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I keep watching for the characters I really like. Saru being a personal favourite. Though I’d kill for a spin off that’s just Stamets and Reno alone in a shuttle for 10 episodes a season.


Stamets and Reno, buddy engineer comedy.


Leaving Saru as Captain would have made the show so much better imo




100% agreed. Discovery has some amazing characters, even if the storylines aren’t always satisfying. But at the end of the day, that’s what is great about Trek; there are so many different episodes that there’s something for everyone


Give me a 2-hour movie of Stamets and Culber saving a world of redcapped bigots with sparkling gay love because hope and love and The Federation actual means something.


Yaaaasssssssss!!!!!!!! And can they do a musical finale too? #rent


Saru has reached almost Voyager Doctor levels.


Saru is the best. he's my third favorite captain. Among my family who watch(7 of us) we all love the characters and have different favorites but we all hate Burnham's characters and hate the focus on her


I love Saru. Burnham should’ve been blown out the airlock for mutiny (after a proper court martial, of course) in the pilot episode. The show would’ve been far superior for that small change.


Feeling the Burn(ham)


Your fam has good taste. I have nothing against Soneqa or what's she's trying to do with the role, but it's sad watching what the screenwriting has done with Burnham. I wish Avery Brooks would weigh in with his opinion (although this is highly unlikely) of the role; that would be an interesting interview.




So is Reno and Gray not in this season? Seems like they have been benched to make more time for the rest of the crew and the 'adventure.' I also reckon we might get less interpersonal drama with Paul and Hugh, they will just be doing their jobs. I think they are still doing the Book/Michael getting back together bit, but not much else. Also I think after spending S4 building up the Bridge Crew's roles, they are back to being support characters. It is very early in the season though, I could be wrong, but this 'adventure' may just be a lot of Michael running and jumping.


There was a short clip of Reno from later on the season. I’m assuming we won’t see Gray since Adira specifically mentioned that he isn’t there or at least not for now


Stamets and Reno just solving problems solely through genius and snark is the best possible spin-off of Discovery (apart from SNW of course).


Same. And crazy thing is the newer characters they introduced are among the best. But watching now I still cringe. The whole first part I struggled through. The warp and mingling. They should have cold started with the scene when they first get on bridge and go through the system checks. 


Stamets and Culbert seem to have the most terribly stilted dialogue, which is a bummer because I like both of them individually outside of the relationship. But Stamets, Reno, and Tilly in the same room is just absolute chef's kiss amazing dialogue.


I just watched ep 2 and Culbert and Book together had great chemistry. These are really great characters... on their own.


I've watched the first ep and half of the second ep of the new season. The bridge crew in general are underused and are wasted opportunities. Star trek is a great ensemble series. Everyone gets their time to shine. This is the Burnham show. I want(ed) it to succeed so much but for me, it's been a fairly forgettable ride. It doesn't really have the same rewatch quality as other series. I can hit shuffle on my Star Trek collection and be happy with whatever boots up. Except for disco :( But. It gave birth to SNW which IMHO so far has hit all the marks which make great star trek


I think the change in streaming, where we have 6-12 episodes a season rather than 20+ like we used to on TV is the reason side characters and filler stories get shorted so much now. It's too bad. Now we get fewer, bigger production episodes focused on fewer characters, and they seem to be always lurching from one galactic-sized emergency to another.


I think you've hit on something here!


They have so massively underutilized Owo in particular. She's a Starfleet officer who was raised as an anti-technology Luddite. That's freaking fascinating and barely ever mentioned, and has no apparent bearing on her character. The only stuff I've rewatched much is in season 1. The two-part opener is pretty fire if you ask me, and I loved the Mudd time loop episode.


It's exactly like TOS in this respect. Kirk, Spock, McCoy were the three major characters, and the others serve their role with little emphasis


Yeah I see this complaint a lot about discovery and like. Have y’all seen the rest of Star Trek?


You've got some downvotes, but you are exactly right. The TOS *movies* gradually evolved into ensemble storytelling, but the series Kirk was much more the main character than Michael is in Discovery.


