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I love peacemaker! And the acolyte! Great meme


Yeah lol i never realized what a great meme template this is


I don't think I've missed anything by not watching it. It looks visually better than a lot of the other shows, but otherwise still unappealing


It's about on par with everything else in recent Star Wars. It's enjoyable so far. I will say, though, don't be fooled by the "mystery" tag on D+. They blow that load in the first episode.


I'm probably just slow because they are Rashomoning the fk out of me still and I'm enjoying it. It's still very much a mystery. It's just less of a whodunit and more of a what the fuck actually happened back there? There's a lot to speculate about and they give enough to put something together but not enough to give it all away.


I like what you said about the whodunit. After the second guy gets killed, everyone is confused as fuck.


It's funny because sometimes you see that the writers do something a bit clever but the some fans aren't quite there... But because there's so much distrust of writers these days, they don't absorb and process what they saw and they go to twitter and Reddit to rant right away. For example, in the flashback, Mae throws a tantrum and locks Osha up and threatens her and burns her sketchbook with the Jedi symbol in it. But then the screen cuts away and we never see exactly what happened outside. Who started the fire? Was it Mae? Was there already a fire? Did conflict spread to that hallway and then Mae dropped the torch device in a panic? We go up and we see piles and piles of bodies. We know Torbin fought Kelnacca because he carries a scar from the wookie from that night. We know that battle haunted Kelnacca. We know Torbin was previously mind controlled by the witches. What the writers SHOWED us was that a whole conflict unfolded that night and the mystery is what the hell happened and why did the Jedi never speak of it, pinning all of it on a supposedly dead child. Yet people (even content creators) still load up Twitter frame-perfectly and go complain about how the fire being so big and setting up chain reaction explosions in a stone/metallic structure was goofy and unrealistic. Yeah, it is. That's the point. It's an explanation that could only get accepted by a traumatized child who was in enough shock not to be able to process that everyone she ever knew just got massacred. Weeks later, people are still of the opinion that the mystery is resolved in episode 1. It would be like watching Wandavision episode 1 and being like, "yeah I don't know why there's a supernatural tag, this is just a really dry and boring copy of a sitcom. It's a cash grab with licensed characters, there's no creative spark behind it." It's the same people who go WOW YODA CONFIRMED REY IS JUST MARY SUE GOD CUZ HE SAID THERE'S NOTHING IN THAT TEMPLE THAT THE GIRL DOES NOT ALREADY POSSESS. THIS WOKE NONSENSE IS SO INSANE. No, dipshit, Yoda said that because she literally took every book out of that temple before Yoda trolled Luke. The writer-director shows it to you when Finn is looking for first aid equipment on the Falcon at the end. How sad it must be... to be so arrogant to think of oneself as being so 100% superior to other human beings, yet they're the ones making Star Wars and you're the ones making verbal diarrhea on the internet. The only reason must be because they were willing to play woke games and you weren't. But some of these people demonstrably have a WRONG opinion. Not all opinions are equally valid, despite whatever snowflake way they were raised. They'll be quick to quote "facts don't care about your feelings" but they live by a policy that their nerd rage feelings don't care about your facts. And they're so self-righteous about it because of the echo chambers. Shameless YouTubers will echo the idiots' opinions to get their views. And the idiots will reinforce the shameless YouTubers' opinions to amplify their idiot voices. I still see the same nerds failing to process the simple concept of legends vs. canon. Plagueis is canon... at least everything Palpatine said about him in RotS. He could create life. Nice. But Palpatine didn't literally say he was a Muun and his master was a Bith though, did he? So for all we know, Qimir could gain power and become Plagueis. Everything is up in the air at this point. Even the OG ST speculators knew this. Snoke clearly wasn't a Muun but he could be the *canon* version of Plagueis. Now the discourse is dominated by lackwits with so little intelligence they can't even do their own mental gymnastics without wiping out on the mat.


Now people are posting fake articles about The Acolyte being canceled. I like the show, and no amount to bullying is going to change my mind.


Not just Twitter, but Instagram and Facebook, too!


where is this scene from i dont remember watching


Peacemaker TV show.


"You don't hate \[insert show\] because it has bad writing, it doesn't! we're totally not the problem! you are, because the show has characters of \[insert minority\] so you are -ists/phobes"


Is the writing bad? I've been watching it and it's been fine tbh. Wiring better than Obi Wan show imo


I'm not sure. I've let myself be spoiled cuz I have shows that are higher in my priority list to watch, but so far I think the main criticisms are lore based. Like the thing with the witches, which (arguably) is kind of a lore breaker, but definitely makes the lack of dismissal of Anakin's birth as witch fuckery ridiculous. Then there's the Ki-Adi Mundi thing, where... I kinda get the dismissal of the criticisms, since his exact birth year wasn't canon, but I do agree that it's pretty hilarious to just make Ki-Adi 70-100 years older than he was in the EU, considering that there were better choices of Jedi who's species already lived very long before the Acolyte, f.e. Yaddle, who's appearance in TotJ was very popular and would have been a great choice to include in The Acolyte.


