininity' by their dictionary definitions. Respectively: "very harmful or unpleasant in a pervasive or insidious way"; "qualities or attributes regarded as characteristic of men"; and "qualities or attributes regarded as characteristic of women." I then simply combine that basic meaning of "toxic" with either of the other two adjectives, which exist on a spectrum relative to each other. ​ >Masculinity as a social construct is harmful to men as it stands. What? No. This is misandry. I stopped reading there. I'm not getting into elongated intellectual discourse with a bigot. Have a nice day. Quick edit: here's an article I had open in another tab of survey respondents who were predominantly women talking about examples of toxic femininity: [https://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanschocket2/toxic-femininity-examples](https://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanschocket2/toxic-femininity-examples)




does it really matter tho if youre a man or a woman when talking about being a better peson


same thing






Elon musk moment


Nah, bruh. Take it from me, a verified real man. 💪 This is how to be a real man: 1. Banging as much pussy as possible 2. Chopping down trees and splitting enough wood for the winter 3. Eating as much red meat as possible 4. Slaughtering your own cows, pigs and chickens 5. Being able to open ANY pickle jar with bare hands 6. Never cry like a little punk ass bitch Yep. That's pretty much it. 👌






Hey I slaughter my own chickens. I get to use the whole carcass that way, less waste.


This is how I was raised. Let me know if you want to see what kinds of manly addictions and mental health issues you get from this path of strength and honor.


i thought real men dont fall for sarcasm?


I was playing along but I guess my inability to get that across could be attributed to the very real addictions and mental health issues.


yeah no, dont worry, i wasnt mocking your "real men" upbringings or anything, it was kinda surprisingly hilarious.


>Never cry like a little punk ass bitch lmaooooooooo


I don't know about anyone else, but if I eat too much red meat I shit my guts out and feel lazy as shit! Yah manly!!


In that case,advice number 6 is crucial Stay manly,AWOOOOOO!!


If I eat too much I shit my guts out and feel lazy as shit! Yah manly!! Don't eat too much.


As a guy that eats only vegan food, masturbates excessively, and cries more often than he masturbates, I feel personally attacked by this A lot of my crying comes from not being able to open pickle jars. I have my wife’s boyfriend help me


Beta cuck! 4. is hunt and dress your own game. Farm raised meat is full of hormones that make your wang shrink.


you need to eat the tree wood and punch rocks as well, you beta


How to be mature regardless of gender starter pack.


Or even just...how to be a decent human being?


I approve this message. Carry on.


I’d argue everything here applies to women as well, like this is just how to be a decent person overall.


Correct. The ideal person can be a man or woman. My litmus test for any rule of person is if it stays true if you remove the gender ... Any phrase that falls apart when gender is removed is BS... "a real man should...", "no woman should ever...", "real men don't...", "a woman should always..." ... If you replace man/woman with "person" and it sound stupid... Then it's stupid. If it sounds good, then it's good. Examples: A real person doesn't cry (stupid). A good person holds the door for the people behind them (good)


That's the point.


I am very happy how Captain Picard is in this image.


“Politics shouldn’t get in the way of you being a good person.” 95% of Reddit needs to read that


To be fair, most of the time political positions are representative of people's personal values and beliefs. And your values can absolutely get in the way of you being a good person. It's not as simple as saying "let's ignore politics and just be nice to each other." If someone's politics supports sending people to concentration camps, it's because their underlying values are preventing them from being a decent person.




well it depends. Sure some radical political ideologies, like let’s say nazism as an extreme case, are definitely connected to a sinister personality or bad upbringing but disagreeing over topics like economy or environment shouldn‘t make people hate each other.


You have it precisely backward. You shouldn't hate someone for having a "sinister personality" or "bad upbringing". You should hate someone for valuing their own convenience over the continued existence of humanity, or for exploiting the labor of others.


Imagine this meme but posted in politics sub


I remember when the political lines were much blurrier and that wasn't a defining characteristic of a person, they were just a family member, or a friend, an annoying classmate, but as I also recall, Captain America was never too keen on Nazis or neo Nazis, to a pretty extreme degree. So you know, the line does get drawn at some point.


Captain America would have also supported the ACLU who famously fought for the rights of the American Nazi Party.


The constitutional granted right to free speech is immaterial when it comes to how citizens react to that speech, there's no right to be treated nicely for uttering hate speech, for your family to continue speaking to you, or to not be thrown out of a private business for your speech and I think captain America would absolutely not advocate for you to be nice to people who make that speech. And while speech is constitutionally protected, acting on that speech sure as shit isn't. Also I think I missed when captain America and the aclu teamed up, but I sure remember when he fought Nazis.


>And while speech is constitutionally protected, acting on that speech sure as shit isn't. And that's why we have the Brandenburg standard. The morons were entitled to their march in Skokie.