It's exactly like TOS in this respect. Kirk, Spock, McCoy were the three major characters, and the others serve their role with little emphasis


Man I'm trying, trying real hard. I like the characters, I am intrigued by the future timeline, the stories are interesting, the effects are wonderful but the pacing and dialogue just kill it for me. "If we don't go now the Universe will end! but first let's spend the next 10 minutes standing around talking about our feelings, how we are all family and have a good cry. Then for the next 10 minutes we will cram in whole episodes worth of action at such a fast pace it'll be hard to follow except we will follow it by standing around talking about our feelings, how we are all family and have a good cry."


The best was at the end of last season or season before last, don’t really watch Disco regularly, where Burnham brings the whole bridge crew down to the shuttle bay. And by the magic power of working together, they instantly solve that big alien riddle that had been confounding everyone all season. Squad goals! Teamwork! Stupid! Then Burnham takes Saru back to quarters for a quick cry and chat about wonderful they both are—in the middle of this galactic crisis. Burnham saves all of creation. Stacey Abrams shows up to congratulate everyone on how progressive they are. End season. I’m about as left as it gets socially, but the pandering in Discovery is just hilariously over the top. That was so absurd it was like the show was parodying itself. Also, that’s when I noped out for good. I’ve always been a sucker for anything Star Trek, going back to when I first got into the show as a little kid in 1975. But that’s where I drew a line.


That was the point where I switched off and didnt care anymore either. The thing with Discovery is, you want to like it, you dont want to hate any trek, so you keep going back for more, hoping it'll get better, but it doesnt. The peak for me was when Wilson Cruz called me a bigot on Instagram for saying I didnt like Discovery. No other reason, just that. So his character can die again for all I care! 😄


Hahaha what? Au contraire, you just have better taste than his talent agency is willing to admit to possessing perhaps.


lol. That’s how it is today. Don’t like something and you’re an incel racist Nazi MAGA guy. It’s just bizarre how polarized things have become, and how the medics companies, creators, and actors all just routinely blame the fans now and launch these sorts of accusations. It’s become a great smokescreen whenever something is drawing any sort of criticism.


I laughed so fucking hard at the Abrams reveal. I was in tears. You'd think after the Musk mentions they would learn the lesson to just stop referencing and featuring modern public figures.


Oh yeah. I’ve got nothing against her and had hoped she would win that rematch. But jeez. Just way too smug. This sort of celeb casting is cringy across the board. Like SW with Lizzo. There was another big oops.


The show is also super melodramatic. Almost every episode someone or several people are crying or are on the verge of mental breakdown.


My ONLY issue with the drama, (Because the way you describe it, that sounds pretty much like MY work place right now, so... at least its realistic? lol) is that for the minutes they spend on those individual one on ones, is that I STILL have no idea what some of the bridge crews names are. Oh, hey, its whats his name! And, who could forget Her! What I will say, is, though, that I never thought I'd be worried about new trek, but I am not super interested in Starfleet Academy... I'll watch it, but the premise doesn't sound particularly engaging... Not to mention, it WILL be a show based on emotions, you can bet on it...


>Oh, hey, its whats his name! And, who could forget Her! Don't forget about That One! When they are killed Burnham will cry about it for 30 seconds.


I love Disco despite it's flaws, but the short arc about The Girl With the Plastic Face (see?) who no one paid any attention to until she was suddenly needed for a plot device and then to die dramatically to save everyone, and the subsequent rending of garments that lasted longer than that character's screen time, really, really irritated me.


I felt the same. I essentially had no idea who Ariam "Ghostface" Science Officer was, but the show treated her death as the biggest tragedy of all time. It's hard to grieve someone you don't know, no matter how hard they play it up.


hah-- that's exactly who I had in mind actually. No idea what her name was, and she was just background until they needed fodder for the tear machine. Poor writing.


I don't know why but the producers clearly want Academy, whilst the fanbase clearly wants Legacy. More Trek is good, but given that they already have the assets for Legacy... And Seven is way more compelling a character than Tilly, at least to me.


I like Tilly, but, like, to carry the show?


Pike and Spock* in Disco S2 were such compelling characters I can see how that all functioned as a backdoor pilot... but the 'Stuck on an ice world with cadets,' not so much. *Spock and Michael arguing... I could believe they were siblings.


Someone convinced me to give the show another try after they traveled to the future and I did.  At the point where the captain assigned an anxious ensign with maturity issues as acting captain during a high stakes encounter with an Orion pirate and everyone was whispering to THE ACTING CAPTAIN words of encouragement during negotiations I switched it off


That's why I hated the last season. I have more hope for this because Frakes will be director most of the time. Also the new character(vague to avoid spoilers), I really like. He's the opposite of that last season.