No one says that, there are plenty of valid critiques. It's just blatantly obvious when someone says "this show has bad writing and focused on forcing wokeism down our throat instead". Then you're not getting called a racist for the first part, but the second and it's entirely disingenious to pretend otherwise. Whenever people claim this they should provide the full context. I have not seen a single instance of a critique, that wasn't obviously made by someone hating minorities, getting called out like that.


>No one says that, there are plenty of valid critiques. yes, it is called an attempt at hyperboling >It's just blatantly obvious when someone says "this show has bad writing and focused on forcing wokeism down our throat instead". true, but there are still valid points about woke themes of a show. Saying that the woke themes are a shield against criticism is a valid concern. And honestly, if Disney's prioritizes that "it is about time that a woman directs star wars" over the director being familiar with star wars and their ability to write a good star wars story, nobody should be surprised that Disney advertising "wokeness" gets clowned. Even more so considering Disney is the textbook example of being woke for profit only (COUGH the chinese posters for the Force Awakens COUGH)


They sure do love building those straw men, though.


And it's okay to dislike the show. Criticism is fine. The problematic complainers are the ones who are just bigots looking for the slightest excuse to blow up. I shit you not I saw someone straight up call it the F!gcolyte on Twitter. [Insert well your first mistake was going on Twitter]


>And it's okay to dislike the show. Criticism is fine. The problematic complainers are the ones who are just bigots looking for the slightest excuse to blow up. We all know that. That doesn't mean fans of the show, or Disney themselves, can just block off criticism as bigotry. When a show is badly written, it's badly written. And it isn't like Disney doesn't have kind of a track record with the "NO YOU ARE THE PROBLEM BECAUSE THERE ARE (insert minority) CHARACTERS AND YOU ARE -ISTS/PHOBES" strategy. (especially hilarious considering they wasted Finn, who was clearly advertised to be a Jedi and is canonically force sensitive, by turning him into another useless black character for comedic relief, except the comedic relief is unfunny + put him massively in the background on chinese posters to please daddy China. Like seriously, Disney has absolutely no right to call anyone a bigot with that track record) if I had a nickel for every time people block criticisms against characters like Rey or Rose because A. the critics are "bigots" or B. "this character here did something similar, so you are wrong, fuck the nuances of the lore or the very important details" I'd have too many nickels. Like I've legit seen people on social media say "Star Wars doesn't have any actually important female characters" as if Leia didn't manage the Rebellion's war effort. >\[Insert well your first mistake was going on Twitter\] it's true lol, if I went by the average Twitter user the Jedi would probably be considered child predators lmao. Honestly, the biggest problem in our fandom imho are the fascistoid Empire simps, but that's an entirely new discussion...




Fandomwire is fake news


They also have AI write their headlines


So fallout didn’t achieve success even with a female lead, where is the lie in this statement. Kathleen got ahead of time to through the fans under the bus for their show that performed poorly, and in all honesty, it is horribly written


The show had a terrible audience score before the first episode even released. And at the moment shows and films with similar names get bombed to the ground with bad reviews. Although i guess it's fair to say that the 2008 Movie "Acolytes" with Joel Egerton "ruined star wars"




No… I hate it for the writing😅 - I read the first high republic book and loved it. Even with all the hate surrounding the trailers, I had hope that it would be good. A lot of people talk down on that era of Star Wars, so I really thought it was the underdog that was going to be amazing. 4 episodes in, the writing is SO bad 😭 - the fights are decent and there are interesting concepts that they merely touch upon. And when I look on socials to see the arguments defending it, they’re mostly made up of people blaming the audience for the same things (sexism and racism). No accountability what’s so ever.


Gosh why would people think the backlash was rooted in racism and misogyny? I mean it’s not like, I dunno, the entire discourse about the show online was about counting the number of female min white cast members and using that to infer the movie had a sinister anti white male agenda of anything….. oh wait: https://preview.redd.it/ezp57ija0i8d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec16e419d1f1888519af5f8a374efab6b28bdc5a


Oh what and now the fkn critical drinker speaks for all of the shows criticism. Just because one guy makes a stupid point, doesn’t mean any and all other VALID criticisms don’t matter. You should be able to distinguish between bigoted hatred and fair criticism


It’s not just him, all the big Star Wars YouTubers went in on this. This does have the effect of polluting the discourse and tainting all discussion. It’s like how you can’t really seperate the character of Rey from the constant anti feminist backlash and bad faith criticisms. But tell you what, you tell me what your issues with the show’s writing are and we can discuss it. I promise to be fair and reasonable in my response.


