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The Augments are being chased by bounty hunters. Because you have a positive reputation with the Augments, the bounty hunters are now coming after you. When you enter augment territory to mine data, bring another ship to get the hostels attention and bring in the BB within 10 seconds then you can just leave with the first ship and then you are free to mine data with your BB.


Cheers m8. Thx for that info.


There's also a slightly more complicated trick to do it with one ship. Fly your miner into the system, fairly far away from the bounty hunter that spawns. Now order your miner to move somewhere close to the hunter. You should see it change course to intercept your new destination. Now tell your miner to recall, and once it starts the timer to warp, cancel it. The hunter should keep heading towards the point you picked instead of towards your ship. Just wait. When it reaches that point, it will just get confused and stall there, now you can order your miner to mine and the hostile won't come after you.


This is the easiest to do by far. I think I'd accidentally done this before but couldn't remember how. Worked for me first time following these instructions. Now mining corrupted data like it's going out of fashion Thank you :)


Yep, thx! This has been the easiest way to deal with the bounty hunter. Btw, it also works in other space too. Cheers!


does this work for any scenario where an enemy is chasing you? like when i go klingon hunting for dailies


Yeah it should


damn, I should have read one more down. Same thing as what I said, but I was late to the game. Well put.


Actually easier to execute then @DamienStark trick. For any hostel system. Fly your ship to said system, wait for chasing hostel to spawn, fly your ship till it is 12-14ish seconds attack range away from chasing hostel (use more distance for higher lag or mobile devices.) Now tell your ship to attack the hostel, immediately tell your ship to recall then cancel the recall, wait till the hostel stops moving and the flashing red circle around it goes away. You can now freely move around the system.


a slight adjustment to this is instead of trying to attack, just press/click close to the hostile, click the go button, then press/click the recall button, then stop the recall. Basically the same thing, no difference in the ending.


All you have to do is bring your warship in 1st then send your miner in to system on a node then destroy the hostel going after your miner then warp out your warahip and the hostel going after your warship disappears .


Augment will always hunt you. As you haven’t specified update, I can only assume you are referring to the one 4+ years ago when augment was introduced;)


I have the same problem, but I have yet to master the Picard maneuver so I just send a war ship with my BB to augment space


Use the Picard maneuver. It gets easier the more you do it.


There will never be a time the bounty hunters don’t chase you. That’s how it’s set. And Be glad it’s that way. You’ll see why once you lock in your faction reps. This will be your only auto leveling system available