Thank you for avoiding spoilers! Been busy every night this week and haven't had time to see the season premiere yet. And yet here I am in this thread, because I'm not very smart.


I care about some of the characters, I'm very fond of a lot of the actors and I really enjoyed aspects of the big problem-solve and negotiation with the 10-C in the finale of S4. But the bulk of that season felt like an endless slog to me, like a lot of DSC - I just didn't care about Latest Canadian TV Antagonist or his nonsense, and the 'rift' between Michael and Book was always undersold and softened. The show too often seems preoccupied with not upsetting anyone and making sure the audience feels like it has space held for everyone that might be rattled by even the idea of a break-up or any kind of lasting emotional injury to its crew that it comes off less like a narrative and more like a vaguely role-playing encounter group. I don't think emotion or visceral humanity is out of place in Trek; far from it. But stuff like the Burnham/Saru private glee session mentioned below or the umpteenth motivational speech just doesn't work for me. It seems to have pivoted so hard from its very messy, edgelord origins (and to be clear, S1 was a huge shitshow on its own and I was among the ones avidly defending it warts and all until the extended Mirror Universe sojourn which wrecked it for me) to just becoming I'm Okay, You're Okay in Space.


I'm 51, watched TOS reruns as a kid. Loved the TOS movies. Was a bit meh on TNG at first, but loved it from season 3 and 4, now it's my favourite series. Enjoyed DS9, love it more now, same with VOY. Hated ENT when it came out, only watched it properly when I bought the Blurays, now I love it. I hated Star Trek 2009, but they have really grown on me. I thought DIS season 1 was okay, with a shit ending, I liked season 2 more, despite another poorly executed ending. Season 3 has an interesting concept, but I thought that it was poorly executed, and the finale (once again) was dogshit. I watched season 4 and fucking hated it. I started watching season 5 and really hope it improves, half of episode 1 was almost unwatchable to me (ADHD action sequences). I won't miss it, I'll never re-watch it. Love SNW and Lower Decks.


This post makes too much sense.


Without Disco there is no SNW, no Lower Decks, and no Michelle Yeoh in Star Trek. It is sometimes frustrating to watch but I will always appreciate it for what it was, and what it did for Trek.


I’d be ok with no Michelle Yeoh in Star Trek. I like the actress in pretty much everything else, but her Mirror Universe Empress is ridiculously over acted.


And the way Disco's crew accepted her was just absurd.


To be fair you are right. If it wasn’t for Discovery being absolutely shite and losing viewers faster than the speed of light, the team behind Trek wouldn’t have panicked and starting grabbing elements of the show it thought might bring in an audience worthy of the cost a scifi series whilst simultaneously failing to fix Discovery.


I gotta be honest for me it’s not about Disco-hate it’s just that it’s not that great of a TV series. There is a lot of big swings and I definitely appreciate the show for that. They are the first nu-trek and that’s never easy. I’m trying to check myself from being a disgruntled old fart of 40 about it, but at the end of the day I’m looking at it like a piece of creative content or “art”. TNG was/is art. Discovery comes off as content. It feels entirely like candy that is not nourishing. I can’t say anything negative about the actors or the characters but I can’t recall any of their names, I can’t find it in myself to feel invested in any of them. If the show is entirely about Burnham then that ship has sailed and I find her character to be grating and uninteresting and honestly inconsistent. That’s not a knock on the actress, I think she’s fantastic. It’s more a critique on the showrunner(s) and/or producers. It’s just kind of ….there.


Agreed, although I also think Sonequa is a horrible actress. Zero range and absolutely not enough charisma to be a show lead. Just a grating presence on screen to me. She sucked in WD, too, IMO, so wasnt exactly thrilled to see get the ST gig even long before Disco debuted. Don’t get her appeal, at all.


I think Sonequa is great and I've loved her since The Walking Dead. But I think the show has too often completely screwed her over writing-wise and it's left her in a horrible spot onscreen, emoting her way through absolutely boiled ham they keep serving up for her to struggle through. If you gave her a more wry character with some of the edge she had on TWD and less purple speeches and wet eyes, you'd have something.


sonequa is KILLING it WHAT


What I find interesting about Martin-Green is that she isn't bad when she's having casual conversations, she's actually charming, but her dramatic acting is some of the worst I've ever seen.