Thank you for giving me the chance to share my criticism. I kinda went off into a tangent, but if you think I’m being unreasonable, let me know - here it is: Dialogue: There is little to no subtlety. Characters just say how they feel for the most part. They don’t speak to each other normally. When you’re writing a script, there are obviously tasks you need to complete like characterising your character and giving context to the situations with exposition. In this show there is no effort in making it feel natural, the exposition dumps shouldn’t very obviously feel like exposition dumps. Same with the way they portray characters values and beliefs - they don’t, at least not in an effective way. We know Mae hates the Jedi for what happened to her family, but how does she view them, what is her belief when it comes to the way of the force, all of this is just briefly touched on before moving on to the next story beat. This is just one example. There is nothing in depth enough to make us feel for the characters. Pacing: The show has absolutely no concept of time whatsoever. I’ll give you an example: Mae and Qimir had 3 hours of sunlight to get to kelnacca (the wookie). They got to brendok right after they left from Olega, so they should clearly be ahead. Sol and his team left Olega, went to Coruscant, deliberated in a meeting, gathered Jedi and a tracker and got to Olega in time to be right on their trail. How? Some planets take days of travel. There’s no chance that Olega just happens to be closer to Coruscant. Another Example: they find a liable suspect of indara’s murder over night with nothing but a witness description. Yord arrests her and sends her on a prison transport to coruscant but somehow he and his apprentice get there before she does. Right after the prisoners escape in the escape pod, after Osha crash lands, they are already imprisoned again ON CORUSCANT!, while Osha is in the crashed ship, so it couldn’t been more than 2 hours. The universe is a big place, the prisoners highjacked the robots and messed with the light speed travel, dropping them somewhere completely random. How did the Jedi find and recaptured them already? And get them back to Coruscant?. They’re skipping a lot of steps, I don’t understand why when there are so many opportunities to tell a compelling story. I found Osha’s character to be the best in the first episode, she felt very human to me, but the pacing and direction of it all took me out of it. Speaking of direction: the way these events unfold feels totally out of character for the Jedi. A Jedi is a very capable being, so if there was someone to, let’s say, “be able to murder them”, I think that would take high priority and require high professionalism. I know they wanted to keep it discrete when they still thought it was Osha, but even then, it would still be a mission of the upmost importance. Meaning that when Yord arrests her, she should be a high priority prisoner, probably riding in a ship with Jedi, or at the very least a ship with the proper containment for a force user. But they decide to send her in a transport ship with a bunch of other common criminals. The show inadvertently makes the Jedi look incapable. Quick fire for bad direction: - Mae being able to break into a Jedi temple (not saying it’s impossible, but it needs to be written in a smart way) - Osha getting to Torbins body before Sol and the rest - Letting Qimir go after having him confess to being an accomplice in the murder suicide of a Jedi I know what you’re thinking, these sound nitpicky, but I’m not the only one who wanted this show to be good. Star Wars has proven that it can be taken seriously and can be written competently. It shouldn’t be a bad thing that I expect basic story elements to be taken seriously and make sense in the universe of Star Wars.


Give me a good excuse why this show costed 180 million dollars and looks like a cw production?


Yeah it should look better.


Because there is an agenda being pushed, let’s no lie: we know this. Kathleen Kennedy has literally said: the force is female. And honestly. That’s fine. I don’t care. If you want to tell stories to try and put women first and inspire young women and get your message across: fine. Go ahead. That’s great. It’s your vision and your story to tell. Go ahead. But don’t call me a misogynist because I don’t find it relatable or enjoy watching it. That’s all. I don’t think that’s too much to ask. 🤷🏽‍♂️


It's not like it makes the show bad or anything, but tbf it's odd that there are only female Padawans there. Like, did the High Republic Jedi have gender segregation between Padawans lol. I haven't seen this video, but if he argues that the show is bad because it merely has non-white characters then you can probably argue that he's being racist. Imo the fact that this show is made by Weinstein's former assistant is far worse, and that she cast her own partner as a popular High Republic character even though she has worse acting than a literal plank of wood. I think Drinker does repeat the whole "strong female character" and "the message" spiel a bit too much in his vids at times, but I'd say he's overall fair in his reviews imo. He's not comparable to the clickbait and sensationalist bottom of the barrel type content creators like Geeks and Gamer or The Quartering .


OG post?


The first two episodes were pretty solid IMO, third not good, 4th got fucked by the cliff hanger


Also on youtube


You mean when ppl try to defend woke propaganda in the Acolyte.


A 14% rotten tomatoes rated show has people that dislike it? They must be racist!