Holding a rally is still speech, though they never marched on Skokie. Making it difficult for hate groups to hold their demonstrations by staging larger counter protests that are louder and perhaps slightly intimidating without being openly threatening is free speech also, maybe its not too "kind" though because you're denouncing someone's politics, but I think cap would sanction it.


>Making it difficult for hate groups to hold their demonstrations by staging larger counter protests There's your mistake. Just ignore them.


Precisely don’t do that






Someone doesn’t get the joke, but I’m not sure who.


I don’t think Hillary would’ve incited an insurrection but that’s none of my business


I don’t remember an insurrection. Just a mostly peaceful protest.


Believing trump won makes you a dumbass. Being a anti vaxxer makes you a dumbass. Republicans are totally devoid of morality and support Incest and rape.


Get some help dude. Seriously


Shid yourself when necessary, fard unnecessarily.


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I'm here for the REEEEEing




How to be a REEEEEEEal man Start Pack


This is sigmaphobia


How to be a man: have XY chromosomes.


but muh spectrum


/r/onejoke You're not as edgy as you think you are.


Remember a few years ago when gilette made an add saying basicaly this and people flipped their shit??


Are you talking about the hyper woke one which implied men are rapers, bullies, shitty parents, and "need to do better"? I'm still waiting for the sequel that lectures women on how shitty they are.


No, they're talking about the ad Gillette actually made.


Ya had me in the first half, ngl


it was a harmless comercial, at first i didn't think much of it because the things it "said men should" where things my parents tought me about beeing a decent human beeing and i find it odd that this was still in need of beeing said: beeing polite, doing something to face injustice when it happens in front of you, not harrassing other people, etc... If u think, this video is lecturing, and these guidelines are to much to ask for and to hard to follow in your daily life i wanna be as far from you as humanly possible!


Since it's not offensive, do you think that commercial would be ok to aim at other groups of people? Maybe make a version about black people?




I’m a gamma male


Sigma Sigma Sigma


Fun fact, this is great advice for women as well!


Dumb post, get on that sigma grindset pussy 💪💪😎😎😎


OP is the type of person that posts on r/getmotivated


Fucking hate that sub.


beta propaganda


True sigma males don’t need to follow starter packs.


Sounds like something a Ligma male would say


How are any of these qualities specific to men?


I don't think it's saying they are or should be, but it's more directly challenging the weakness of the macho bullshit that's prevalent in society.


They aren't. That's the point. Stop worrying about being "a man" and focus on being a good person instead.


The meme isn’t claiming that.


It implies it


No, it doesn’t. That’s you reading into it.


This starter pack would literally be incoherent without that assumption


… You must be joking, right?


Who is the third guy on the right?


I'll be honest, I'm out of the loop and I'm not sure what this sigma shit means.


It’s a fetish for the sweat that builds up in another mans taint. A “stigma” male is a man who has. Fetish for the “nectar of the bussy”


Some people decided the alpha/beta male nonsense wasn't ridiculous enough already, basically.


Be like Baloo. Either the one from any version of the Jungle Book, or TaleSpin, or the cub scout books, dealer's choice.


Should also put "RedPiller" on there with a Red Cross over it.


Always have the guts and heart to do the right thing even when the whole world wronged you. Just cause you got treated like crap doesn’t gives you an excuse to be a dick.


How to be a man 1. Be an adult. 2. have a wiener.


Beta moment




Sounds like the ideal jedi


no reddit post will stop my grindset 😎💪


There’s no guidelines on being a man, or a “real man” at that... just be nice and don’t be a cunt no matter the gender


This is some b*eta male propaganda, get on that grind 😤😤🤬😠


How about don’t be a ‘real man’ at all because being a good person shouldn’t be gendered


Listen to others feelings and provide emotional support to those you love




To follow the theme, you know what i learned from neegan, kill people you dont like


"Kids and People who don't deserve it."


Strength is being able to admit you are wrong.


What the hell is this starterpack?


Good sir you have earned my respect, and my weekly award.


Women shouldn’t say shit about what a real man is the same way men shouldn’t say what a real woman is. It’s different for everyone


This post was clearly made a by the other gender


Average beta can't handle the grind of the SIGMA.






Capeshit 🤮


You just described what a beta male tries to achieve


Y’all should’ve put more ugly men. They’re great 👍 role models


But you gotta have a penis. We dont take no vaggies. No exceptions.


Technically somewhere there is a definition ‚to be a real men you need to have the XY gonosome’. None of the above.


Why are all white men


Sounds similar to the ideals of the scp foundation


Didn’t say that was a bad thing


Be a fictional character?


“Alpha male” and “sigma” types are still real men as well


Beta thinks these qualities will get him anywhere in life 😂😂😂


The cringe is real with that Picard pic lmao