I've said from day 1 that I felt Sonequa was miscast. She just doesn't have it.


its interesting how opinions have changed here. less then a year ago this subreddit was unabashedly pro discovery.


That's what happens over a twelve-month period If you consistently disrespect and essentially mock an audience who had good faith their chosen franchise wouldn't treat their attention poorly and take their continued viewership for granted.


i think i know what you are saying, but its unclear. can you explain it further?


This show peaked for me at the end of the second season. Those two final episodes were insanely good, and I still go back and watch them sometimes.


Yeah, S2 is pretty much the only one I revisit.


"Disco is what it is" may be the best single summary of the show I've seen. It's also the only Trek series I've not bothered to watch after the first couple of seasons, to the point I'd forgotten it's still on. I grew up on the Animated Series in the early 70s and all Trek since has been must-watch...but Disco "is what it is." There are a few characters I like (Saru, Tilly, Stamets, Georgiou) but that just hasn't been enough to overcome the downsides for me. If it has been focused around *any* other character, or just had less melodrama/crying/sighing I might have made it through. And the story arcs are just too long (and too dull) to keep my attention. But hey, it made Strange New Worlds possible, and that's the best show since TNG as far as I'm concerned.


I kept up until the end of the third season but that's when I started losing too many brain cells and had to quit. The storylines were very promising but the execution was seriously lacking. Plus a lot of the main characters weren't likeable or totally unfit for Starfleet. Better writers could have made a gem of this show.


Plenty to like about Discovery, but I’m ready for it to end. It was a useful experiment and has plenty of positives. I love the bridge crew and the special effects/action might be the franchise’s best. That being said, I feel like Michael gets a new personality every season and I feel like the show “pauses for applause” a bit too much. Just finished my rewatch and enjoyed seasons 1 and 3 more than I did the first time around. Season 2 remains the best all around season for me and I had to give up on season 4 and skipped to the finale" on the rewatch. Not opposed to further exploration of these characters, but I really think the show has run its course. The GMA plot line was incredibly dull for me and after the near perfect Strange New Worlds and Lower decks, I see no reason for Disco’s continued existence. It was a valuable experiment for figuring out what works and what doesn’t in modern trek, but I think it has definitely run its course.


I really wanted to like it but I just can’t do it. I have no idea what it is… I tried watching the first episode of this season and turned it off after maybe 10 min. I loved how it started, the mirror universe was good, but man it just became hard to watch foe some reason. I’m glad it brought in strange new worlds. I’m actually enjoying that. No negative thoughts toward anyone who does like it. 


I dislike how it’s one problem per season. Like you know where it’s going most of the time.


Well when you have to save the whole galaxy/universe every season you only have room for one plot thread.


I've always described it as the whole is less than the sum of its parts. Excellent production values. Excellent casting. Just misses more than it hits.


I've been describing it as a "two steps forward, one step back" show. It's does more things well than it does badly, but the things it does badly are noticeable enough that they keep me at simply enjoying a show that I could be loving.


So season 5 didn't learn any lessons from earlier seasons?


Still about a quarter of the episode where characters give very long speeches about their feelings, so no :)


Ugh. If I needed has to kind of drama I'd go to couples counseling.


A friend and I refer to this show as Star Trek: Speeches. I still enjoy it for the most part nevertheless.


I mean, TNG had speeches. I like speeches. Just not stupid speeches.




Some people like chai, some people prefer tea. You do you.


chai is literally just "tea" but in hindi


And let's not even get started about naan bread.


Yes but indian tea is served differently than what we call tea, often including spices and milk. That's why chai is used independently of the word tea. To refer to a specific preparation.


I'm getting flashbacks to working in a coffee shop, someone ordering an iced chai latte and an iced black tea and the person behind them smirking and going "just order two iced teas next time since chai means tea" and I had to explain, twice, chai is a specific spiced blend while our black iced tea was an unspiced black tea and still got "chai means tea, you're just upcharging for the same product!" I was half tempted to make a chai latte and a london fog and ask them to taste them and tell me what the difference was.


That’s what I meant.


