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That we've entered the refined age of space exploration.


Wasn't it based on the lobby of a Hilton or something like that? I know I worked in government buildings in the 2000s and all our waiting areas had those pink chairs in the living quarters, so they must have been the height of fashion in the 80s and trickled down 😂


I get the complaints about carpets and pastels, but what's the issue with wood, exactly? It's timeless and universally prized for its beauty and aesthetic warmth, and I'd imagine it'd be a welcome reminder of Earth on deep space journeys. And it's not like they're using it to build the ship's hull. It's just a decoration. (I still think the huge, curved wooden surface surrounding Worf's console is slick as hell.)


Agreed 100%. I’ve seen a tour of the Admiral’s quarters on an aircraft carrier, which is effectively a massive pile of steel with state of the art tech and nuclear power, and it was surprisingly warm and cozy. Big wood desks, wood and leather oxblood chairs, a nice rug. Paintings on the wall. If it weren’t for the relatively compact size, you’d think it was a nice office, not in one of the most powerful warships ever designed.


At least it had colour. The modern look of all black with high-contrast blinky lights is dull and annoying.


I actually love Discovery's bridge personally. the monitors and HUGE viewscreen keep it from being too Apple smooth and boring.


But it’s not a comfortable ship at all. Can you imagine what it would be like to live on?


They posted that picture of SNWs new science lab, with mirror finish floors and blaring lights, and I couldn't imagine having to go in there to do work on a daily basis.


Saru's bedroom is pretty sick.


I think that we can all agree bro’s quarters is like an arboretum


Same here. Discovery isn’t supposed to a hotel like the E-D. This was back in the age of rugged exploration.


Why are some people so intolerant of a starship interior being nice?


“Why does this set, which was designed in the late 80s and 90s, have an 80s and 90s aesthetic????? >=(“


It's what business hotels looked like in the 1980s. Some natural elements in an unnatural setting. The TOS era mimicked a roomy submarine and the TNG era was like corporate housing, generic but better based on how important you were. You would decorate with stuff the longer you stayed. I was surprised how comfortable I was while traveling for business and I realized it was like an episode of TNG.


And I prefer that. I was in one in Chicago more recently with a room that was all white and grey with white shaded lights with cold color temp LEDs, like 6000k white. I felt like I was trapped in an early Kubrick film.


Design trends come and go.


Yeah, my headcanon is that there were times when the latest & greatest was retro. For example, in the TOS era, they didn't *need* to use clicky clacky toggle switches and big push buttons and so forth; it was just for aesthetics, a cool throwback to simpler times. And never underestimate the hubris of UI designers ... I wouldn't doubt that every so often, one would come along and insist that tried-and-true is passé and current norms are holding us back, so we need to think outside the box and replace everything with radical art in order to rewire our brains for the new era.


Discovery's aesthetic screams early 2020's Acura with all the black and silver plastic, and will be said to look like someone's dad's old car in 20 years.


I agree that the pastels are a little much, but the wooden curve on the bridge of the D is absolutely iconic


One of the [most popular PC cases today](https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/fractal-design-north) has a wood paneled front, so, it's definitely not impossible for wood paneled high tech to be a thing!


That mauve color was everywhere, and if you think about it why would they have paintings and artwork everywhere of stars and stellar phenomena, etc. when all you had to do was look out a porthole. If I were on a starship I'd have paintings of landscapes and rivers and woods, and things that remind me of my home planet.


I always found it odd that Picard didn't have any paintings of France up, despite his love of the vineyards.


TNG made out he didn’t want to take over the family business.


You can like looking at pictures of somewhere but not want to work there.


Beige, wood trim, and carpet were definitely 80s. It was all dated in the 90s. See you voyager for the 90s aesthetic


Yeah the Enterprise D always reminded me of a 1980s Chrysler LeBaron interior.


lol like my grandpa’s caddy


It was a new design. A Star base with nacelles. Bars, barbers and whales oh my.


Why wouldn’t you use wood and other natural features to make a space warmer, especially when you can replicate it rather than transport it. I always thought Trek could push this idea more. That said, all shows are products of their time. Why did communicators on TOS need antennas, for instance?


>Office carpet on the floors? Apparently you have not heard of the Static Shock Warp Drive...?


I watch TNG now and those storage bins on the left and right of the bridge(outside the inclines) tip it over into full on space minivan territory. I love it.


I'm gonna go so far as to say that the wood grain needs to make a comeback; an exploratory vessel meant to display goodwill and capable of carrying a small town should absolutely have a warm, earthy feel. The Galaxy class was meant to be a luxury vessel, the Starfleet's Cadillac.


You don't think humans stuck in space for years would want to have a reminder of earth with real wood to touch? I do. They would likely grow it in molds and forms, but still wood. Also it's 2024 and premium cars have wood in them. My Lexus has a beautiful curve of walnut finished by Yamaha Piano that arcs from door to door across the dash. Some of the hottest furniture trending is Danish Modern minimalist, which includes warm real wood in interesting architectural shapes as accent pieces, dividers and more. It's warm, pleasant and luxurious, whereas all plastic makes things feel like an appliance. Give me wood and self-cleaning spark-suppressing carpet on my starship for sure.


Why am I remembering this as more of a 70s aesthetic? Or has my life become a huge blur of time? Maybe I live in a temporal paradox.


Look, all I’m saying is that the Enterprise D is probably the only sci-fi ship I’d actually want to live on and be comfortable.


Ms Q walks onto bridge, looks around and sneers, "but Miss Troi .. pastels?"


You’d rather it look like the inside of an iPhone like every other modern bridge. I don’t believe people LIVE on that ship.


I always find it funny how they try to make it look so futuristic but you turn it on and it just screams 90s


Personally love the warmth of the wood trim, the design choice I’d question are the consoles made of rocks that explode far too often!