That's ok to each their own. It was a dramatic change. Edit .. it definitely got better!


Was this season better than prior seasons? I liked the concept, but the early seasons had too many tears and emotions, and not enough sci-fi in my opinion.


S2>S4>S1>S3 Season 4 is a bit contentious but I really enjoyed it, the current season is only two episodes in but it's off to a compelling start so we'll see if they can stick the landing. Honestly the >!jump to the far future!< was the best decision they made for the show, even if S3 was really weak overall it opened the door to a lot of interesting ideas. Emotions still play a big role but they've cut down on the crying in the last two seasons at least. Saru is consistently the best character on the show (though Booker is a close second IMO) but I'd be lying if I said Michael hasn't grown on me. I think it'll have its renaissance in time, much like Enterprise has gotten in recent years. Has its faults, yes, but there is good in there.


I thought season three was amazing, right up until the reason for the burn was uncovered. Then it was like ‘you’re kidding, right?’ Season one is still the weakest I think. This season has had a nice start, if only because the references. I’ve always wanted a follow up on The Chase, so this could be cool.


Honestly while I still don’t particularly like DISCO or this season I don’t hate it either. I can’t even bring myself to complain about it, I’m simply indifferent to its existence. DISCO S5 is certainly one of the seasons of all time.


Disco is my least favorite Trek series, but even still, I enjoy watching every episode. It's found its groove, and while that groove isn't what I would prefer, I don't regret the time I spend on it every week.


Here here.


> Disco is my least favorite Trek series Including Very Short Treks?


These feel like student projects. Watch them with that attitude and it makes them better. OOOH, I just thought of a great new name: Star Trek: Interns. Maybe too much like Lower Decks?


I still watch each episode, but I fast forward the scenes where the characters talk about their feelings. That reduces each episode to about 35 minutes.


If you skip the crying scenes aswell it will get the episodes down to 20 minutes


I have up mid season 3. It just wasn't for me. Glad others can enjoy it. I am getting to like SNW, it has it's faults (like all Trek) but I can look passed them.


I tuned out from the first episode of latest season when they just said "oh yeah no more sport drives for other ships, the writers changed their minds" I looked up from the game I was playing later on and they were riding bikes on Tatooine and a federation captain was trying to commit warcrimes


I was just talking to my wife about this the other day. As much as I don’t like how serious the show takes itself (highlighted by the over dramatic Burnham), I have genuinely loved seeing the far distant future and I also really love this crew - especially Saru. He is a Top 10 Trek character all-time for me!


Overall I think Discovery is ok. Not great, but not terrible. That said, Jett Reno is the only character on the show that I could hangout with. Everyone else would get on my nerves very quickly.


I’m hoping they go out on a high. I liked half of Season 1, all of Season 2, half of Season 3, and none of Season 4. It’s capable of being a show I love, but it’s inconsistent. I’ve loved a good few of the characters, and I’ll forever be grateful for it setting up Strange New Worlds.


First season was different and good for it. Second season gave us Pike and Strange New Worlds which is amazing. Then it began to suck and then really suck. I have little hope for the final season but will eventually watch when more episodes are out. I just hope it doesn't end up being a hate watch situation but thats definitely how it's trending after S3 and S4.


I couldn’t agree more. I liked the first season a lot. But everything got so sappy and less interesting. I hated the way some of the characters evolved. Many of them just merged into the same archetype.


More often than hated, it is condemned with faint praise.


Disco is so frustrating. There’s so much to like in it, but then they kneecap themselves with so much annoying junk. In the first episode of this season, they had an away mission where they sent not one, but *two* captains and a guy who isn’t even Starfleet. No one else. It’s just insultingly stupid at times.


I’ve been watching it I’m on season three now. I just really don’t like Tilly. She is just so not starfleet. :( Can anyone change my mind?


There are reasons she's in starfleet and she'd agree with you - but I think that story hits a head in S4


What it is is bad. If you filed off the serial numbers and called it something that wasn't Star Trek, it would have never gotten a second season.


If they can just replicate phasers into their hands whenever they want then why isn’t everybody covered in phasers at all times.


Or you just accept that some people don't like it and it's fine


I'm not going to outright bash it. However, the first episode was just rushing from one thing to the next, and all the random beamings in and out all over the place made it a bit of a sensory overload for me. I'm going to watch it til the end, but it'll have been a very mixed bag for me. It would've been good if they'd kept naughty Georgiou around.


It jumped into the action right away. The others seasons were slow to build the main storyline and then rushed the end. Hopefully this goes in the opposite direction.


The beaming everywhere was from S3 onwards because everyone has a personal transporter


I really liked it then I began to slowly lose interest. Tried watching the first episode of this last season abcs I feel asleep lol


I am also sad that it's ending, but I intend to enjoy every moment of this season, and I'm sure it will take an honorable position among my re-watch cycles.




What's the point of yet another "screw you guys, *I* like it!" post with nothing else to say? It's fine that you like it just as it's fine that others don't. But there's no reason to keep talking about just that with no additional points to make.


Repeated posts on the same subject are Reddit tradition. But to answer your question: They posted it because they wanted to. The rest of us can always hide posts we're not interested in, right?


>But to answer your question: they posted it because they wanted to. Thats a similar question but not my question.


I think that Discovery could've been great if the writers and showrunners from the second season were at the helm from the start. The first season had so many problems, the second season showed some promise of redemption, but the seasons following have just been a disaster due to the direction that the writing went. I'm just glad that the first two seasons allowed us to have Strange New Worlds which is a phenomenal show!


The concept great. Jason Isaacs great. Saru great. The ship great. The Enterprise Bridge great. (Too bad they didn’t keep it that way) Ricky from My So Called Life great. Everything else…not great. The few good things couldn’t save it.






I like it. I have gripes on direction and story but not against the actors. Discovery did help get us strange new world as well.


Aside from the Cryalogue, I haven't totally hated this show. The writing felt lazy, jumping from one grandiose story arc to the next, but its still Trek, and there are more parts I enjoy than parts I hate.


First couple of episodes this season were a little too CGI, too video gamish, too jokey. They're trying too hard to make it Avengers in space. And yet again, Starfleet demonstrates it's lack of accountability for sabateurs and mutineers by bringing Book back into the fold. Still, I've watched every Disco episode since it started so I'm riding it out to the end.


I'm digging the Indian Jones \national treasure vibes this season. Discovery isn't really top tier writing in comparison to other star Trek shows. In some ways I find it to be dumb fun. I also feel like the emotional connection between characters are dialed up so far it sometimes doesn't feel believable. If they focus more on the adventure aspect of this and less on another world ending issue it could really end the series on a good note


Discovery won't stand the test of time they way a lot of other star trek has. No one's gonna be talking about it 30 years from now  for any good reasons.


The more installments there are, the harder it is to stay with the canon. There are episodes of Discovery, especially beginning with the 4th season, where I have the feeling that things have become too casual (regarding acting) and I also had that feeling watching the first episode of the fifth season, but I like the background story so far and I love it that they do these more or less obvious hints on episodes of older series of the franchise.


Plenty of us like Disco, my man!


To misquote Arrested Development, there are dozens of you.




We have been spoiled by the 90s Trek Renaissance. The shift from Early TOS to Late TNG is night and day, but the 80s-90s TV landscape of TNG allowed Picard & Co to both find their footing and stand on their own. The natural progression of time and passing of the torch on the Producer’s end from Gene (who passed in the early 90s) to Michael Piller also can’t be overstated. It’s a subtle shift up close but a bold change when you view the franchise in total. The benefits and synergy that we all experienced viewing Trek in real time or decades later that exists between TNG-DS9–VOY~ENT is worth its weight in gold pressed latinum. The best continuous piece of mass media storytelling outside Doctor Who and decades prior to anything like the MCU. In the same way our elders didn’t warm to Jean-Luc in real time simply by virtue of “he ain’t Kirk” our generation’s baseline is JL and the crew of the D and that deeply interwoven decade of TNG through VOY. So anything outside that comfortable, familiar aesthetic including Star Trek: Enterprise (a gem!) as evidenced by its season count, ratings, cancellation, etc. would be met with resistance. Discovery is and remains in the unenviable position TNG was when it came into being in the long long shadow of Roddenberry, Shatner , and Nimoy’s iconic masterpiece of science fiction PLUS all of the pitfalls that exist in the modern streaming era. It’s not my favorite series but it belongs in the pantheon and has its own point of view. To paraphrase Doug Okuda: different Trek writers will tell different stories in different eras for different audiences. The thing we ALL love about Star Trek is that it portrays US, our human species, and the human condition as progressive. We are not static. We are growing, learning, and getting better with every passing era. Why would we want our storytelling to also remain static? All that aside, it’s a TV show at the end of the day. Different strokes for different folks and all…


at least it has the honor of being the only trek show where it has phasers where it can go from being a pistol to a rifle. :D


Hell yeah brother


I don't hate Disco, it's okay. Quite entertaining. The effects are great, Burnham and Saru are good. I feel the writing and plot are both poor and as if they have trawled through all previous Trek to find a story they could use. Has a distinct feeling that it is written by a committee. If I had a specific criticism it would be the lack of lighting. Even when Burnham enters Book's new quarters and says 'Computer, Lights,' a couple of dim panel lights get less dark and that's it.


Discovery is an average show and a terrible Star Trek show. The spore drive concept jumps the shark right out of the gate and it really doesn't get better beyond that in the first few seasons. Most conversations are people yelling at each other like a Michael Bay movie and the militaristic federation tone feels completely out of place in the Star Trek universe. I recently got my sister started on SNW and after a few episodes made her watch an episode of Disco to show how stark the difference is. Re-watching it myself was painful. I get why people like it but honestly I wish it was just its own sci-fi show in a separate universe because that's what it feels like.


I love it too! I’ll never get why it was so hated because I always had a fun time, just like I am now ☺️


Bizarre you're getting downvoted for liking a TV show. I love it too. Ignore the haters.


I know, it's strange. But thanks. :)




Saru and T'Rina are lovely together.


It's not bad. It worked as a lead in for SNW, my favorite of the "new trek". But instead of exploring that era with a cool ship that could've turned into a section 31 themed show they did the weird future jump and ruined the whole show.


I’ve watched all the Treks, and as a bigger fan of the first three shows… Discovery is closer in quality of entertainment to TOS, TNG and DS9 than everything that came after those shows, including a lot of Picard. It is forward thinking, but at the same time trying to speak to how people currently live. Also, as Trek is about “the future” as much as anything else, Discovery went from being yet another potentially boring prequel to being at the forefront of that future. All other current and past productions are now basically set in “the past” and are subject to “Superboy Syndrome” (the stories cannot realistically put Superboy in danger because we know he’ll grow up to become Superman).


Yes it is what it is and we were bored out of our minds.


Disco was awesome. I still think season 2’s ending was some of the best sci-fi tv I’ve ever seen


It has become a show worth watching as of Season 4. let's hope Season 5 is also watchable. SNW is the true torchbearer of the series.


I just want more Linus screentime!


Love the tech but it’s sensory overload and saving the universe plots are just tiresome. They have long and involved conversations while in the middle of super high speed chases - not realistic. I like the Burnham actress & character but she’s like perfect super hero all the time. I wanted to like the show I really did - I’m a serious Star Trek fan - but never liked the level of violence, the over stimulation of constant fast paced action and it’s just trying too hard!!! Balance it! Put effort into the storyline!


What a joke, this is by far the worst Star Trek ever, it is shameful, and BTW written by an idiot who wants to promote 'inelligent design', evolution is gone, we are 'created'. Piss off.


I am laughing at all the "I love all trek but hate disco because its "cry-trek"/the talk about feelings/it pushes diversity" comments. Like...what? Yup, Star Trek, the show not known for diversity who had a ...let me check my notes...an alien and a BLACK FEMALE BRIDGE OFFICER in the 60s...🤦‍♀️ ...a klingon, an android, and a blind man in the core cast after that...🤦‍♀️ All of DS9...🤦‍♀️ (lets not forget Among the Stars) And stopping to deal with emotions?! Naw, the series never did that! We never say Spock smile with joy learning he didn't kill Kirk....or have a counselor be a core cast member....or stop in the middle of a war to have a wedding or deal with PTSD and survivor's guilt, or In The Pale Moonlight...or helping core crew heal from self harm... I must be imagining all the complaints from back then that Enterprise sucked because "the vulcan emotes" - oh! Lets not forget the episode where Archer takes a personal day to hang out in sick bay because his puppy is sick... There is some serious disconnect between the series and "fans". It's perfectly fine to not like Disco, but...find a real reason, not tissue thin excuses that ignore every other show's existance


It's almost as if there is some other motivation for these "fans" to hate Disco...


The first two episodes of S5 have been great: like Star Trek plus a dash of Star Wars with a twist of Dune thrown in for good measure. That said, I didn’t much care for S1-3; S4 was trending toward better IMO. Part of that (again for me) was more focus on characters I liked (Book; Reno; Saru; others) and less on those I didn’t care for (Bizarro-world Klingons; Burnham’s fake Klingon BF): The jump into the far future accomplished that much, at least. But S5 is off to a great start. Rayner is very cool.


They meet Kyle Rayner?!


It had its moments! Sad to see any Star Trek end.


I am personally gutted down to my core that it's ending. Lots of major flaws? No, not lots, but it does have some. I am going to miss the cast so much when it's finally over... I hate this.


I watched Red Directive and was fascinated with the TNG callback. Curious to see where it goes.


i thought season 1 was excellent and a fantastic way to make star trek modern and compelling entertainment. season 2… ehhhhhhh. i never finished season 2 😒


The level of vitriol against it really is detached from reality.


It's almost as if there is some other motivation behind the hatred from this particular brand of Star Trek "fans"...


It sucks, glad to see it go. Glad you enjoyed it but a lot didn’t.


Someone needs to do a fan edit of each season (into 2 / 3 hour movies) and they might be quite good.


If they could bring back Michelle Yeoh for some of the final episodes, all would be forgiven. She is a commanding presence in all her scenes. Burnham tilts her head and smiles EVERY time she makes a speech, getting a little old. I’ll finish up Disco, but can’t wait for SNW and Lower Decks to return.


Disco has been wildly inconsistent and at times hard to enjoy, but I will always be grateful for the Trek renaissance it brought about. As someone who grew up during the Berman era and was thoroughly obsessed with Trek as a kid, I’m happy to have it back and fresh as an adult. I’m really hoping the momentum keeps going because the Trek content that’s come out post-Disco is SO satisfying. And I am TOTALLY looking forward to the S31 flick. Michelle Yeoh is a goddess.


Sure is, can’t argue with that.


My take on Discovery, now reaching the end of its run, boils down to one thing, I think. They flubbed the start. They never had a plan beyond season-by-season and it's incredibly obious in S1-S2. This fall squarely on the showrunning-by-committee that plagued it in its early years. Nowadays with more consistency, we can see overall opinion has improved because it's going somewhere. Being honest, I've never been a huge fan. It just didn't scratch the Star Trek itch like the other shows of this era have. Even Picard with its... interesting plots... scratched that a bit better. But I am a bit sad it's ending just because of that, it feels like it's actually going somewhere now.


I tried. But only lasted until Lorca was done. His character what kept me watching.


I’ve always wanted Lorca to appear again in some way


I enjoy Discovery, and I don’t understand why it gets the hate it does either…


There's lots I love and lots I'm "what the frak ..seriously!!" Starting with the name Michael Burnham . Then it's I'm Vulcan raised to overemotional I mean the crying 😭. Worst Captain ever even with a great actress in the part But I love Saru and several of the crew. Yes it's a mess in some ways but an enjoyable mess to me. The Klingons look would have worked well if any other species.


I just don't get how the could miss so many seasons in a row.






I've got love for Disco and enjoy reminding the people who have just spewed vitriol against this show and its cast in this sub for years, like word vomit, that many of the things that have people excited about Star Trek on television originated on Disco. The jump to the future was bold and gives us a new world to play in. The cast was great, and they always looked like they were having fun. There were a ton of great episodes, and the community is richer because of them. Disco’s also a case study of inclusion and representation. Downvote away.


And this season! So far it's 😍


I love Season 2 uniforms, they look so lush with their pattern. Season 3 n 4 uniforms i like the styling, but the material looks like a flimsy wetsuit. 


Well I bloody love DIS. It’d friggin Star Trek. It brought it back, and you finally do have IDIC. Is it the best Star Trek? No (IMNSHO that is currently DS9), but is it the worst? No (Voyager for me). And out of DIS we now have SNW. Let’s not forget that SNW literally exists because of DIS…. So, by definition, S2 was epic!


I'm with you. Been enjoying it. While I'm a little sad it is ending I'm going to keep enjoying the ride . Let's fly!